[MF] (Slow Burn/Softcore/Anti-Porn?) The Super-Virgin Serial (2/2)

>**DISCLAIMER: This story is mostly a long string of increasingly obvious missed signals that could have ended in sex but didn’t. There technically is sex at the end, but it’s a very long journey for the level of payoff.**
>**This still entertains me. I’m really into detail and intimacy, plus it can be fun looking back on the good bits of your own life with a storyteller’s eye, but compared to the usual this stuff is practically anti-porn.**
>**If all you’re interested in is hardcore fucking, then** ~~GET AWAY FROM ME! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIFFERENT!~~ **you may like to skip over this one.**


**- WEEK 4? – FOREPLAY?**

We were at my place, sitting on the floor in the common room. A housemate had showed us a clip of something, and expressed some sort of opinion on it. *** disagreed emphatically. My friend doubled down. They both looked at me to break the tie.

I considered the arguments they had made, and delivered my verdict.

‘You’re on his side? Shock and betrayal!’, *** shoved me playfully with one arm.

‘Well, that’s what I actually think… am I supposed to just lie to you?’

‘Precisely? God, how do you still know nothing about women?’, my mate helpfully chipped in.

‘See? Even he’s on my side’.

‘And I’m on his. Isn’t that nice? If only you were on mine, we could come full circle’. I shoved her shoulder in return.

‘That’s mean. I am on your side. Always!’. She shoved me in the chest with both hands. This time I did fall over backwards, catching myself on my hands.

‘Really? With friends like these, eh?’. I hopped onto my knees and shoved her on the shoulders in retaliation.

She fell back onto an elbow and got onto her knees as well, growling in irritation.

‘Ehm, guys…?’, my mate backed off as *** and I started grappling in the middle of the floor, throwing one another’s weight around and trying to get one another into holds and chokes.

‘Guys? It’s really not important’. We ignored him – a challenge had been issued, and with both of us being who we were, there could be only one final victor.

‘Seriously, should I get someone?’ my mate asked.

‘No!’, we snapped back in unison, still grappling.

‘Okay, okay…’

She had the advantage on me in raw strength, but I was faster and had some experience, so our battle raged back and forth inconclusively for some time.

Her superior strength began to tilt the match in her favour, so I spun away and got to my feet, where speed is a greater advantage. She rose as well, and we started trading pulled punches, lightly pegging one another on the arms and body.

Somewhere a door opened.

‘What the hell is going on out here?’, asked one of my other housemates.

‘No idea, but I think they like it. Just let it happen’

Finally, she overextended, and I was able to slip around her and grab her in a solid headlock from behind. She thrashed in anger, and I triumphantly waited for her to exhaust herself.

‘Let me go, asshole!’

‘I’d love to, just surrender’, I chirped sweetly. The success had made me cocky.


The suggestion only pissed her off, and she flailed with renewed violence. I struggled to maintain the hold, but could tell she was starting to tire. It was only a matter of time now…

‘I… I think this is their idea of foreplay?’, one of my mates suggested.

At this, I burst into laughter. My grip loosened. *** seized the opportunity – she wrenched herself free with both arms, snarled in fury, and swung an elbow back and into the side of my head. I dropped on my arse.

She froze for a second. ‘Oh! Ohmygod, I… I’m so, so sorry… are you alright?’. She sounded more shocked than I was.

‘Ahahaha, yeah, no worries. That was a good hit’, I said with genuine admiration. I shook my head and grabbed the offered hand.

‘No, really, are you feeling okay?’. Head injuries are no joke. She apologetically rubbed the struck area.

‘Perfectly. More surprised than hurt, I swear. Oh! Erm, I mean…’

An idea had come to mind. My heart was pounding, and I was riding high on adrenaline. Both of us were covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Her face was flushed, and there was heartfelt concern in her hazel-green eyes.

‘I mean… unless you’d like to kiss and make it better?’, I suggested, cocking an eyebrow.

‘Oh? Well… anything to help the wounded’, she smiled, throwing one of her strong arms around me.

‘…what the fuck?’

