Space…The Final FUCKtier: Part 1 [Oral]

New series. I’ve done Fantasy and Modern stuff so naturally the distant future was the ideal setting for this one. Dunno how long this one will be, most likely will be as long as I want until I run out of ideas/I get bored of the characters. Also, expect limited sex in this one, its more of a world building chapter. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

The year was 2400. The Human race had found out that they were not alone on their own planet, the reveal of the Elven race throughout the world opened up many opportunities for them both, especially for humanity, who enjoyed the scantily clad men and women; all whom looked irresistible to the normal eared people of the world.

The harmonious relationship between the two races reached new heights when they found the archaeological discovery of the century: That the dinosaurs were not originally of this world. Finding an almost fossilized spaceship, Humanity and Elven-kind realised that they should look to the stars to advance their community. And thus began the expansion, and the inclusion of both races into the Universal Congress (A place where all races across the universe come together to discuss and vote on all kinds of topics)

Since then, Earth has been faced with an unknown volume of threats which usually could lead to total destruction…To combat these threats, 10 giant space stations were constructed in orbit, designed to house elite soldiers and defense systems to prevent these cataclysmic occurrences from happening and harming the home planet of Human and Elven races.

One such space station was the Starship Valentine. Spherical shaped with metal rings looping around the center sphere, it was large enough to house hundreds of thousands of people. On this elegant and beautiful piece of futuristic architecture is where this story of sex, scandals and lust begins.

“Stand at attention!” A loud booming voice of a middle aged man rattled across the large white room, blue beams of light spreading across the floor giving an atmospheric navy glow to the room. The voice ordered a large group of men and women, roughly 100 people stood up straight, chins up and arms crossed behind their backs. They stood in their uniforms, long sleeved white jackets with blue piping around the wrists and neckline for the men; a simple pallet change of purple for the women. A black metallic zipper along the left side of the coat which ran all the way down to the bottom of the uniform. Over their hearts was a small silver medal with a number 2 engraved into the center of the metal; Simple trousers were worn over the legs for the men, and for the women white pencil skirts with black stockings were mandatory.

The loud booming voice belonged to a burly man in his 50’s. He had dark skin and short graying hair. His face showed a lifetimes worth of stories of battle and war; a large scar across his left cheek was striking to those who where looking at him for the first time. He carried a constant scowl across his face, eyebrows bent to show a look of anger and disgust of the current batch of soldiers who stood scared in front of him.

He started to pace left to right, his feet loudly slamming into the flooring as he spun on point and retraced his steps. He focused his only good eye on the faces of the people he was stood in front of (his other eye was covered with a large black eye patch). The mans uniform was similar to the others, only his coat was worn and ripped in many places. The handle of his zipper was broken and the colour faded, it was clear that he refused to have newer gear made for him. The only thing which looked new was the medals over his heart.

They shone brightly, so much so that if the scar across this large mans face was not the first thing you locked eyes with, the medals over his heart would easily be the second.

“I see a lot of pretty boys and girls here.” He spoke, still scowling at the row of very scared people. He stopped in front of a tall man, in his mid 20’s. His face was smirking arrogantly. Much like the older man said, he was handsome, almost like a model rather than a soldier to protect the Earth.

“I hate pretty boys. They’re soft, easily broken.” He leaned forward and stared into the eyes of the younger man. He stared back, still smirking at him. Behind his back he clutched his hands as hard as he could, holding back his fear.

“What’s your name maggot?”

“Troy.” The young man spoke, voice slightly cracking under the pressure.

“You wouldn’t last 30 seconds against the Zyno horde.” He spoke with hate in his voice, spit flaring from his lips and onto Troy’s face.

“Those bastards will tear your limbs apart and eat them while you watch helplessly. Think you’ll be able to get into the pants of your comrades if you can’t walk or touch them?”

“S-Sir?” He panted, sweat beading down his brow as he stammered.

“Fuck you Troy.” The older man spat, leaning back to start pacing once more.

“You’re not 1st Tiers anymore Fuckers. No more kiddie gloves. You’re on the second tier of the Valentine now. You are on call. All day. Every day. You are the dogs of war now. If Earth is invaded by pirates, you will be the first to drop and hold them back. If sea creatures rise up from fucking Atlantis to take back their planet…You can be damn sure I’m booting your asses out of here and down to the water to keep them from killing your families.” The crowd of 100 begun to look scared. Back on the first tier of the Valentine they were treated like the future prospects…it was true what the guards who protected the elevators to the upper tiers of the space station said; Tier 1 was like the shallow end of a swimming pool. the upper floors separate the boys and girls from the men and women.

