Seven Days of Pleasure, Chapter 18 [teen, various m/f combinations, m/m, lots of teasing]

Links to previous chapters are in the comments, if you're interested.

This story is purely fiction.

Chapter 18
Day 7 (Port Day), evening

"Well, that just fucking sucks."

Eric and Andrew stood just inside the door that led out to "their" hot tub in their swim trunks, and Eric was not happy. Every night that week, the group of teens had congregated in that hot tub, and now it was like holy ground. However, tonight, it was occupied by a group of college-aged kids who didn't look like they were going anywhere for quite a while.

"What are we going to do now?" Eric asked, exasperated. "Tonight's the last night of the cruise! I was looking forward to having one more night with the gang."

"We'll come up with something, don't worry," Andrew offered. He was getting upset himself, seeing how upset and disappointed his lover was.

"I dunno," Eric said as he ran his hand through his hair. "This was like… This was OUR place. Not theirs," as he jabbed a finger towards the hot tub. "Why couldn't they find somewhere else to go?"

"Well, hmmm. It might be a little cramped, but we could still get together in our cabin or something. That's private enough, if we're quiet," Andrew said.

"Yeah, I guess that would work, but it's not as comfortable… I mean, there's 9 of us. We'll be stacked on top of each other in there."

"I'm not so sure that's a bad thing," Andrew said with a smirk.

"I like how you think," Eric said, finally relenting and smiling at his boyfriend.

"What's up, guys?" Mark said as he and his sister approached from the elevators. "There some sort of problem?"

"Well, yes and no," Andrew said, indicating that the newcomers should look out the window.

"Shit!" Megan exclaimed. "What are THEY doing in OUR hot tub?"

"Uh, sis, it's not really ours, y'know…" Mark said.

"You know what I mean," Megan said, rolling her eyes.

As each teen arrived, they had roughly the same conversation about the hot tub-nappers, followed by Andrew suggesting his plan of hanging out in their cabin. Once Marco showed up, last as usual, they made their way down to spend the evening in the boys' cabin.

It was cramped, but they all found a seat where they were somewhat comfortable. Mark sat beside Megan on the couch, with Jon on the floor between them. Marco and Amy sat with their backs to the wall, their legs stretched out in front of them. Adam sat in the armchair, with Rachel in his lap, while Eric and Andrew stretched out on the bed.

In turn, they told each other about the day they'd had. Eric shared how he had mercilessly teased Andrew for the better part of the morning while they toured around town. Amy and Marco told their tale of sex on the beach, with a few spectators. Rachel and Adam recounted their encounter with the room steward, getting caught in the closet and then the private cabin he'd let them use, followed by the thank you given to him. Mark and Jon shared the story of their bet, followed by the reward. Megan, still a little nervous about sharing too much about her and her brother, offered up that she and Jon had gotten together after he and Mark had finished up. A knowing glance between brother and sister meant that they were on the same page about not sharing too much.

By this time, all of the boys sported hard-ons and it wasn't hard to tell. There was a fair amount of fidgeting going on, and then Eric had an idea. "Have you guys ever heard of sexy dice?"

All of them shook their head, except Amy, who asked, "Is that the thing where you roll a pair of dice that say things like 'Fondle' and 'Kiss' and stuff?"

Eric nodded. "How about we play a variation of that? We'll have two cups, one with pieces of paper with each of our names on it, and another with an action that we have to do to that person?"

Everyone thought that sounded like a lot of fun, so Andrew went to find a pen and paper. He returned with two sets, and handed one to Eric. "I'll get the names, you get the actions?" he asked.

Eric nodded again, and the boys scribbled down things on their papers, the rest of the teens returned to quiet conversations in their groups. The papers were torn up into little strips, the names placed into one drinking glass and the others into another.

"Ready!" Eric called. "So I've put down nine different actions here. I figure we'll start somewhat tamer, and after everyone's gone, we'll put in a few more that aren't so tame. Sound good?" Everyone nodded. "And if we pick same-sex people, we're just going to go with it?" he asked.

When nobody objected, Eric asked, "Let's draw to see who goes first."

Rachel's hand searched through the glass as the game began. Her name had been drawn, and it was agreed that whoever's name was drawn last would partner with Rachel for their task.

