He Mistook Her For a Shy Girl [MF][Oral][cheat]

Chris James sat hunched over the dining table his eyes not focused on anything in particular. His mind was wandering, as it often did when he was searching for inspiration; his fingers hovered above the laptop poised to type. The self-help book he was penning was probably a month away from completion, but he was finding it increasingly difficult to tie up all his ideas into a satisfying conclusion. He was a keen sportsman himself but also had a passion for the study of the human mind. He was sure he could combine these ideas to help people overcome anxiety and depression through a program of regular exercise. At that very moment it was he who needed helping.

The sound of a key turning in the front door snapped him out of his daydream. Instinctively he glanced at the clock on his desk to work out who it might be – 3:45 read the digital display. Most likely it was Jess, his daughter, returning home from college. The muffled sounds continued in the hallway – bags were being dumped, shoes being kicked off.

Chris took off his glasses and swivelled round in his chair to greet his daughter. To his surprise though it wasn’t Jess who entered the room, but instead her best friend Chloe.

“Hi Mr James!” she said, chirpily.

“Oh… Hi Chloe, I thought you were…”

“Jess?” she chimed in, not waiting for him to finish the sentence, “no, she went to her spinning class. I’ve just been to the gym for a while and she said it would be OK to wait for her here.”

“OK, fair enough,” he replied. “Do you want a drink… you look a bit warm!”

“Oh, no thanks. I’m OK. I probably just went at it a bit hard today!”

“Well you know where the kitchen is if you change your mind. Make yourself comfortable,” Chris replied.

He span back to face his laptop, certain he had the next line of prose in mind but he found it difficult to re-focus. Mildly annoyed as he was with the break in his concentration he hadn’t failed to notice Chloe’s tight fitting gym gear and her sweetly flushed cheeks. He considered Chloe to be quite shy but she always made an effort to exchange small talk and she certainly felt comfortable in their family home. Chris was increasingly aware of what an attractive young woman she was becoming. At 20 years old she was slightly older than Jess and they spent a lot of time together in and out of college. They were both keen on fitness and shunned away from too much partying and heavy drinking.

He had seen her in her normal clothes many times, but never in her gym wear – usually she would shower and change after the gym, as Jess did. Her outfit today was particularly arousing though. It consisted of a tight white crop top and red boxing style gym shorts with a white stripe down each hip. She wore white sports socks on her feet, whilst her hair was tied up in a loose ponytail, secured by a large red scrunchy.

“Do you mind if I put the TV on quietly Mr J?” She had already sat down on the sofa. “It won’t disturb you will it?”

“No, that’s fine Chloe – I was just finishing up anyhow,” Chris replied.

Not that he didn’t have work to do, but he doubted he could get his concentration back without moving to another room. He turned to face her, although she now had her back to him facing the TV, perched on the edge of the sofa.

“You look at bit uncomfortable sat like that.”

“Hmm I know, I think I just tweaked something in my back while I was at the gym,” she replied.

“Careful, backs can be nasty. Did you do a proper warm down?” Chris asked.

“No, I just grabbed my things and went. There were some creeps in the gym leering at me, so I didn’t feel comfortable hanging round”.

She grabbed the remote and switched on the TV, then stretched her arms up skywards, arching her back gently. She winced audibly as she did so. Chris continued his gaze, his eyes scanning her supple arms and the perfect form of the ridges in her back. He could see the clasp of her sports bra as her ponytail swung gently behind her head. He probably should have left her to it and retreated to the study, but somehow the knowledge that he was here alone with this shy young woman encouraged his playful nature. Obviously, he was old enough to be her father, but he never considered himself to be too old or uncool for anything – indeed he was in great shape for his age and really worked hard at his fitness. He did flirt with women on occasion and although he never would have followed up on it, he did enjoy the thrill it offered.

“I could er… show you a few stretches if you like,” he gestured hopefully. This seemed to get her attention as she let her arms fall somewhat dramatically back to her sides.

“Oh, that’s kind of you, but I am sure you don’t want to be bothered with that” she replied, pivoting slightly to face him.

“No, it’s no bother, I know a few good ones for backs – and you’re better off doing them now while you’re still warm.”

“OK – you probably know better than I do!” She flashed him a uneasy smile along with a gentle shrug of her shoulders.