“YOU. ELF GIRL.” He boomed whilst pointing at a short brown haired elven woman, standing a few rows from the handsome Troy. She stood up straight and held her chin up to the correct stance.

“Sir yes sir!” she called loudly.

“Do you think Troy is a pretty boy?!” The old man moved toward her and leaned his face toward her, so close he could feel her heavy breaths of fear on his cheek.


“You heard me girl, do you think Troy is a pretty boy? do you think you would dirty your knees under him after hes brought you a few drinks from the recreational facility?!”

“Sir no sir!” She cried out, eyes staring straight forward at the doors behind him.

“Don’t lie to me girl you’ll be sucking his dick like a baby sucks its mothers teet as soon as I turn my back! I bet he won’t be too happy if your pretty face has been torn to shreds by a Oloid. I bet he would-”

“Captain.” A stern womanly voice sounded behind him. The elf girl was crying, staring in the direction of the voice. Standing in the doorway was a woman. She waked into the room and rested one hand on her wide hip. The men instantly locked their gazes at the woman. She was breathtaking. Her face pale and radiant; long purple hair flowing down past her shoulders. She wore little makeup, only to try and cover small scars which even high tech removal operations could not erase; as well as a light pink gloss on her lips. On her pointed elf ears where silver studded earrings. Her uniform was pristine and new, medals shined brighter than the captains. her uniform clung to her curvy body, jacket stretched significantly over her chest, more than any other girl in the room. Her pencil skirt was much shorter than the others, stopping only at the bottom of her thighs.

She smiled as the captain grunted and stepped back. She approached the group. sending a warm smile across the heads who stared at her.

“I apologize for our captain. He can get excitable when Tier 1’s graduate.” She snapped her fingers as a white light formed in front of her hand. She studied the light as it dimmed showing a square hologram with a long list of names. She looked over it quickly, eyes darting from the hologram to the group, then back to the captain who scowled at them all, wanting to rip into them like a rabid dog.

“So, first of all. Welcome to the real deal. As I am sure Captain Rays has said; you must always be ready for a fight. Earth is always open for attack, and it is our job to defend it. Your training when you were on the first tier taught you the fundamentals of survival and combat. But you must learn from every battle. That is how you become a 3rd tier, If you get that accolade you get to go up a floor, as well as the tiers below. I’ve read all your files, I know most of you are strong enough to achieve this. If you do not know me, I am Angela Bishop, senior investigator of the Valentine. Think of me as your shoulder, I am always available for complaints, worries and even a casual conversation or two.” She giggled and folded her arms under her large breasts. The men tried to hold back a smile, there was little better than hearing an attractive elven woman giggle.

“Now, I’m going to call you up one by one and hand you a code for your quarters. You will have a bed, desk, a Telecaller if you wish to talk to other people on the Valentine or anyone on Earth and other things of course. This will be your home unless you graduate to a 3rd tier…or if you die.” She frowned slightly and cleared her throat. Turning toward the screen she begun to call names from the list. As the called people stepped up, they received a three digit number. They then walked toward the doors as they slid open to the entire city-sized floor of the second tier.

The room had started to empty as each graduate stepped up and received their number, those who had yet to be called got a glimpse of the futuristic paradise they were about to call home. Angela looked bored, taking short huffs of displeasure as she went lower and lower on the list. Captain Rays stood in the same spot, not moving an inch, only darting his one good eye to the people whom were being called up, to the large firm behind of the elven girl as she read the names; he, like many other men on the Valentine loved her in a short skirt, many of them wondered how she got something so tight over her curves.

“Willingham.” She called out, looking up to see a young man relax and begin to walk toward her. She smiled in a friendly way as she prepared his number. As the handsome young man stepped up to her she looked up into his pretty aqua blue eyes. He was quite tall, with a head of hair the shade of a light brown. Angela quickly recognized the eyes of this man, and his attractive features.

“Here.” She said as she motioned her finger from the hologram list and flicked her finger to him. A small shot of white light zoomed from her finger to his wrist, on which was a watch-like device. He smiled back to her and begun to walk off toward the entrance of the second tier of the Valentine.

What Willingham saw once he stepped through those sliding doors was nothing short of amazing. The main platform was huge and went on as far as the eye could see. Buildings towering high and bright with powerful lights. It seemed to go on and on as far as the eye could see. Noises and smells filling the ears and nose of Willingham as he stared in awe at the splendor of the city. A few members of the group whom he had just stood with where quietly talking to each other, hearing them both over the sounds of thousands of other citizens of the Valentine who were going about their daily business.