"Hmm, let's see, I drew… Marco. And for the other one… It says, 'You must lick their ear seductively for 60 seconds.'" Marco looked rather pleased with this, and waved Rachel over.

She knelt, straddling his legs, and scootched forward until their bodies were pressed up against each other. She could feel his cock through their swimsuits, and while it wasn't completely hard, it also wasn't completely soft.

"Ok, ready, go!" Eric started the timer.

Rachel leaned forward and kissed Marco's left ear, gently blew into it, traced around the outer edge with her tongue. His breathing hitched at the intimate contact, emboldening her. She continued down to the bottom of his ear, pausing to nibble softly on his earlobe, causing him to sigh.

Releasing his lobe, her warm breath on his face was turning him on incredibly. And when she inserted her tongue into his ear and tickled him with the tip, she definitely noticed his cock getting completely rigid below her. Comparing it to Adam's, she came away with the thought that Amy was a lucky girl too.

Marco whimpered as she continued to tickle him, until Eric called time. Slowly, she pulled back, but not before giving him a kiss on the cheek and a smile. She then returned to sit on Adam's lap in the armchair.

"Ay caramba," was all Marco could say, a noticable lump in his swim trunks.

"OK, Marco, your turn," said Eric.

Marco reached into the first glass and drew Megan's name, and after pulling out a paper from the second glass, said, "It says: Have your partner stand in the middle of the room, then undress them – without using your hands."

With a smile, Megan took her spot in the center of the circle. Marco slowly circled her, his hands behind his back, examining her bikini, planning the best way to complete his task. After a moment, he asked her to lean her head forward and gather up her hair in her hands, which she obliged. Leaning in, a shiver ran down her spine as she felt his warm breath on the back of her neck. Moments later, she felt his lips gently graze her skin as he tried to capture the bikini string between his teeth. It took several tries, but Marco finally managed to grasp the string and slowly pulled back, until the knot let go. Releasing the string, her top fell, only held in place by the lower string now. Given the all-clear, she released her hair and stood up straight.

Marco moved his attention to the knot at her back. Megan squirmed and giggled as he tried to repeat the maneuver, but because the strings in the knot weren't as long, he was having more trouble with it. After a few failed attempts, he tried to pick up the string with his tongue. Megan gasped and stiffened at the wet contact, and on the second go with this new plan, Marco succeeded in capturing it between his teeth and victoriously pulled back. When the knot let go, he was rewarded with her top coming off completely, now hanging from his mouth by a string. Adam and Jon cheered, and the others congratulated him on his success.

He then turned his attention to her bottoms. Marco dropped to his knees and settled into position in front of her. "You are ok with this, yes?" he asked, looking up at her.

"Sure, go ahead," Megan agreed.

With that, Marco eased in until his face was pressed gently into her abdomen. Gentle like a bunny, he carefully caught her bikini between his lips and slowly pulled down. Inch by inch, her sex became exposed, and it wasn't long until Marco's nose tickled her clit. She inhaled sharply and moaned slightly as he bumped into her sensitive button, and she could feel herself becoming aroused at the feeling of his breath on her snatch.

Once her bottoms were low enough, he released them and they fell to the floor, leaving Megan standing unashamedly nude in the middle of the room and causing a round of applause from the others. He leaned down and picked them up in his teeth, then presented them to Megan as if he were a dog. She laughed and accepted them, then patted him on the head. He then returned to his spot next to Amy, where the two of them had a good laugh together.

"So I guess I'm up next, huh." Dipping into the glasses, Megan drew Adam's name. "And I have to do… 'Arouse your partner by playing with their nipples for 60 seconds.'"

Adam slithered out from under Rachel and took his place in the middle of the room. Because of the difference in height, Megan had to bend at the waist slightly to position her head at the right height and placed her hands on his hips for stability. Her back was to Mark and Jon, and she shot them a glance with a smile and a wink, because as she bent over, she spread her legs a little and gave them a good look at her ass and twat. Mark squeezed Jon's shoulder, and Jon nodded imperceptably to him.

"And… go!" Eric started the timer.

Megan licked her lips, then gently made contact with Adam's warm, smooth skin. She kissed around his areola, and once it stiffened, she flicked at his nipple gently with her tongue. She sucked it gently, getting it wet with her saliva, then pulled back and gently blew on it. Adam closed his eyes and gasped at the cool air, arching his chest forward as it desired more attention.

