This One Time on the Way to Band Camp [f][fm][voy]

Roughly twelve hours away from our high school, a college held a sort of 'band camp', to attract potential recruits. As a treat, the senior class members of band were invited to spend the night on a charter bus to get there, meet some people, play, and just have fun. While the first few hours of the trip had been most of the kids goofing off, darkness fell, the bus became quiet, and everyone was fast asleep.

Except for some girl who played tuba. Me.

Hyped up on energy drinks, I buried my face into my arms in a futile attempt to catch some ZZZ's on the long bus ride. I was lying down on my belly, stretched across the length of my seat. It was a little uncomfortable for my boobs, but any other position guaranteed that the blaring 'emergency' light would shine in my face, even with my sweater's hood pulled over my head. After what seemed like hours, my eyelids finally started to feel heavy. I would've fallen asleep right there, if not for a sharp whisper.

"Babe. Babe, wake up!"

Peeking out from under my hood, I saw the source of the noise. My best friend, Charlotte Parks, who sat with her boyfriend, Brian Lewis, across the aisle from me. But at that moment, she was between his legs, kneeling on the floor, and obviously trying to wake him up. As a curious creature, I was drawn to what was going on. Though nothing in my mind had quite clicked yet, you could say I found myself quite interested in what was happening. Finally, Brian began to stir.

"Hmmm? What is it, Charlotte?" He barely legibly croaked out, the sleep being evident in his voice.

"Um, my head was on your lap, and well, you got hard and woke me." She replied quietly, stifling a giggle as she gave his boner a pat through his pants. Before he had a chance to reply, my friend started unbuttoning his jeans.

"Here? What if someone-"

"Shh," she interrupted him. "I can't sleep on this thing when it's hard. And are you really gonna argue with a girl who wants to have fun with your dick?" The emergency light reflected off her shiny, playful smile. Brian just sighed, and quietly chuckled a little, but said nothing more. In just a few moments, I could make out Brian's erect cock, tightly grasped in Charlotte's hand.

I couldn't believe she was actually going to do this. Even as her hand slowly pumped up and down, I couldn't help but think my friends, bathed in the orange glow of the emergency light, were asleep and this was merely a dream. But as I looked on from behind the safety of my hoodie, I realized that my best friend was in fact blowing her boyfriend on the bus of a school sponsored trip. And even more shocking, my eyes were glued to the pair, unable to look away.

I watched porn more often than I would like to admit, but it was nothing like this, nothing like being right there. I found something incredibly sexy about the way Brian tried to muffle his manly grunts and moans, his hand secured tightly around his mouth as his eyes rolled back. And like a machine, Charlotte pumped her head up and down, sliding across the skin of his hard cock with ease. I wanted to be in her place, pleasing a hot guy like Brian. Hell, I'd turn into a guy if I could just to take his place. Anything to be in such hot scene like the one before me. If I were at home, watching this from the comfort of my computer, my hands would have already been all over my clit. But there was nothing I could do except watch, despite how my pussy throbbed for attention. I was too scared to even rub my legs together. So silently I watched, horny as all hell.

"Are you close?" Charlotte broke the ten minutes of no speaking, rising up from her work. The warm glow from the emergency light made Brian's cock glisten from my friend's saliva. I saw him softly nod, prompting Charlotte to flash another bright smile and return to her work. Her hand now worked up and down his shaft and her lips formed a seal around his pulsing head. No more than a minute passed before an audible grunt escaped Brian's lips and he thrust his hips upward. My friend closed her eyes, swallowing as she pulled her mouth away from his dick. Her tongue played across her lips, picking up any bits that remained of the load she had just expertly swallowed.

"Your lucky no one woke up, you were a little loud in that last bit. I'm honestly surprised Sam didn't even stir." She commented, zipping up his pants.

"Well maybe that wouldn't be so mad. She might've wanted a taste." He replied, softly laughing. I tensed a little as they talked about me.

"I bet she doesn't even like you, babe. Besides, I'm not sure I could share." I closed my eyes as she settled into her seat, her head resting in his lap again. As they said good night, I willed myself to sleep, the image of Charlotte sucking Brian's cock still very fresh in my mind, and the little conversation they had about me just moments after.



  1. Really nice story. I liked the simplicity and innocence of it. You should make a sequel for sure.

  2. I actually considered it. Maybe not a direct sequel, but maybe something with the same characters? I don’t know, I’ll do something. Gotta give the people what they want.

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