WORST sexual experience I’ve ever had [FM]

I’m sharing this story because I was so overwhelmed by how terribly bad it was that it warranted sharing.

I (19F) had a guy (20M) to my apartment that I was familiar with through a friend. I was a little drunk and when he offered to come over, I said yes – expecting mediocre sex, but enough to do the job haha. He came and we chatted for a while, he seemed like a nice guy, and I thought hey maybe this could go somewhere (wrong).

We start “kissing” which essentially meant him keeping his mouth open, lips unmoving, while he jammed his tongue into mine. I tried my best to work with his lips, but they were open to wide to pretend I was kissing him like normal, bad bad bad.

Next after the terrible open mouth kissing situation, he asks “should I put on a condom?”, both of us fully clothed. Confused at the abruptness I said “sure?” and then we proceeded to have sex, almost entirely clothed, for about 10 minutes before I called it quits. The face he was making truly looked like he was in pain rather than pleasure, and it was honestly an uncomfortable sight. He falls asleep quickly (leaving me about a foot of my own bed) and that was the end of that.

In the middle of the night, unable to sleep, tried to initiate things again, thinking if this was going to be so strange I might as well get what I can out of it. We open mouth kiss weirdly again, and he wasn’t super engaged, so I just decide it isn’t worth the effort. I laid back down and “went back to sleep” (with my foot of bed, yeah right). Next thing I know I feel him moving as I’m sort of laying on his chest. I peeked my eyes open to see him jacking off moments after I unsuccessfully tried to instigate sex. He continues this and then proceeded to come all over his chest which started dripping down my arm. I continued to “sleep”. He sits there for a few minutes like nothing happened then grabs one of my blankets to wipe his sperm off. I was: shocked, confused, and horrified all at once lol.

**TL;DR:** Worst sex of my life concluded with partner jacking off into my bed while he thought I was sleeping

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/elo50h/worst_sexual_experience_ive_ever_had_fm


  1. Did you tell him it was notably bad. I mean I personally would want that if a partner, serious or not, thought I could improve if not for them than for another time with someone else?

  2. I feel sorry for you, but thank you for sharing this. First of all to show people the difference between porn fantasies and real life and second, hopefully some of my male fellows here will start to reflect about how they’re behaving in the bedroom.

  3. Damn. I was reading this about to comment that it didn’t seem THAT bad up until the end. He should not have done any shit like that without permission.

    One question though, when you say you called it quits originally was that before he finished?

  4. I’m so sorry to hear about your experience ☹️ But thank you for sharing

  5. It’s possible that he’s so inexperienced and drunk that he didn’t know better. I only have sympathy for inexperienced, not the rest. He needs to be told. Not to embarrass him but so he knows that shit is not the norm and not acceptable.

    Do womanhood a solid and open his eyes to hire bad his behaviour was!

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