As she placed her mouth on his chest again, she slid her hand up his body and gently rubbed his chest, savouring the feeling of his smooth hairless skin. And when Megan nibbled on his nipple, Adam moaned quietly and his hands balled up in pleasure.

Sticking her tongue out, she drew a line from one side of his chest to the other, and began paying the same attention to his other nipple. Feeling saucy, she grabbed an ass cheek with each of her hands and gently massaged it through his swim trunks, which earned her another moan.

Adam was really getting into it. Both of his nipples were so aroused they could cut glass at this point, and as Megan gave his chest one last kiss, Eric called time.

"Aww, really? Can she go again?" Adam asked with a smile. "I was really enjoying that." Everyone laughed.

"So we see," Andrew called, indicating the tent in the front of Adam's trunks. Adam smiled.

"Alright. So, I've got…. Amy, aaaaand… 'You and your partner must trade swimsuits for the remainder of the round.'" Adam's eyebrows shot up. "Uhh… I have to put this" – pointing at his crotch – "into there?" – pointing at Amy's bathing suit.

Everyone snickered at the thought, while Eric called, "That's what you drew, that's what you do."

Adam shrugged and smiled. "M'lady?" he said, offering Amy a hand to get up.

Standing, Amy quickly shucked off her revealing one-piece suit. "Come on, then," she said with a laugh, "don't keep a lady waiting," and with that, grabbed the waistband of Adam's trunks, pulled it away from the front of his body, then straight down. Within seconds, he stood there as naked as she was, his hard cock pointing at her.

"I hope I don't stretch your suit too much," he said as she handed it to him.

"It's lycra, it should stretch without too much of a problem," she replied, slipping into his trunks, which were not overly too big for her. She did have to do up the drawstring tighter to prevent them from falling down.

Meanwhile, Adam seemed perplexed as to how to get into Amy's suit, which entertained the girls to no end. "Here, Adam, let me help," Amy said. She knelt down and gathered the suit into a pile, leaving two holes for him to step into. She started to look up at him and was surprised when her nose bumped into his dick. "Well hello there!" she said to it, eliciting a round of laughter. She gave it a quick peck on the foreskin-covered head, and stage-whispered so everyone could hear, "Not now, I'll see you later!" and looked up at Adam with a wink.

Laughing, he stepped into her suit, and she began to pull it up his body. "Arms!" she commanded, and steered them into the correct holes. Within seconds, she had him all suited up, his cock bulging obscenely in the front. The suit was tight enough so it left no secrets, but not so tight that it was painful. His still-hard nipples poked through the fabric as well, making their presence known.

"Wow, Adam, that suit brings out your eyes," catcalled Mark.

"It really suits your figure," Andrew added.

"Well, thank y'all, yer too kind," Adam replied with a smile. Without hesitation, he stepped over to the armchair, picked up Rachel like she weighed ten pounds, then settled back into the chair with her on his lap.

Amy stood in the middle of the room showing off her tits, which Marco was eyeing with a grin. She smiled back at him, then stepped over to the glasses.

"Jon, you're up," she said. "And we have to… Ooh, I like this one. 'You and your partner must melt an ice cube between your bodies.'"

He scrambled up and stood in the middle with her. "Ok, so how should we do this?"

"Well, I'd say let's hug, and someone can put the ice on our chests, and we'll take it from there." Jon nodded his assent.

The two of them got into a hugging position, her tits pressing against his chest, which made his cock twitch. "I felt that," she whispered, "and it felt nice," not wanting to embarass him. Jon blushed a little and smiled at her.

Eric grabbed an ice cube and asked if they were ready. When they said they were, he dropped the ice between her tits, where it landed between their bodies. Amy squealed and Jon gasped.

After about 30 seconds, the initial shock of the ice wore off. But then it started melting, and a slow stream of very cold water started trickling down their bodies, which made them dance a little. This caused the cube to slide over to dry skin, where the cycle began again.

"Ooh, that trickle is turning into a river!" Amy cried, drawing in breath sharply. Everyone giggled. Jon could feel her nipples poking into his chest like little pebbles. With each movement, they traced little circles on his skin, which was getting him hard. Amy looked into his eyes and smiled.