She was slightly less flushed now; the pinkness had retreated from her cheeks and the lightly tanned complexion had returned. However, she was holding herself awkwardly – clearly she was in some discomfort. Chris walked over to her and sat on the arm at other end of the sofa. He was conscious that he didn’t want her to feel vulnerable in his presence.

“Here’s a good one… It does require that you lie on your back,” Chris started. “Then you basically hitch up your knees close to your chest and use your arms to squeeze them closer, then gently release”. Chris gathered his knees close to his chest in order to demonstrate, rocking back and forth gently.

Chloe gingerly lowered herself to her knees and then on to her back using her arms for support. She orientated herself so she was parallel to the sofa, her feet closer to him, which meant Chris had a full view of her lower half. She repeated the steps Chris had told her with excellent form.

“That’s good,” he said. “Squeeze and release…no sudden movements.”

Chloe grimaced and then exhaled a drawn out breath of air.

“Oh yeah, that is good actually,” she said, a little relieved.

Chris stared vaguely at the mantelpiece, not wanting to stare at anyone part of her body, although with his peripheral vision he could clearly see her gym shorts pulled tight against her round bottom and then up between her legs. He didn’t see any outline of her knickers, so only knows what she was wearing underneath.

“Probably just repeat that a few times, then stretch out fully and relax,” Chris told her, as he wandered over to the window, subconsciously checking no-one else was coming home.

After a while Chloe sat up, “That’s feeling better already Mr James – do you know any more?”

Chris wasn’t expecting her to want to continue, so he feigned surprise and then nodded in confirmation. He took a while to consider the next exercise because although he wanted to help relieve her pain he also wanted to choose one that gave him best view of her perfect figure.

“I have another one to try – it’s a great stretch for the lower back,” he continued. “Just roll over on your tummy – then push up so you’re resting on your elbows.”

Chloe did as he said and then gestured him over to check if she was doing it right. Chris wandered back to the end of the sofa that Chloe was facing and then noticed immediately she had lifted her tummy off the floor – kind of on all fours.

“Oh no, no, you need to keep your lower half of your body on the floor,” he advised her, “Then you can push up onto your hands and straighten your arms for an extra stretch”. He demonstrated as best he could from a standing position, making exaggerated movements. “I think they call it ‘prone cobra’ in yoga!”

“I am feeling pretty prone right now,” Chloe joked.

Chris laughed along with her, but then realised that she probably meant he was a bit close for her comfort. After all, her current position with chest forward and neck bent back, was somewhat revealing. He took a few steps back so he could advise from a more considerate distance.

Her tits looked absolutely fantastic he thought to himself. Even in the supportive sports bra they hung down just perfectly, almost aching to be squeezed. All sorts of filthy thoughts ran through his mind so he tried to focus on some random objects round the room – anything to stop himself getting too aroused. This was not the time or the place. His daughter would surely arrive home soon.

“I’ve had enough of that one,” she said, sitting back on her legs and shaking out her wrists. “I am not sure this is making it much better”.

“It might take a while to feel the benefits,” Chris admitted. “Perhaps try one standing up?”

“OK Mr James, let’s try – but I think I just want to chill out next,” she giggled.

“This one’s nice and simple, just open your arms nice and wide, so they’re almost behind you”. He stood to one side of her as he demonstrated the movement. “Nice and slow, don’t overdo it”.

Chloe stood up and shook the muscles in her legs quickly and forcefully. Her thighs and bottom wiggled back and forth in a playful dance. Chris’s gaze lingered far longer than it should have done on the cheeks of her pert bum peeping out the underside of her shorts. She once again followed his instruction but when she bought her hands back for the second time she felt a twinge and let out a stifled shriek.

“Ow-woah, that hurt!” she said, as she bent down to rest her hands on her knees.

Chris instinctively placed her hands on her lower back and gave a gentle rub, before he realised what he was doing and took them quickly away. He was only being protective, but if she blurted something to Jess about her friend’s Dad touching her up – well the shit would really hit the fan. Chloe stayed in the bent over position for a while longer, while Chris tried to reassure her.

“Would you try rubbing my lower back again please? I think it’s going to hurt if I try to reach it.”

He was a little taken back at this request, but she had asked him and she was a grown woman capable of making her own decisions. Where was the harm he thought?

Chris hesitated a while longer before saying, “Yes, I will give it a go – perhaps lie down on the sofa,” before adding, “I’ve had a few sports massages myself so hopefully I picked up a few tips!” He was trying to make a joke to relax her and to take his own mind off what he was doing. He wondered what Jess would say if she walked in right now.

