Pam and I ,Part 3- 1989 New Year’s Eve Day [MF]


This is a continuation of the story:



The next day we went to the drug store and bought some Lambskins. Yes I said “we”. It was a strange experience for me to be so open about the fact that we were going to fuck each other. It was at this moment that I realized that there was a radical difference in our attitudes about sex. I had a very prudish notion that it was strictly a private thing. Pam on the other hand was very worldly. She went right up to the rack of condoms and picked out the lambskins and said, “These should feel much better for both of us.”

I thought to myself, “I wonder how she knows that they would feel better for both of us. Maybe I am not the first guy who had trouble keeping it up for her with a rubber on.”

After the drug store we went back to her house. It was New Years Eve and Pam had an afternoon gig from 2 to 4 PM. She left about one o’clock leaving me alone in the house. (Kay had left a note saying that she was going to the movies on a date that afternoon and would be back around three thirty.) After what had happened the night before and how casual and pushy Kay had been about having a threesome, I was relieved that I would not be alone in the house with her very long. I remembered how sexy her almost Rubenesque body looked lying in her bed: her full breasts with their large brown areoles and hard nipples, her well-trimmed mound, her legs open enough to see her shaven crotch with her pussy lips glistening with her juices. As brazen as she had been with Pam there, I wondered if she would test me further when Pam was not there. I thought to myself, “Luckily Pam made me cum last night. If she didn’t I would be so horny, I would not be able to resist the urge to fuck Kay with one of these “Lambskins”.

I was standing in the kitchen looking out the patio door into the nature preserve behind Pam’s house, when Kay came back from her date at 2:00, an hour and a half early. I was startled and a little concerned about what was about to happen. I tried (Successfully, I think.) to hide my mild panic at the thought of being alone with Kay for a lot longer than I expected by asking, “Was your date a dud? Or was the movie boring?”

She answered, “Neither actually. Andre and I didn’t get to see the movie we wanted to. When we got to the theater, it was sold out. We had a nice lunch instead. We both confided in each other that we didn’t have plans for tonight, New Years Eve so we agreed to go out together. He suggested the Kennedy Center gala. I hope we can get tickets. Have you and Pam make plans for tonight?”

“That will depend on what time Pam gets back home from her gig. She mentioned the Kennedy Center too. She said that she checked and the only one of the three performances that had tickets was the opera. I think she said it was ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’ in English. There were only standing room tickets though.”

Kay frowned. “With all of the wine I had at lunch, I don’t know if I could stand through a whole opera right now. Maybe Andre can pull some strings and find some tickets.”

As Kay walked over to the refrigerator and got out the unfinished bottle of wine from the previous night’s dinner and poured two glasses, I thought to myself, “Evidently, the lady likes her wine: a lot!”

She sipped from one glass and offered me the second one. We went into the living room and sat on the sofa with our wine. We chatted about Pam and her as teenagers and Kay started telling me about Pam’s other lovers and husbands. “There are a few things you should know about my sister before you get too serious! She told you about Jack didn’t she?”

“Yes! She told me that she did a lot of kinky sex with him.”

“Did she tell you that she was head over heels in love with Jack, and that up until a couple of weeks ago was considering moving back in with him as his sex slave?” Kay asked smugly.

“Not exactly, but she did say that she was on the rebound from him and she wanted to give me all the details. I told her I didn’t need to know the details from her. I certainly don’t want to hear them from you!” I shot back angrily.

My emotional response must have upset her because she stood up and started to whimper, “I was only trying to keep you from being hurt. She has a history of being a bitch, especially after she has been hurt. When Joe, her first husband cheated on her while on tour with a cellist in his orchestra, she left their home came back to my parents’ house and whored around the city for six months. Then she came out to San Francisco to see me and she had a very good time fucking almost every guy she met in Haight-Ashbury. She didn’t stop until she thought she was pregnant and realized that she had no idea who the father might be. She was so upset that she turned immediately into a prude: had only a handful of lovers; even made her second husband sign a “prenup” that laid out the dos and don’ts of sex and practically everything else in their marriage. That is why when she fell for Jack, she fell so hard. She had been in total control for so long that submitting to him the way she did was a relief for her. And then he crushed her by cheating time and time again.”

I got up off the sofa and confronted her. “Kay! Who is being the bitch? Are you trying to break Pam and me up before we even get started? It won’t work! After all that I have been through for the past 4 years, I don’t care about the past: my past, Pam’s past, your past! I only want to think about now and the future!”

Kay looked at me with a mixture of pity and surprise in her eyes, “I am not trying to break anyone up. I am trying to keep my sister from being hurt by someone who is in a position to take advantage of her when her guard is down. Did you mean what you said about not caring about the past? If you did, I think I need to apologize to you. Maybe my little sister has finally found a guy that will love her the way she deserves to be loved.”

I didn’t answer Kay’s question. I just looked at her and nodded. A second or two later, I looked at my watch and it was 3:50 PM.

“What time is it Joe?” Kay asked. I told her and she exclaimed, “Oh my God! I need to get ready. Andre will be here at 5:30 and I need to get a shower and do my hair.”