After about a minute of ice dancing, Jon squealed like a little girl. "Jesus… it just made its way down to my nuts!" This cracked everyone up. By this time, he was seriously boned up and his member was poking quite obviously into her.

Before too long, the cube had melted completely and the two friends separated. It looked like each of them had wet their pants, the front of their suits soaked. Jon took this opportunity to rip off his ice-cold wet trunks. "Soooo… cold…"

"Let me help you with that," Amy said, and grasped his cock with one hand and his balls with the other. She stroked his member a few times, which caused him to gasp.

"Mmmm, that feels nice. Your hands are so nice and warm."

Once he had warmed up sufficiently, he looked at his trunks, soaked in the front. "Fuck it, I'm not putting them back on," he said, tossing them towards the door. His dick pointing the way, he stepped over to the glasses.

"Ok, so, Andrew," he said, drawing the first paper. Opening the second paper, he added, "'You and your partner must undress each other, then you must make out for two minutes.'" Looking at Andrew, he added, "I guess you have it easy for the first part."

"Guess so," Andrew said, joining Jon in the middle.

Tenderly, Jon pulled out the waistband of Andrew's trunks and slowly pulled the drawstring. When it was undone, he lowered them slowly, exposing Andrew's semi-hard cock inch by inch. Andrew kicked them off once they hit the floor, and the two naked boys looked at each other. Jon stood awkwardly, not sure what to do.

"Come on, I won't bite… unless you ask me to," Andrew said with a smile, breaking the ice. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Jon, who snapped out of it and returned the embrace. Andrew's dick started to get completely hard from the intimate skin-on-skin contact. It wasn't long until the boys were swordfighting as they stood in the middle of the group. Eric started the timer.

Tentatively, Jon gave Andrew a peck on the lips, then pulled back and looked for Andrew's approval. With a smile, Andrew leaned in and planted a real kiss on Jon, who responded and returned the kiss. Opening his mouth slightly, Andrew's tongue gently probed Jon's lips and soon was invited in. Their tongues danced and parried, one exploring the other's mouth, soon followed by the other turning the favour.

By this time, both boys were fully hard and a bead of precum formed on Jon's cock. It was quickly rubbed away as the boys started to grind against each other.

Jon had never kissed a boy before, but you wouldn't know it from watching them. Andrew reached up and put his hand on the back of Jon's head, pulling him as close as possible as they continued to kiss; Jon, on the other hand, reached down and grasped Andrew's ass, kneading it like a loaf of bread, pulling his body near to his own.

"Time!" Eric called. Neither Jon nor Andrew paid any attention to him, as they were off in their own little world.

"Uh, guys? Time?" Eric said again after a few seconds had passed. "Guuuuys…"

Slowly, reluctantly, the two boys broke the kiss and smiled at each other. "Mmmm," said Jon.

"Mmmmhmmm," said Andrew.

"That's my boyfriend you were snogging there, mister," Eric admonished Jon with a smile. "Don't wear him out, I'm going to need him later tonight."

Untangling themselves from each other, Jon turned to return to his spot between Mark and Megan, when Andrew's hand shot out and gave him a playful swat on the ass. Jon yelped and everyone laughed.

Andrew reached into the first glass and drew Mark's name. From the second glass, he pulled out a paper and read it aloud. "'Your partner has been a bad boy or girl. Strip them naked, then lay him or her down across your knee and give them ten good spanks.' Wow, Mark, what did you do to deserve a spanking?"

Mark shrugged and replied, "Jon?" Everyone laughed.

Andrew stepped forward and yanked Mark's swimsuit down, causing his dick to flap around as it bounced out of its polyester prison. "Careful, you'll put an eye out with this thing," Andrew said as he caught it in his hand.

"Sorry, sir," Mark answered. "Won't happen again."

Andrew sat on the edge of the bed, his feet shoulder-width apart and his hairless cock pointing at the ceiling. He patted his knee and looked at Mark. "This is going to hurt me a lot more than it's going to hurt you, son," he said in a mock-fatherly voice, earning a few chuckles.

"Bullshit," was the reply, with a smile. Mark bent over and assumed the position on Andrew's leg.

"Oof!" Andrew gasped. "You're heavier than you look, fucker," he said, and without warning, gave Mark a solid swat on his right buttcheek. Mark stiffened at the sharp unexpected contact.

