The rope [FM] [long]

She was much faster up the rock face then he was. It was one of the few ways she could establish dominance because she knows he would dominate once they got to the top. A little bit excited and scared of what would happen when they got to the top. Knowing there is a cabin up there waiting for her, and for him if he can make it. She has been anticipating this day for a while now and made sure the cabin had some drinks, food and clean sheets. They met, had a drink, it was clear sparks were flying but somehow he didn’t act on it, and she didn’t dare. In their chats he was a lot more forthcoming and showed a clear preference towards the dominating aspect in the bedroom. Some of the chats went further than she had expected or ever done before, but there was something about him. While he expressed this dominating preference, him not acting or taking charge during or after the drinks made her think there was something about her he didn’t like. Because of that she was surprised he agreed on this rock climbing challenge. Is there such a thing as being shy and dominant at the same time? In any case, she shaved her legs, took a few days of rest because she really wanted to beat him on this, and she was, easily.
When she looked down to see how far he was behind, confident she would be at the top first, but also admired his shoulders and leg muscles, at their first date, at the bar she couldn’t really tell as it was all covered up. She got a hint from their hug at the end of the date, but it was too short and through too much clothing. Now she could clearly see. She also admired him for taking the challenge, this was more her thing than it was his, but him taking on the challenge was something she liked in him. It restored part of the insecurity she got from his inactivity or lack of taking control. Nearly there, maybe another 10-15 meters and he was a few meters behind her, clearly struggling. She was pondering shouting down and asking if he was ok, but she decided to leave his manhood intact, she didn’t want him to feel less manly and secretly, she wanted him to take full advantage of her once they got to the cabin, although, on the other hand, he might feel like he would need to re-establish his alpha status if she did shout down. Maybe beating him up the mountain would be enough. If she would make him feel inadequate as a male she might suffer the consequences more than she would like for this first time.
Reaching the top and climbing over the edge, she looked back down and saw his muscles shaking, he was clearly at the end of his strengths, it would take him some time to recover from this trial, but after some food and rest he would probably be back up to strength, or at least she hoped. Just the thought of what could happen next gave her a recognisable feeling in her stomach and little lower, a feeling she hadn’t felt for a while. He made it over the top as well and she gave him the last hand. He took the opportunity to embrace her. This was the closest they had been. She could feel his trembling muscles in his back, his breath next to her ear, his heartbeat when she put her head to his chest. He grabbed her very tight, and whispers in her ear. Unable to recognise what he’s saying, but just to feel his body so close, have him breath in her ear, it makes all kinds of things happen with her body. They pulled their ropes up and roll them together so they were easy to carry.
“What did you say?”“Thanks for the last hand”, he expresses his appreciation for her accomplishment and can’t help but let her know he let her win just so he had the pleasure to look at her backside the entire way up. Compliments are always welcome, but a little more class would have been nice. She’s a little torn about how to feel about this and it keeps running through her mind while they make their way to the cabin. It’s a simple place, entering straight into a little hallway, with a door to a bathroom on the right, something which could be called a kitchen on the left and a living room with a bed straight ahead. The real appealing part of the place is the large balcony at the edge of the rock they just climbed and an amazing view over the valley below. It has some chaise longue on them and a little table between them.
“Why don’t you go take a shower and refresh while I pull some food together?” He drops his tools and ropes on the floor. She can see he’s still shaking on his legs and he simply nods. She hands him a towel, a bathrobe and and some wide long silky pants. He disappears into the bathroom and she starts putting some food together, takes out the wine and pours two glasses and has a sip herself already. She prepares her simple string, bra and tank top for her shower. Her kimono is waiting in the shower for her. She puts her towel on top of it so he won’t see what she will wear after her refreshment. She feels she’s getting a bit more nervous. The climbing, making sure there was food and other things available in the cabin was the easy part. The unpredictable part was about to come and she still wasn’t sure how to feel about it. She takes the climbing equipment onto the balcony and drops it behind one of the chairs out of sight. She could hear the shower running, the cheese plate was ready, another sip of wine, she made her way to the balcony, and put the food and wine there. She doesn’t really know what to do with herself. She keeps pacing around, back and forth, another sip of wine, and one more. She refills her glass to the same level as the other one. A few minutes later she hears him open the bathroom door. He’s wearing the silk pants and the bathrobe tightly wrapped around his body and not showing much skin.
