The further adventures of Frank and Karen Part 4 [MF] [BDSM]

With a final look back, as a one they all said thank you and left.
Hanging onto my shoulder while she recovered from her orgasm she kissed me and said.
“You sir are an evil wicked man, I think I love you!”

Walking away from the park we began to head over to the train station.
“Karen, when exactly do you need to be back in Chicago?”
“Well technically I don’t need to be back until the day after tomorrow.” She replied.
Looking over the train schedule I searched for the “red eye” train.
“Karen let’s change our tickets for the midnight train.”
“Karen, do you remember the train scene from the movie “Risky Business?” I asked her.
After a moment’s thought I saw a wicked evil grin cross her face.
“Damn, I always wanted to do that.
If we can pull that off it would be so cool.
But Frank, didn’t we kind of do that when we first met?”
“Well kind of but the difference this time is we are going to be a lot less inhibited.
Also if we play this right, we may find a car that is empty.
There should be a lot less people on the midnight train.
That should be a big advantage.” I told her.

We had most of the evening left and decided to drive around the area in my rented car.
Driving along one of the back roads we spotted a strip club.
Out front on the billboard the sign read “Amateur Night Tonight”.
The club itself had the appearance of a high end club.
It was well kept, the cars out front were for the most part expensive models.
And as we pulled up we noticed a number of well dressed couples entering the place.
As I pulled in Karen gave me a look.
It was one of those looks that said “What the fuck”.
“Come on this could be fun.
Look at the people going in, this isn’t some hillbilly dive.
I’ll make a deal, if you aren’t comfortable we will leave.

Walking up to the entrance the bouncer was there checking ID’s of anyone who looked to young.
We on the other hand breezed through.
On first glance I was quite impressed.
This really was a high end place.
It gave one the impression of a Parisian jazz club.
Along with a main stage there was a pair of “Go-Go” cages along the outer walls were a couple of young ladies dancing inside each of them and although they were dressed their dancing was quite sensual.
When an act came upon the main stage the girls in the cages took a break.
I was surprised at how many couples were in attendance.
I would have to say at least sixty percent of the guests were couples.
The first couple of dancers on the main stage were rather tame and many of the guests concentrated on their drinks and conversation with their partners.

The act that followed was something different.
It was a couple that ascended the stage.
The girl was dressed in a long slinky gown with long white gloves reaching just below her elbows.
Both of them were stunning in their looks.
She was very elegant tall, thin with sandy hair done up in a tall bun.
He was in a classic Tuxedo.
As the music began the girl began to sway to the sound.
Her movements were fluid and sexy as hell.
Dancing over to her partner he reached out and slid the strap of her gown off her shoulder.
As the front of her gown dropped below her breasts, they were a sight to behold.
Firm and shaped like champagne glasses.
The nipples stood proud and hard.
As her dance continued more and more of her body became exposed as her partner undressed her for all the world to see.
When finally naked she knelt at the feet of her partner, head bowed and hands resting upon her thighs.
Seconds later a large St. Andrew’s cross was wheeled out onto the stage.
Reaching down the male half took the girl by hand and led her to the cross her front against the cross, exposing her backside to the crowd.
She stood totally passive as he lifted first one arm and then the other to fasten them to the upper beams of the cross, followed by her legs.

Walking over to a table the gentlemen picked up a “Cat o’ Nine tails”.
With a slow yet deliberate swing the Cat landed upon her bottom.
As the Cat landed Karen grabbed my arm and began to squeeze each time the Cat struck the girl.
Looking over at Karen her breathing was becoming rapid and there was a redness to her face.
Karen was becoming extremely turned on.
As the act progressed Karen grabbed my hand and thrust it between her legs.
“Please Frank, get me off, please, I’m so hot I need to cum.
Every few minutes the gentleman would halt the flogging and reach between her legs rubbing her sex.
That she was excited was evident by the river of juice running down her inner thigh.
Her bottom and back were covered by thin red stripes none of them looked to harsh or long lasting.
However the marks Karen was leaving on my arm was sure to last a bit longer.
I tried to time Karen’s orgasm to that of the girl’s.
As Karen’s breathing turned into gasps the girl on stage was writhing around and about to scream out her own climax.
Karen came first but only by a few moments.

As the act on stage concluded the couple took a bow while the crowd went wild with applause.
Minutes later the MC came on stage and announced the start of the amateur contest.
Asking anyone interested in partaking please go through the door to the left of the stage.
Leaning over to Karen I said,
“Karen, go on I know it’s what you want to do.
There’s no one here who knows you or will ever see you again.
If you miss this opportunity you will kick yourself forever.”
After a few moments of internal deliberation Karen stood and made her way to the proffered door.

Several minutes later the first girl came on stage and began her routine.
Her dancing was decent for a first timer.
As she progressed you could see her becoming reluctant to shed her underwear and get down to skin.
It was around this time that the crowd began to lose interest in her dancing.
After the song ended she left the stage to a small level of applause.

