[FM] Cheated with the man of my dreams for nearly a month

I guess I’ll start this off from me and Dennis running into one another years down the road, or in this case, September of 2018. He’s a ghost online. Reddit is it mainly because of his job and identity being a big deal. I lost track of him for a few years but he was always there in the back of my thoughts. I thought he used his deployment as a way to sever ties after we spent two weeks together. That’s what I was used to. Being used and made to feel bad about it because that’s “my duty as a woman” as my ex would say. So I made the biggest mistake of my life by stupidly getting with this guy who told me things would be different this time and honestly, it was good for a few months then all that disappeared. I fell for his lies. Dennis was deployed and didn’t have the opportunity to contact anyone. His parents and friends were used to it, so me being uninitiated didn’t know any better and I ended up dating the worst human I’ve ever met. Again. I felt like the biggest asshole on the planet for doing that to Dennis. I still have his email, I read it hearing his voice in my head and I fucking cried. He was so happy to finally reach out and I have to respond with I’m seeing someone. I was so ashamed of myself I wanted to die. But, like I said, my ex was good to me in the beginning. He emailed me right after New Years (2013-14) and said he kept my picture under his pillow. Again, I cried feeling the guilt and shame. It was overbearing.

I eventually got over it. Over 4 years went by when we ran into one another as I was walking out of a restaurant which was my birthday dinner that my boyfriend at the time didn’t even bother to make time to come to. He went to play pool with his worthless friends. Dennis is walking in with his friends and i saw him before he saw me. I immediately hid my face which failed miserably. Nothing gets by him. He walked through the restaurant, passed his table, and walked straight up to me. I was terrified he was about to unload on me. My heart was beating so hard it made my vision narrow. My hands were sweating and I got weak in the knees. Contrary to what I was anticipating, he leaned in, hugged me and said in his super sexy voice, you haven’t aged a day. I am such a pussy I almost teared up right there in the middle of Doris which is where we went for our 1 year anniversary. I was super depressed but pretended I wasn’t. When we left, all of my girlfriends were silent in the car. They knew how I felt and how much I hated myself for what I did years ago, you could cut the tension with a beach ball. My phone vibrates and I felt immense panic. There it was. His fake name because I couldn’t have guy friends. Over 4 years went by and he remembered my birthday. I start feeling relieved and he cuts to the chase. I remember it vividly… I know your birthday is Thursday, let me take you out. Just me and you. Something fun, something casual.

Of course I want to go, but I’m technically in a relationship if you can call it that. I live with him which is basically like an inmate saying they live with other inmates. I killed the battery on my phone talking to him the next day at work. My ex went duck hunting the week of my birthday which in hindsight was the best gift he ever gave me. His absence allowed me the courage to take the step I needed. So Friday night, one of my friends is helping me get ready and I’m beyond nervous. Petrified I would say the wrong thing. She dropped me off at his house, he was obviously doing well, and we’re waiting on our Uber. I had so much to tell him and so much to apologize for, but seeing him put me at ease. We went out and I had to come clean since we had been talking for a week now. I told him I lived with my boyfriend, we have a daughter even though he does nothing for her, and he grabbed my hand and said, I know. He asked if my ex ever hit me or anything. Being so manipulated, I went to defend my ex for him getting physical with me. Dennis is taking mental notes and not doing the typical tough guy “I’ll kick his ass” thing. I ruined my makeup, people are staring, I feel like he’s about to walk out on me and he asks if I was ready to go. In my head I felt like he was trying to escape and I couldn’t have been more wrong. We’re waiting on our Uber and I will not make eye contact with him. I felt embarrassed, disgusted with myself, and worst of all, like I blew my second chance. He calmly said, hey look at me. When I looked up he stepped forward and kissed me. Everything disappeared. My fears, regrets, doubts, my ex, the manipulation, the abuse, I was taken back to when I was happy and felt a rush of excitement. Here’s our ride.

I’m on his sofa back at his house and he went out and got the wine I said I liked when we were texting. His house smells so good. Candles in every room. Bottoms up. I needed the buzz to help me relax. We talked for a bit, finished the bottle, and next thing I know he’s kissing my neck and his hands are all over me. I’ve been wet since we left dinner and I honestly couldn’t wait to get his clothes off again. He unbuttoned my shorts and before he touched anything besides my hips, I stopped him. He apologized for going too fast and I felt the need to impress him again. I stood up and dropped my shorts and panties. He smiled at me and began kissing my stomach and thighs. I was so sensitive. I needed to see his body. I pulled his shirt off, then mine, then he took off the rest and there it was aimed right at my bellybutton. I remembered him being larger, but I downsized a lot and I was not ready. I though, fuck I haven’t had sex in almost 6 months and his is half of this. This was about to hurt but oh so good. Just needed to ease into it and not tear me up the middle.

