Just shy of a hands-free orgasm 3 weeks after bottom surgery [T]

I recently found this subreddit, and had an amazing experience as a result. I want to share that experience with the sub that caused it. It’s more an entry in my journal than a story per say, so I hope that’s okay.

26 January

    Last night I was reading user-submitted erotica and looking at porn on Reddit. I found myself “participating” in the stories and porn, something I’ve never done before. My guess is that the erotica kick-started my imagination. That is to say, having to give form to the people, places, and events allowed me to place myself as the woman receiving it all: I was the one being picked up and laid out on a table, the one with a dripping wet pussy that begs for cock, the one feeling my juices being stirred around before fingers are slipped inside of me. Also, it probably helped that I hadn’t touched myself for almost 3 weeks prior, and couldn’t do even during this evening’s events.

    Now, as for how my vagina felt, it’s pretty difficult to describe. And honestly, I wouldn’t even bother trying (because what woman doesn’t know how it feels to be turned on, right?) except that my vagina is brand new, just installed. It’s the reason I’ve gone 3 weeks (and have to go 10 weeks more) without playing with myself. During those three weeks I’ve been turned on plenty of times, but nothing like this. This was entirely new. And just in case it never happens again, I want a record of it.

    Anyway, back to the story. As I imagined one of the characters from the story slipping something inside of me, be it a few fingers or a throbbing cock, I was able to feel…something down there. Obviously there was nothing actually entering me during any of this, so perhaps it was more that my insides were churning in anticipation. Or it could be my ability to “self-stimulate” by just contracting specific muscles down there. More specifically, as part of the procedure, a tiny bit of erectile tissue is left so that the clitoris swells and the vagina tightens when aroused. This tissue can also be contracted voluntarily (successfully tested by clamping down on my dilator), even when already engorged. There’s the obvious stimulation “inside” my vagina, but there may also be subtle stimulation of my clit. The latter part is hard to tell since I don’t have full sensation back yet. So as I was imagining all of these wonderful insertables deep inside me, I was also occasionally contracting said tissue, essentially fingering myself and rubbing my clit without actually having to use my hands. Each contraction left me hotter and hornier than the last. It reached the point that, had my caretaker not been in the same room, I absolutely would have started moaning. I felt painfully close to an orgasm, I craved it desperately, but it constantly flitted just outside my grasp. I hate to say it, but after 15 minutes or so of this frustrating but heavenly limbo, I decided to give up. I was exhausted, and I just couldn’t find what I needed to finish. Besides, it was well past midnight, and I needed sleep for recovery.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/euwedh/just_shy_of_a_handsfree_orgasm_3_weeks_after