[MF] New hookup quickly fizzled

Here’s a 100% true story about something that started promising but fizzled quickly. You can see my previous post for more info on me. Long story short average looking (at best), not successful with women, but a nice guy. Let me also say that obv this post is completely about my point of view, likes/dislikes, I am FAR from perfect. If you asked the girl she’d surely have her own take. Not so wild but hopefully interesting and maybe relatable.

Anyway so I’m 22 at the time, less than 2 years out of college. I’ve done pretty well so far with work and doubled my salary in 18 months. Lost some weight, some nicer clothes, confidence is slightly higher than usual. I am looking to get laid and it had been a while. I met a girl at a big singles event that had rented out a huge club. I came with a few female friends as part of a larger mixed group but I had no wingman etc. This girl was there by herself and told me she was a journalist or reporter, was covering the party as part of some article or some shit, and while she was single she wasn’t there looking or expecting to meet anyone. I’m 6ft and slimmed down but still a little chubby. She was less than 5 ft, a little overweight as well, average face and a huge rack. Huge. Same age as me I think, maybe 1-2 years older. We had some pleasant convo, not really a huge spark but cool. One impression I had early on is that she had a vibe of trying to come off more intellectual than she was. Trying to impress me/brag about journalism and other stuff frankly. I interested but in no way impressed. I am actually a really smart guy, not the most cultured or knowledgeable about every topic but sharp. Anyway we hung out for the rest of the party and I paid for our drinks and a few rounds of shots. We made out in the club, it was fun, she thanked me for starting at her eyes and not directly at her breasts. I guess that was a recurring theme for her. When the event ended I walked her to her subway line, she was buzzing but fine to get home, gave me her number but babbled about how I wasn’t going to call her, quick kiss goodnight. You can probably tell I didn’t see her as GF material at this point but I was definitely going to call her.

The party was on a Saturday, on Monday I called her around noon and left a message. This was before everything was texting. She got back to me around 5, telling me she was happy that I had called. We agreed to meet on Wednesday after work for drinks and then go for dinner. She picked the bar. I still get a chuckle thinking about it. It was not the kind of place most early 20-somethings hang out at. It was like a “real classy joint”, the kind of place you’d expect to see a 50-year old woman smoking out of an opera length cigarette holder. Quiet piano music playing. Paintings on the wall. Out of the thousands of bars in our big city this is where she chose to meet me. Again I think she was trying to impress me in some way, how sophisticated and intellectual she was. I asked her why she thought I wasn’t going to call, and she alluded to many casual hookups where the guy never called. Who knows how far any of those hookups went but it made me think she was at least somewhat promiscuous and experienced – both cool with me. We hung out there for a maybe an hour and then had a nice dinner nearby. It was fine company, we talked and laughed. I paid for everything – I was looking to get laid remember.

It was a work night but still fairly early maybe 9ish and next we go to a nearby club/lounge. We had not drank heavily at the first bar, then paused for dinner with no alcohol. So we were both completely sober. Being Wednesday the lounge was deader than dead. We order drinks at the bar and go to a different room that is barely lit by candle light. No one else in there, and no wait staff ever winds up coming in to check on us. We sit down on a couch and start to hook up, very heavy kissing. I don’t need alcohol to be a real horny pervert and we’re alone so fuck it I am feeling up her giant tits, rubbing her crotch and ass, etc. Everything outside the clothing – she was wearing black work pants and a sweater. I managed to wrest one of her tits out from her bra and played with her nip directly. Everything I was doing she was really into it, panting and moaning and rubbing my dick through my pants. Now in someone else’s life they’re getting laid or blown right in the club, but for my reality I’m doing pretty well for myself. Eventually we simmer down and start to finish our single drink each. She tells me she has some important work stuff and can’t be out very late. I offer to ride with her to her apartment, about 25/30 minutes on the subway. Now unfortunately this will leave me about an hour and 45 minutes away from my apartment by train, or maybe an hour and $70 cab ride. But it’s both the gentlemanly thing to do as well as hopefully points towards the pussy. She tells me I don’t have to and she’s perfectly safe but she appreciates it and will take me up on it. She lets me know however she can’t invite me in that night. Of course, no problem I tell her. I There’s always next time, I think. So we take the train up to where she lived and walked to the front of her apartment building. It’s around 11 I think and pretty desolate. We start to make out pretty heavily and I’m all over her again like the bar. Her back is against the front facade of the building and my hand is between her legs and she is breathing heavy and moaning, I’m rock hard again of course. All of a sudden we notice somebody walk right past us, walking a dog I think. She is kind of embarrassed and says I think that woman lives in my building. So not far along the facade of the building there is like a super’s alleyway where they have trash cans and shit in the front of it and then it goes towards the back of the building I guess. I pull her into the alley which is 100% pitch black and resume basically doing as much as you possibly can fully clothed. I am not simply rubbing her crotch, they are soft pants and I am practically fingering her through her pants and underwear lol. Giving her tits lots of attention too, kissing. After a while she says FUCK I really do wish we could, but I have some work I have to do tonight or I’ll be in trouble, plus get up early tomorrow. So we say our goodbyes and I take the 1:45 minute train trip home with blue balls.