I’m on top of him kissing pretty intimately then he rolls me off and sits on the table. He grabbed my ankles and sat me facing him then used his tongue on me like it was an art form. He didn’t even hesitate and went straight to business. There was some teasing with a few moments of excessive teasing to drive me nuts, then he switched and focused on where no other guy seemed to know even existed. My god… it’s summer in Louisiana but my skin is littered with goosebumps. It was so intense I needed something to hold on to. I didn’t want to scratch his leather sofa so I grabbed the back of his head. He took that as a clear sign to go harder and I began squirming and running from him. It was too much but he was relentless. He made me clinch his head between my thighs and I know my heels dig into his ribs. He wouldn’t fucking stop. I felt like I was about to pee. It really did, and if that would’ve happened, I don’t know what I would’ve done. All of this and I could’ve just used my big girl words which for some reason I couldn’t get out. Then he kneels at the end the sofa and it slid right in. Well, slid in for him. For me it felt like I was being stretched to capacity in every direction.

I remember exhaling “oh my god” from the overwhelming sensation I was experiencing, and maybe 10 seconds into it I told him don’t stop. I was about to orgasm already and it was going to be big. It was too much again. I couldn’t handle it. He was thrusting in long, deep, and hard. I wrapped my arms and legs around him to keep him closer. It felt so good but that sensation of losing control was not ideal on a second first date. I scratched him so hard I didn’t even realize it until I saw his skin under my nails. He looked surprised and said that was fast. I’m barely conscious and told him it’s been a while. After I came to, we went to his bedroom. Very minimalist. He lives by himself so I get it. All he had was a super comfortable bed, one of those curved tv’s, and a PlayStation on his dresser and what I assumed was a safe full of guns for his job. I’m on my back and he’s standing between my legs with his enormous dick is resting on me from my vagina to my bellybutton. Seeing it and realizing that’s pretty much how deep he was made me feel accomplished. He got some energy out and was taking his time. Much better for me. Now I can watch him and enjoy the moment instead of concentrating on not passing out or peeing all over the mattress.

I felt like I was on fire, like a furnace giving off heat. Now I’m self conscious about sweating and all these emotions are hitting me until he gently grabs my face rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb. I felt calm now. We’re going at it for a while now. I’m used to it, I got all my pregame jitters out and we’re connecting. I got comfortable and felt like I could take control. So I got a little dominant with him. I asked very politely if he could turn me around, bend me over, and fuck me from behind. I almost couldn’t reach the ground because his bed is so high. I am now at the mercy of gravity and his good will. There it is, resting on my ass as if to warn me. Next thing I know his hips are pressed against my ass and I’m screaming into the sheets. The pleasure was immense, the pain was worth it. His hands are gripping my ass and I reach back placing mine on his.

I told him to go slow with me. I wanted this to last and I didn’t want to walk like I was on horseback tomorrow. I feel kisses on my back and shoulders and then he stood up straight. When I looked to the other side I could see us in his mirror. Jesus Christ… what am I doing I thought. I’m literally cheating right now. The more I thought about how I’m even in this situation, the more I thought, fuck it. I don’t regret a thing right now and I’d come to do it again every night for the next three weeks. So I got lucid and began to open up. I grabbed my ass and spread it open for some reason. It felt like the thing to do. He let out a noise in recognition and I watched him fuck me like I’ve never been fucked before in that mirror. Seeing his body in the dim light colliding with mine, his muscles flexing as he drove into me, that beautiful physique, his gorgeous face looking down at me… I’m done. I’m walking out of my current relationship and I’m taking this leap. I started feeling light headed and here it comes again. Euphoria is taking over. I moaned oh my god and he knew. He slowed down but came down so hard it made me spasm. All of a sudden my feet are curled around him and I had to scream I’m cumming a hundred times. Orgasms come extremely rarely for me. Like leap year basically. I’ve already had two in 10 minutes.

Here I am face down catching my breath feeling total satisfaction, he pulls out of me and then I feel my ass spread open. My eyes open just as his tongue touches. He was the first and last person to ever lick, touch, and penetrate my ass. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel absolutely fucking amazing. I feel like electricity is surging through me every time he licks me which somehow keeps that post orgasmic tingling going on from the eruption I just had. His huge dick hit my ankle so I decided to tease him too. Gently sliding him between my ankles while his tongue is actually in my ass. He switched areas a few times and I wanted him again. I’m still dripping from a few minutes ago and I wanted all I could handle before I had to go back to my shitty house with shitty memories. I took the liberty and pulled him in close. I asked him where he wanted me and said he could have me any way he wanted. I asked him where he wanted to finish and just listed all the places I assume he wanted to hear. So I sucked his dick for a few minutes and I could taste the sex on him. That was the first time I ever tasted my own cum which turned me on even more. I tried to show off and take him deep but I can’t fucking do it. So I hid my failure with some dominance.