She walked out of the living room and down to her bedroom to get ready for bed. I brought the wine glasses to the kitchen and walked back down the hallway to Pam’s bedroom to get a book to read until Pam got home. As I passed Kay’s room, the door was wide open and she was lying on her bed stark naked. I stopped dead in my tracks and I stood in her doorway. She got up off the bed and shook her big tits at me.

She moved toward the doorway seductively spread her legs and started to caress her breasts and touch her pussy running her finger down her two-inch wide landing strip to her clit. Evidently she had forgotten that I was such a nice guy or maybe she wanted me for herself because she gave me that “come hither” look and motioned for me to get on my knees and eat her pussy. I started toward her and then I heard the back door open and Pam calling, “Hello!”

I beat a hasty retreat back down the hall to the living room, wrapped my arms around Pam and gave her a passionate welcome kiss. She kissed back and pushed her hips against my rock-hard erection and commented, “I can feel how glad you are to see me but it will have to wait until we get back from the Kennedy center New Year’s Eve gala tonight.”

I was surprised and said, “I haven’t bought the tickets yet! The only venue open is “The Merry Wives of Windsor” and those are standing room only. I was waiting to see if you were too tired.”

She said, “I got backstage passes from Camille. We need to help out before the opera setting up the orchestra but after that we will be free to see it. We need to be there before 6:00 though!”

“Good thing you are already dressed! I need to get ready though. What time do we need to leave?” I asked.

It should only take about 20 minutes to a half an hour. Today is a holiday and no one is on the roads. That’s why I got home early.” She answered and then out of the corner of her eye she noticed Kay going into the bathroom. “Has Kay been home long? I guess her lunch date was a dud. This morning she mentioned that she might have a date this afternoon and told me that she hoped to go to his place and screw his brains out after the movies.”

I chimed in, “Actually, she has been home for about two hours. We had a nice talk. She said that the movie was sold out, and so she and Andre decided to have just have lunch. The lunch must have been a success because they are going out together tonight. He is picking her up around 5:30.”

“That explains why she just went into the bathroom naked. She has this ritual an hour before she goes on a date when she expects to get laid: she takes a nice bubble bath and lays there masturbating almost to orgasm. She says it relaxes her and makes her pussy nice and hot and wet for her date. What did you talk about? Is she still testing you?”

I laughed and said, “Sort of. We had some wine and she tried to tell me about your misspent youth: something about your first hubby cheating on you and you sowing some wild oats afterwards. I told her I didn’t care about your past only the present and future. She started to whimper about how lucky you were to find a nice guy like me and went down the hall to her room to get ready for her date with Andre. I was just going to your bedroom to get my book when you came in.” I left out the brief moment that I lingered in Kay’s doorway and was about to sink to my knees and devour her trimmed cunt.

Pam smiled and said, “I guess Kay gave up trying to seduce you and tried to shock you instead. Did she tell you about my visit to see her in Haight-Ashbury?”

“As a matter of fact she did! Some day you need to fill in the details but that’s about when I told her that I didn’t give a shit about what you did before we met.”

I bent down and kissed Pam again and we stood there making out for a few minutes as we heard the bath water running. When the water stopped running Pam broke off our protracted kiss and whispered, “Would you like to bet that Kay left the bathroom door open enough for us to see her in the tub?”

I replied, “That would be a sucker bet! After last night and her leaving the bedroom door wide open while she lay naked on her bed, I would not be surprised at her leaving the bathroom door ajar. Shall we venture down to your bedroom to see?”

With a playful look in her eye, Pam put her finger to her mouth to signal me to be quiet, took my hand and we tip-toed down the hall. We stopped just short of the door which was wide open just as we heard a soft moan from the bathroom. Pam was I front of me and quickly peeked around the door. She motioned for me to look and we switched positions. My head moved around the doorjamb to see what Kay was doing. The scene was erotic. The lights in the room were off and several candles surrounded the tub at the end of the room. Kay lay in the tub with her head back and eyes closed. I could see one of her hands rubbing across the nipples of her huge breasts which floated above the layer of bubbles. I couldn’t actually see the other hand but I surmised that its fingers were busy between her legs. I suddenly had the feeling that Kay knew I was watching. Seconds later her eyes opened and she turned her head toward the door. A smile was on her lips and she licked them sensuously and winked at me as she pinched her nipple and moaned loudly. Pam poked me in the ribs and I withdrew my head behind the doorjamb. If Kay’s show wasn’t over, I wouldn’t see the rest of it because Pam led me past the bathroom and we went down to her bedroom. I managed a quick peek as we went by. Kay had feigned surprise for Pam’s benefit and all I saw was that she had covered her breasts with one arm. Funny thing though, her other hand was not visible and was probably still busy between her legs.

When we reached the bedroom Pam closed the door and we stood there for a few minutes making out again. Pam playfully grabbed my belt buckle and did it and unzipped my fly. My pants dropped around my ankles and Pam’s hand slipped into the waistband of my boxers and down to my leaking cock. “Hmm!” She said. “I think that watching my big sister playing with herself has made you very hot. I want to fuck you right now but, if I do,we will never get out of that bed. I told Camille that we would be there at six. If we are not there, she will get in trouble.

