Overnight Nannying while the wife is out of town. Part 1 [MF] [Cheating]


Rachel glanced down at the text she had just received, and her heart quickened

**Hey Rach, is there any way you could clear your weekend schedule? Lisa just got scheduled to be in Portland all weekend. She is leaving for the airport now. I know this is short notice but my weekend is crazy and my parents can’t keep them. I will be home some but have a giant project I’m trying to finish so I probably won’t make it out of my office much. You could sleep in the guest bedroom and just stay all three nights she’s gone. I’ll pay you your standard overnight rate with a little extra thrown in ;). I’ll be sure to take care of you! Please tell me you’re available.**


She had mixed emotions. But the primary one demanding her attention was the one that made her stomach instantly have butterflies. Rachel had been nannying for Drake and Lisa for just over 4 months. In that time, she had developed a pretty good friendship with Lisa, who wasn’t THAT much older than her. At 18, Rachel was going to school online at a local college, really unsure of what the future held for her. When she saw the ad for a flexible nanny for two boys that were under three years old, she thought it was the perfect way to make some extra money on the side.

Drake and Lisa were in their mid-twenties and incredibly busy. Lisa was an up and coming hospital administrator that ran an entire unit at a large hospital in Dallas. She was a rising star that always seemed to have another place to be for work, like this pop-up trip to Portland. Drake, on the other hand, was a therapist the owned his own practice in town. He was a 6’2” dream of a man who primarily counseled kids that were in foster care. He has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes that were deeper than any ocean she had ever seen, and a body that belonged on a professional baseball player. She would have taken the job just to be in his presence a few times a week.

As it was, she made great money, the toddlers were sweet enough, and it was a great overall arrangement.

**Of course Mr. Clark, what time should I swing by?**

She wanted to tell him what he could take care of but thought better of it. She hit send before overthinking it.

She would have to cancel plans with Jessica and Alice. They were supposed to go to a movie and maybe go out to a local bar with fake IDs, but this was a unique opportunity. She had never been alone overnight in the house with Drake before. She had goosebumps just thinking about it.

Her phone buzzed again with his response.

**Could you head over soon? The boys are all finished with dinner, and I would love to get a quick trip to the gym in. They will be bathed before you get here and ready for bed, jammies and all! :)**

She smiled, oof gym clothes. The three blue dots popped back up, he was typing more.

**Oh, and Rach, call me Drake! I can’t handle that “Mr. Clark” non-sense. We are way past that!**

She smiled even bigger and didn’t even have to think of what her response would be.

**Lol Yes Sir!
I’ll be right over!

The wink may have been too much, but it made her feel something between her thighs that she loved. It felt like a bolt of lighting. It reminded her of all the fantasies she had indulged in the many times she masturbated to the thought Drake and his strong hands on her body. She threw a quick bag together and decided to change clothes before heading over.

Rachel pulled into the gated community half an hour later and made her way to the door, bag in hand. She was wearing her favorite pair of green leggings that had subtle little cutouts all down the sides of her legs starting at the hip. She paired it with a white sports bra that pushed her 34 B boobs up nicely. In super bright light, she was sure that he would be able to see at least the outline of her small nipples. They were rock hard at the moment. She also wore a black jogging jacket over the bra. Her dark hair was pulled tight into a ponytail, and she had on some light pink lipstick to accent the look.

When she reached the door, she gave a small knock and walked right in. They told her to always let herself in. She paced into the foyer, looking toward the spacious living room and seeing no-one. Confused, she walked past it and deeper into the house.

*“Drake?”* she called out softly, *“Travis? Ray-Ray is here!”*

The house was silent, except for the Tv in the living room that was starting another episode of Micky-Mouse Clubhouse. She checked the playroom to make sure they weren’t having a pre-bedtime toy session before heading back to the kitchen to wait. Rachel saw the monitor then on the island in the middle of the kitchen. It was scanning back and forth between the two boys’ rooms. Travis the three-year-old was fast asleep. But Dylan, the 1-year-old, was still rocking in the glider next to his crib. Drake had him in his arms and was signing softly. Her heart melted a little, hearing his soft voice. Her butterflies returned full force. Ugh. It was so hot when he dadded it up.

She headed over the stairs to go up to Dylan’s room and take over for Drake. She pushed through the cracked nursey door just as Drake was laying Dylan down. He was leaned over the side of the crib, whispering something to the toddler. He bent down and kissed his son before turning toward the door to leave. And he stopped in his tracks, and Rachel’s breath caught. He wasn’t wearing a shirt. Her eyes locked onto his chest that was sculpted by an artist. His bare arms attached to that godly torso were also defined. She drew her eyes back down his chest and almost had a heart attack when she realized he wasn’t wearing pants either. Just boxers that clung to his toned legs.

