My Sister Lizzy Part 6 [MF] [MM] [BDSM]

 “What the fuck is going on here, why are you two naked and where is Lizzy?”
If anything could make it worse Lizzy came down the stairs at just that moment, oh yeah she of course was also naked.

“I’m going to ask you again why are the three of you naked?
Is there any explanation that you think I’ll buy into?”
Both of them wanted to grab the comforters that were on the couch to cover themselves.
I told them stay there and not to worry about being naked.
For the first time in my life I saw Lizzy at a loss for words.
Dave wasn’t much better.

After a few moments of silence I spoke up and said to Steve 
“Shut the fuck up it’s none of your business.
What are you doing here anyways and how did you get in?
I know for a fact that the doors were locked.”

Steve reached into his pocket and took out a single loose key.
“I made a copy from your mom’s key chain when she loaned me her car.” He said.
“I don’t believe she would willingly give you a key, does she know you did that?”
“Well, no I didn’t tell her.
I just figured it was OK since we had been seeing each other for awhile now.” He responded.

“OK Steve, here how this is going to work.
You are about to suffer a complete and total case of amnesia.
This never happened, you haven’t seen anything and you don’t remember breaking into our house without our or our mom’s permission.
If even the slightest hint of something is heard about this Lizzy is going to the Sheriffs office and explain to them how you put your hands on her and felt up her ass and groped her pussy when mom had that party last month.
Does that tiny little brain of yours remember that incident.
It should, Lizzy told me all about it.
She came to me that evening in tears.
You had better thank her for keeping me from taking that shotgun from over the fireplace and blowing your cock off.

I was ready to do that but Lizzy didn’t want me to go to prison for a piece of shit like you.
I wanted to go to the Sheriff right away but Lizzy talked me out of it so as not to have mom get angry and depressed.”

As I was talking you could see Steve’s face become turn pale and he suddenly developed a tic under his left eye.
“Steve, right now you are going to give me that key and you will be leaving.
Also I’ll give you a week to find a way to break up with mom in such a way that she doesn’t get hurt or think that it’s something she did to drive you away.
Are we crystal clear?”
“Ah, yes.” Was all he said.

You could see that Steve was visibly rattled and wanted nothing more than to get out and get away from us.
Holding out my hand Steve dropped the key into my hand stood up and slinked out the door.
When he reached his car you could hear the gravel spitting from under his tires as he peeled out of the driveway.

“Holy shit, that was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.
I thought all of us were screwed royal.
That was the bravest thing I ever saw. You turned the tables on that asshole so fast he didn’t have a chance, he didn’t even know what hit him.
If I never said it before I’m saying it now, you are my hero!!” Lizzy said.
With that she threw her arms around my neck and planted the wettest, sexiest kiss on me that I had ever felt.

Dave on the other hand was a bit more sedate, he just came over and delivered a bear hug that about broke my spine.
“All the time you were tearing him a new asshole he was starring at my pussy and both your cocks.
Maybe we should have invited him to stay and play.
It was a kind of turn on standing naked in front of Steve.” Lizzy said.
The general response from Dave and I was.
“Are you crazy!” 
With that we all broke out in laughter. 

With in a week Steve came to mom and broke the news that he had been given a job offer in California and if he didn’t take the opportunity now he might regret it the rest of his life.
So the break up was done.
Mom was understandably upset but she bounced back pretty well when she looked back and realized what an ass he was. 
As the week progressed the three of us had the chance to play a couple of times.

Then one day Dave and I were chatting at his work place and I had admitted to him how much of a turn on it was for me the night he tied me to the rafters in the barn.
“Yeah, it was hot.
I never really thought of it before we tried it but the idea that I could do anything and you would be helpless to stop me.
You and Lizzy being used for my pleasure was an amazing feeling.
However I was also very aware that I had to be careful that I didn’t get carried away and that I was responsible for your well being and safety.”   
Before we parted I told Dave that if you like we could try some variations on the bondage theme and I would be willing to explore whatever you came up with.
“I’ll tell you what, why don’t you and Lizzy come by my place tomorrow night around 7pm and I’ll see what I can dream up to fulfill your wishes.” He said.