Pam took my cock in her hands and started to jack me off. She sank to her knees and took it between her lips kissing the tip and tonguing the underside of my cockhead. That was enough to send me over the edge and my hips rocked back and forth as I started to erupt. Part of the first jet hit her nose and drop or two spattered into her hair, but she immediately stuffed my jerking cock into her mouth and caught the rest. When I had stopped, she opened her mouth and showed me a mouthful of thick creamy cum, swallowed, got up off her knees gave me a quick peck of a kiss and said, “That should hold you until later tonight!”

Pam rushed into the en suite bathroom to wipe my cum off her face and I shuffled behind her, my pants still around my ankles. While I watched as she carefully dabbed at the creamy white goo that had coated her upper lip and nostrils, I took a hand towel and cleaned off my cock. I looked at my watch. It said 4:45. I asked, “Do you think we have time to take a shower? Better still can we shower together?”

Pam was irritated at the question. “No way! Why do you think I am wiping up instead of jumping in the shower? We need to leave in about a half an hour and that’s not enough time to wash and dry my hair and put on make-up and get dressed.”

I looked at her and was about to mention that she had a couple of very small drops of cum in her hair but thought that she would be pissed off about that and need to take a shower and be very late. I nodded and took a wet washcloth and did the best I could to make sure that my cock was not uncomfortably sticky. I left the bathroom and changed into the white shirt, tie and dark blue business suit that I had packed.

I pondered how she had looked when I left the bathroom. Still in her little black dress and except for the two droplets of cum in her hair, it was as though I had never even shot my wad in her face. You might ask just how visible the droplets. Actually if you did not know what they were you would probably think they were lint particles or some other particles of urban dust fallout. But I knew and I had to bight my tongue to keep from telling her and thus ruining New Years Eve, not only for us but also for Camille who would be in deep trouble if we arrived too late to help set-up the orchestra pit.

Pam came out of the bathroom a few minutes later. To my surprise she was ready to go. She seemed a little irritated and asked, “Did you see that you got cum in my hair?”

I confessed, “Yes! I didn’t want to make us late. I thought you would need to take a shower.”

“You thought that I wouldn’t notice those two gleaming pearls in my bangs?

“I was hoping that you would be too busy touching up you lipstick and makeup. I thought if I told you about them that you would need wash, set and dry your hair.”

Pam chided me and explained, “You have probably never seen what happens to fresh cum when you try to wash it out of your hair: it gets all stringy and sticks to the hair like glue. When it dries it will be easier to wash out. I dabbed it with a wash cloth and spread it around. Do you like it?”

“It almost looks like a grayish blond highlight. If I didn’t know what it was I would swear that your hairdresser did it.” I responded.

She seemed pleased to hear that. “Good! I was hoping it wouldn’t be that noticeable. By-the-way if you ever notice that I don’t look right again, please tell me! Let me decide what to do about it?”

I nodded my assent and we walked up the hallway past Kay’s room. As we both expected, it was wide open, and Kay pretended not to notice us walking by and I pretended not to notice her only half dressed in a sexy sheer black bra and matching panties. I sat on the sofa and Pam went into the kitchen and asked, “Will you join me in a glass of wine? We have a few minutes before we have to leave.” Then she raised her voice and added, “Kay, shall I pour you a glass of wine too?”

“That would be so nice!”Kay answered as she was coming down the hallway and into the living room. She was almost fully dressed in a very low cut short red dress. I say almost because the dress was unzipped in the back. She looked at me and winked playfully, “Could you help me with this?” She asked as she walked over and turned her back to me.

I stood up and zipped her up. As I did, she pushed her ass into my crotch and moved it sensuously. I jumped away from her. I was startled not by her doing that because it had become apparent even at that early stage in Pam and my relationship that Kay liked teasing me, but rather by the thought that Pam would catch her and get mad at me for not discouraging her. Pam came back into the living room sipping one of the two glasses of wine she was carrying. She handed the other to me. “Oh, big sister! I thought you were still getting ready.”

I offered my glass to Kay and went to the kitchen to get the third. When I returned to the living room, Pam and Kay were finishing a discussion. Kay excused herself, “I need to finish putting on my makeup and jewelry. Andre will be here any minute now.”

When Kay was out of sight, Pam turned to me and said, “You have won my sister’s approval. She just told me that if I ever get tired of you, she wants you for herself.”

Taking Pam into my arms, I asked, “So much for the big sister, what about the younger sister? How does she feel about me?”

She smiled and answered with a long passionate kiss which was interrupted when the doorbell rang. It was 5:30 and Andre was right on time. We greeted him and offered him a glass of wine to drink and excused ourselves since it was time to leave for our chores at the Kennedy Center. Andre accepted the glass of wine and Kay called out that he should come to her room to help her with the clasp on her necklace. As we walked out the door, Pam quipped, “I wonder how long it will take before Andre is undoing the clasp on her bra?”

I laughed and we were off for our first New Years Eve together.