“Look up there…” One of the two spoke, grinning and pointing to the ceiling.

“Wow…” the other muttered as he followed his companions finger and looked up. Willingham did the same, whistling in an impressed tone as he stared at the ceiling made entirely of glass. Outside he saw nothing but the spacial abyss that was the unknown. To the left, Willingham spotted the unmistakable sight of the planet Earth, quietly and peacefully sitting. Looking up at the planet he smiled to himself, knowing that his parents are still there, living in harmony knowing that their children were following their dreams. Even Wendy, whom he knew was also there, as one of the head ambassadors of humanity was probably communicating with other races about boring political matters…She would frequently send messages to him about her bosses, Oarak Bobama and Tronald Dump; and how they would usually get nowhere with any sort of political gains for Humanity and Elven kind.

“Hey!” A voice rattled from behind Willingham. Curious as to who was calling out so loudly, he turned his head from staring at his home planet back toward the door which he and his comrades had come from. It was a voice he recognized once he saw who it belonged to. Lucy jogged up to him and smiled, pulling a strand of red hair back behind her ear. She looked up at him and around at the city, gasping and muttering to herself how amazing it looked.

Lucy was a petite girl, her figure small and she delivered were it counted in terms of physical attractiveness. Dimples indented into her cheeks when she smiled; her hair was tied back into a tight ponytail with only a few strands coming loose from her short jog over to Willingham. He quickly realised that the women’s uniform looked good on everyone, and wondered whether that was the whole point of the tight skirts and curve hugging jackets.

“This place looks perfect! so much better than the first tier don’t you think?” She smiled her cute smile to him. He grinned back and cleared his throat.

“Of course. All we had back there was a bunk and a training yard…” He replied

“I know.” She groaned, happy to finally be gone from that place.

“At least now training is only three days a week. The rest of the time we get all of this to explore!” She opened her arms out wide, as if to present the city in front of them to her friend.

“When we’re not there Lucy.” He pointed up at the ceiling, in the direction of earth. She sighed and lowered her hands to resting them on her hips.

“I wouldn’t worry about that Will. We are the best of this group. As long as we have each others backs nothing can take us down.” She smiled and started to walk forward; Lucy was chomping a the bit to explore the shops the Valentine had to offer her and her hefty credit value her parents provided her. She came from a rich family, almost the exact opposite of the Willingham family. They owned the largest company in the world which dealt with moving elves to the human world if they chose to, and vice versa. Without Lucy’s parents stepping in, the two races which inhabited earth would never have bonded as well as they have in this day and age.

“I’ll hold you to that.” Willingham replied.

“That reminds me…” Lucy started. She turned toward him, looking into his bright aqua eyes with her own.

“I’ve known you for so long since the 1st tier and you still haven’t told anyone your first name. If we’re going to be defending Earth from every kind of horror imaginable, I’ll at least want to know your first name…” She giggled and crossed her arms. Willingham chucked to himself.

“That’s fair…My first name is-” Just then, the same two people whom Willingham had drawn attention to cried out. Alarmed, Both Willingham and Lucy turned toward them alert to an upcoming issue. To their surprise however it was a cry of happiness. From the right of them, a large carrier craft hovered in loudly. It was large and made of the same white metallic material as the buildings which stood before it. The craft stopped abruptly, the encompassing sound of its engines powering down slowly as it lowered to a parking space designed for those crafts.

“That’s the Valkyrie Squads craft!” One of them squealed excitedly. Lucy pursed her lips and focused on the craft, spying the painted symbol of a beautiful woman with flared out white wings, straddling a large missile. The painted woman was ample breasted and blonde, covered only in a sheer white robe with pouty red lips. It was very well drawn; almost too sexual for daily viewings.

“Valkyrie Squad?” Lucy murmured rhetorically.

“That’s the squad of tier 3 women, they’re the best fighters on this station.”

“How do you know that?”

“My sister, Wendy Willingham was a member when she was younger, she left to join the congress, she’s one of the head ambassadors now…”

“Wow those are some big shoes to fill” Lucy replied, staring at the craft which had now opened its doors. Willingham knew about the rumors about this specific incarnation of the Valkyrie Squad from the other guys he used to bunk with on the lower level: It was said that the current leader of the squad was a stunner.

