Useful Anna [femdom][pornstar][FF][coercion] [face sitting][suffocation][humiliation]

Chapter 1

Anna felt her face burning as she stumbled her way out of the Uber, hearing a snicker behind her as the driver watched her struggling. She smoothed down her grey pencil skirt and thought about giving the man a glare, but started worrying about stumbling over in an even more embarrassing fall and decided to simply focus on making it up the steep driveway. She cursed herself for not practicing walking more as she made her way slowly up to the front door ogling the stylish and modern house as she went.

Anna could feel herself shaking with excitement and anxiety as she finally made it to the front door. She couldn’t believe that she was just moments away from meeting Mika Tan in person. When she had originally pitched her idea for an article on entrepreneurial women in the porn industry and how they were addressing the new challenges in the social media-obsessed culture, she never dreamed that not only would she be given an advance to get started but that one of her favorite porn stars would have agreed to an in-person interview. Anna hadn’t even been sure her contact information was correct when she had originally made the call, and now just a week later here she was.

Anna glanced quickly at her reflection in long glass window framing the front door. She was dressed conservatively in a grey pencil skirt, matching grey suit jacket, cream-colored blouse, sensible if a bit difficult to walk in 3 in black heels, and a simple black purse. Her shirt was cut low enough to reveal a conservative amount of cleavage, which caused a red flush to spread across her chest and face when Anna glimpsed it briefly. ‘You are meeting a porn star Anna. She is probably going to be wearing lingerie or something, you don’t have to be embarrassed by a little skin.’ Anna quickly took a deep breath and reached out to knock on the door.

She then squeeked and fell forward a bit, hands flying out and eyes opening wide as the door flew open. She braced herself on the person in front of her, grasping at their clothes and desperately trying to keep herself from falling.

“Sorry!” she blurted out, catching her breath and looking up. She found herself looking deep into the eyes of Mika Tan. Anna felt butterflies explode in her stomach and her head swimming as she took in Mika’s beauty up close. Her eyes went wide and her lips parted as she was completely unable to form a coherent thought.

“I didn’t realize this interview was going to be so hands on,” Mika said pertly while gently and firmly removing Anna’s hands from her ample chest. Anna immediately turned her eyes down. Her face, chest, and neck burned with shame.

“I’m so sorry Ms. Tan, I didn’t realize the door was opening, and I’m not used to these shoes, and I’m so sorry! I can’t believe I just groped you, it’s so unprofessional, and I’m sorry-”

“Yes. That will be enough stammering Ms. Blackburn. I am a busy woman and I don’t have time for any childish behavior. Please follow me and try to act like a professional at least.” With that Mika turned her back on Anna and walked into the house, leaving Anna to stumble her way inside, closing the door behind her. 

Despite her embarrassment, Anna couldn’t help but glance up through her hair and watch Mika as she led her further into the house. Anna’s eyes took in her stylish and obviously expensive designer 4-inch heels. She felt something inside her twitch as she drank in the sight of Mika’s legs, encased in black sheer stockings with a stylish seam running up the back of her legs. Anna watched Mika’s shapely ass twitch seductively back and forth as Mika smoothly made her way forward. Mika’s skintight electric blue dress hugged her curves and showed off a body that moved with purpose and seduction in every step. Anna felt awkward and silly stumbling along like a colt freshly birthed in her 3 inch heels while Mika oozed sex and power in heels that must be much harder to walk in. Anna also couldn’t help feeling embarrassed as she imagined caressing Mika’s long dark hair as she watched it sway back and forth across her shoulders. 

Mika led her into an elegant sitting room with two white leather couches facing each other, a modern looking glass coffee table sitting between them, and a white fur rug underneath it all. Mika made her way to one of the couches and elegantly lowered herself on the edge of the seat, legs held together and hands folded neatly in her lap. Anna stared at the beautiful and exotic woman. Her dress was low cut and plunged deep enough for Anna to see that Mika was not wearing a bra. The dress held itself together neatly though and didn’t appear slutty so much as elegant and sensual. It curved up and behind Mika’s neck where Anna imagined it must be tied. Anna couldn’t help but notice that Mika looked more powerful and professional in her dress and stockings than Anna did in her professional outfit. Anna felt herself thinking that she must look like a little girl playing dress up next to Mika.