‘…I actually think you might have been right.’

It was later, months later, that we discovered that he had indeed been right all along. Clever bloke.


We were yet again in her room, a tangled mess of sweaty limbs rolling around on her bed; we broke off for a breather, lying on our sides. I brought my mouth down onto her neck, with measured pressure – I knew what a hickey was. *** moaned softly as my lips journeyed up and down her soft skin, gave a little gasp as her earlobe got its turn. I rolled us onto our opposite shoulders and gave the rest of her neck the attention it deserved.

‘Mmm… ahhh! Mmm, oh, keep going… mmm…’

By the time I finished with a final kiss on her cheek, she was trembling in my arms, and excitement shone in her eyes. She brought her mouth to mine with the frenzied passion I found so irresistable. Behind me, her hands shifted – one crept downward from behind my head to take up position between my shoulders, while the other found its way onto the small of my back.

As we hungrily sampled the taste of one another, her hips joined in the action, as they had during her dream several weeks prior – but this time we were front-on, and both very much wide awake.

Despite myself, I couldn’t help but groan in pleasure as she rubbed the front of her trousers hard against my own. Luckily, the sound was muffled by her mouth on mine – if she had noticed then she might have realised what I was thinking about, and been righteously horrified. Or something like that. It made sense in my head.

Despite my overwhelmingly powerful inhibitions, sheer animal instinct made me join with her motion, and we were soon thrusting ourselves against one another through our trousers with ever-rising tempo and force. We broke off the kiss, gasping and shuddering in one another’s arms.

*This simply isn’t happening. This doesn’t happen to people like you, not with people like her. You’ll wake up soon.*
But reality seemed in no rush to reassert itself, so until it did so, I decided to take another taste of her neck. Her hot and salty flavour was magnificent, and I felt insatiable.

***’s voice cried repeatedly in my ear. ‘Aah! Aah! Aah!’. Her hips worked frantically.

An electric shock drove through my body, leaving me tingling. I drove my fingers hard into ***’s shoulder, and my breath rose to a pant. Everything felt tense, and we writhed in one another’s arms. I found myself desperately sucking down air, sweat dripping down my face and soaking through my shirt – I was suddenly light headed.

*Holyshitholyshitholy… shit. Oh. Oh, no. Nononononono. SHIT. Ah, okay, okay… play this cool. Maybe she won’t notice.*

Panicked into clarity, I let go of *** and determinedly pried myself away from her. Also breathing heavily and soaked in sweat, she cocked her head curiously as I clambered away and swung my legs off the edge of the bed.

‘I’m sorry, I… just really need to go have a piss’, I lied through my teeth.

‘Now?’. She bit her lip and broke out into a grin. ‘Well, I’ll be here. Don’t be long.’

By this point I’d long ago started carrying a change of clothes in case I didn’t stay at my own place that night. Unfortunately, my bag was in her room, so a quick swap was out of the question. I washed my briefs briefly under the shower before hiding them at the back of the supply cupboard for later retrieval, and returned to her wearing a single layer.

*Bloody hell, that was entirely too close. You were just very, very lucky. She might have realised exactly what kind of thoughts you’ve been having about her. And then what would happen?*


Yet again, I was at her place. It was morning, and we’d just gotten up. Although I didn’t yet recognise it for what it was, we’d once again passed the night with what was basically energetic hip-grinding foreplay. But no hands near any genitals, of course – that would basically been assault. Yeah. Couldn’t have that.

*** was starting to get impatient.

‘We really need to go get cleaned off – what do you think?’. She wasn’t wrong – again we had fallen asleep in clothing damp with sweat. Her hair was tangled, as it so often would be for the next half-decade’s worth of mornings.

‘My thoughts exactly’.

‘Wonderful! I’ll get started’, she said, tossing a pair of towels over her shoulder.

‘Sounds good by me. See you in a bit?’.

‘See you soon’. She flashed me a wide smile, and headed out into the corridor.

The pipes came to life through the wall.

I dug through my own pack in order to find my own towel, so that I could be ready to hop in the moment she was done.