"Whoa! You could at least wait until I'm ready."

"Sorry, couldn't resist," Andrew apologized, then with an evil grin on his face, gave Mark another good swat, on the left cheek this time. "Sorry, it slipped!"Mark couldn't help but laugh with everyone else.

"Ok, are you ready?" Andrew asked.

Mark sighed. "Go for it," he said.

Andrew rubbed Mark's behind for a few seconds, then planted three spanks, one after the other, in the spot he had rubbed. Mark grunted after each swat.

After a pause, Andrew asked, "How are you doing? Am I doing this too hard?"

"Nah, you're fine, I just haven't had a spanking in like 8 years or something. I'm out of practice," Mark replied.

Andrew warmed up another spot on Mark's other cheek, then delivered another three swats in quick succession. Andrew looked down and saw that Mark's ass was turning red, and hoped that he wasn't hurting his friend too much. He was surprised when he felt Mark's hard-on pressing into his leg – Mark was getting aroused by this, and suddenly he didn't feel as bad about it.

Deciding to get it over with, Andrew delivered three more swats, this time bridging the crack of Mark's ass, completing his task. When Mark stood up, his hard cock was on display for everyone to see. Andrew was about to return to his spot on the bed with Eric when Mark stopped him.

"Uh, chum, I think your math is a little off," he said.

"What do you mean?" Andrew said, turning to face him.

"Your instructions were to give me ten spanks, you gave me eleven," Mark said. A few of the others nodded.

Andrew pondered it for a moment, adding it up. He'd given one swat to each cheek, then three to each side, then three across both. "Well, shit, I did. Sorry about that."

"So I guess I need to give you some change," he added with a devilish smirk. The room was completely silent, everyone staring at Andrew to see how he'd react.

Andrew blushed a little, then agreed. He turned and bent over at the waist, preparing himself for a good swat. And a good swat it was – he yelped after Mark wound up and gave him a very solid spank across both cheeks, and the room exploded in cheers.

As the pain radiated out, he found his cock harder than it had been in ages. He wasn't sure he understood it fully, but he was now starting to see why Mark's dick was as stiff as his own. His task completed (and then some), Andrew returned to his place beside Eric, who gently rubbed his bum where he had just been swatted.

"Guess you're up, bud, you're the last name left," Mark said to Eric. He nodded and got into place in the center while Mark drew from the other glass. "'Strip your partner naked, then masturbate them for the next five minutes, but do not let them cum.' Wow, man, you really wrote yourself into some blue balls, didn't you?" Mark said with a big grin.

"I was hoping I wouldn't get that one," Eric laughed.

Eric's Speedos were barely containing him by this point, he was so hard. Carefully, Mark untangled his friend's cock from the thin material and within seconds had dropped his swimsuit to the floor. Mark spit on his hand, then gingerly wrapped it around Eric's member.

"It's not going to bite you, y'know," Eric said. "Might spit at you, but definitely won't bite." Mark smiled and got down to business. Andrew started the clock.

Mark stood behind him, reaching around and tugging at Eric's cock as if it were his own. He could feel his own cock nestling comfortably in his friend's asscrack, the warmth enveloping him. It was not entirely unpleasant, he thought.

With his other hand, he reached up and rubbed Eric's nipple, and gently blew into his ear. Eric gasped at all the stimulation and practically melted back into Mark. It occurred to Mark that this was the third cock he'd had in his hand today, counting his own. His prick twitched and Eric gasped again. "Having fun back there?" he whispered, "Because it's pretty awesome up here."

Smiling, Mark continued stroking his friend at a steady pace, occasionally pausing to rub his fingers under the sensitive head, like he did to himself during his own sessions. He felt a hitch in Eric's breath every time he did this, and knew that what he was doing was working.

He lowered his left hand from his friend's chest and grasped his nuts. Extending his middle finger, he gently rubbed at the perineum, earning him a moan for his troubles. By this time, Eric was biting his lip and running his hands through his hair, his body on fire with arousal. He'd been turned on since the beginning of this game, and his fuse was running short. Mark was doing a very good job at this, and he could feel his climax approaching.