“Sit down on the balcony, there is a drink and some food for you and I’ll make my shower quick” she says. He nods and moves to the balcony and she sneaks past him with her wine glass in her hand into the bathroom, while she passes him he puts his hand on her stomach and lets it slip to her waist while he turns his head and follows her walking into the bathroom. She closes the door and quickly drops her clothes, checks her shaving job of the morning. It all looks good. The little strip of hair looks immaculate. She steps into the shower and lets the warm water wash away all the sweat. It feels good and she feels refreshed after the shower. While she is drying herself off, she has another sip of wine. Ready for the second part of the day. She gets dressed in her clothes, takes a deep breath and thinks for a second. Should I really wear all of this. Obviously she will wear the string, but the combo of bra and top might be a bit too warm. Even though bra has the clip at the front, she wants to avoid any clumsy interruptions. Another sip from her glass and the braveness comes over her. She grabs her kimono, wraps it tight around her body and tie the belt securely so it won’t fall open by accident. The Kimono reaches halfway down her thighs. A look in the mirror, she appreciates her own tanned legs, she likes to think it one of her most attractive features for the people who appreciate legs. She can here some music playing, he is using his phone to add to the atmosphere. There are some 80s dance hall music playing.
Walking onto the balcony with her wine glass she sees him sitting on one of the chairs. Bathrobe slightly open, one leg pulled upon on the chair, if it wasn’t for the bathrobe should have been able to see what he would be working with. Or at least sort of. He holds out his arm, inviting her on the outstretched part of the chair next to him. While putting her glass on the table she sits down. He pulls her closer and puts his arm around her. “Thank you for this experience” he says, “and the food and the drinks, it’s very kind, not sure how to repay you for all of this”. Her mind quickly goes crazy, but she tells him it’s ok and she is happy to spend this day with him. She leans back into him, her shoulder resting on his chest. His arm slides further down from her shoulder. She’s wondering whether he will go straight for the ass grabbing, but is pleasantly surprised he doesn’t. With his other hand he strokes the bare part of her leg just above her knee. She moves out of his arms to grab both glasses from the table, gives one to him and proposes a toast, “to a successful climb, and a further pleasant evening”. They cling their glasses, the setting sun reflects through the glasses as they take a sip, he looks into her eyes and she feels funny in her stomach. They take another sip. He wants to take her glass, but she takes another quick sip for courage and gives it to him. He puts them down on the table. When he sits back, he looks at her, puts his left hand on her lower back. The other reaches around her face, he pulls her face closer to his, when their noses are almost touching he says, I’ve been waiting for this a long time and I can’t believe I had to climb a freaking mountain, but … he moves in for the kiss and she welcomes him, though hesitant, first soft kisses, a little tongue, he bites on her lower lip softly. She hopes it’s out of passion, it hurts a little bit. While they continue kissing his hand moves from her cheek to the back of her neck. He grabs her hair and takes a firm grip of it. He pulls her head back and to the side slightly, his mouth goes to her neck, his tongue runs along her lower jaw. From her chin to her ear, where his tongue runs around her earlobe, back come the teeth and pulls on it a little bit. This is more pleasant to her. This slight uncomfortable feeling doesn’t feel as uncomfortable, this is a lot closer to pleasure. While his mouth is near her ear, he whispers “hold your thoughts, I’ll be right back”.