My clothes felt sticky and gross, and I couldn’t wait to take them off and rinse down.

*She’s really taking a long time in there. There’s not going to be any hot water left.*

Eventually the water shut off. A few minutes later the door opened.

‘Hey.’ *** came back inside, wearing towels around her hair and torso.

‘Hey!’ I grabbed my own and swung my feet off her bed. ‘Had a nice one? You were in there a while.’

‘Yeah… it was nice.’

I trotted over to give her a quick kiss. She hesitated for a second, then threw her arms around me, pressing herself close and nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. I couldn’t help but stroke her naked shoulders; her freshly-bathed skin was intoxicating. I could feel the firm curves of her breasts under the thin fabric of her towel, and my trousers started to grow tight as she affected me – I disengaged and turned toward the door before I could start to seem too eager.

‘So is there any hot water left?’, I asked, my back to her.

‘No… no there isn’t. Sorry about that’.

‘Ah, no worries, eh? We all take too long sometimes’, I said, masking my disappointment.

Cold showers are the worst thing.


Back in high school, *** had been peer-pressured into a relationship with someone she wasn’t very interested in, and it had become physical far before she had felt ready. Her resentment had left her absolutely determined to let me move things along at a pace that I was comfortable with.

However, she was also tired of my crap.

‘I am going to take a shower now. Would you like to join me?’

I stammered at the thought. ‘I… it’s fine, really, I can wait until you’re done’

‘I know you CAN. Would you LIKE to join me? Because if you are okay with it, then I would be happy if you did.’

‘Oh. Well… in that case, I’d love to!’.

‘Great! Grab your towel’.

I stood at the rear of the shower, lathering up my hair as *** washed out her own. I was facing the wall. We may have been doing regular foreplay, and she may have just invited me into the shower with her, but she had never yet given me explicit consent to see her naked – best to stay on the safe side. Just in case she thought I was a total pig.
^(SHE was the one raised by fanatics…?)

She finished rinsing out her hair and invited me under the water to wash out my own. I awkwardly shuffled around her, keeping my back to her the whole time. My own was pretty short, and it took the work of a moment to rinse out.

I told her I was done, and awkwardly switched places with her again as she washed down the rest of her body.

I twiddled my thumbs. There wasn’t much spray at the rear of the shower, and I was starting to get cold.

‘Could you help me with something?’. her voice reverberated slightly in the glass box.
‘It’s hard to scrub my own back. Can you do it, please?’

‘Erm… sure. Of course.’ I turned halfway around, still staring resolutely at the wall.

She placed a sponge in my outstretched hand.

‘Please look so you can see what you’re doing.’

I turned around as requested, and for the first time gazed upon ***’s naked back. Her wet blackish hair, now completely straight, hung past the faint outline of her shoulder blades. Rivulets of water ran down the channel traced by her spine, down past her broad hips, finally dripping past her iron-hard thighs and thick muscular legs.

It took me a moment for me to process everything.

‘Ah… where should I start?’, I asked in uncertainty. She giggled.

‘Anywhere is fine. Just be thorough’.

‘I think that’s everything’. I set the sponge aside. I had been thorough.

*** glanced over one shoulder at me out of the corner of her eye.

‘Thank you, sweetie’.

She suddenly turned to face me – still aggressively ignorant, I quickly spun back around to preserve her innocence.

She sighed with the patience of a saint. ‘Please turn around. It’s okay.’

I turned to face her, and drank in the sight of her firm breasts as the water ran past her dark nipples; of her powerful arms, whose strength I already knew well; of the hint of muscle under the flat plane of her abdomen; of the short black hair below her navel; of what lay below that. And of course, ^(literally) on top of it all, her black-framed face with its shining hazel-green eyes. The brew was strong, and my breath caught in my throat.

*** grinned broadly and giggled again at my expression. She gently bit her lip as she ran her eyes over me in return, pausing as she reached the bottom. Bashful, and still associating that kind of gesture with nervousness, I tried to cover myself with my hands – this wasn’t as easy as it could have been, as I’d been solid as marble since getting in the tub with her.