As if he had a sixth sense, Mark abruptly stopped and released Eric's genitals, and moved his hands to Eric's stomach. Barely touching him with only his fingertips, it drove Eric wild, but wasn't enough to push him over the edge. Goosebumps raised where Mark grazed his skin.

When his pending orgasm had backed off, Mark slowly traced his way down Eric's torso, past his belly button, and across his shaven pubic region. With a single finger, he dipped into a bead of precum that had formed at the end of Eric's cock, and lazily spread it down his length. Mark grasped him again, but stayed motionless apart from a gentle squeeze every now and again that had Eric moaning.

Mark whispered sweet nothings into Eric's ear as he played with his friend's cock, keeping him close to orgasm but not letting the wave of pleasure overtake him. Eric's eyes were rolling back in his head and he almost drew blood biting his lip so hard with anticipation.

And that's when Andrew called time.

Mark took a step back, releasing Eric, who suddenly felt empty and unfulfilled. It was all Eric could do not to grab his own cock and finish himself off, but he knew that it wasn't allowed as part of the game, so with a great act of will, he kept his hands at his sides.

A round of applause greeted him when he opened his eyes again. He turned and hugged Mark, whispering, "You are such a tease, I love it!" Mark returned the hug, then returned to his spot on the couch. His own cock was leaking precum, and without a word, Jon reached over and scooped some up then stuck his finger in his mouth. He waggled his eyebrows at Mark and smiled.

Once Eric had recovered a bit, he took the last paper out of the glass. Rachel joined him in the middle of the room, and they read in unison. "'Strip your partner naked and go down on them for five minutes. Do not let them cum.'" Rachel looked very happy, and Eric looked… off.

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked him. "Is it me?"

"God, no, it's not you. It's just that… I've… I've never done this before. And vaginas are scary!" he exclaimed with a nervous smile. "I've never done this before… hell, I've never seen a girl naked up close before!"

"It's ok, you can do it," Amy comforted him. "Think of it as an inside-out cock," earning a laugh.

"That's… mildly disturbing," Eric replied. "Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing lost, right?" With that, he made eye contact with Rachel, who indicated he could proceed. He reached around her back and slowly undid the knot holding her bikini top closed, then lifted the loose material over her head, baring her breasts. He then knelt down and grasped her bikini bottoms on both hips and slowly lowered them to the floor, until she stood in front of him totally nude.

Even a gay teenager can appreciate the naked female form. His cock throbbing with excitement, he guided her over to the bed where she sat down on a towel, then laid back and spread her legs, giving him access. Crawling on all fours, Eric took up position between her legs, his ass in the air.

He was still a little nervous as he approached her. Recalling some of the conversations he'd overheard at school, he didn't immediately dive in, but rather took a slow approach. He started by kissing her inner thigh as he grew nearer to her sex, only to pull back again and kiss her other thigh in a similar manner. Rachel moaned quietly at the attention, already having been aroused for the better part of the game when she had been teasing Marco's ears. To now finally be free of her swimsuit and having a handsome boy between her legs, well, she was a happy girl.

Once he had reached the top of her thighs, he had a look at what he was working with. She'd shaved earlier that day, so he was greeted by a hairless vagina, her outer labia a deep red, displaying how aroused she was. He reached up and gently touched her, spreading her lips with his fingers. Tentatively, he stuck his tongue out and parted her inner labia, getting his first taste of pussy.

As soon as she felt him, Rachel gasped. His touch was like a whisper, gentle like a kitten, but a little clumsy, like a puppy. Either way, it was working for her, and she began to get even wetter. Emboldened by her reaction thus far, he pressed on.

His tongue slowly followed the curve of her body until he came to her clit, and when he made contact with that, Rachel moaned quite loudly. Andrew quickly handed her a pillow to muffle her face with, lest she arouse any suspicious (among other things) from Eric's parents next door. Eric paused for a moment to see if there would be any reaction from the adjoining cabin, and when none came, he returned to the job at hand.

He licked her from stem to stern again, and was rewarded with a muffled moan when he reached her clit again, flicking around it with the tip of his tongue. Every once in a while he made direct contact with it, and it was like a firecracker went off as she bucked her hips into his face. It wasn't long until pussy juice was smeared all over his face, but he didn't mind at all, if he even noticed.

