[MF] (Slow Burn/Softcore/Anti-Porn?) The Super-Virgin Serial (1/2)

>**DISCLAIMER: This story is mostly a long string of increasingly obvious missed signals that could have ended in sex but didn’t. This part doesn’t actually contain any sex at all, in fact, and is pretty much just buildup.**
>**This still entertains me. I’m really into detail and intimacy, plus it can be fun looking back on the good bits of your own life with a storyteller’s eye, but compared to the usual this stuff is practically anti-porn.**
>**If all you’re interested in is hardcore fucking, then** ~~GET AWAY FROM ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!~~ **you may like to skip over this one.**

Anyone still there?

Hello if so! This is the tale of a blushing virgin boy, his long-suffering new girlfriend, and the unbelievable lengths she had to take in order to pound a clue through his thick skull.

How long can you last, dear reader, before wanting to reach through the page and smack some sense into him? No need to pad the time – there is no judgement here.


**Our hero, [Me]:** At this time, I was 19 years old, with short brown hair and eyes. An immigrant from Australia, I had been living in the US for several years, and was about to enter my first relationship.
Even today I’m not naturally confident, and need 6+ months to read even the most obvious sign; at this time, even the idea of touching a girl’s hand seemed adventurous, so needless to say I was on the awkward side. But I had masturbated to amateur porn before, so… you know, that’s sort of experience… ^(right?)

**Our heroine, ***:** A 21-year-old with brilliant hazel-green eyes and slightly-wavy almost-but-not-quite black hair that fell to her upper back. She was clever, sweet, well-built and (as we shall soon see) infinitely patient. Raised by strict religious parents, she somehow turned out more-or-less well-adjusted but had an underlying traditional streak that could turn up at the most unexpected times.
She had been in a brief but sexually active relationship during her last year of high school; according to what she later told me, it was driven mostly by peer pressure, and she considered both her first kiss and her virginity to have been ‘stolen’. Although she resented and felt guilty about this, it actually worked out perfectly for me – she was still able to get swept away in her first breathless romance, but already had enough experience to not to fear physicality.


*** and I had known each other for about half a year by this point. We’d met in a class and gotten along famously. As we later admitted, we also found each other extremely hot – ~~although she was objectively wrong,~~ this may have helped lubricate things as well.

We soon discovered that we had a wealth of facets and interests in common, and we kept inventing more and more reasons to meet. We went exploring together through the surrounding countryside; we routinely pooled our lunches/dinners together into shared meals – dates in all but name. We began talking throughout the evening, then late into the night, then early into the morning.

This led to our sleeping over in the common rooms at one another’s dormitories, first on occasion and then several times per week. Finally we started spending time in each other’s own private rooms, away from the distraction of our housemates – who, as we later learned, had been placing bets on how long it was going to take before we finally took the inevitable plunge.


We were sitting on her bed with our legs dangling over the side, and had just been discussing some point of personal philosophy. We were looking over one another’s faces, with our hands planted resolutely in our own laps like good little children, and it would have taken a hacksaw to cut the tension.

*My god, she’s amazing… Right, mate, we ready? We only get one shot at this.*

Doing some quick mental sums, factoring how I’d been regularly invited to stay over at her place for the last several months, and that she had regularly accepted invitations to stay over at mine, and that we were in fact currently alone on her bed, I squared the inverse harmonic mean of the quadratic integral and worked out that there was at least a 50/50 chance that she might be receptive to the idea.I decided that the potential reward was worth that kind of risk.

I don’t know maths.

‘Erm… ***?’, I began hesitantly, the heat already rising in my cheeks. *Go on, man, into the bloody breach!*

‘Yes?’. She must have known what was coming.

‘I was wondering if…’. *Come on, mate, be strong. Deep breath. Fuckin’ death or glory!*


‘I… I… Iwaswonderingifyouwouldliketobemygirlfriend?’. *Ah, so… death it is. Nice one, mate. Textbook. Sorry for wasting your time, miss – shall I let myself out via door or window?*

She sqealed in delight and squeezed my hands in her own.

‘Oh, of course! Why on earth wouldn’t I?’

*Or… or not, I guess? Okay. Huh. So… guess I have a girlfriend now? I’m her boyfriend? That was sudden.*

We ran down the clock grinning and holding each others’ hands. She blinked at me expectantly.

I hadn’t planned on success.

*What do you actually do with a girlfriend once you have one? Put it in the sun and water it? Pet it and take it on walks?Damn it, nobody ever went over this!*

‘So… do we kiss now?’

‘I think we do, yes’. She beamed wider still, and we turned to face each square-on.

*** closed her eyes in anticipation as I hesitantly leaned toward her.

I brought my face onto hers a too fast and almost directly straight-on, nearly ramming our noses. We inhaled slowly and deeply as our lips made contact, and my eyes closed as well. She brought her hands up to either side of my face, and I followed her example in turn. *Thank you Hollywood.*

Her mouth opened slightly, her warm, soft lips trembling as they parted. Mine parted as well, working on equal parts imitation and instinct, and the first flavourless hit of her saliva struck me like an epi shot straight to the heart – I thought I’d go into arrest on the spot.