‘Aw, don’t hide. That’s not fair, is it?’. She spread her arms wide.

Hm. Fair point, no rebuttal. Case closed. I removed my hands and, unsure of where to put them, rested them on my hips by default.

She chuckled. ‘I know a better place you can put those’.

She took one of mine in her own, reached up, and placed it on her breast.

‘Is this okay?’

‘Yes’, I choked breathlessly.

She placed my free hand on her other breast, and as a prompt moved my wrists in a slow circle.

She took her hands away as I began to fondle her of my own accord. Her breasts were round, firm, silky-soft to the touch, and perfectly-sized – neither flat nor extreme, but enough to completely fill an open hand.

We both groaned softly as I ran the palms of my hands over her dark nipples, which began to stiffen at my touch; I ran my fingertips in widening circles the way she had taught me, moving slowly and making only the barest contact; I cupped my hands around them, gently squeezed, pressed them together. *** groaned again, and again.

At some point, she reached a out hand.

‘Is this alright?’, she asked as she cautiously touched me between the legs.

‘Yes’. I somehow stiffened further still at her touch, almost painfully.

‘What about this?’, she continued, wrapping a hand around my shaft.


‘And this?’, she finished, slowly running her hand up and down.

‘Mmph… mm-hm…’

*This… hm. I’d say it isn’t happening, but I’ve always been wrong so far. Maybe this is real, fuck it.*

Her other hand came up behind my head, and her lips met mine – we kissed slowly and passionately, fondling one another as we stood under the now-tepid stream.

After some time, I was hit by a vaguely-familiar sensation. My entire body began to tense up.

I tried to get out some sort of warning, but the hand behind my head held my mouth onto hers. Her motions only quickened as I began to breathe erratically and throb in her hand. Then I was hit by a shuddering wave of pleasure, which soon faded into a pleasant full-body tingle, and then into fear and shame.

*You just fucking came on her, you absolute fucking numpty! Cum gets people pregnant! That was dangerous, it could somehow get somewhere it shouldn’t! You’re irresponsible and selfish! What is she going to think of you? She’s going to fucking go ballistic, and you’re going to deserve it!*

‘Mmm… I… mmm… I’m so sorry’, I panted as she turned away from me.

‘Sorry for what?’. She held up her hand under the showerhead.

‘I just… well… you know…’, I lamely explained as she splashed soap onto her palms.

‘You did. Do I seem upset?’, she inquired, vigorously scrubbing.

‘I… you… well… you could be hiding it?’, I ventured as she finished checking for residue.

She burst out laughing, and gestured along her naked body.

‘I’m not hiding anything, I assure you’. I chucked weakly at the joke, eyes still downcast.

She sighed, raised a hand up under my chin. She lifted my head up until I met her hazel-green eyes.

‘Please don’t feel bad, or else I’m going to feel bad that you feel bad, and that will start a whole vicious cycle’. I laughed again – that was precisely the sort of thing we would do, yes.

‘Really, though. Did you enjoy that?’

‘I… yes. A lot. But what about you? I mean, you didn’t get to…’

‘No, but it was hardly a bad time. You learn fast, you kiss well, and you’re good with your hands. Plus…’

She hesitated, then grinned at me in triumphant pride.

‘Plus… nobody else has ever done that to you before. You came for me. Only me.’


Once again, the major step happened at her place.

I was bolder now – and had a whole new appreciation for the comforts of a warm shower – but I still aggressively refused to read between the lines. After all, handjobs were one thing, but hands don’t get pregnant; I could not truly believe that she’d be willing to start taking such life-shattering risks with me, and still didn’t want to force the issue.

It was late at night, and we were about to hit the sack. I was already in pyjamas, and I admired the view as *** got changed in the middle of the room.

Climbing into bed and starting to lay down next to me, she suddenly paused.

‘Can I… can I admit something to you?’

‘Of course’.

‘I… actually really prefer to sleep naked. It gets hot in here otherwise. Would you mind that?’