When I told Lizzy about our conversation she was excited by the possibilities. 
“I don’t know about you but I was so turned on by being used like a play-toy.
I don’t think I would make it a lifestyle but it was a big thrill.

The next evening Lizzy and I made it over to Dave’s place. 
When we made it to the front door there was a note taped to the door.
“You will both enter the barn together.
When you step into the barn you will remove your clothes and look for a pair of blind folds I have placed nearby.
When you have each found one you will put them on and stand right where you found them. 
Lizzy, the red one is for you the other is for your brother.
You both have ten minuets to locate them.
If you fail to find them you will both be punished.”

“Well that might prove to be a challenge, this is a pretty large barn.” I said.
Walking over to the barn Lizzy asked if Dave was going to far.
“I don’t think so, no matter what we have our safe words and I know he will honor them.”
Upon entering we stripped off our clothes and hung them on the hooks by the door.

For the next few minutes we scurried around looking for our blind folds.
A second later I heard Lizzy cry out, “I found one.”.
“Shit she said this one’s yours.
So I guess you have to stand over here where I found it.”
Walking over I placed the blind fold on and stood still as Lizzy ran around trying to locate hers.
Suddenly we heard Dave counting down, 30, 29, 28…,
At 16 Lizzy cried out I got it!
It’s odd how being blinded will cause one’s imagination to run wild.

Standing there I could hear Dave walking around and then walking up to Lizzy and telling her to stand there and not to move.
Suddenly I could hear a muffled sound that took a moment to figure out.
It was the sound of my sister trying to talk through a gag in her mouth.           
My turn was next as Dave placed a gag into my mouth.
From the feel of it, it was a small Wiffle ball.
With a leather strap to hold it in place. 
“OK, my pets, for the remainder of the night the two of you belong to me to do with as I please.
Now if the gag keeps you from using your safe words, I will accept stamping your foot three times for stop.”

Suddenly Dave was pushing my legs as far apart as they would go and strapping them to some type of wooden pole.
As he moved away from me I concluded that Lizzy was being given the same treatment.
I could feel his presence behind me and a moment later I was proven right.

“Do you to remember a couple of week ago we were watching some porn and in one they “cleaned out” the sub’s bottoms with water from an enema bag?
I remember the reaction you both had as we watched that video and when Lizzy wondered what that would feel like.
Well the next day I went on-line and ordered these, they are called “Double Bardex tips.
You see, they have a pair of inline balloons.
One for the inside and the other for the outside and that when inflated they will prevent them from pulling out and more importantly they will keep any fluid from exiting until they are deflated.”

I felt Dave place a drop of lube on my little ring and begin to slide the tip into my bottom.
Once it was seated he began to inflate both balloons.
This resulted in the most incredible feeling.
When he released the clamps that allowed the water into my bowels I immediately began to feel my insides swell.
The pressure and the feeling of being so full was having an incredible effect upon my cock, 
I don’t think it’s ever been harder and I could feel tons of pre-cum pouring out of my cock.
For a moment I began to cramp up and had to shift around until it subsided.

“Oh my god, I’ve never felt like this before.
I feel like I could burst at any moment
Yet at the same time it feels like it’s churning inside and moving around trying to find an escape.
Oh god this feels so weird.”
Dave moved away from me and walked over to Lizzy.
As he began to repeat the same process with her she began to elicit the same moans and groans that had come from me just moments ago.

After clamping off the water Dave told us he would be back in a little while and that we shouldn’t go anywhere. 
He thought this was funny as hell and we heard him laughing as he was walking away.
A bit later we heard him moving around inside the barn.
Coming up to me he untied my feet from the spreader bar and helped me to my feet.
As I stood all the water inside me began to shift causing another round of incredible cramps.

Dave walked me into the little apartment and into the bathroom.
Sitting me down on the john he released the clamps keeping the balloons inflated. 
With a sudden rush I emptied myself. The relief was so intense that I broke out in a sweat.
The feeling of this sudden release was almost enough to make me cum on the spot.
Standing me up he walked me over to the shower and as I stood under the warm water he washed me clean.
After walking me back to my bale he went over to Lizzy to repeat the process. 

