Hostel encounter gone wild [MF]

A few months back I [M, 23] was staying in a hostel abroad. I was traveling alone and didn’t have many plans for the day, except going for a workout and to a meetup later in the afternoon. I shared my hostel room with six other people, of which, as it turned out, tree others, all girls, were from the same country as I. Around lunchtime I went for my workout. When I came back, the room was empty – except for one of the girls, who was also traveling alone as I soon were to find out. We didn’t really talk and sweaty as I was, I headed off to take a shower.

I thought about how I could approach her, as she was around my age, good looking and I was on my adventurous holidays and didn’t really have anything to loose. When I came back, she was still there, sitting on her bed and staring at her phone, making the impression of being kind of lost or at least without a plan for the day. I already had put on my underwear in the shower, but I strongly assume me getting dressed and us being alone had already set some sexy vibes. Since it was like an almost perfect setting to start a conversation, I did indeed approach her, without needing to overcome too many mental hurdles as often is the case in other situations.

It turned out she was from the same country as I, which immediately brought us closer and made things easier. After a while I asked her if she wanted to join me for the meetup, and interestingly, I didn’t only have in mind to increase my chances of hooking up with her, but I honestly was also having a bit of compassion for her for being so alone and without a plan and just wanted to maybe make her day a bit better. As far as I remember, I didn’t need much convincing to do, and she soon was down for joining.

We go to the meetup, get to know each other better on the way there and as it turns out, share quite some similarities regarding mindset and lifestyle. The meetup wasn’t all that special, it was just a bunch of locals random people from everywhere in the world at a cafe. I already had some fears of her impression of me worsening, as I was the one who talked her into going to this random and boring meetup. It turned out to be okay though. We talked with some people, but mainly a great deal with each other, getting more relaxed and a little flirty. I was thinking about how I could ensure that we would spend the rest of the evening together and as the meetup ended after we all went for lunch and had our first one or two beers, a local suggested going to a bar nearby, which posed as a perfect opportunity. Me and her were both down, as we didn’t have any other plans and going for drinks sounded good.

A few more beers later all except me, her and the local had left. I think the guy, who was a great bit older than us and therefore not really an opponent to me regarding getting laid with her, as one might think, realized what I was up to and recommended a part of town with some nice bars we could go to and by that means kind of helping me out. He ended up showing us the way there and then went home, so it was only us to now. We ordered a bottle of wine and got as flirtier as we got unsober. When we headed back in the direction of the hostel, which we did on one of those e-scooters, I in the front, she right behind me and holding me around my front, we saw a nice hotel and decided to go to the bar there for another drink.

The bar was rather noble and spacious and not too full with people, which was surely helping the vibe between us. By then we were rather drunk and super flirty and it was kind of obvious that there was something more, for both of us. I realized that she was interested. I am not quite sure how exactly I initiated it or how it became clear – I was probably touching her feet with mine under the table – it got to the point that we leaned towards each other and started making out. But soon, despite the spirit we had going, we stopped, since we still were in a hotel bar, which not only was a place where this might be seen as rather inpolite or inappropriate, but also not the most comfortable place to make out aswell. We went outside and continued, then went back to the hostel where we also continued, this time in the shared kitchen, where at such an hour we were the only ones. The room was obviously not an option, since there were not only four other people sleeping inside it, but also just single loft beds that are, compared to a regular bed, especially noisy when experiencing any kind motion.

I thought for a while and then suggested the shower, which is where we then went. The shower was super large and luckily lockable. We locked ourselves in, heavily made out, soon got undressed went under the shower. I started fingering her, she grabbed my – by then already since quite a while – hard dock and stroked it. I needed to fuck her now. Luckily I had condoms in my purse. I put one on and slid my shaft inside her from behind, her hands pushed towards the wall, the water dropping on her back. As I was so horny and didn’t need much to come but didn’t want to come too soon – not only to allow her to have fun for longer but also myaelf – I took it slow and even took it out from time to time to finger her. Nevertheless it didn’t take too long for me to undloaded my load in her.

We got dressed and went to sleep, didn’t kiss or really talk much after the act, as it was, well, not awkward, but also not overly romantic, to put it that way. We didn’t do anything sexual after that, but ended up going to a city tour together the next day, which was rather enjoyable and just negligibly awkward, considering we both knew that our holiday encounter probably was nothing that would lead to more.


1 comment

  1. You were drunk and could get it up? Funny how so many guys can get a hard on while drunk when O cant, it’s not fair. They can kick you out of the hostel if found out having sex. Cheers

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