These rumors turned out to be very true. Emerging first from the craft was a tall girl with long flowing hair of a faded blue shade, she stepped out into full view wearing a backless skin tight white bodysuit; complete with heels and weaponry which were holstered around her wide hips and thin waist. The bodysuit left nothing to the imagination: her thick thighs and large ass bouncing as she walked, her bust followed the same trend as the rest of her: mouth wateringly large.

“That’s Mckayla Petrova? Fuck she looks better than I thought she would…” It seemed that the arrival of this Mckayla and the rest of her squad had garnered the attention of many other guys from tier 1.

“You know her parents lived in an elven kingdom? people say thats why she looks so much like one.” It seemed that Troy had picked his confidence back up from his life threatening encounter with Captain Rays, as he was the one who was informing his small group of friends about her.

“She’s the youngest tier 3 in history too. She graduated when she was 18…been a Valkyrie for 7 years…”

Lucy huffed and rolled her eyes, noticing that Willingham was staring at Mckayla as she walked away from them. She pulled her friend out of his trance like state by lightly kicking him in the shin. She motioned her head towards a road to the left.

“Come on. Lets settle into our rooms before we go look around.” She quickly looked in Mckayla’s direction jealously before starting toward the road, on which housed a large blue digital sign which read: ACCOMMODATION.

Willingham and Lucy paced themselves through the accommodation block, there was no noise other than the sounds of their feet hitting the clean floor and the hum of the generators which provided the ambient lighting of the long corridor. There was a lack of conversation between both Lucy and Willingham; they seemed to focus more on finding their rooms rather than conversing about anything trivial. After a few minutes of scanning every white door with digital numbers flickering over the middle, Lucy squeaked out.

“There’s mine!” She pointed at the closest door to the left. The numbers read 840. She smiled and sighed with relief.

“What room are you?” She continued, approaching her new home with a small bounce in her step.


“Want me to help you find it?”

“No i’ll be ok by myself.” Lucy frowned slightly, pursing her lips before continuing down the seemingly endless hallway, completely ignoring her room. Willingham rolled his eyes and started to follow her. She darted her eyes left and right, looking ever every numbered room to make sure her friend found his place.

A small moan sounded from her left. Lucy stopped and looked back at Willingham. Raising an eyebrow.

“Was that you?” She asked smirking, about to make his life an embarrassment. He responded with a confused look on his face, shrugging.

“What are you talking about?”

“That noise…you didn’t hear it?” Willingham shook his head…another moan sounded out into the hall. This time louder, and clearly from a male. Lucy scanned the area quickly, trying to find the source of the noise. She stopped at room 30. She noticed that the automatic door was stuck slightly open, something kept it from closing completely. She stepped forward slowly and quietly. Her friend followed suit, making sure to make as little noise as possible as they approached the door.

“Oh my god…” Lucy muttered as she peeked her head through the door. In front of her, in the small room was a tall muscular male and a shorter female, stripped naked of their clothed which were sprawled over the floor. The man sat on the small bed, legs wide open, leaning himself backwards as he kept his body up with his arms placed firmly on the bed behind him. Between his legs was the woman, hand wrapped around his cock with her head bobbing quickly up and down, moaning softly as she sucked him off. Lucy gasped as she kept watching, seemingly unable to take her eyes away from the action. She felt a hand grasp her shoulder as Willingham pulled her away from the door.

“Dude…” She muttered as she pushed him slightly.

“Stop being a pervert.” He replied ready to continue onward to find his room.

“Uh Oh.” Lucy muttered out as she saw the hourglass figure of Mckayla Petrova approach. Willingham spun around and froze on the spot. He instantly noticed how she had changed out of her skintight bodysuit and into a tight, low cut tank top with black leggings. She looked as good in that than her battle gear. Her hair was tied back into a messy bun as she strode with purpose.

“Who are you two and what are you doing loitering.” She said firmly to them. Her voice was soft and alluring, but it was clear she knew how to make herself sound intimidating. Lucy stayed quiet, clearly intimidated by Mckayla. Willingham pointed to the door and spoke.

“We heard noises and we thought it came from that room. We were about to look before my friend here saw you.”

Mckayla looked at Willingham, studied him, almost like how an archaeologist studies a recently recovered artifact. She smirked at him once she made her way up to his eyes. It wasn’t common that a new graduate would talk to her like an equal.

“I see…” She said softly. She looked toward the door and continued.

“What a coincidence I’ve been told to investigate this very room.” She strode past Lucy who stepped back beside Willingham. They watched As Mckayla rose her hand up and snapped her fingers. Slowly she begun to change, her amazing curves shrank significantly and her hair changed to a deep brown. She still looked like herself.

“Camouflage?” Lucy whispered as they watched her knock on the door loudly.