I told him to lay down and I hovered above him with his erect dick between my lips. We kissed so more and I got ready to take control. I was about to do every trick I knew, touch myself while riding him, tease his balls, bite, scratch, squeeze myself, whatever I could conjure up. He’s poking my entrance and I lower myself down slowly until my legs begin to shake. He can see me struggling and says don’t go too deep and hurt yourself then immediately asked I he went too deep earlier. He already rearranged my organs so I’m not about to spoil the mood. Absolute bliss. I’m sliding up and down trying to show off so I leaned back grabbing his knees and whipped my hips in a pivoting motion. I was hitting something that I’ve never had stimulated before and it was so good I zoned out until he began rubbing my clit. The only sounds are a wet sliding sound and my subtle little moans. I feel his eyes on me. Fuck I felt a lot more than that, but specifically I could tell he was watching me finally cut loose. I felt empowered and sexy for the first time in forever. I didn’t want the moment to get bland so I mixed it up and got off my knees and onto my feet. Oh my god what a difference. I felt him in my throat it was so deep. He helped by grabbing my ass and lifting me up so I could come crashing down. Being on my feet gave me a extra room to work with so I didn’t have to take the whole thing at once. A little room to breathe.

He grabbed my knees and rolled me on my back and knelt above me. I knew what was coming and got into position up on my elbows. I’m staring in fear and excitement because I remember how much is about to come out. I grabbed hold and began stroking his dick. It’s literally pulsing in my hands and I feel like I’m about to lose an eye. My… fluids I guess, lubed him up and my hand slid with ease up and down his shaft. He made a noise and warned me so I moved in closer. He clinched up hard, every vein in his body surfaced, his abs went freakishly defined. That’s the image I have stored in my memory. It hit me so hard in the chest it splashed. Followed by another, and another, and another, one hit me around my mouth, and it kept going. Whole ropes on my chest, stomach, and legs, with the last bit just slowly dripping out on my thumb. He’s laughing under his breath and I’m in amazement at what he just did to me.

I told him about last time when I almost choked trying to keep up with the amount. He got up and turned on the shower and told me when the water was hot. We got in and kissed then next thing I know my leg is in the shelf where the soap goes and he’s licking me against the wall. I ended up cumming one more time and when he stood up he just kissed me. I though he was about to fuck me again but we washed off, enjoyed the water and each other’s company then got out and went to bed. Woke up to him kissing me on the forehead then I head the front door, his truck start and I was alone to recollect myself. I checked my phone… back to reality. Sooooo many missed calls, texts, and voicemails. Mostly my friends asking how it went in our group chat, all of the voicemails were my ex asking where the fuck I was and why I wasn’t answering. He’s duck hunting for the weekend so fuck him. I’m filling the girls in on my night and then I hear him pull up and the door open. He walked into his room with donuts and we had breakfast in bed. I almost cried because I’m such a pussy I can’t keep it together.

I saw him every night for nearly three weeks when I said I was looking for an apartment so I could move out. He looked at me and said, I have a 4 bedroom house. I obviously dodged what he said and he cut me off in my stupid ramblings and said, don’t be stupid and waste money on an apartment. Start bringing your things here a little at a time. So I did. I started bringing clothes and other small things over. He left me a key so I could do it whenever I had the time. I refused to let him help because I didn’t want him knowing where my ex lived. When I told him that he rattled off my ex’s address and said you do know what I do for a living right? I know where he lives, where his parents live, where his drug addict brother lives… he named everything and o can’t lie, It turned me on. So my clothes, pictures, and everything was mine got packed up and the furniture that was half mine, I should’ve got a chainsaw and cut it just to spite my ex. I ended up getting my cousins to help me get my dresser and the baby’s furniture out. Everything else could go up in flames for all I care. We rekindled the week before my birthday and I moved in the first week of October. Been happy ever since

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ew874o/fm_cheated_with_the_man_of_my_dreams_for_nearly_a


  1. I really love the style this is written in; so in the moment! And the happy ending makes it all the better. Good for you :-)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY! Super hot AND sweet?! Girl! You lucked out.

    Definitely keep us updated.

    So happy for ya’ll!

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