Chloe lay down on the couch, her head facing inwards so that her ponytail draped over the edge of the seat cushions. She gestured to her lower back and crossed her ankles, bringing her legs closer together. Once again Chris had ample opportunity to take in the intricacies of her shapely form. His mind, in a state of wild abandon, pictured himself swiftly whipping down her shorts to reveal her peach-like bottom and then guiding his throbbing cock between her cheeks rubbing gently back and forth.

He soon snapped back to reality as he felt his dick harden in his pants. He knelt on the floor before Chloe caught sight and then he placed his hands gently on her back. ‘Slow, purposeful movements’… ‘maintain contact at all times’ he thought to himself.

“At least your hands are warm Mr J!” she blurted out shyly.

Chris didn’t reply. He felt uncomfortable when she called him that – it reminded him of the age gap at play – however, he pressed on with the massage, beginning with small circular movements with the palm of his hand, applying moderate pressure. Chloe began to murmur in approval, so he slightly increased his range, spreading out his fingers and tracing up her back towards her crop top.

Time seemed to slow down for him, totally focussed as he was on the task at hand and the beauty of the young woman he was suddenly permitted to touch. He allowed his hands to roam ever so slightly across her obliques so that his forefingers wrapped round to touch her toned stomach, before clenching his fist and gently kneading the area she had directed him too.

“How’s that?” he asked. No audible reply was forthcoming so he reluctantly removed his hands from her warm skin.

“Oh, really good, Mr J,” she purred. “It’s been a long time since I had a *proper* massage.”

Chris went to get up. His first thought was to make for the bathroom, so he could rub one out, but again his thoughts were cut short as Chloe spoke up.

“If you have time, I’d like you to carry on actually,” she said matter of factly. “I can lie on Jess’s bed to make it easier?”

Chris felt his cock grow another inch at the very thought. He tried to appear cool and calm about it. Was she flirting with him, or was this just the innocence of youth? This was his daughter’s shy best friend and here she was calling the shots. Chris didn’t have a clue how to react.

“Yes, err.. no worries… good idea. I am sure Jess won’t mind.” he confirmed, somewhat hastily.

Chloe rose slowly from the sofa and walked towards the door. Meanwhile Chris scanned the room for any evidence that might incriminate him later. He then followed her upstairs, every step a chance to marvel at her finely toned legs.

She turned into the bathroom at the top of the stairs so Chris went in to Jess’s room and sat down. He tried to think of something mundane – anything to try and calm his racing heart and blood seemingly rushing to his loins. He checked his phone, paranoid the wife might be checking in with him at that very moment.

When Chloe entered the room he saw she had wrapped a bath towel about her shoulders, concealing her upper half, but the rest of her outfit was unchanged. She said nothing, but as she approached the bed she flicked the towel around her, gathering it over her chest before lying face down. Chris immediately realised she had removed her top and bra.

“W-what are you doing Chloe?” he stammered. “You don’t have to remove any clothes!”.

“You can’t give a proper back massage with clothes on,” she replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“To be honest with you I am just worried what Jess is going to say if she catches her Dad massaging her naked friend on her bed!”

“For one I am not naked, and two, Jess said she will message me before she leaves – there will be plenty of time…. You worry too much!” she sniggered.

She was right, he did have a tendency to overthink every scenario and she had reassured him that he wasn’t in imminent danger of having to explain himself out of an awkward situation.

“Well if you’re sure…” She gave Chris no indication that she wasn’t, “I am just going to use a bit of this moisturiser,” his voice wavered slightly, “just to make things a little smoother.”

“Sure, go ahead,” she replied nonchalantly.

She rested her head on her hands, elbows pointing outwards. As he knelt down beside her Chris pretended not to notice the side of her breasts as they were squished into the bedclothes. His hands visibly shook as he squeezed out the cream but he was able gather his thoughts and proceed.

Her back was now revealed in full, the skin a perfect light brown and with hardly a blemish, aside from a small collection of moles clustered on her right shoulder blade. She really was in peak physical condition. His hands came into contact and he applied a decent amount of pressure. He wanted her to feel like he was being professional. He worked his way slowly up towards her shoulders, making sure to give equal attention to every area. He had quite forgotten where was she originally complaining of pain – It seemed like this wasn’t something she cared much about either.

After a few minutes he paused before checking in with her.

“Do you want me to carry on? No problem, either way” he asked, nervously waiting her response.