He walks back inside and removes the bedsheets from the bed and starts pulling on the mattress. He drags it from the bed and moves it to the balcony, right against the balustrade. He goes back inside and looks for his bag, puts it on the balcony right next to the mattress and comes to sit down back on his chair. She has been wondering what he was doing all this time while sipping her wine, creating courage. Her glass is nearly empty now. He takes the two glasses. Fills her glass up again and puts them both down next to the mattress. He turns to her, unties the rope which held his bathrobe together, his chest shows and whether it was from the climbing or naturally, his upper body is well pronounced, his stomach relatively flat and she can see the little trail of hair from his belly button downwards and a little bulge in his pants. He extends his hand, inviting her, she reaches out and he pulls her up, close to her, putting his arms around her. His mouth moves to her ear, “I know you choose this activity, can I be in control for a little while for the next activity? Just say no if I go to far”. She trembles a little bit but hums ok. He leads her to the mattress and signals she should sit down. She sits down with her back against the balustrade, he walks back and looks around for a little bit, sees the ropes behind the chair and puts them on the mattress as well. She is confused, where will this go? He kneels down in front of her, forcing her legs a little apart and he leans in. “Do you trust me?”. Uhm, not really is what she is thinking, but she says, “sure, but what are you thinking?”. He kisses her earlobe and whispers, “Just say no and I’ll stop, but I want to take you on an adventure now”. That sounds exciting and scary at the same time, but lets go for it and she trusts him to stop when she would say stop.
He reaches back for the ropes, and takes her wrist. While looking into her eyes he wraps the rope around her wrist and put it against the balustrade and ties her hand against it. Not too tight, but tight enough for her not being able to get free without his help. He leans in again, putting a hand on her the side of her stomach and kissing her neck, putting a tighter grip on her, his kisses become more passionate. When she puts her hand on his neck he stops. Takes her hand and ties it as well to the balustrade. Now she is sitting there, arms a little bit spread, legs pulled up slightly, she can’t really move and feels exposed. The kimono is still wrapped around her body, but it being not that long, she feels her string is visible. All she can do is sit there and wait for what he will do. He grabs his bag, opens it and takes out a bottle, puts it down next to her. He sits down in between her legs again, and pulls her a little bit further down, she’s now in a lazy position against the balustrade, her legs spread, her arms wide. He is sitting on his knees between her legs and has a firm hold of her hips. He kisses her lips. “Just relax, I think you’re going to like this”. He grabs the belt which holds her kimono closed. He pulls on one end. the knot unravels and her kimono falls open exposing her chest. He sits back, looking in her eyes, down to her chest, back to her eyes with appreciation. She feels the late afternoon breeze on her chest. She glances down and sees what she expected, her nipples were getting harder. She knows he noticed as well.
He grabs the bottle, unscrews the top and a thick liquid is pouring on to his hand. He rubs his hands together, warming up the liquid and puts his hands on her collar bones and moves to her shoulders, pushing the kimono further open. The liquid is an oil. It’s warm and and smells nice. She closes her eyes. His hands slide down her chest, to the side, spreading the oil down the sides of her body, to her hips. All she hears are birds in the distance tweeting and his breath, all she feels are his hands and the slight afternoon breeze on her naked body. He puts more oil in his hands and caresses her stomach, slowly moving up towards her breasts, cupping them from below, rubbing around them in circles and with every circle getting closer to her nipples until he finally reaches them. She still has her eyes closed and is enjoying the soft, slow sensual touches. He pinches her nipples. If they weren’t firm already from the breeze, his touch certainly did the trick. Softly pulling them, she can feels his breath on them and then two lips around one. His tongue playing with it in a similar way his tongue was playing with her tongue before. He moves from her nipple back up, kissing her chest, her collar bone, her neck, her cheek. She turns her head to where his lips are touching her. He grabs her neck softly and puts his lips on hers again, slow but firm, his tongue slips into her mouth.When his lips leave hers she lets out a sigh. Almost involuntarily her legs have parted further. He grabs more oil and starts rubbing her left leg, starting just above her knee, slowly moving up her leg, moving back and forth, inching higher and higher with each repeating up and down movement. He’s half way up her thigh, having a firm hold of her thigh, massaging her legs and muscles. It feels nice but it’s no sports massage, she can feel his fingers spread and explore her thighs, closer and closer to her string. He releases his grip and takes more oil and does the same to her right leg. She wants to move lower on the mattress, get his fingers closer to where it’s getting warm, but with her hands tied to the balustrade she is not able to. He looks her in the eyes. He is smiling. He knows what she’s trying to do but he’s taking his time. Two hands covered in oil now rub a leg each, a thigh each. His thumbs are getting closer and closer to where she wants to feel them. His thumbs are close enough to touch the outside of her lips, just barely, but enough for her to twitch. Moving up and down. His stare is fixed between her legs. She knows what it looks like there when she feels like this. She is looking at his focused face, his torso. She can also see a bulge in his satin pants. It is bigger than what it looked like when she walked onto the balcony.