“Ms. Blackburn, I hope you are here to do more than oogle me like a desperate virgin who can’t control her weeping cunt. Now sit down and begin your interview before I decide you are a little girl wasting my time.” Mika pointed a perfectly sculpted nail at the couch across from her and raised her eyebrow to emphasize her point.

“Yes, sorry, sorry…” Anna stammered again and made her way to the couch quickly. Too quickly apparently as she fumbled the transition from wood to deep fur rug and ended up tripping over herself. She made a desperate attempt to turn the fall into sitting, spinning a bit in mid-air. She landed a bit heavy but smiled with relief that she hadn’t further embarrassed herself in front of Mika. She grabbed her voice recorder out of her purse and turned her attention back to Mika, only to frown as she noticed the woman hiding a smile behind her hand, her breasts quaking gently as the woman suppressed a giggle. “Is anything wrong Ms. Tan?”

Mika simply took her hand away and smirked at Anna, pointing at her waist. Anna looked down and saw to her horror that her skirt had bunched up in the fall and her simple white cotton panties were on full display. Her legs were even slightly parted, giving Mika a full view of her crotch. Anna hurriedly scrambled with her skirt to cover herself, feeling shame once again burning in her face and chest. 

“Oh my Ms. Blackburn, I was only joking before about you being a desperate virgin. I mean really, did you get that underwear in the little girl’s section of Wal Mart? I bet you haven’t even seen the inside of a Victoria’s Secret before!” Ms. Tan was now laughing openly. “And really girl, I could see the wet spot from all the way over here! It’s like you’ve never been around a woman before!”

Anna felt herself shriveling up with humiliation. At Ms. Tan’s words, she felt her attention drawn to her pussy and imagined she could feel it dripping. She started to squirm in her seat uncomfortably, not sure how to proceed.

The sharp sound of heels on wood drew Anna’s attention to her left. A beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and perfectly shaped breasts strutted up to Ms. Tan. She stopped right next to the seated woman at attention with her arms held clasped behind her back, breasts pressed forward, eyes down, legs slightly apart. Ms. Tan absently reached out a hand and began petting between the naked woman’s legs.

“A bottle of coconut water for me. Our guest will have tap water.” With the order made the woman waited for Ms. Tan to remove her hand before briskly walking away. “Now, start your recorder, ANNA, and begin asking me your questions. Now!” 

Anna felt herself quiver again at the command in Ms. Tan’s voice. She set up the recorder, pulled out her tablet, brought up her prepared questions, and in a soft voice began. “Ms. Tan, as a woman in por-”

“For fuck’s sake little girl, speak up when you talk to me and look me in the eyes like a woman or I will treat you like the prissy little girl child you are behaving like!” 

Anna felt her breaths coming short and her face burning. She could feel hot tears of shame running out of her eyes. Worse yet, she felt her pussy practically flooding and beginning to ache with need at Ms. Tan’s treatment. She barely noticed the blonde woman return, but quickly snatched up the glass of water as it was placed in front of her, placing the tablet on the table next to it. As she gulped the water down, mind desperately racing to find a way to get to the interview, she heard Ms. Tan start reading her questions out loud. Her eyes flew forward and saw that Ms. Tan had picked up the tablet and was reading through the questions. 

“Hmmmmm, these aren’t half bad,” Ms. Tan quietly said to herself as she scanned the tablet quickly. She turned smoldering eyes to Anna. “Obviously you had someone more competent write them for you, but they will work well at providing some attention to my business plans moving forward. I can’t trust a silly child like you to write this article though.” Ms. Tan pursed her lips in thought before placing the tablet back on the table. She picked up a second tablet Anna hadn’t noticed before and manipulated the screen. She then put the tablet down and waited. Moments later the blonde woman returned.