As he continued to concentrate on her clit, he ran a finger down her twat until he found her opening. Gently he inserted his finger into her cavern, her muscles contracting around his intruding digit. After withdrawing almost all the way, he continued to finger her and got into a rhythm with her, his finger entering her as she raised her hips to make more contact with him.

All the while, he continued to lap at her, and her moans were almost constant. Even through the pillow, she was being kind of loud, and for a moment, Andrew considered passing her a second pillow. In the end, he just sat back and watched his boyfriend give her the time of her life.

She arched her back when he inserted a second finger into her, and then again when he swapped the position of his mouth and his hand. He lapped at her opening, tasting her dripping cunt as he rubbed her clit wildly. Her legs were splayed wide open, giving him as much room as he needed to pleasure her as he was.

She grabbed his head and ground his face into her sex, his tongue fucking her while his fingers worked their magic on her button. And without warning, she came hard like a freight train, her juices flooding into her pussy, almost drowning the poor boy. Rachel squealed as her climax flowed through her, and Eric kept at what he was doing, not slowing down even a hair. Her fluids were so plentiful that they were dripping off his chin now, soaking into the carpet below.

As her first orgasm slowly came to an end, Eric swapped positons again and returned to flicking her clit with his tongue, ramming three fingers into her sopping cunt. Before long, she was squealing again as a second orgasm followed the first, once again flooding her canal with cum as her vaginal muscles contracted, gripping his fingers in a vice. Her body physically vibrated like a guitar string as wave after wave of ecstacy crashed over her.

She lay there panting for what seemed like an eternity.

As her climax subsided the second time, he slowly pulled his fingers out, and gave her twat a kiss. Slowly sitting back on his heels, his face covered in her fluids, he smiled. He wasn't positive, but he was pretty sure he'd done well his first time out.

Andrew sheepishly called, "Time?"

Once Rachel had recovered, she shakily returned to Adam's lap, where her pussy continued to slowly leak onto Amy's swimsuit that Adam was rocking. Eric had wiped off his face and gathered up the towel she had been laying on – it was drenched. He tossed it into the shower and returned to the group. His cock had not softened at all – it continued to point the way, bouncing as he walked.

"Well, that didn't go exactly as planned," he said, "but I don't think anyone's complaining, are they?"

Rachel shook her head no, with a smile.

"So, who's ready for round two?" Eric asked.



  1. This is my first time trying to write a sexy story. I’d love some feedback if you’re willing to give it (and especially if it’s nice!). [Chapter 1]( – [Chapter 2]( – [Chapter 3]( – [Chapter 4]( – [Chapter 5]( – [Chapter 6]( – [Chapter 7]( – [Chapter 8]( – [Chapter 9]( – [Chapter 10]( – [Chapter 11]( – [Chapter 12]( – [Chapter 13]( – [Chapter 14]( – [Chapter 15]( – [Chapter 16]( – [Chapter 17](

  2. Love these stories! I always go back to reread the series up to the current chapter just to ensure that I’m remembering the characters correctly. Okay, that’s a lie. I go back to read them because they’re scintillating, scorching and squirm-in-my-seat hot. ;) There was just one little note on this one, if you don’t mind? > Adam was really getting into it. Both of his nipples were so aroused they could cut glass at this point, and as Rachel gave his chest one last kiss, Eric called time. I believe that you meant to reference Megan here still. I can’t wait for round two! And what are we going to do when the cruise is completed? I certainly hope you keep writing because you certainly have a knack for sexy stories. ;)

  3. Thanks, fixed that. I’ve just gotten so accustomed to putting Adam and Rachel together. ;) Thank you for your kind words… I’ve been trying hard to make things seem possible throughout the series. Nothing shatters a fantasy for me faster than things that are just completely unbelievable. The plan is to have a "when they get home" for each of the characters, and then ask the readership what they’d like to see next as a spinoff. So there are plans for post-cruise, don’t you worry…

  4. I appreciate the realism because I’m the same way. It can be jarring to read something that makes you go "wait, what?" And then it pulls you out of the story entirely. Or, at least, for me it does. Fantastic! I’d love to hear more as I feel invested in these kids now… Remembering my youth! ;) If you’re currently accepting any suggestions at all, then I would love for there to be a little more Amy/Rachel or Amy/Rachel/Megan interaction. I just realized that it hasn’t really happened since Chapter 1, and it was lovely. ;)

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