His fingers are rubbing along the outside of the string. Patience has never been a real virtue of her, but she’s trying to let him do his thing without trying to speed things up. His hands move to the outside of her legs, up the side of her oiled up body. His hands reach behind her back and he pulls himself closer to her again. He kisses her, it’s more passionate than before. Both of them are breathing more heavily. He caresses her back, his hands keep wandering over her body, caressing her breasts, her thighs, squeezing her her nipples, running his thumb along her jawline, grabbing her and pulling her lips tighter to hers.
Suddenly he stops kissing her, he looks at her for a moment and then moves away. He lies down between her legs and puts his lips on her thigh, about half way up. If her leg wasn’t oiled up, he would make it wet with his kisses. He switches between her tighs and with each switch he moves up a little more. She looks at who his head is moving back and forth. He is completely focused on what he is doing. He gets to a point where he only has to turn his head to kiss each thigh. She slowly, shyly moves her legs further apart to enable him to get closer to her string. When he is about to kiss the sides of her string, he moves up and starts kissing her just below her belly button. Again moving from side to side a little and going lower with each kiss. When he reaches the top of her string he continues, but kisses her on her string moving to her thigh. When he reaches the end of the string, he moves back up the way he came while giving little kisses, when he reaches the top, he moves down the other way with his kisses. He keeps repeating his soft little kisses alternated with small licks. This is exciting her to no end and she knows she is ready for him to take that string away. He moves up to her face again, kisses her with tongue for only a second and ask.
“Would you be ok if I would remove your string?”She looks in his eyes and only nods yes. He grabs the string at both hips and she lifts herself of the mattress to enable him to pull it off. She sits down and lifts her legs in the air so he can pull it down her legs. He does it slowly, putting his mouth on her calves. Once her legs are out of the string, he carefully places is on one of the chairs. He reaches back to the table and takes the wine glasses. He moves her glass like he wants to hand it to her, like has forgotten he had tied her up just now. He sees his error and snickers. “Maybe later than”. He takes a big sip and kisses her. He lets some of the wine slip into her mouth. she gladly accepts it, but some of it is spilling down her body. He quickly follows the drops down her body. Almost catching up with them before they reach the little strip of hair she had left. There he slows down, licking more carefully, slower. His tongue keeps moving down. Her anticipation is reaching new heights. He moves to the side and carefully licks the outside of her lip. Her lips are opening up. He can see the glistening. He moves to the other lip and his tongue moves from the bottom to the top. His tongue doesn’t lose touch with her body as it moves across through her landing strip. Down and up the other lip. Her breathing becomes slow be very deep. Her legs move even further apart. While crossing from one side to the other his touch is lower and lower, almost touch the bit of skin covering her clit. He can smell her.She moans a soft “please”. Their eyes briefly find each other. He winks at her and starts to focus on the little hill above her clit. Kissing it as he would kissing her mouth. The lower lip making contact with the very top both her lips. She shivers. Lips are now indirectly rubbing her clit and she is pulling her hands, trying to see if she can’t get free and just push his head down. It doesn’t work, but all of a sudden she feels a warm touch covering her clit. A deep moan leaves her body as he finally gives her what she has been waiting for for the last however long it has been. She can feel his tongue exploring more and more of her lips, opening her up. He is tasting her and apparently he likes it as his kisses and licks become more firm, quicker. He hips are trying to follow his rhythm but they don’t have the freedom of movement they would like.