‘Why would I mind?’. She was completely right about the heat, and in fact I also had the same private habit – there was a reason my pyjamas were a pair of swim trunks and a singlet.

Happily, she sat back up, slipped off her clothes and tossed them against the opposite wall, before swinging herself back down next to me. I looked her up and down, never tiring of the view. I leaned over and planted a kiss on her mouth, and ran three fingertips down her shoulder and arm. She gave a squeak of enjoyment, then frowned.

‘So… are you going to get naked as well? Because it’s going to be extremely awkward otherwise.’

‘Oh! Right! Sorry’. This made perfect sense. I tossed my meagre nightclothes over the foot of the bed.

I was hard – her naked body had that effect on me – but she had seen this before and didn’t seem to mind too much.

*** turned out the light as I lay down flat on my back. She took up her usual place beside and halfway on top of me, with her head and arm on my chest.

In the darkness, her weight shifted.

Her lips came down onto mine, which eagerly parted in greeting, and one of her hands cupped my cheek. One of her legs slipped out from under mine, and the other swung further up and onto me.

My arm wrapped around her rose of its own accord, found her hair, and buried itself behind her neck. My free hand located one of her breasts, and her nipple hardened as I brushed it with my thumb.

Our kiss grew faster and more breathless, and I broke off to lower my mouth to her neck, at the same time shifting my attention to her other breast so that it didn’t feel left out. She softly moaned and trembled as I caressed her most tender skin with my lips and hands. The hand in her hair freed itself and my fingertips began a long aimless journey along her back. Her breathing picked up, and I felt the scratch of her hair as she began to press her hips against the blade of my pelvis – first slowly, then with steadily rising tempo.

In the darkness, her voice rose higher and became a series of shuddering gasps, and the rocking of her hips reached a fever pitch. I switched my mouth back to the other side of her neck again, and in the heat of the moment forgot all about keeping careful with the pressure.

Her body tensed up, she writhed under my arm, and the rubbing of her hips against my pelvis slowed down to a hard determined grind. Her gasps rang out in my ear – ‘Ah! Ah! Ah! Ohyes, ohyes, yes!’. She cried out my name in a voice high with excitement; it was the sweetest sound I’d ever heard.

Her breathing began to slow and stabilise. She shivered, swayed, and her head hit my chest.

She continued moaning softly, her hips continuing to press – now leisurely – against my pelvis.

‘Oh… oh, yes… yes… mmm… mmm…’

Thrilled, I wrapped my arm tightly around her, pressing her close. I leaned out into the dark and planted a kiss somewhere on the top of head. I explored around with my fingertips, found her arm, and began stroking along the length, one way and then the other. She sighed, and continued softly moaning.

In the darkness, I grinned broadly at the ceiling.

*Okay, mate, she’s interested. Definitely. Almost definitely. Maybe tomorrow we should sit down and have a talk about how and when we’d like to move forward.*

And so I lay in the bed of my two-month girlfriend, who had already given me multiple shower handjobs on her own volition, and who was currently lying in a naked heap on my chest, and who was groaning in pleasure after having brought herself to orgasm against my pelvis… and I started planning how to ask whether or not she’d like to start having sex.


We awoke together naked for the first time. Narrow bars of sunlight fell onto us through her window blinds. I stroked her arm and hair for a minute, and she planted a kiss over my heart before rolling over onto her back next to me. We smiled at one another, and her hazel-green eyes sparkled in the light as she spoke.

‘Good morning, my love’

‘Good morning, my dearest’

‘So… how was your niiiight?’, she inquired with a hint of caution.

‘Unbelievable’, I replied, meaning it literally.

‘So you didn’t mind how it went? It wasn’t too much for you?’

I laughed in her face. ‘My gorgeous sweet girlfriend climaxed on me, and you’re asking if I mind?’. Like so many other things, I was oblivious to the irony. ‘No, no… that was… really hot, not going to lie’.

*** looked momentarily bashful at the compliment. ‘Oh, you flatterer’. She leaned over for a kiss.

Our eyes closed as her lips came down onto mine, and our hands came up to hold one another’s faces. Our kiss was long and deep.

