Host Part 1 [F+Creature][Worms][Noncon][Monster][More unusual kinks listed in opening preamble]

So I don’t normally visit this sub; as you’ll no doubt see my kinks are a little more unusual so I tend to find myself on subreddits that feature similar content. But after posting elsewhere, a friend suggested posting it here as well. Hopefully those of you who aren’t repulsed will enjoy it.

**Warning on fetishes and kinks:** unrealistic ear/brain penetration (brain entered sexually, but no gore or pain), mind control, nipple penetration, invertebrates, oviposition, non-human impregnation, parasites, rape, somnophilia (sleep sex).


I loved gardening, it was such a simple thrill watching things grow and thrive through your own hard work. It was a strange feeling, taking pride in creating new life, but it was still a great passion of mine.

I devoted most of my time to my garden, but this year’s drought had really messed me around. My old compost heap had entirely dried out and my generations of worms had died with the heat. It was particularly frustrating because I loved those little worms; they’d helped me look after my garden since I first brought them and now they were all gone.

Still, you gotta move on, right?

So I jumped online and started looking for some cultivated worms – normally I could just wait for rain and dig around, but with the drought still going it made far more sense to buy some from a dedicated worm farm.

Eventually I settled on an intriguing looking page: “Engineered Bioworms” read the title. Supposedly they could reproduce anywhere and regardless of soil or weather conditions. Better yet, apparently they’d adjust the local environment to suit their needs and create ideal breeding conditions for further generations.

It sounded perfect and the price was almost unbelievably good. A few key clicks and express shipping later and they were on their way.

It was only a few days before they arrived: A large white sealed box with a tiny battery powered fan on the side to keep the insides cool and damp.

I opened it carefully, revealing a mass of squirming dark purple worms, each about half the length of my forearm and the width of a pencil. They coiled and twisted over one another almost hypnotically. I turned away and looked through the literature that came in the box:

>Mother’s Garden Bioworms READ ME!

>Before placing your bioworms in their home, it’s important to leave their container open overnight so they may acclimatise to the local environment. They will need water roughly once ever 8 hours, so it’s best to keep them in your bedroom so you may provide them with a half-litre of water before bed and as soon as you wake to minimise the chance of drying out during the acclimatisation process. After the first night, the worms are usually able to survive on their own, but it’s important to maintain and look after them as they desire.

I laughed at the peculiar wording of that last section, but happily lifted the box to my room. I poured the first jug of water on them as I sat them down next to my bed. The worms seemed pleased enough, writhing in the moisture in their typical way, already I found myself quite fond of them. They didn’t smell like mildewy musk like most worms do, rather it was a more… deeply earthy smell, reminiscent of my favourite moments sitting in the garden, it was strangely pleasant.

As night fell, I gave them another half litre, as instructed and climbed into bed, excited to introduce them to my garden.


As cool darkness crept over the room, the worms communicated quietly to one another, their hive-mind buzzing simple instructions for the night’s tasks.

Slowly, a representative emerged from the container – blind, it navigated by smell and sense around the room.

It approached the girl’s bed and ensured she was asleep: Very sensitive to smell, electromagnetic radiation and heat the worm quickly learned as much as it needed to about it’s “owner”.

23 years old, western european, likely from Scotland or other northern country. She was not currently mated with any partner, nor were her breasts large enough to indicate pregnancy (past or present). Other information – her red hair, porcelain skin, b-cups and shaved nethers – mattered not to the worm.

Satisfied, it crept onto the bed and approached the sleeping girl’s head. Careful not to wake its new host, it slithered slowly onto her earlobe and began to slip inside.

As it moved, it secreted an anaesthetic substance similar to lignocaine – it numbed the host’s ear canal and allowed the worm to gradually breach her ear drum without even a twinge of pain. Still, the alien sensation caused her to stir. The worm had to move slowly: if she woke now and pulled it out, it would fail its mission.

Moving with infinite patience, it crept through her auditory process and entered her skull, pulling its long body behind it into the safety of her mind.

Once fully inside, it waited until its new host deepened her sleep then uncurled itself slowly, positioning its clitellum over the front of her brain. Preparing, it shuddered slightly, then ejaculated inside her head.

If the hive-mind allowed true pleasure, it would be now. The entire creature convulsed as it emptied itself deep into her mind.Each sperm was almost sentient in its goals, not fertilisation – modification. It’s sperm set to work burrowing through her grey matter, nuzzling into her neurons and forming new connections. They altered her thinking, her biochemistry, flooding her head with neurotransmitters – changing her.