*Wha…? How…? This isn’t possible. This isn’t happening.*

Our heads rocked slowly back and forth, tilting further to the side, our mouths opening wider with each new press. Her hands slipped off my cheek, one of them cupping around the back of my head and the other finding its way between my shoulder blades. With nothing else to go on, I took her lead and did the same.

The press grew stronger and more intent. Our mouths opened wider still, and I got a first taste of her tongue. My breathing began to pick up, growing more ragged as I struggled to keep the oxygen flowing – hers kept pace. Our shoulders, feeling left out, began to involve themselves; they rolled back and forth to increase the motion, first imperceptibly and then with increasing force. Then hers moved abruptly.

Already off guard and deeply out of my element, I was blindsided when *** shifted her weight. She started to fall away, but the hands on my back and head pulled me along with her. I lost my balance and fell foward into the darkness behind my eyelids.

My eyes shot open again; I broke the kiss and lifted my head against the pressure still pressing down from behind. I found myself looking down into ***’s face. Her cheeks were hot, her teeth barely visible behind her still-parted lips. We were both breathing fast, and the room had become unbearably hot. I was on top of her and between her parted legs – my weight pressed her down onto her bed. Her eyes blinked opened and met mine; she grinned up from beneath me.

‘First kiss…?’

‘Ah… was it… was it really that obvious?’. I felt a stab of shame and failure.

She laughed in my face.

‘Ahahahahaha… OUR first kiss, my dearest!’, she beamed.

Dread set in as her smile suddenly faded. Confusion flashed across her face.

‘That… that was your first?’.

I nodded in affirmation. She seemed almost abashed, and hesitated.

‘Oh. Ehm… Would you… would you like to have a second?’

I thought for a moment, then as an answer lowered my mouth back to hers.

That night, we finally slept together. *** was on top of me until well after dawn, if you know what I mean, eh?

What else could I possibly mean?

‘I can hear your heartbeat’. Her head rested on my upper sternum.

She wore her favourite baggy pyjamas. Having not thought to pack any nightwear, I was still in my street clothes.

She lay draped partially over me, my closest leg twined between her own. One of her arms lay on my chest, our interlaced fingers at my waist. My free arm was wrapped around her shoulders, pressing her chest against my side. She sighed blissfully as we slowly lost consciousness.

We would sleep this way for the next half-decade.


Starstruck and hormonal, we lost count almost immediately as breathless makeout sessions became a regular part of our nights and ^(,to the bemusement and annoyance of our friends,) days alike.

Still halfway convinced that she was only being polite, I kept strictly within the limits that had been defined. I could stick my tongue down her throat while we rolled around on her bed, and I could place my hands anywhere on her head and back, but if I touched I laid a finger anywhere else she’d doubtless kick my teeth in and I would completely deserve it.

That made sense. ^(Right?)

We were standing in the narrow doorway of her cramped room – our eyes were closed, our hands locked behind one another’s heads and grasping their way up and down one another’s backs. Our faces were flushed, our breathing was hot and rapid. Business as usual, nothing to see here.

She shifted her weight, took a step forward. I tried to compensate and found my back flush up against the off-white brick wall. One of her legs raised and hooked around my thigh; the arm around my back clamped with iron strength, and she drove her chest hard against my own. Her shoulders came to life. Her breasts squashed against me through our clothing as our torsos ground together. Her breath sped further and further still, shallow and practically frantic.

Eventually, she had to break off for air. I opened my eyes. Her leg dropped back to where it had been, and she stood swallowing greedy lungfuls of air through a wide-open mouth. She finally got her breathing under control, shook her head, and then gently bit down on her lip while drawing a slow breath through her nose. Her eyes opened, and she looked at me with a smile and gaze that were suddenly bashful.

*That was… pretty hot. But remember, mate! Patience. Hands to yourself. You’ve been luckier than you deserve, so stay cool. Don’t want to go scaring her off already.*


We lay in her bed alongside each other, where we’d been reading. The night was late, and we decided that it was time to hit the hay. As she lay back down flat after placing our books on the nightstand, I felt like being a bit adventurous – by my own standards, at least.

Reaching up, I tossed a lock of hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek. She flashed a little smile and let it happen for a few seconds, before taking my hand in hers and lowering it carefully onto her other arm.

She stopped once the very tips of my fingernails made in contact with her skin. She ran my hand back and forth gently and gradually, making a few runs along her forearm, then let go and allowed me to continue the motion on my own. She closed her eyes and sighed, breathing in time with the motions of my hand. Then she gave her head a tiny shake, flashed a smile, and reached out to switch off the light.

She took up her usual spot, laying her head and arm on me and wrapping her legs around my nearest one. Her voice sounded out of the darkness.

‘Would you mind stroking my arm again?’