“Little girl, this is one of my assistants. She will write the article for you as you apparently can barely form complete sentences while talking and I have doubts that you would be able to write a thank you card, let alone the article I need.” She handed the woman Anna’s tablet as she spoke. Then she reached up, grasped the woman’s nipple in her fingers, and pulled to woman down to her. Anna watched Ms. Tan whisper in her ear before sliding her hand around the woman’s neck and pulling her gently forward. Anna’s eyes opened wide and her mouth watered as she watched Ms. Tan press her lips to her assistant’s. Ms. Tan’s mouth and jaw worked and Anna imagined the exotic woman’s tongue invading and claiming the blonde’s mouth. Ms. Tan’s other hand gently caressed the woman’s ass as her assault on the woman’s mouth continued and lingered. Eventually, Ms. Tan slowly pulled back, the assistant’s lips wrapped tightly around her tongue. Anna watched in awe, squirming in her seat and rubbing her thighs together as she saw a glistening strand of saliva stretch between the blond woman’s slightly parted lips and Ms. Tan’s retreating tongue. 

Both women turned to Anna at that moment and Ms. Tan started laughing again. “Look at the little bitch squirm!” Ms. Tan chuckled sexily while Anna watched the blonde woman’s eyes dance with mirth. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she was sitting in a puddle of her own cunt juices by now. And all over a simple kiss!” Ms. Tan slapped her assistant gently on the ass and the woman left, shaking her head in dismissal at Anna’s state.

Ms. Tan turned her attention fully to Anna and frowned. “Little girl, you are going to put your name on the article I approve, since I can’t be seen as having influenced the writing in any way. However, as I already allocated more time than you obviously deserve to this interview, you are going to make yourself useful.” Anna jumped as she heard Ms. Tan snap her fingers and looked up to see her pointing at the floor in front of her. 

Anna felt the last of her dignity rise up. How dare this woman say these things to her! How dare she use her name for her own gain! Anna was a writer damnit, and a good one. Sure she hadn’t been published much yet, but all her professors had been impressed with her writing and journalism instincts. She was going to demand her tablet back and leave. She was also going to write a scathing article that would ruin this bitch! Who cares if she is one of the sexiest women Anna had ever met, and it didn’t matter that Anna’s pussy had never felt so on fire and needy. Anna looked up and opened her mouth to speak.

“Now you ungrateful little bitch, before I call your publisher and describe your demeanor to them and blacklist you from every publication in the country!” 

“You can’t do that,” Anna stammered in fear.

Ms. Tan’s lips spread in a mischievous grin and her eyes shone. “Look around you little girl. I have enough money now before I start my new plans to build a new porn empire, to buy everything you’ve ever owned ten times over with plenty to spare. I have influence in places you can’t even imagine. You are just a pathetic little girl who thinks she has something to give to the world, something to say.” Ms. Tan leaned forward. “Bring that filthy dripping cunt over here and kneel before your better so I can show you what you are good for in this world little girl.”

Anna felt herself sliding to the floor. She crawled over to Ms. Tan, afraid that her legs were too shaky to carry her any distance. She watched as Ms. Tan’s legs spread, leaving space for Anna between them. She knelt in front of the older woman and felt herself trembling. 

Anna felt Ms. Tan slide her fingers through her bright red hair on the top of her head. She felt her nails sliding along her scalp, drawing a shiver down her spine. Ms. Tan moved forward to the edge of the couch, legs spread wide. Anna could see the tops of her stocking, fancy filigree and shining sequin designs standing out against tanned skin. This close Anna could smell Ms. Tan’s pussy, the scent deep and earthy and musky in a way that drowned Anna’s mind in lust. She felt Ms. Tan pulling her face forward, yet holding her just out of reach from her crotch. 

“Now, you little uppity bitch, you are going to eat my pussy until I shower that stupid face of yours with my cum. You are going to prove to me that I didn’t waste my time today agreeing to this interview.” With that Ms. Tan pulled Anna’s face forward. 

Anna took in the sight of Ms. Tan’s pussy. She found herself surprised at how much hair was covering her.   Anna could see arousal glistening and shining in Ms. Tan’s pussy, the lips peeking from the thick bush. The smell this close up was intoxicating and Anna found herself immediately associating it with sex and power. Tentatively reached her tongue out and gave Ms. Tan’s pussy a lick. 