Until it wasn’t anymore. I can’t remember who started it, but soon we were once again rolling on the bed, with our limbs tangled, breaths heavy, and faces flushed.

Upon finally breaking off for air, I was on top of her. My chest pressed down onto hers, gravity aided by the arm around my back; I could feel her breasts, squashed under my weight.

I was between her widely-spread legs, and rock-solid. My chest heaved as I struggled for breath – that movement, and probably also a strong dose of instinct, rubbed the bottom of my shaft between her legs. *** groaned.

I realised what was happening, and backed off onto my hands and knees, breaking the grip of her hands around me.

‘I… I’m sorry’, I gasped between breaths, holding myself up above her.

‘Don’t be’. She was biting her lip again.. ‘Come back. Please’. Her eyes reopened and fixated onto mine.

She reached out and planted one hand firmly on my hip, and with the other took hold between my legs. Gingerly, she parted her labia with my tip and started toying with us. I gasped in shock and pleasure at this first hint of her warm, inviting wetness.

‘Is this okay? Should we?’. Her voice was high and breathless.

‘Yeah… if you’re okay with-‘

‘I am’. Her eyes stared into me. She was still chewing gently at her lower lip.

Almost involuntarily, I shifted my hips, and groaned as I entered her with the entire head. She gave a little shivering gasp as well; her eyes blinked shut for a moment. She let go and grasped my other hip. My breath came in gasps. I felt light-headed. Every nerve screamed at me: *what are you waiting for? This is what we were all born to do! Go. Go! GO!*

‘Is this… too much?’, I asked between draughts of air.

‘No… no…’

I hesitated and pulled back, somehow managing to still be confused.

‘What kind… of no…? Tell me if… mmm… if you want to stop’.

Her lips pulled back into something like a smile, and she make a choking noise that could have been laughter.

She was thoroughly sick of my bullshit.

‘I. Want. You. Now.’ Her hazel-green eyes blazed. She was still biting her lip between breaths.

‘I want you too.’

She moaned softly and trembled at the words. Her eyes closed. Her head tilted back. Her hands pulled down on my hips in encouragement.

We both drew sharp trembling breaths as I slipped fully inside her, as far as possible. She was sopping, and her wetness almost seemed to physically draw me in.

I stayed like that for some seconds, my hips flush against hers, struggling to process the feel of her warm grip.
*We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please stand by.*

‘Yes… yes… yesssss…’.

She groaned my name.

Something snapped.

I dropped back onto her chest, pressing her into the bed, and one arm wrapped its way around her for leverage. I started reaming her deep and hard, ramming our hips together and grunting like a wild animal in heat ^(which was basically true, in fairness). I shifted my weight slightly onto one side, making just enough room to slip in a hand and aggressively fondle at her breast, and my mouth dropped onto her neck and started greedily sucking at every patch of skin it could find.

***’s gasps took on a surprised timbre.

‘Mm? Mmm… Mmm! Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Ohyes. Ohyes. Yes, yes, yes!’

Her breathing was hard and loud; her whole body shuddered beneath me. This only spurred me on further.

‘Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Maybe, ah! Maybe, ah! Maybe, maybe, ah! Pace, ah! Paceyourself, ah! Ah! Ah!’

Her suggestion fell on deaf ears – raw feral instinct had taken control, and my conscious mind was lagging far behind.

It finally managed to catch up just at something started to hit me.

*Ohyesohyesohyesohyesohyesohyesohyesoh… no. Please. Not yet. No, nonono. Abort NOW.*

Then I was sitting back on my knees, choking down air, staring in shock at ***’s black blanket and small sticky puddle I’d made on it. I’d managed to throw myself back as far as her own knees before it came, so at least we were almost certainly still safe, but the close call left me with yet another burning sense of guilt, shame, and impending dread.

Out of a corner of my eye, I glanced at the clock. About one minute had gone by.

