The First Ti[M]e I Masturbated

I was a 8th grade at the time. Me and my friends usually taunted each other by stroking our metaphorical dicks at each other until we metaphorically ejaculate. It was just something dumb that we did as a sort of (haha you’re gay, or ‘fuck you’) type of deal. One day I wondered to myself if that gesture was real and if I jerked off, something would come out. I was home alone (which was rare at the time) so I had the whole house to myself. I simply went into the living room and sat on the couch. I took out my cock and mimicked the gestures I would do towards my friends. It took awhile but it started to get hard. This alone had me like “HOLY SHIT” because my dick was never that big before. After a few minutes I stopped because nothing was happening after that. An hour later I tried again as I was determined to achieve the outcome I wanted. I kept going for awhile and began remembering my friends cousin who I played seven minutes in heaven with. We were all over each other that day, kissing and touching, but what I was remembering clearly was when she sat on my lap and told me she wanted to go back to my house. Admittedly I was really young when that happened so I was nervous, and even if I mustered up the courage to go through with it, I had 5 relatives living in a three bedroom apartment at home. In other words, it wasn’t happening. My strokes picked up speed as I imagined what could’ve happened if my apartment was as empty as the house I’m in now. Everything became vivid. My strokes aligned with the speed of how I imagined fucking her, bending her over my bed and having her ass clap against my waist. I started to feel a surge slowly make its way up my shaft. It felt really good, causing me to shorten my breath and increase my pace. The veins on my cock bulged more and the head became increasingly more sensitive. A few seconds later and I felt like I had to pee, but I couldn’t hold it. Except when it finally let loose, it wasn’t pee at all. Five thick strands of cum ejected from my cock like lava from a volcano, landing on my shaft, thighs, and on my stomach. The sensation was indescribable, it felt surreal and sent tingles down my legs. I had to get up to find tissue because I didn’t think anything would come out, I wasn’t prepared for the mess. Once it came time to clean the head, I felt that it was SUPER sensitive. One touch was enough to make me flinch. The sensation didn’t go away for a couple of hours so when I walked, I couldn’t do it correctly. All in all it was a good experience and I don’t think I could forget it.