“Yes, just keep going, you’re doing great,” she replied. She seemed to be dealing with this situation much better than he was.

And so he continued on… In a state of concentrated bliss. Up until now he had stayed well within the safe areas of her body, but her responses were such that he felt he could get away with pushing the boundaries a little.

He used all the techniques at his disposal, giving a deep massage to her back and shoulders using fingers, knuckles and fists. He alternated between light and heavy pressure, really taking his time to enjoy the process – who knows if he’d ever have a chance like this again. The lines he traced on her became more exaggerated, moving out along her upper arms, up her neck and across her ribcage. Occasionally he ventured a one word request of acceptance – the reply was always an extended ‘mmmmmm.. .’

He was quickly running out of areas to work on. It was only a massage of her back that had been discussed, yet here he was already to expand the exploration of her body to the lower half. His forefingers brushed across the elasticated waistband of her gym shorts, as he extended his fingers fully. He did this a few times to subconsciously let her know that the shorts were a barrier to proceedings. With a new sense of confidence he asked of her in a hushed tone.

“Chloe, would you mind if I move these slightly?” He hooked his finger under the waistband of her shorts and gave them a playful twang.

“Yes, pull them down a little bit,” she replied in sleepy voice.

Without pausing he repositioned himself, kneeling at the end of the bed astride one of her legs. He pinched the shorts at either hip, lowering them down about an inch. She wiggled her hips slightly seemingly encouraging him on, so he took chance to ease them down yet further. This revealed the base of her spine and the upward curve of her beautiful bottom. So consumed was he in his act that he didn’t notice his erection brushing her thigh as he reached over. And then, without warning, the mood abruptly changed.

“Mr J” she shouted suddenly. In one swift movement she was sat up on the edge of the bed, the towel clasped about her breasts, whilst Chris stood bolt upright with his hands facing outwards in a pose designed to convey complete innocence.

“Y-y-you’re fucking… hard!” she said incredulously. Her eyes staring directly at the vertical bulge in his jogging pants. There was absolutely denying it, but he thought he might try anyhow.

“It’s.. well… I…” he managed to blurt out.

Without waiting for his response she did the most unexpected thing, she reached out with her free hand and gripped his penis firmly and gave it a playful wiggle. Her expression went from feigned shock to glee.

“Fucking look at it, ” she said “rock hard,” she giggled. He had never heard her talk in this manner, let alone swear.

“Chloe – I am so sorry, I lost control… let’s pack it up eh?” he mustered.

She continued, not letting go of her towel or his erection, “You’re getting turned on by this aren’t you?”

“Was this all just a little game to see me naked…” she ventured.

“No, n-n-no no,” Chris spluttered, trying to halt her interrogation.

“You just wanted to touch me didn’t you? I should have known it!” a broad smile crept across her face.

“You want to see me naked don’t you – that’s your little fantasy. You men are so predictable.” She jiggled his cock again before sliding her palm down the shaft in one smooth but deliberate motion.

“Jesus, Chloe…. you’ve got it all wrong. I wanted to help you, I didn’t really want to massage you half dressed on Jess’s bed. I wasn’t expecting to… you know…. feel anything….”

“Oh… my… God… I can’t believe it!” She was having fun with this now, Chris was in no doubt. The shy young woman had transformed before his eyes. He was in the palm of her hand.

“I felt you trying to pull my shorts down – you want to see my tight little ass don’t you? My pert little tits?”

“Look Chloe, I am just going to leave the room. You get dressed and we’ll pretend this never happened.”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you….” She got up to her feet and slowly walked towards him, giving him no chance to respond.

“It is quite a turn on isn’t it?” “…My best friend’s Dad lusting over my naked body,” she smiled a wide almost sadistic smile. “It’s nice being.. in control… isn’t it? As the words left her lips she let the towel drop to the floor, fully exposing an exquisite pair of breasts.

“Chloe… what the fuck are you doing,” he instinctively covered his eyes, although the image was burned on his mind, to be returned to at some later date.

She continued to pace right up to him and once again grabbed him firmly by the cock. It was all he could do to stop himself cumming in his pants right there and then.

“Feel them Mr J, it’s OK” she said in a sing-song fashion. She tugged at his arm, although his hands were still pressed firmly against his face. He wanted to run, or to curl up in a ball. Never had he felt a woman have so much power over him – even his wife.