Her cheeks are blushing as she is getting from warm to hot. His lips and tongue make wet sounds. His breathing is heavy, their combined moans are filling the late afternoon air. It feels like hours before his lips leave her clit and lips. He comes up to her face. “You taste and smell amazing”. The smile on his face tells her he really enjoyed his time between her legs. “How are your arms?” She hadn’t thought about them for a while, but now he asks, they do feel tired. With one hand he reaches for the knot and unties it. Her arm falls to the mattress for a second before she slowly puts it in his neck and pulls him closer to kiss him. Their lips touch passionately. Her hand is not letting go of him while he tries to untie the other knot as well. When her other hand is finally free as well she grabs his head and continues to kiss him, her tongue playing with his. Her body leans into him forcing him on his back on the mattress.
She lays her body half on top his, her breasts on his half naked chests. His hands try to get her out of her kimono completely. Some clumsy pulling and pushing later her kimono is off. Hands are exploring his body, finally. Her body rubbing on his, her leg between his, her soaking pussy is rubbing on the silky pants covering his thigh. One hand is exploring his stomach while the other is holding her head up while they kiss. He is caressing her back, his free hand holding her face close to his. The exploring hand reaches the top of the pants. Running along the top it, a finger inside. The hand is on a mission and is getting close to its goal. He bites her lower lip while he releases a deep grunt. She takes this as motivation to speed up the exploring and moves her hands inside his pants. It encounters a bit of hair before she find the base of his penis. Her fingers are running along it to the top. It’s pretty hard already and when she wraps her fingers around it he quivers and bites her lower lip harder. The hand she uses to keep her head above his grabs his short hair so she can look him in the eyes when her hand starts a slow motion up and down. His eyes close while his free hand tries to get himself out of his pants. It’s a bit awkward but he gets himself free enough for her to have a look at what she is playing with. It’s not too long, but pretty thick with veins running along it. Yes, this will do just fine for today. Her arms is getting tired and she lets herself drop next to him on the mattress. He turns on his side so they can look at each other, her hand has not let go of his pride, keeps moving up and down. Her leg opens and he pulls it on top of his. His hand reaches around and grabs a firm hold of one ass cheek. Fingers are exploring, trying to find her wet entrance and they do.
Tickling fingers make her play with him faster, she grabs him more tightly. His body moves closer to her. Breasts are touching a masculine chest, sharing the oil from before. Her legs moves a little higher up his leg. Her hand pulls on his penis to get it closer to her. Some clumsy movements later and it’s just about touching her lips. He stops kissing her, her eyes open to find him looking intensely at her. “are you sure you want this”. Her teeth bite her lower lip as she nods decisively. His hand on her lower back pushes her closer to him. As he is about to enter her, his tongue slips in her mouth and finds her tongue. Slow but with clear determination he moves inside her. Even though she is very wet he is clearly thicker than anyone she has had before and she lets out a “my godddd”. There is no rest though, he keeps moving inside her. Her nails are scratching his back with excitement. Her thoughts have been on this moment for a week, now that it is finally here she loses her mind. He moves out of her before moving in again. This time it’s a bit easier. The back and forth continues as her hips start to move with him. Now unrestricted they find their rhythm easily. She pulls his lips away from hers and looks at his face. He is blushing and his eyes are wide open. There is no need to say anything, she just nods at him, he smiles back. No need to go faster, or slower. Now that they are in sync nothing else exists in the world but this matress and their bodies. Hands are still wandering over bodies, squeezing breasts, scratching backs, grabbing firm asscheeks.Her shyness and hesitation has been overtaken by sheer excitement. A hand on his shoulder pushes him on his back and her body moves with him so she gets on top him. Sitting up straight he can see the last rays of sunlight shine on her breasts which are still covered in oil. The light of the setting sun makes her athletic body look like a photoshopped magazine picture. With his hands on her lower back he pulls himself up to kiss her breasts. Her arms wrap around his neck as she starts moving back and forth. He penis inside her starts rubbing against just the right spot. His stomach is being covered by her wetness. Her hips start to move more violently. His hands are helping her hips move while his lips indulge themselves with her breasts. He starts pulling on her legs, trying to wrap them around his hips. With some wiggling side to side she manages and when she sits down on his lap, she can feel him all the way inside her. She looks down at this face as she stops moving. His hands move slowly up and down her back, his nails giving her goosebumps. Her lips part as she wants to say something, but she doesn’t know what. “you feel so good, thank you…”. His face is smiling and then his eyes light up. “Can I take this a little bit further?”. How would he be able to take this further she thinks. “Maybe, what are you thinking?”.