I call her the next day and arrange to meet Friday after work. She wants to do dinner and then a movie at her apartment. Things are looking pretty promising. Somehow it came up in conversation that I had an important errand to run in the late morning near where I lived (true). She hadn’t invited me to stay over or anything, but this would have prevented me from staying regardless. We had dinner at a restaurant near her apartment and rented a movie before heading up to her apartment. Again fine company but no romantic feelings. The movie she picked out was Moulin Rouge. She had some kind of big couch or futon in the livingroom so we got comfortable and laid down. She laid on her side facing the TV and I laid behind her the same way. I was much taller than her so she didn’t block my view. Now, I know this movie was up for and even won some awards, and maybe I didn’t give it a chance or it’s not my thing but….I could not sit through this movie. She says she wasn’t really enjoying it either but maybe it would get better. I’m starting to die of boredom and figure I can kick start the main event. So I start rubbing her ass for a while and reach and to unzipper her pants. Don’t really remember what kind of underwear she had on regular panties I think. She’s still facing the screen and maybe watching still the movie a tad. I sit up more and lean over and slide my hand down the front of her panties. I find and rub her clit briefly and I hear her groan in pleasure but I’m not facing her. I side my middle finger into her and find her wet. Her pants are still on all the way but are soft/stretch so I’ve got just enough room to finger bang at a decent pace which brings some of the expected sloshing noises. I turn to look at her and she says “Hi.” The vibe I got point was like why was I not kissing her, taking things slower etc. It surprised me because I already showed her last time what a perverted horndog I was. But, ok, I took my hand out of her pussy and leaned over to caress and kiss her.