*That was a disaster. She’s never going to touch you again. You had once chance, you had one shot with her, and you blew it. Almost inside of her, too. Disaster. Unbe-fucking-lievable. Whatever’s coming next, mate, you deserve it 200%.*

*** lay on her back, still shuddering and fighting for breath.

‘Did… did you make it… out in time?’

‘Mm-hm’, I confirmed robotically, waiting for the hammer to fall.

‘Do you need a tissue?’

‘Mm-hm’, I confirmed, still waiting.

She placed a few in my outstretched hand from the box on her nightstand. I cleaned up my shame with mechanical precision, and tossed the damp paper ball in the vague direction of her bin. I was still looking resolutely downward. *Shame! Shame! Failure and shame!*

At two months in, *** already knew me well enough to read my thoughts.

‘Hey… come to me.’

I obediently shuffled forward on my knees, and plonked myself straight down with my forehead just above her navel – far enough back to keep us safely separated.

‘I almost came in you’, I confessed to her abdomen, as if she didn’t already know.

‘But didn’t. Instead you threw yourself halfway across the bed. Your first thought was to keep us safe – even I can’t say the same thing, to be honest.’

She started massaging my shoulders.

‘And you didn’t get to come.’

‘Erm…’, she hesitated, searching for a polite way to put it. ‘Well… um, no.’

I winced as though she had physically struck me. She giggled.

‘Oh, that doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun! Or maybe you were too distracted to notice?’, she suggested teasingly.

She playfully ruffled my hair. I said nothing. *You were too distracted? That could be an accusation. Maybe she is angry.*

Her joke sailing over my head, she sighed, and cupped a hand under my chin. ‘Look at me’.

I looked up and met her gaze. She was smiling.

She motioned for me to lie down next to her. I obediently did so, still feeling unworthy.

‘Please don’t feel bad. That was your first time, and everybody says the first time doesn’t count.’

She paused and continued. ‘Besides, that… had real potential. Mm-hm, potential.’

”Potential?’ What does that mean?’ *Aha, there it is. Told you. ‘He had potential’, carve that one on your tombstone.*

‘That means…’. She pressed her forehead to mine, and her shining hazel-green eyes filled my entire world.

‘…that I can’t wait to see what you’re like with some experience.’


My second time was less than six hours after the first. We’d sat down and had our slightly-belated talk; we figured out how we were going to stay safe in future, whether abortion was an option, what sort of things turned one another on and off. Finally, we firmly established that we got off hard on each other’s attraction, and that advances were welcome in either direction pretty much 24/7.

The theoreticals worked out and the groundwork laid, we got to work on the practical side of things, repeatedly experimenting like good scientists to figure out what did or didn’t work for us.

The second time went far better than the first, ^(even if that was a low fucking bar). Even by our later standards, it was plain and on the quicker side but still good – the final release of so much pent-up passion and excitement made up for experience or familiarity.

*** had enough experience to more or less know what she was doing, and she was a thorough and enthusiastic teacher; she helped me work out the fundamentals of movement and timing with tireless diligence.
^(‘Mmm… there… like that… mmm… good… more… mmm… now harder… mmm! Ah!’.)

She finished on top of me, in what would go on to become our usual position of choice. As I dug my fingers into her and began to tense and pulse in the buildup before release, she screamed out in triumph, uncharacteristically loud and reckless. The rocking of her hips become feverish, and soon thereafter her vaginal muscles began to join in the fun.

‘Oh, oh, yes. Yes. Yes! Do it! Do it for me! Only for me! Only me! YES!’

As we lay back down together afterwards, I noticed her wiping away tears.

I asked if I had hurt her, but she told me no – quite the opposite.
She giggled and asked if I missed my virginity, and it was with absolute sincerity that I told her not.
Her smile radiated pride and satisfaction, outshining the afternoon sun.

As we faded into postcoital glow for the first time, with her head on my chest in its usual place, a thought drifted to the surface of my mind.

*Wait… she already had a box of condoms open in her nightstand.*
*It’s almost like she was expecting today to happen.*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/emaocj/mf_slow_burnsoftcoreantiporn_the_supervirgin