He relaxed his right arm so she could pull it away – but he kept his eyes tightly shut, fearing he might incriminate himself further. She guided his hand down and placed it square on her breast. It felt so soft, yet springy to the touch. It was unmistakably the breast of a young fit woman. He was utterly transfixed.

She removed her guiding hand and began to gently rub his cock up and down inside his pants.

“That’s a nice fat cock you’ve got there Mr J… a good fit for a tight young pussy” she purred, her every word oozing confidence. Chris hadn’t heard dirty talk like this outside of a porno.

“Where do you want this to go, Chris?” It was the first time she had used his real name. She sounded so grown up all of a sudden.

He hadn’t spoken for what seemed like minutes now. He wasn’t sure if his voice would totally betray him.

“This is already in the realm of fantasy Chloe… but I am not about to cheat on my wife, with my daughters best friend if that’s what you’re implying.”

“So you do want to fuck me… I knew it!” she said satisfied. Chris didn’t try to deny it; he didn’t suppose it mattered if he did or not; she was definitely in the drivers seat.

“Well… unfortunately for you that’s not going to happen, I am on my period,” she sniggered, “so, let me tell what we *are* going to do,” she cocked her head coyly to one side, “you *can* open your fucking eyes Chris!”

Chris did as he was told, but ever so slowly in case she was tricking him once again. He felt a little light headed – which made sense since all the blood flow was concentrated on his engorged penis. She was sat on the bed now, hands supporting her, that smug look on her pretty face.

Chloe continued from her position of power, “You’ve seen more of me than you could have ever imagined… right? Well don’t keep me waiting, let’s see what you’re packing down there Mr J!” Chris didn’t move, he was still in awe of her tight little body.

“Come on now, you’re not shy are you?” This was just another of her teasing questions that didn’t care for a response.

Chris ambled forward until he was a foot from the bed, letting out a defeated sigh as he did so. Chloe didn’t wait for ceremony, in one smooth movement she hooked his waistband and pulled pants and underwear over his erection and down below his balls. His cock flicked out violently then returned to attention. She shuffled forward then grasped the shaft of his penis with both hands, like she was gripping a baseball bat.

“Now we’re talking Mr J! That’s a good 7 or 8 inches, and nicely trimmed too… Mrs J is a lucky lady,” she flashed a new, wicked smile.

“Please be quick,” Chris gestured. Jess had got to be home soon.

“I don’t think it will take long,” she broke off into a giggle.

Chris’s mind fairly exploded as he wrapped her plush lips around the tip of his cock. Tightly at first, then opening her mouth every so slightly as she traced down the shaft, maintaining the pressure evenly. As she reached the head again she curled her tongue around it, before removing it from her mouth entirely and licking from balls to tip. She was sure to linger at the most sensitive point where his foreskin joined to his penis and she allowed her tongue to dance wildly over it. Chris felt so weak at the knees, he had to support himself – his hands on her shoulders.

She continued to pleasure him with immense skill and sensuality, one hand at the base of his cock the other cradling his balls in a warm cupped hand. Any guilt that Chris felt for this situation was drowned in wave after wave of bliss. It hadn’t occurred to him what would happen when he needed to ejaculate – but the moment was surely near. Thankfully for him a recognisable sound broke the tension – it was the clear ping of a Facebook message notification.

She immediately removed his throbbing pole from her mouth and reached around to grab the phone. This gave Chris a moment of respite from the surging feeling growing in his genitals.

“OK – Jess said she’ll be home in 15. So lets wrap this up eh?”

“Chloe, you don’t need to… this has gone far eno… ugmmff,” the last word came out as muffled grunt as she deep throated him in one toe-curling manoeuvre.

From here on she upped the pace relentlessly – eventually releasing him from her mouth so she could bring him to a finish with her hands. Chris reached out to the nearest piece of furniture for support and she noticed the stricken look on his face.

“You’re not ruining my make-up with your seed if that’s what you’re thinking!” And when his look of panic didn’t subside, she added, “don’t worry, we ain’t making a mess of Jess’s bed either.”

“Where, then where? Fuck!” Chris cursed.

“My pussy’s out of bounds Mr J, but how about you spunk in my pretty virgin asshole,” she suggested, a voice full of delight.

She let her go of him and turned 180 degrees to face away from him. She pulled down the skimpy gym shorts that had got Chris in all this trouble in the first place and he finally got to see what was underneath: a little red g-string that perfectly divided the two pert cheeks of her ass, leading down to her pussy lips barely concealed below but clearly heavy with wetness. She ran her finger under the string and pulled it to one side revealing the perfect little starfish of skin around her anus.