The worm emptied itself entirely, a shrivelled barely alive skin almost all that was left; the entirety of its body dedicated to the load of semen flooding the poor girl’s mind.

It’s work done, the worm slipped into nothing as its body fell apart. But its last act continued to work.


My dreams had always been fairly lucid. Even if a little silly – Tonight I was fighting some strange man with tires instead of arms. Obviously the only way to deal with him was to find my local Chinese takeaway menu and make him read it. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it.

I looked around the dream world trying to find it, but the itch in my ear was too distracting. I kept looking and, with a little luck, I found it under the Bridge Chicken. Shifting the Bridge Chicken out of the way, I grabbed the menu and brandished it at my would-be-attacker…. But… that’s weird. His tire arms were gone, they looked more like worms now….

He said something to me, I couldn’t focus on his lips properly, but his words made my head feel cool on the inside – like a wave of ice washed through it.

Soon his whole body looked like a worm. I couldn’t remember why, but I knew that was normal. He gradually stretched himself out, his legs extending outwards into a long tail, his head looking down on me with sightless appreciation.

The cool in my head was pleasant as I walked towards my new worm friend. I undressed in front of him as he towered over me. Slowly, that sheathe around his waist drew back, revealing his bizarre member. I smiled as the cold seemed to fill everything in the dream.

I stepped closer, lifting my leg so he could access me, he slithered closer, his invertebrate cock wet and eager. I felt goosebumps rise as anticipation grew, as I prepared to let him have all of me. I sli——

I woke with a start, alarm blaring and sun shining through the curtains. I felt hungover and thirsty, which is strange given I hadn’t had any alcohol… and what the *fuck* was that dream!?

As I considered my unusual lover, I remembered that I needed to give the worms some water.

I climbed out of bed and looked over at them…. and just kinda stopped. They twisted and turned just as before but what had seemed interesting yesterday was suddenly enthralling. I just wanted to watch them all day. I stared for a while, until suddenly finding my headache worsening.

I stood back up, reluctantly, and went to grab the jug. Returning, I crouched next to the worms and poured the water into their little container. Strangely, my headache subsided as the water poured, so I resumed watching them.

It was strange, the longer I watched, the more I thought about that dream, the more I could remember that cool sensation in my head, the nice little tingling that went with it, like millions of little sparks zapping around inside my head.

The more I let my mind wander, the more I found myself growing embarrassingly aroused by my own dream. How gross- the idea of my giant worm lover turning me on, the weird things we dream about. I shook my head.

Still… the need lingered. I decided I may as well have a bath and… do something about it.

Without thinking, I picked up the container of worms and walked into the bathroom, setting them aside by the bath.

I turned on the water, almost cold – just enough warm water to replicate that cool sensation from my dream, and climbed in. I lay there, softly toying with myself, my fingers darting expertly between my legs. I wasn’t letting myself get too into it; just reliving my dream and fantasising.

After a few moments, a thought occurred to me…. well I say “occurred”, it felt more like it presented itself loudly and absolutely into my head: The water was nice and cool, the worms could probably be fine in the bath with me, then I wouldn’t need to give them water all day.

I considered it and decided it was a great idea. I stood up and slowly reached over to the counter on which the worm container rested and lowered my hand into the bucket. I felt their cold bodies twisting against my warm skin – like dozens of silky fingers tracing their own path over my hand.

I scooped a handful and lowered them into the bath with me, watching them explore their larger home. They swam around my legs, tickling me slightly. I laughed as I lifted another half a dozen and took them back into the bath as I lay back down.

If I was a little turned on before, something about sharing a bath with my friends was sending me into overdrive now. I watched them flit around my body under the water, around my legs, over my belly button… I lowered my hand again, the idea of touching myself with my new friends right here thrilled me in a strangely voyeuristic way.

As soon as I began playing, their movements grew more deliberate, they followed my hand down, touching between my legs, teasing me softly. I should have thought it unusual, but a little voice at the back of my head convinced me it was fine.

I felt pleasure building as I closed my eyes and bit my lip, my body arching a little as my hand moved faster. I was almost peaking as I felt a little pressure between my legs.

My first instinct, guided by the voice at the back of my head, was to just run with it, keep going… but… wait…

No this is… really weird what the fuck is happening to me?

I moved my hand from my clit and pushed away the worm at my entrance, opening my eyes. They were darker purple now, most of them gathered around my entrance.

The voice insisted it’s fine; they’re just worms, it’s fun, it feels good…

But it… why was it so difficult to think?