From the bathroom I could hear her crying out with relief and a sound that convinced me that she had indeed had an orgasm as she emptied herself.
Returning her to the barn Dave had her kneel at my feet and begin sucking my cock.
Dave then went around to the other end.
My head was hanging down as Dave pushed his cock in my mouth, with that he began to fuck my throat.

 When he began to sense I was near to bursting he pulled Lizzy away from my cock and had me flip over onto my front.
Then reattached the spreader bar to my ankles along with the ball gag.
I felt him spread the cheeks of my bottom and place some lube there followed by him inserting a plug into my bottom.
A second later I felt the sting of the leather strap across my bottom.

“I am going to give you ten hits, stand tall and take it or I will give you ten more is that clear.”
I replied as well as I could considering the gag.
One, two, three and onward to ten.
I stood them without any major problems.
I heard him move over to Lizzy and repeat the same speech.
Followed by the strap finding its way towards her bottom.
Lizzy held up like a champ.

Dave came back to me, with my legs spread by the bar I was effectively hobbled and unable to move from the position he placed me in.
With my head hanging over the edge I felt Dave grab my face pulled down the gag and pushed his cock into my mouth.
I didn’t need to be told what to do.
I gloried in the feel and texture as it sawed in and out of my mouth.
“That’s enough, I don’t want to cum so soon.” He said.
Flipping me over I was suddenly shocked by a sharp pain on my nipples.
“What you are feeling are clothes pins.
The pain is only temporary when they go on.
When they come off, well that’s a different story.” Dave informed us.
Dave place four more clips, two on ether side of my inner thighs just under my nuts.
The pain like he said went away after a few minutes.
However every once in a while he would flick them with his fingertips which renewed the pain for a moment.

As he moved over to Lizzy I could tell she was receiving the same treatment.
Lizzy was moaning up a storm.
I was unable to tell if she was struggling or not.
I just have to assume that she was.
While she was bent over the bale Dave told her he was going to fuck her ass until she begged for mercy.
I could hear Lizzy’s groan as he invaded her bottom.
Followed by her gag muffled plea to
do it harder.
“I’ll determine how you get fucked is that clear!” He said.
“Yes, Sir” She said.
To prove his point he pulled out of her and made his way over to me.

“You heard what I did, are you ready for your turn.”
“Yes sir.” I mumbled.
Moving behind me he removed the plug he had placed there.
In seconds I felt his cock begin it’s journey inward. 
God I love the feeling of getting fucked.
I could feel my cock rub against him every time he pushed up against me and his balls swing into and hit my bottom.
To be fucked like a girl was incredibly erotic.
The feeling of his cock as it stretches my ring and the rasping feel as he withdrew from my bottom, only to be pushed back in.
As I neared release he knocked the clothes pins from my body.

Holy shit, the blood rushing back to where the cloths pins had been caused a rush of heat and pain that made the riding crop feel like a light slap.
“Enough! I don’t want you to enjoy this to much. 

Moving Lizzy over to where I was laying he bent her over my body in a sixty nine position.
When her weight settled onto my body I lifted my head and began to eat her pussy as she once again went to work on my cock.

“God, I love watching you two having such a taboo sexual encounter.
Brother and sister eating and sucking each other.
As she was sucking me Dave reached between our bodies and pulled the clothes pins from her body.
Her reaction was to almost bite my cock in half.
Followed by the most intense moaning I’ve heard so far.
All right enough oral play time, Lizzy climb up and fuck your brother until he is unconscious.”

With that command she crawled up onto my cock as Dave held my cock and guided me in.
While Lizzy was now untied, I was still bound and my legs still spread wide.  
Lizzy had me all to herself for the moment and was making the best of it.
She spent some time just rubbing her pussy along the length of my cock, as teases go this was most effective.
When she decided to get down to business, she very slowly lowered herself onto my cock.

At first she she just sat there moving in a circular motion.
As she did this her wetness began to soak my cock and lower section to the point that I could feel it running down between my cheeks.
When Lizzy was ready she began really humping my cock.
Each time she rose up she would slam down upon my cock, this pounding had the effect of making my cock super sensitive to her movements.
Each downward push would bottom out inside of her and cause her to moan and groan. 
Each time she hit bottom she would rock to bring her clit in contact with my cock.