“It’s a good way to make yourself unrecognizable. Celebrities do it all the time apparently.” Willingham observed her, wishing deep down that she kept her supermodel worthy curves for him to enjoy.

After a longer time it would take for a normal person to open the door, the same girl whom was seen sucking off a guy on her bed opened the door. Mckayla smiled and giggled cutely.

“Hey! I’m Jenny…I’m like, so sorry to bother you but I live down a few rooms and my Telecaster broke when I was calling my boyfriend…” She spoke in a ditsy voice, making her fake persona even more convincing that this wasn’t THE Mckayla Petrova.

“Ohhh thats awful…Is there anything that I can do?”

“Well, like I was wondering if I could just call him on yours just to, like tell him my thingy broke and I miss him and love him.” The cock sucking girl looked back into the room, reluctantly opening the door for her so she could come in. Mckayla followed, paying no attention to Willingham and Lucy. The door screeched shut this time, now that the clothing which held the door open was kicked away by the girl before anyone noticed.

“So shall we just go?” Lucy asked after a few seconds of silence filled the air.

“I wanna see what happens…” Willingham replied casually. crossing his arms and watching the door with the large number 30 on it. Moments later, the door zoomed open and both the girl and the man who she was getting intimate with entered the hallway. Following behind them, Mckayla stepped out, back to her original look; her arms crossed under her large bust causing them to lift and present more cleavage. She sighed and proceeded to press a button on her bangle before going back to her original naturally sexy stance.

Suddenly out of nowhere a blue light appeared in front of the man and woman. They gasped and looked terrified. The man looking significantly older than the mid twenties cutie who was on her knees only a few minutes ago. The blue light formed into a shape, and in an instant, Angela Bishop was there. She shook her head disappointingly at them, sighing deeply.

“Assistant Investigator Stinson…To think my own protege would be sleeping with a tier 2…you know the rules forbidding such a relationship.” Her voice was clear as if she was standing there, even though everyone present knew that she wasn’t actually there.

“I know Angela…I-” Stinson stuttered before Angela cut in.

“I don’t want to hear you talk Stinson. You broke the rules. Plus you’re old enough to be her father, you dirty old man!” Angela calmed herself before going too far, her elven ears flicking in reaction to her anger.

“Effective immediately you are hereby fired from the Valentine. Your rank will be stripped and your record will permanently show that you broke the rules.” She flicked her eyes to the girl, spying Lucy and Willingham in the corner of her eyes.

“Miss. Sherbatsky, you too are banished from the Valentine, effective immediately. Gather your things and be at hanger bay 5 within the hour. If you are not I’ll get Mckayla to force you there.”

Sherbatsky wept, hanging her head in shame as she moved back into her room past the one who caught her, Stinson moved off down the hall, grumbling to himself loudly.

“Good work Mckayla.” Angela sighed before massaging her eyes timidly.

“Well it was these two who found them. I have to give them some credit.” Mckayla looked to the two, smiling with her eyebrow raised at Willingham. Angela turned toward them and grinned.

“Well I guess that’s a cause for celebration…haven’t been a tier 2 for more than an hour and you’ve already caught illegal behavior on this ship. Wendy would be proud of her little brother.” She winked at him and faded from view in a flash.

“Wendy Willingham’s younger brother. I knew I recognized those eyes.” Mckayla said. Lucy looked to her and then to her friend with a small frown; a red shade forming lightly on her cheeks.

“Hey Miss. Petrova…” Lucy muttered quietly.


“So…having sex is illegal on the Valentine…?” She bit her lip and looked into her eyes, heart beating at a quickened pace.

“Well. If you must know, special relationships are legal on the Valentine…If anything its encouraged. Having someone to fight for means motivation. Motivation means the will to stay alive. But only within tiers. 3’s can’t have any intimacies with 2’s…unless its approved by a high ranking officer, and even then its rare; it makes you look like an ass kisser.” She relaxed her posture and moved towards them, turning towards Willingham.

“If you’re anything like your sister, you’ll be a big deal here. That probably means we’ll see a lot more of each other.” She patted him on his shoulder before moving past them, swaying her hips as she walked away. They both turned to look at her, Willingham focused on her large behind swaying as she walked.

“She’s a real barrel of laughs isn’t she?” Lucy muttered to her friend.

“I dunno. I think shes great.”

Lucy laughed.

“Only because she looks like a goddess. Bet you can’t wait to see her in uniform.” She giggled and winked at him.

“Come on. We’d better get settled in…I’m going to like living here.”