“Just remember you only have to say no once and I’ll stop”. Her courage is ebbing away, what the hell could he be talking about? Behind her back he reaches for his bag and he searches for something. Her hips start moving slowly again while he is doing something behind her back which she can’t see. After 30 or so seconds he is apparently done with whatever he was doing as one hand finds it way again to her asscheek. He looks up, he wants to kiss her again and she moves her head towards him. As her lips find his again she feels his other hand behind her. His fingers are moving around his own penis, along her lips. He is trying to find her clit but he is not able to reach that far around from behind. The left hand is grabbing a firm hold of her ass and then she feels something warm and slick against her ass. His lips grab a hold of her tongue, sucking on it so she can’t and doesn’t want to move her head away. The hand on her ass is moving her back and forth, him sliding in and out of her makes her blush again and stop thinking about what is going on.
Her hips are moving forward and when the move back, whatever was against her ass is no pushing with more force. His lips let go of her tongue and he whispers, “relax, take a deep breath and slowly breath out”. Not completely sure of what is happening she follows his instructions while her hips keep moving. Halfway through her breathing out she feels with a stronger force something being pressed against her ass and then a sudden move and an unexpected and unfamiliar feeling. She reaches around her back to feel what is going on. Her hands find something unknown. It’s round and has protrusions every few centimeters and it’s in her ass. There is a look of shock on her face as she is looking at this face. His face has an asking expression on it. She keeps moving on his lap while she tries to figure out what she thinks about it when he says “don’t think too much, just feel”. She closes her eyes and keeps moving it’s strange, but not unpleasant. If anything, it makes everything else she feels more intense. Without thinking about it she starts moving in bigger movements. Clearly he takes this encouragement as he moves the toy more firmly. Unexpectedly there is another sensation at her back. He has moved the toy deeper inside her, another bulb is inside her and the feelings get even more intense. “oh ohw…”, he looks at her scared, but she has her eyes closed still and keeps moving. His lap is getting wetter and wetter, her movements are becoming less controlled. “oh oh ohw…” louder this time. Her hands are around his neck again and pulling his head to her chest. She is now moving with no control or consideration for the boy she is sitting on top. Her hair being blown by the now evening breeze, her nipples hard, her legs are starting to shake. “Ohw shit…”. Her nails are scratching his neck as she feels the energy of a big orgasm build up in her body. “I’m going to cum” she moans loudly. His hands are helping her move back and forth and she falls over the edge of the build up to the orgasm she faintly hears and feels him releasing himself deep inside her.
Two sweaty body fall on the mattress as he pulls the toy out of her body. He reaches for her face, wipes the hair out of her face and asks something. Her ears are still ringing from the orgasm. “what did you say?”. “are you ok?”. The smile on her face says all he needs to know. Just before she glides on to sleep she can hear him say, “Thank you”. She feels his lips on her forehead before she loses her consciousness to sleep.