As she continued this Dave came up behind her and replaced her anal plug with a dildo that he would drive into her bottom in rhythm with her motions.
Doing this Lizzy was rapidly approaching her orgasm.
While Dave played with the dildo, he also reached down between us and began playing with my balls.
He was trying to time it so that both our orgasms happened at the same time.

Moments later Lizzy signaled that she was near, at this Dave began to work me over rapidly bringing me to the brink.
As Lizzy screamed out that she was cumming her pussy clamped around my cock which in turn set off my orgasm. 
As she slumped down she laid atop me our bodies slipping across each other was a feeling I have come to love.

As she lifted herself off my cock a river of cum flowed out from her and coated my cock.
“OK Lizzy, why don’t you unhook your brother from the spreader and then the two of you hit the showers. 
Once out of the showers we returned to the barn to find Dave standing with his shorts off and stroking his cock.

“Everyone has cum except me, what are the two of you going to do about this?”
In response Lizzy and I sank to our knees and traded off sucking his cock and teasing his balls.
It appears that Dave was primed to cum before we began to work him over because he didn’t last very long with the two of us attacking his cock.
As we were kneeling there he suddenly pulled away from us and began beating his cock, which in turn
caused him to shoot his cum over both of our faces.
When he was done Lizzy and I looked at each other and began licking his cum off of each others face.
We both agreed that we loved the tasted of his cum.

The next morning Lizzy and I compared notes.
The first thing we agreed on was that we were both sore and feeling well fucked.
There were marks left on us from where the clothes pins were. Thankfully they wouldn’t be visible when we were dressed.
“Lizzy, how are you holding up?
With all the changes in our lives these last couple of months I have been concerned that we are getting carried away.
I mean I love all the things we’ve been doing and i’ve begun to understand that I have a very submissive streak.
When Dave takes control of me and my body I feel like I have found some sort of peace within myself.”
“I know what you mean, I have been thinking along the same lines.
Every time we submit to his will, I have a feeling in my soul that, that is where I belong.

Last night when we were on our knees sharing his cum, I couldn’t think of anyone I would rather share that moment with.”
“Lizzy, come with me please.”
I took Lizzy be the hand and led her upstairs to my bedroom.
“Lizzy, I want to make love to you right now without any BDSM.
Just you and me sharing a moment of love.
“Yes.” She replied.

We crossed the room and fell into each others arms.
I looked deeply into her eyes and brought my lips to hers.
Together we shared a kiss, our tongues intertwining and playing with each other.
Oh so slowly I began to undress her and with each article of clothing I would spend a great deal of time touching and exploring that skin that was a moment before concealed and was now exposed.
I could feel little shivers run upon her skin as I touched a spot that was sensitive.

When at last she stood before me naked, I saw the vision of the person I loved the most.
“My turn.” She said.
As I stood there she began with my shirt. 
Each button undone was a moment for her to explore my body.
She traced the lines of my muscles and played with my nipples.
When she reached out to undo my belt I began to shake like a virgin on prom night.

“What’s wrong, am I doing something wrong or am I making you uncomfortable?” She asked.
“No, I just had a moment of clarity.
What we are doing now is based upon love.
What we do with Dave is fun and exciting but while I am certain that he loves me I and in a way you, what is lacking is that deep fundamental love that you and I  share.”
With those words Lizzy undid the button holding up my shorts. 

As they dropped to the floor Lizzy slipped her fingers into the elastic of my underwear and allowed them to join my shorts on the floor.
Reaching out she took her fingers and very lightly stroked my cock.
If it wasn’t hard before it most certainly was hard now.
After a moment she dropped to her knees.

I took her by the shoulders and said to her “No”, that is a sub’s position.
I want you as my equal.
I took her by the hand and together we lay upon the bed. 
Flipping around we adopted a sixty nine position.
As Lizzy began to lavish her attention upon my cock, I did the same for her.
Between us our combined moans created a symphony of love.

I now know that I could spend a lifetime making this girl happy.
After driving her to a second orgasm we flipped around and spent time just holding each other and kissing.
From there our love making was slow and gentle. 
As I entered her I took my time and allowed her to feel me just nestled in there without moving.
For me this was a new experience.
In the past it was push, push, pound.
Now it was take time and explore the most profound expression of love.


1 comment

  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Thank you.

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