Something was wrong, I knew it, my dream my headache…. something wasn’t right… I went to stand up when I felt a piercing pain in my ear. The same ear that itched all night. I lifted my hand to feel the tail of a worm that slipped in before I could get a grip.

I writhed, the water splashing as I scratched at my ear. I was completely panicked, I screamed for help until…

A familiar cool flooded my head, those same tingling little pops. I freaked out, what the fuck did that worm do!?

But my conscience knew better, it reassured me that it was fine. Obviously I was fine last night when I felt this, in fact it felt GREAT.

I relaxed a little, it did feel a lot better and now I was feeling horny again. Honestly I don’t know why I freaked out so much, they’re just worms; I love worms and these ones in particular are fun. I wanted to see what it felt like if they went all the way in… but first…

I stood up, slowly – I was still a little dizzy. I picked up the container with the rest of the worms and poured them into the bath with me, the first 6 greeted by their dozens and dozens of siblings.

Steeping myself amongst my new partners in the cool water, I slid down so that just my nose was out of the water and resumed masturbating.

Sure enough, a couple of the worms quickly slipped inside my pussy, my muscles clenching down on them, feeling them wriggle and force their way deeper.

I closed my eyes as the sound of the worm’s movement through the water filled my ears and my attention focused on the ones writhing inside me.

I twisted my little nipple as I felt pleasure lancing through me. The worms reached my cervix quickly and slid back and forth against it. That’s good, I thought, even though a little voice in the back of my head told me something was very wrong.

I tried to ignore it; all these voices in my head made me so panicked before, this was much better.

Another worm slipped inside my increasingly sensitive entrance as I worked myself harder. I needed to cum, to loosen my cervix for them and let them in.

The voice in the back of my head, as hard as I tried to convince it to be quiet, begged me to stop, to get out, to escape.

I ignored it and kept touching myself. As a fourth worm slid in, I realised I couldn’t wait another second. The voice in the back of my head screamed as my own screams of pleasure drowned it out and I exploded in a sudden and powerful orgasm that rocked every part of me. My cervix spasmed in pleasure and soon the eager worms in my cunt slipped into my womb, wriggling with determination towards my ovaries.

I shuddered in afterglow, the voice now silent, feeling the worms explore my deepest parts.

Soon they reached the end of my tubes and wrapped around my ovaries… then another wave of cool flooded my abdomen and I smiled drunkenly.

I had done what I needed to, I had done the right thing and now I got my reward.

I lay back, perfectly still, and let the worms claim me.

Their initial gentle wriggling became a frenzy as they covered every inch of me: A pair of them reached my breasts and slipped through my nipples, the alien sensation of wriggling life inside my boobs driving me wild as another pair rapidly reached my nipples to replace them.

My legs wide apart invited countless worms to slide into my pussy, fighting for position and sliding deep inside me, each taking residence in my womb or slipping into my abdomen.

I lay perfectly still, as instructed, as my body was violated in every possible way.

My ears were still occasionally affronted, new waves washing through my head with each worm that sacrificed itself to cum in my head. Each time they did they shared more of themselves with me, they told me what to do, what was happening to me, they showed me pictures of what their hive mind could see.

My eyes rolled back in ecstasy as I watched the worm’s sperm soak into my ovaries, not yet able to fertilise my little human eggs, instead they sat to work merging what DNA they could: changing my future children, making them compatible, giving them to the worms.

The ones in my breasts took turns laying their own eggs or cumming all over them; I learned a lot about my hermaphroditic new mates.

I watched them fill my little boobs with life, now hives for my partners. I watched them coat the lining of my uterus in their eggs as they waited for mine to change. I watched them turn me into a little Trojan horse for them.

For all my love, I would never be a worm, but I could help them meet new lovers just like their last mate lead them to me.

As I drifted into a defiled and orgasmic sleep, I started planning for tomorrow: back to work, back to my friends, to find new hosts to share with my worms.

I awoke in my dream, my worm lover standing before me. I slipped happily onto his long, wriggling member, feeling it inside me, feeling him cum into my sleep-self. I knew that when I awoke, his real life partners would be even better.


Part 2 is complete and you can find it on either /r/beastfiction /r/insex or /r/bodyinvasion

I’ll post it here if there’s support, but figured I’d test the waters first.

Hope you guys like this… unusually weird fuckery.

As always, I’m a glutton for feedback, so tell me what you think: love it or hate it.

Also, if anyone has suggestions for other stories, kinks, fetishes or ideas they want me to write about, don’t hesitate to let me know either in comments or via pm.