“In here…. right in here,” she demanded.

Chris was beyond the point of no return and the sight before him drove him to a sense of heavenly despair. He knew he shouldn’t, but he just had to fill that tight little hole. Two firm strokes of his own cock was all it took – a thick jet of semen erupted from the tip, hitting its intended target accurately. The volume of cum was so great that it flecked up her asscheeks on both sides. Two more jets quickly followed, only a little less potent than the first – and by now a large glob of his jizz was making its way between her legs, but Chloe quickly reached through and gathered it up with her hands before it hit the carpet.

“Fucking hell… Chloe, what did you do to me…” Chris said, amidst his heavy panting.

“Just what you wanted… right Mr J?” She was already towelling herself down and gathering her clothes from the floor. “Lucky i’ve got a spare pair of panties… these ones are a bit of mess.

Before he could scold her or thank her she quickly leaned over, licked the last of the cum oozing from the tip of his sagging penis and upped and left the room.

Chris sank to his knees and closed his eyes. His head was spinning – he had no idea how he had gone from advising her on back stretches, to unloading into her pristine asshole in less than 40 minutes. He quickly came to his senses at the sudden thought of his daughter’s imminent arrival. He returned his pulsing member to his jogging pants and did a scan of the room for evidence of their activity. He shook out and smoothed Jess’s duvet and rubbed the traces of cum into the carpet with his foot. He then went to the window and opened it, to let the fresh air outside flow in.

He was back at his desk for only a couple of minutes before Chloe entered the room and dropped dramatically onto the sofa. She was dressed exactly as she had been when she arrived, although her hair was now tied up in a tight bun. The shy best friend had returned and nobody would have known any different.

“Quite the workout Mr J!” she said, beaming an innocent smile. “Perhaps you can show me some more of your moves sometime?”

Chris collected himself and attempted to regain control, “Please Chloe, don’t breathe a word of this to anyone,” he said in the sternest tone possible.

“You worry too much Mr J,” she replied cheekily. She switched on the TV and began flicking aimlessly through the channels. “Anyhow,” she continued “what evidence is there that this ever happened?” She left that hanging in the air for a moment before adding, “apart from the spunky little g-string in my bag, dripping in your DNA….” She ended the sentence with a very deliberate wink.

Chris face reddened as he realised that she had got him by the balls, literally in this case. There wasn’t going to be an easy way out of this after all – he would potentially pay for it for the rest of his life.

In a hushed but firm tone he stated,”I think we’re going to need to discuss this further Chloe.”

“Sure thing, Mr J… just ask Jess, she’s got my phone number.” Her sarcastic tone was unmistakable.

Seconds later the key turned in the door and in bustled his daughter. Chris flipped up his laptop and began typing.

Jess greeted them cheerfully as she entered the room “Hey Chloe… Hey Dad! How’s it going?”

“Hi Pumpkin,” Chris replied, not daring to face her, should she notice the guilt etched across his face.

“Look at you all sweaty… good session on the bike?” Chloe asked her bestie. “I’m afraid I pulled something in my back out, so I’ve just been laid out here watching chat shows.”

“Really?” Jess replied “nothing too serious I hope…. You should have asked my Dad, he knows some good stuff about muscle relaxation.” Chris squirmed silently in his seat.

“He did try and show me something… but if I am honest I wasn’t that bothered. Typical me really,” she said, adding a shy smile for effect.

“I am just going to grab a shower… come and lie on my bed and we’ll decide what we’re going to wear tonight,” Jess offered. “I presume you bought some more clothes to wear?”

“Oh yes, just a few,” Chloe replied, easing herself up to a standing position.

Jess threw her keys on the table and they left the room, leaving Chris alone with his thoughts. And what thoughts they were.

[To be continued…]

***{I have a few ideas about where to go with this – i.e. Chloe continuing to taunt and tease Chris leading into blackmail and risky situations, but if you have some of your own please share below – it would really help to keep the story going. Thanks for reading!}***

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/enlgbn/he_mistook_her_for_a_shy_girl_mforalcheat


  1. **y sister is going to dubai from pakistan how many chances are people will try to use her in bed in dubai ? msg**

    can any one tell how desi girls like to dress there inn dubai and what they do to enjoy night life

    Kik : SisterInDubai

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