“What the fuck?!” Anna heard Ms. Tan’s vice explode above her. She felt her head grabbed rough and her face brought up from Ms. Tan’s pussy. “I told you to eat my pussy you worthless girl, not tease it!” Ms. Tan’s eyes were furious and Anna’s eyes widened in fright. “Stick out your little slut tongue girl!” Anna immediately stuck her tongue out as far as she could. She then squeeked as she felt her head roughly pulled forward into Ms. Tan’s pussy. She kept her tongue out as Ms. Tan began grinding her pussy all over Anna’s tongue and face. She felt the older woman’s juices forced up her nose, drowning her in the scent of Ms. Tan’s lust. 

“That’s it you filthy cunt licker! If you can’t do this job right then I’ll just have to use your stupid face myself.” Anna groaned as Ms. Tan’s words stroked her humiliation into new heights. Her face, chest, and neck were on fire, burning bright red with her shame. Her pussy was actually dripping now, her cotton panties soaked through with her juices at being used for Ms. Tan’s pleasure. 

Suddenly she has roughly pulled back again. Anna swayed gently on her knees, blinking from the stinging juices covering her face and dripping into her eyes. She suddenly flinched in surprise as she heard Ms. Tan spit lewdly and felt the wet spittle land directly on her tongue. “You are such a stupid little girl you can’t even keep your tongue wet for your betters while you please them,” Anna heard watched Ms. Tan working up another mouthful of spit, jaw moving slowly.Then she watched in horror and lust as Ms. Tan lunged forward and spat on her tongue again. She felt some of the spit slide off her tongue and start dripping on her blouse and breasts. 

“Now, I want you to open that dumb mouth of yours and start drooling like the stupid cunt licker you are. If I have to stop again before I cum then you’ll be cleaning out my ass with that tongue before you leave.” Anna was then once again pulled face first into Ms. Tan’s hairy pussy. This time she tried to keep her mouth open, her teeth behind her lips, and allowed her saliva to flow. Her tongue and chin were soon dripping with Ms. Tan’s cream and Anna’s drool. Anna could feel her blouse soaking in the mixture and sticking wetly to her chest. Her cheap cotton bra was also soon soaked through. 

Anna felt Ms. Tan’s legs suddenly wrap around her shoulders and neck, pulling her even deeper into Ms. Tan’s pussy. Ms. Tan continued to grind her clit all over Annas’ tongue as she used her legs to pull Anna closer. Anna looked up from her position and watched Ms. Tan pull her dress down and begin pinching and pulling her nipples.

“That’s it you filthy cunt licker. Make your Mistress cum. Be a useful little bitch for once.” Anna started moving her head more and trying to lick and press her tongue firmly against Ms. Tan’s clit. She found herself wanting the woman to cum on her. She wanted her face and her stupid outfit ruined by this woman’s cunt juices. She wanted to be bathed in the powerful woman’s lust. Anna felt her hands creeping to her dripping pussy and she started fingering herself furiously. 

Suddenly Anna felt Ms. Tan’s legs tightening around her. She felt her air cut off as her nose and mouth were pressed into Ms. Tan’s pussy. Her eyes widened and she looked up into Ms. Tan’s face, seeing Ms.Tan’s eyes boring into her. “That’s right you stupid girl, smother on my powerful pussy! You better make me cum quick because I’m not letting up until I finish cumming you filthy slut!” Anna eyes bulged and her face started turning even redder as she felt herself fighting for air. She suddenly doubled her efforts, moving her jaw, tongue, and face as much as possible given Ms. Tan’s powerful legs locked around her. The combination of these efforts and watching little Anna fight to breathe, eyes popping out, face shining with sweat and pussy juice, were enough to send Ms. Tan hurtling over the edge of her orgasm. “Make me cum you filthy stupid useless slut!” Ms. Tan screamed, her legs squeezing Anna tighter. Anna felt her mouth flooded with Ms. Tan’s cum, the flood pouring out her gasping mouth and drenching her cheap clothes. Anna felt her own orgasm crash through her body violently. She saw stars and wite flashes as her body shook and quaked with the force of her orgasm rushing fire through her body. At the height of her orgasm, her own cum flooding down her legs, she felt darkness sliding into her mind and vision. The last thing she noticed before darkness enveloped her was her Mistress screaming filth and a feeling of deep satisfaction that she was finally useful.


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