Three more dancers went through the motions before Karen came on stage.
The music she had chosen for her dance was the Chris Isaak song “Baby did a bad bad thing”.
As the song began Karen started to sway to the song.
Suddenly she stopped as if she lost her way,
She looked over at the DJ and asked that the music be restarted.
Before the music restarted Karen grabbed a chair and placed it center stage.
The lights went down again with a single light above the chair.
As the music began she was reclining on the chair with her legs stretched out in front of her.
The song picked up and Karen began running her hands over her body.
Sliding off the chair onto the floor she began moving like a large jungle cat.
Her movements were smooth and increasingly sensual.
The cat in her took over.
From the cat Karen took the slow deliberate stalking movements as if there was prey before her for the taking.

My god this has to be one of the sexiest thing I had ever seen.
So smooth and sexy I nor anyone else in the room even remembered how her top came off.
One minute it was on the next her itty bitty titties were there for all to admire.
Returning to the chair she leaned over the back presenting her backside to the crowd she allowed the song to lead her as her skirt fell from her hips to the floor.
Dressed now only in panties her slinking only increased the sexual tension in the room.
Every eye was upon her, every mind was begging to know what lie beneath those panties, while simultaneously wishing they would stay on least it spoil the spell she has woven.
When at last the last layer was uncovered the song came to it’s end.
The room erupted into chaos.
Most everyone was on their feet applauding wildly.
Money was flying onto the stage until the stage itself was covered in green.
The lights went down and Karen began collecting her clothing before heading to the backroom.

Once redressed she returned to our table but not before running a gauntlet of hand shakes and pats on the back from the men and an endless kisses on the cheek from the woman in the audience.
As she sank into her chair her breathing still labored she had a gleam in her eye.
A gleam that told me she was still on the verge of an orgasm.
“Frank, I need you to fuck me and fuck me now!!”
Grabbing her hand I dragged her out the door to the parking lot and around the back of the building.
Pushing her face first against the wall I reached up and pulled her top off followed by her skirt and panties.
Naked now exposed to the world I pressed her against the wall, goose bumps popping out all over her body her breath visible in the cold November air.
While yanking down my pants exposing my iron hard cock to the cold air.
Followed by my shirt and undershirt.
Now both of us were naked to the weather.
There was no foreplay, as soon as I kicked her legs apart and pressed her into the wall I impaled her
in one single thrust.
This brought forth a great shriek and a moan.
I wasted no time on subtlety as her body slammed into the rough red bricked wall in front of her.
My actions were relentless, over and over I slammed my cock into her, over and over her throat issued grunts in time to my pounding.
Wrapping one hand around her throat I began to squeeze.
“Karen, cum for me, cum for me NOW!!!”
As the last syllable left my lips Karen exploded.
I felt her pussy spasm around my cock setting my orgasm in play.
Our bodies sliding against each other from the sweat coating us, I burst.
My hips involuntarily pumping fore and aft as I drowned her pussy with my cum.

As the wave subsided I held Karen up preventing her from collapsing onto the ground.
Reaching down I picked up my undershirt and began the slow gentle process of wiping her body down while offering the safety and security of my arms in which I enfolded her.
Ever so carefully I re dressed her taking my time to lavish attention upon her.
While I dressed myself Karen stood there watching as I navigated the process of remembering how to get my legs back into my pants, a skill I seem to have forgotten.
Making our way back to my car we said little.
Once in the car with the engine warmed up and us in turn warming up.
Karen leaned into me and began the process of swallowing my face with deep kisses.

“Karen, that was the most erotic thing I had ever seen.
When you first lost the moment on stage I thought you were going to run off the stage.
However when you turned it on I saw a different person emerge.
Who that person was I had no idea until I witnessed you let go of your inhibitions.
What emerged was a purely animistic creature.
You turned on every man and woman present.
Every man wanted you and every woman wanted to be you.
I honestly thought if I didn’t get you out of there you would end up as the center of a gang bang.”

“Frank I was terrified when I first walked on stage.
To tell the truth I was a little pissed at you for pushing me to do this.
When I flubbed the opening I was ready to run out of there in shame.
Not because of what I was doing but because I fucked up the beginning.
Then I remembered what you said, that “nobody knew me or would ever see me again”.
This gave me the courage to just let go and have fun.
I thought that if I couldn’t do this, then how can I do as I told you the other day about trying everything to explore and expand my sexual outlook.
So when the music re started I just thought about the song and the video that I remembered that went with it.
In doing so I was free to let myself go and just run away with the melody.
Truthfully I was getting as hot if not hotter then the audience.
The idea that I was so desirable and wanted by all the men and even the woman there really turned me into an animal.

