Kendall Jenner & The Mechanical Bull

Kendall Jenner was no stranger to wearing skimpy clothes and showing off for the common folk. She absolutely loved it. What she didn’t like was surprises and tonight she was in for a big one…

“Kendall your driver is outside!” 

“Finally” an inpatient Kendall said as she began to walk to the elevator of her penthouse. She was wearing a short white flowery dress that seemed to stop just below her knees and provided a glimpse of the matching cotton white panties she was wearing underneath. 

As Kendall slid into the backseat of the car she noticed the chauffeur wasn’t the usual one who picked her up.

“Hey are you new?” Kendall said playfully with a slight hint of nervousness

“Yeah, the other guy was sick so I’ll take you home today,” said the man

Kendall believed him and laid her head against the window.

When Kendall woke 10 minutes later she realized she was in the parking lot of a strange building she had never seen in LA before.

“Ummm, where are we?” She said as calm as she could

The man replied “don’t worry I’m just here to see a friend, you can come in if you’d like you’ll be perfectly safe”

Kendall who was usually the cautious type seemed to trust the driver, and also, her family would never hire a creep.

“Fine, let’s try and make this quick” Kendall said as they both climbed out the car and began walking to the building.

As they moved through the entrance Kendall noticed a bunch of burly men staring at them as they moved slowly to what seemed like a bar.

Some were seated on various sofas and tables centered around a wrestling ring and a mechanical bull.

“You have friends in weird places” Kendall said to her driver who appeared to be whispering to the bartender.

“Heeeey you’re Kendall Jenner aren’t ya?” Came a deep voice from behind her

She turned around to see a big man who was surely drunk smiling at her with wolfish eyes and a devilish grin.

“Let me buy you a drink” said the man

“Umm, no thanks I’d rather die” said kendall with a cold voice

The driver noticed the exchange and quickly hurried over and said

 “hey I said you’d be safe here as long as you’re with me, go ahead and have a drink, it won’t hurt anyone”  declared the driver.

Kendall who was reluctant but also slightly in the mood for a drink felt reassured and agreed. The burly man handed her a glass of a rose pink liquid that smelled great. Kendall took a sip and 3 minutes she started to feel rather loose and sluggish.

“Wow I feel sooooo good” kendall said in a flirty tone to no one in particular

All the men in the bar had turned to watch her having a good time and continue to down a few more drinks.

“Hey Kendall why don’t you try out the bull over there, seems like it would be fun” the bartender said with a smile that seemed to hide other intentions.

Kendall who was already pretty tipsy was in no position to say no to something that did seem like a fun time. However, she glanced at her clothes and noticed she was in no shape to do something so indecent as ride a mechanical bull in a knee high dress around a bunch of horny men.

“Well I would but I’m wearing a dress and I’m too old to have shorts under this ya know” Kendall said playfully to the bartender.

All the men who had great imaginations were quickly being very supportive in trying to get the young starlet on the bull.

“You’ll be fine, we don’t bite. It’s just a ride, completely harmless” were the sentiments being shared mutually amongst the group of men.

Kendall pondered for a minute before shrugging her shoulders and giving in to the crowd.

Cheers erupted from the bar and a man rushed to bring what appeared to be a white fur saddle and placed it carefully on the bull

“What’s with the special saddle?” Kendall said eyeing them suspiciously

“Oh it’s just to make your ride a little more…. Comfortable” said the bartender.

Still too tipsy to ask too many questions, Kendall approached the bull and felt the material of the saddle. It was the softest fur she had ever felt and so she mounted the bull with no hesitation.

She realized when she finally sat on the bull and straddled the machine with her petite legs, the fur material pressed against her tight panties which sent a ticklish sensation up her body.

“Wow, this feels…. Very different” the slightly horny starlet said as she began to try and adjust on the bull to no avail because every way she squirmed the fur would tickle the mound of her petite pussy through her tight cotton panties as she desperately suppressed her sharp breathing.

“Here we go, I hope you’re ready darlin’!” The bartender said as he pressed a button and the bull roared to life.

All the men in the bar gathered around with a sense of familiarity as if they’ve seen what was going to happen before.

The bull tipped forward slightly which forced kendall to grip the horns of the bull to keep from falling face first off the machine.

This caused her dress to ride up and reveal the sides of her panties to the audience as she was still straddling the bull with her long legs.

cheers erupted from the crowd, somewhat prematurely, for they had seen nothing yet.

The bull rocked up and down in this tipped forward position making the fur saddle grind up against her panties which were pressed so tightly to here clit that the rush she felt was like no other.

“Ohhh…. Oh my… oh my god” kendall moaned through her teeth as the bull moved faster and faster. The friction between her legs caused her pussy juices to seep through her cotton underwear and accumulate on the fur, unbeknownst to the crowd.

The crowd was jumping for joy watching her face flush and her petite ass cheeks  bounce ever so softly in the air as the bull continued it’s movement and her pussy was being stimulated underneath the dress from the weird fur.

“I…… I….. think I’m going to cum…. No…. Please stop….” Kendall cried as the bull slowed its movements to a rhythmic rocking motion. Kendall’s hips slid back and forth along the bowl imitating the rocking which made her panties become swallowed in her tight lips and massaged her clit to a point of no return.

Her legs began shaking violently as she threw her head back and let out the sexiest moan the men have ever heard. Her pussy felt like it was going to drown in her juices due to the excessive clit massage given to her by the bull and the strange fur saddle.

She fell to the ground with her legs open and the men surrounded her watching her love juices flow from her lips out of the side of her panties, which were still slightly enveloped in her pale tight pussy lips.

“See, I told you it would be fun” the driver said to Kendall as he threw her over his shoulder and began to walk back to the car.