With the arm around her, I reached down to the one on my chest, and began to run my fingertips across her skin the way she’d shown me. She trembled slightly, and sighed softly in time with each pass.

‘Mmmm… mmmm… mmmm…’


We were in my bed, this time. It was late at night; I’d just been blearily awoken by something.

*** lay in her usual spot halfway on top of me. The hand on my chest had slipped down and was gripping my ribcage, pressing her firmly against me. In the dark, I felt the movement of her hips as she rhythmically ground them against my outer thigh.

‘Hm?’, I inquired quietly. No response.

*Aw, she’s dreaming. About…? Nah, don’t make assumptions, don’t kid yourself.Although… what else could it be? Huh.*

Suddenly flattered, aroused, and amused, I chuckled to myself – softly, I had thought, but not softly enough.

She froze. Even her breath hung in the air for a moment.

‘Hey, ***? Did I wake you up?’, I whispered.

She said nothing, taking measured breaths and pretending to be asleep.

*Good going, mate, you’ve embarrassed the poor girl. It seemed like she was having a good time….Hm. I wonder if she ever thinks about that stuff when she’s awake…*


We were at hers again, passionately embraced in her narrow entryway.

Though still blind, I had by now gained something that sort of vaguely resembled confidence ^(if seen in bad light from a long way off), and was in a bit of a mood – we’d just been in a game with friends, so adrenaline was already flowing, plus I’ve always admired women who can keep pace in contact sports.

Suddenly inspired by off-white brickwork, I decided to reverse the events of a couple weeks earlier – overcautious or not, I figured that anything done to me was fair game to return.

As we explored one another’s mouths, I threw my weight forward and firmly pushed her against the wall, pressing myself against her. A muffled squeak of surprise rose from the back of her throat, and for a second she paused. I felt a flash of worry about having gone too far, when she restarted with a renewed, hungry passion. Our breaths rose to a shuddering fever pitch while the kisses grew ever more forceful and sloppy.

Eventually I felt the need for air, breaking off and turning my head to one side for a few fresh lungfuls. Turning back, I found myself staring back into her intense hazel-green eyes. They pierced me for a moment, then shut. Wordlessly, she raised her head high towards the far corner of the room, brushing aside her hair with one hand.

*Careful, now, mate. Maybe you’re misread-*

Pure instinct brought my lips down onto the tender skin of her strong, graceful neck. ***’s breath came in shuddering gasps as I worked my way down to the base, then reversed my way up to her ear; she made a faint cry as I nibbled gently at her earlobe. When I disengaged, she swung her head around to the other side and again brushed her hair away to expose the other side.

‘Ahhhh… ahhhh… ah! Gentle now, gentle…’.

‘Are you okay? Did I hurt you?’. I broke off.

Her head lowered and I once again found myself meeting her beautiful hazel-green eyes.

‘Not at all. That… that was nice.’ She drew a deep breath and bit her lip.

‘But,’ she continued as she exhaled, ‘do you know what a hickey is?’

I did not. What a surprise.

Although it wasn’t a cold time of year, *** wore a hoodie for a couple days straight.


‘So… what are you going to do when… you know… if she just… just jumps you?’, my brunette friend asked with a teasing smile, head cocked inquiringly. She could be a bit of a gossip sometimes.

A few of us had gotten together for lunch. *** had been busy and couldn’t make it; the others apparently felt free to be candid in her absence.

‘Jumps me?’. Hadn’t really thought about this before. I considered. ‘It depends, I guess.’

‘Depends? On what?’, asked my tall blonde mate. He was more outgoing ^(low fucking bar) and had already been around the block a few times.

‘If I saw her coming. She could take me down hard if she got a good ambush in. But if I could fend off the first strike and keep the distance open, I think I’d be able to win. You know, speed and reach. Plus I think I’d be able to use her aggression against her – you know how she is, she gets reckless.’ I explained, pondering the full tactical situation if my girlfriend and I started trying to murder one another in a back alley.

My friends glanced at one another in disbelief.

‘I’m sure she could take you down hard.’ Brunette briefly giggled before clarifying. ‘As in, jump your bones?’My eyes narrowed in confusion.

‘Sexually.’, Goatee helpfully supplied from his spot in the corner of my eye.

Everyone was staring at me.

Brunette grinned as I flushed with embarrassment. ^(With so many years’ hindsight, she might have found me attractive as well. Maybe. Maybe not.)

‘Erm… well, I… I haven’t really thought much about that’, I said more-or-less honestly – daydreams don’t count.

Once again, my friends shared a glance.

‘You don’t think you should maybe start getting ready for that? You’ve been together almost a month’, Tallboy questioned, with a hint of genuine concern. I laughed him off.

‘Yeah, one month: my point exactly. Look, you guys know how we’re like. That’ll be a long time coming. I’ll figure it out later.’

‘If you say so, man.’


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/emao5d/mf_slow_burnsoftcoreantiporn_the_supervirgin