As we were driving back to town we talked about what we were going to do when we returned to Chicago.
Not having the greatest self esteem I asked her if she still wanted to see me when we returned home.
“Frank, if you decide you don’t want to see me again I guess I’ll understand.
As far as I’m concerned I would love to continue our friendship and I hope and pray that you feel the same.”
“Karen we don’t know a lot about each other but what I do know is that I have never meet anyone like you and I think I would be devastated if this turned out to be a two night stand.
That being said Karen, I don’t want to lose you.”
“Frank, thank you.
You’ll never know how that makes me feel.
I’ve been holding my breath for the last two days hoping you might feel that way.
Like you I have never been very good or lucky at relationships.
Every boyfriend I ever had in the past thought I was far to vanilla and boring.
It just got to a point that I decided not to date or get involved with anyone.
I adopted this behavior as a way of protecting myself.
And it worked, people didn’t ask me out and I was safe.
Truth is I was only hiding from the world and from myself.”

We had exchanged tickets for the “Red Eye” time schedule then returned to our hotel rooms to pack up and wait for the train.
Telling Karen I would see her later after each of us had said our respective good by’s to our friends.

Three hours later I stood on the platform waiting.
Ten minutes prior to the train departing Karen came running up the platform suitcase in hand.
Dropping her suitcase at my feet she leapt into my arms wrapping her legs around my waist I was forced to grab her bottom to hold her from falling.
This only freed her up for another earthquake kissing session.
Gathering her up we made our way onto the train.
Starting at the front car we walked towards the rear in search of the most desolate car.
As it happened the last car was a double decker observation car.
The upper level of which was empty.
Tossing our suitcases into the upper rack we settled into our seats.
Just as we were to pull out of the station the conductor made his way through to our car.
As an employee of the railroad I recognized him when we had worked together a few months ago.
After a few minutes of chit chat I looked over at Karen and in as innocent a voice possible along with a nod and a wink, I kind of asked him if he could lock the door to this car as we were the only people in here.
With a sly smile he nodded his head and shook my hand.
Along with a twenty dollar tip I had in my hand as we shook.
Our journey was on it’s way.

As the train pulled out of the station we settled into our seats on the upper level.
Pulling Karen onto my lap I offered up my lips as a sacrifice to her lust.
My god this girls kisses are like cotton candy, sweetness that melts in your mouth.
As she lay across my lap my cock kept growing along with throbbing in time to my heartbeat.
“Frank, what’s that poking me in my back?
It feels like a fence post.” Karen asked.
Crawling off my lap Karen knelt on the floor to inspect the fence post that was poking her.
“Hum, I think this thing needs some attention.” Se said.
Working my belt and zipper to open my pants she proceeded to yank them down.
Bringing her face closer to my cock she began to blow her warm breath across it’s length.
Resulting in it beginning to throb and move on it’s own accord.
With a single swipe of her tongue on the underside from root to tip she sent me into the throws of agony.
An agony based in lust, whose only cure was…

Karen pulled my belt from the loops on my pants and placed it upon my lap.
She followed this by removing my shirt leaving me nearly naked.
As she removed my shoes my pants were next.
Now I was in fact naked.
“Stand up.” Karen ordered.
The tone of her voice told me that this was not a request.
Rather it was an order.
Taking my belt in hand she turned me around only to bind my wrists together above my head attached to one of the handhold straps for the rush hour commuters use.
Standing on the upper level of the observation car naked, wrists bound and my cock erect and waving in the air with every motion of the train.
I was acutely aware that anyone sitting in their cars as the train passed an intersection would be receiving a fleeting glance that would leave them wondering if they really saw what they thought they saw.

Running her fingers across my chest they lingered on my nipples.
Flicking her fingertip against one caused me to jump a bit.
When she pinched and twisted them it became harder to stand still.
My moans brought no sympathy from her.
“Oh Frank, did I hurt your little nipples?
What was worse the flick the pinch or the twisting?” She inquired.
To make her question more direct she flicked, pinched and twisted in time to her words.
While stoking my cock with her free hand.
My cock began producing gobs of pre-cum, making her hand slick as it stroked my cock and balls.
“Frank I really love that you are shaved smooth.
You look like a teenage boy yet your cock says all man.”
Stepping back Karen began to strip off her clothes.
In just seconds she stood before me naked and magnificent.
Turning around she presented me with her tight beautifully toned butt.

As a ogled her bottom it began to recede into the distance as she walked away.
“Karen, what are you doing, where are you going?”
“Oh I don’t know, we have this whole train car to ourselves.
I think I will just go and explore a bit.”She said.
“Wait Karen, what about me?” I begged.
You’ll be fine, just don’t go anywhere.
I’ll be back in a bit.”
Oh that’s just great.
She goes wandering and I’m left hanging here, I thought.
As I stood there my body moving as the train swayed and lurched over the rails.
The constant thunk, thunk, thunk as the train rolled over the sections of rail lulled me in it’s hypnotic rhythm.
What seemed like days later Karen returned from the lower deck.
“Oh my god Frank, it feels so naughty and wicked to be walking around nude on a train as it winds its way home.
What would it be like to do this if the train was filled with people.
All of them looking at my naked body as I wandered through the aisles.
Just imagining the shocked and lustful looks I would be witnessing.



  1. To my readers,
    Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.
    I welcome any feedback you may wish to send.
    If you have any ideas for future
    stories please let me know.

    Thank you.

  2. I guess you will have to wait until I post the next chapter.
    I like to keep my readers guessing. lol

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