Breaking a Short Drought With a Girl [F]ro[M] the Club

Names changed to protect the innocent. Easy to find the sex if TL:DR.

When I was 19 I met a girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. We got on really well together and we had really great sex. Unfortunately like most relationships when you’re 19, things came to an end and I found myself going from having sex a few times a week to not having sex at all. This is a problem naturally so once I had gotten over my heartbreak I enlisted the help of a friend of mine to go out with me. He’s a massive town rat and so eagerly agreed to my scheme. I must say now that I did not expressly go out to hook up with someone but it was definitely a possibility in my mind that I was happy to explore.

Our night is mostly uneventful for the first few hours as we casually drink and enjoy each others’ company but as the night wears on we get eager to start clubbing. We wander around ‘The Street’ for a while (For the uninitiated, most places in the world have ‘The Street’ where the majority of drunken revellers retreat to in the night time to dance, drink and have fun. Hence, many nightclubs exist on ‘The Street’) until we settled on a club that had both a newer clubbing music oriented front room and an older more “experienced” back room. For instance, the front will play Kanye West’s Gold Digger where the back room will play Sweet Caroline. This back room has a *reputation* in my town for being where you go if you want a cheeky hookup and this fact was not lost on me. As my friend and I are dancing handfuls of people come around and bump into us as is the norm for nightclubs at 2-3AM until Shania Twain’s ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ comes on. I’m hardly a Shania fan but frequenting gay bars with a friend of mine has led to a fine appreciation for the many things she doesn’t appreciate meaning I started singing at the top of my lungs as a shorter girl with curly blonde hair catches my eye. I’m roughly 6’1 and she came up to my shoulder, (I have no idea what that would be in feet and inches because my country doesn’t use them very commonly) her hair nicely framed her round face complete with very perky lips and very well applied makeup. She dances over to me and we sing the song together and as it comes to a close she turns around and I put my hands on her hips. This prompts her to spin round and begin kissing me quite passionately. Naturally I kiss her back and we’re immediately the obnoxious pair that are very drunk and are going to wake up with smudged makeup in the morning but for now we enjoy each other’s touch and kiss. After we break the kiss I ask her if she’d like a drink which she obliges and we wander over to the bar leaving our friends together.

At the bar I order 2 vodka lemonades and she accuses me of a bit of arse kissing. “Arse kissing? *Never!*” I reply and then introduce myself “I’m Sean.” This prompts a very embarrassed hand to the face in that cute way girls do to hide a laugh or smile, “Lisa” she replies chuckling at what we had already done and what we were likely to do later. Downing our drinks we headed back to the dance floor to recollect our friends and continue dancing. Her friend at this point is a bit miffed that she’s found someone else to spend time with and so signals that she wants to go. As anyone who’s a cocktail of: Drunk, Turned on, Confident and Heartbroken is want to do I invited her back to my place which is when I found out she lived roughly 40 kilometres from where I lived making logistics a bit difficult. Nevertheless she gave me her number and a goodbye kiss and headed off into the night with her friend.

I was convinced this was a fake phone number but I texted her anyway just to see how it would go and surprisingly enough over the next couple of days we started talking and ended up organising a date for the next week. A week came and went quite quickly and I soon found myself headed on public transport for about an hour to the beach to meet her. I don’t drive when I’ve drunk anything, not only is it a breach of my license conditions, it’s bloody irresponsible. I was wearing a big coat that was too long for me and reached almost to my ankles, as well as a collared shirt with a cardigan over the top and some jeans. She wore a dress with leggings that showed off her cleavage rather well and a leather jacket to keep warm. On approach she joked that I was wearing a dressing gown and we hugged and went into a bar to have a drink. The date goes smoothly from there, we had dinner, a cute walk along the shoreline and then we sat on a bench.

_______________SEX STARTS ABOUT HERE______________

Sitting on that bench in the moonlight we got quite cold so I put the large coat around us as we sat and held hands. She made a comment about how she thought it was going to be on the front of us rather than across our backs and I replied with “It would look like we were doing things with our hands we shouldn’t be.”

This comment stirred something devilish inside of her and she grabbed my face and kissed me hard and deep. We were both quite turned on by this and so began making out in public. As I kissed her I felt her quite firm top lip and thought to myself that she must have had some fillers put in. Our hands began to wander and then I said the line that ended up in sex. “Do you want to go to your car?”

It was obvious what was going to happen at that point and we walked to her car quickly, in silence and grinning about the good fucking we were about to give each other. We hadn’t been in the car more than 10 seconds, long enough to adjust the seat for my long legs when we looked at each other and started making out again. After a few minutes we realised we were still very much in public and the fogging of the windows was a dead giveaway. I looked up a local park we could drive to and we went off on our quest to find somewhere secluded to fuck.

Once the car was safely stopped and turned off we got into the back seat and resumed more or less where we left off. As I slowly began to explore her body with my hands I could feel her moaning in my mouth as I caressed each curve of her voluptuous body and gradually my hands found her tits. About a C cup they had very erect nipples that only ever seemed to get harder and harder as I played with them, squeezed them, pinched them and sucked them. She grabbed my head and pushed me back as she slowly traced her fingers down my chest and soon followed with her mouth. She kissed me on the neck then the chest then the belly and then unbuttoned my pants and pulled my cock out. I’m a grower not a shower so the size difference surprised her a bit but nonetheless she managed to swallow most if not all of me in her mouth and throat. She was experienced and far, far better than my old girlfriend. I knew I’d come from it if I didn’t intervene soon so I pulled her off of my dick and up to my mouth as I slowly ran my hand closer and closer to her pussy. I could feel how I had made her so wet that she was nearly dripping through the leggings and when I put my hand in her leggings I felt that not only was she not wearing any underwear but she was clean shaven and wetter than any girl I’d ever been with before. I said to her “I have a condom” and her response was “Put it on and fuck me then”

Her leggings came off and my pants were at my ankles as she spread her legs in the corner of the car. This was a difficult position but given the size of the car and my long legs it was the only thing we could manage. As I mentioned before I’m a grower and I’m quite girthy so sex with a new partner who isn’t used to my penis is often not very fun due to the pain I cause but she took all seven inches like a pro. I made sure to ask the whole time if she was ok and if she felt ok and safe. Most of these questions were met with my head being pulled into hers but it was still important to ask. I began slamming my cock into her quite soon afterwards thanks to how turned on we had both become. Her legs were wrapped around me pulling me full length into her before I pulled out and slammed into her even harder. I felt like an alpha monkey propped up on my fists fucking the life out of her. The car was shaking and the windows were foggy as her moans met mine and surely were audible if anyone happened to walk by. As I was going hard into her I felt myself getting tired but I got a second wind when I heard her exclaim a cum sound similar to every tone of “aah” at the same time.

Feeling her constrict on my cock I slightly changed my position to make myself cum and unfortunately only a couple of strokes in I got a cramp and lost my erection. It didn’t matter to me though because I felt like a fucking king and the sexy girl who was spread eagle in front of me was only just stirring from the dicking I gave her. With one breast still in her top and one hanging out it was a sexy sight to see, I regret not asking if I could take a photo, I could cum to that image forever.