She jumped when she realized he was next right in front of her only about an inch away, pushing her backward. She tripped on her own feet and started to fall backward, but he was there touching her. Arms wrapped around her back and pulling her back to her feet as they exited the room. He steadied her for a moment and reached back to close the door to the nursery. She was short of breath.

*“D…Drake. I’m so sorry I don’t know why I tripped like that.”* She took deep breaths trying to catch her breath.

He grinned at her, standing there looking perfect in a pair of black and white striped boxers.

*“No Rach, I’m sorry. Also I’m sorry for my appearance. Dylan threw up all over my clothes right before bed, and I barely had time to change his clothes. I guess I lost track of time. This is highly inappropriate. Let me go get dressed.”*

*“NO!”* She said almost too enthusiastically. Stupid Rachel. Be cool. *“I mean no, don’t worry. It’s not like I haven’t seen you in your swimsuit out back in the pool before. Not inappropriate at all. We are basically family anyway.”*

He grinned at her again, flashing his perfect teeth.

*“Well thanks, Rachel. I need to go get ready for the gym anyway though. Please make yourself at home. Feel free to shower if you need it. It looks like you have been at the gym yourself! The boys should both be asleep for the night, so the house is yours! Do whatever you like.”* He winked at her and turned to leave. She couldn’t decide whether she like his toned back or his firm ass more as he walked away from her, so she just alternated between them both before heading down to get her bag.

She got to her room, which was right down the hall from the master bedroom downstairs. The guest room didn’t have its own bathroom, but there was one door down that had a shower in it. She knew that it would be hers for the weekend since the boys were still in diapers, and Drake had his own in his bedroom. She showered quickly before wrapping her hair up in the towel and slipping a second one around her body and tucking it in. She didn’t know what she was going to wear tonight but was hoping she would have another chance to tease Drake.

Knowing he must be gone to the gym by now, she walked to the kitchen and opened up the fridge to inspect what snacks there might bo to occupy her time. She checked the top shelf and didn’t find anything of interest then bent down to look in the fruit compartment for something sweet. As she did, she felt the cold air kissing her shaved ass and pussy from the towel had riding up. She grabbed an apple and closed the fridge turning around. And Travis was walking toward her from the living room.

He was already halfway across, so he must have seen the show she was putting on by accident when she was bent over. Her breath caught again, and she dropped the apple to the clean tile floor. He was within a foot of her again, and she could smell his fresh scent after what must have been his shower. Rachel bent down to pick up the apple, and Drake did the same and the bumped heads. Pain flared in her forehead, and she felt herself fall backward from the force of their collision. This time he didn’t catch her; instead, she felt the back of her head hit the hard floor, and she felt dizzy.

She felt his hand under her head and the other on her cheek lightly touching it.

*“Rachel!”* he was panicked. *“Rachel are you ok!”*

She rolled her head slightly to the side, *“huh? Yeah, I’m ok Drake. I just hit my head a little.”*

She felt him lift her head a little so she was sitting up a little. Then he spoke again.

*“Are you sure you’re ok? It sounded like it hit pretty hard, and you were knocked out for a good 15 seconds, I think. We might need to call an ambulance or your parents to come get you and take you to the ER”*

She opened her eyes at that. This weekend will NOT be ruined by my clumsiness. *“Nooo! I promise I just need to get reoriented”* She started to stand up and he helped pull her the rest of the way. Then she started walking toward the couch. *“I just need to sit down and rest for a minute and let my head get cleared. I promise I’m more than ok.”*

*“Uhh….Rachel…”* Drake said as she walked away.

Rachel waved her hand, dismissively at him. *“No no, I promise Drake. I will be fine. I’m not going anywhere. You can go ahead and go to the gym if you like.”*

*“Um. No. Rachel. I was just saying that you might want this…”*

She turned to look at him and she noticed the white towel in his hand. The towel she had been wearing around her naked body. She was standing naked in front of the hottest man she had ever known. A man that was starring right at her chest. His eyes dropped to her waxed pussy then looked back up into hers.

He walked toward her never so much as blinking as he stared into her soul with his ocean blue eyes. She felt her pussy throbbing at that stare and she bit her lip as she let out a soft whimper. He stepped up next to her and reach out with both hands wrapping the towel around her. Then he picked her up in his arms and carried her toward her room. He leaned his mouth down next to her ear and whispered.

*“Don’t worry Rach, I don’t need to go to the gym tonight. I’ll stay here and take care of you.”*

Her mouth parted, and she let out a second small whimper. It wouldn’t be the last desperate sound from her lips that weekend.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/euk3hd/overnight_nannying_while_the_wife_is_out_of_town


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