At this point, I was surprised to notice that my hand smelled bad. I was no player but I had been around more than a handful of vags by this age and this was the worst smell I had encountered by far. This is not a judgement against her, maybe some other guy would say it was great, maybe she would say my balls smelled, who knows lol. But for me, it wasn’t so good. Going down on her that night would have been out of the question, but it never came up anyway. This wasn’t going to stop me from doing anything else for sure though. After making out for a few minutes she sits up and turns the movie off. I ask her shall we move things to her bedroom and she says yes. When we get to her room I start to unbutton my shirt. Admittedly there was no great passion, we were not ripping each others clothes off or anything. For a moment she looks at me apprehensively and says “I cannot sleep with you tonight.” Inside I’m disappointed and there’s an extra reason why (you’ll see soon) but I respect any woman’s choice in that respect and don’t skip a beat. I say sure of course, no problem. She seems relieved by this and starts to get undressed. Now everything that comes next let me say one last time as a blanket that I am no prize, far from perfect, these are just my honest feelings and opinions. When her shirt and bra come off, I can’t help being somewhat disappointed. Her tits are real big but don’t have a great shape and she doesn’t appear to have any areolas. I looked this up later on apparently they are there but the color closely matches the rest of her skin. Ok maybe you are thinking beggars can’t be choosers and this is true but a beggar can still have preferences. She takes off her pants and underwear and lays down on the bed. I join her and we resume making out, I play with and suck her tits, standard stuff. After a while I start rubbing her clit some more and some more finger fucking. She’s wet the whole time, overall pretty quiet but some moaning here and there. Then she tells me it’s very difficult for her to get off and not to worry. She pushes me on my back, moves towards the foot of the bed and unzips my pants which have been on this whole time. She pulls down my pants and boxers together. Now here’s the thing: at this point in my life I had never come from a blowjob. Never happened until I met my wife. Jerking off or sex never an issue but not from oral. Not going to get into that right now. Despite not coming from the act I had received a number of I’ll say very nice blowjobs where I was 99.9% there. The way this girl pulled off my pants very efficiently I had in my mind a real nice blowjob was about to happen, I figured she had some experience and who knows maybe even this would be the time. Unfortunately, it wasn’t one of those blowjobs. My cock is average length (almost 6) and not especially girthy. I laid flat on my back and she kind of like barely sucked my cock, mostly just the head of it, bobbing her head up and down slowly. No hands, nothing. It really wasn’t doing much for me but I was a little vocal to encourage her. After a bit I told her why don’t you lick my balls? She smiled and kind of looked at me like that was a crazy request but didn’t do it and kept going with her existing technique. After maybe 5 minutes she tells me “let me know when you are about to finish”. At this point I tell her about me not ever finishing from that before. She seems a little confused by that despite having said before it was really difficult for her to come. I’m also really curious if she has blown a lot of guys and this technique quickly got them off, but oh well. I ask her if we can do it another way and I have her lay on her back and slowly/gently slide my dick in her mouth while kind of squatting on the bed, just a little farther than she was doing herself. Almost immediately she tells me no its too deep, I respect whatever she wants of course. She slides herself to the head of the bed by her pillows and lays there, she seems kind of frustrated almost like when are we gonna wrap this up?

At this point I’m realizing it’s not looking like any release is coming my way, sex is out and the BJ certainly isn’t doing the job. Maybe a handjob could be in the cards, if done a certain way I have finished with a girl doing that. First things first though, I tell her hey are you closed for business? I thought it was a funny/dirty way to say it. She says to me yeah I’m sorry I can’t sleep with you tonight. Nono not that I tell her and I put my hand on her pussy again. This. She smiles and says look I’m really difficult. I tell her I will get you off. So we start again with making out and I start rubbing her clit until I figure out what she likes. Turns out what she liked was constant and steady focus on her clit and a LOT of pressure, I was almost afraid I was going to hurt her. But within maybe 5 minutes she came, yelling almost at the top of her lungs OH FUCK OH FUCK and then pushed my hand away. So here I figure I’ve pretty much redeemed myself. She calms down and she doesn’t say anything but again I get the vibe that she’d prefer to wrap things up soon. I get down and stand next to the bed and put her hand on my still (the entire time) fully hard cock. She kind of goes through the motions a bit but again this is going nowhere fast. I pictured myself again on that 1:45 long train ride home with no relief. Right then it strikes me to do something I’d never really even thought about doing up to that point. Fucking jerk off there and be done with it! So I take a risk and ask would it be cool if I finished right here, on a tissue or something? I can tell she is blindsided by this request, she goes wide eyed but says okayyyyyyy. So I go to her dresser and pull out a few tissues, then place them on the edge of the bed. She’s still there laying fairly close to the edge. So I start to do my thing and she’s staring at me bewildered. I ask her if this is weird to her and she says it’s different but fine. I’ve got my right hand on my dick and my left hand on her tit. I ask her to rub my balls and she obliges but only for a moment and then takes her hand away. I keep doing my thing for maybe another minute and I’m close. Then because I am a perv and can’t leave well enough alone I get the idea to ask “um do you want me to use the tissues” (aka can I drop this load on you instead? YES she says right away (to the tissues, not to the load). Regardless I’m just about there and I say ahhhhhh rub my balls again and she once again obliges, and bam those tissues are filled with quite a bit of jizz. I grab the tissues and go to clean up. When I get back from the bathroom she is making her bed, putting the covers and pillows back into place, and says so, are you staying tonight or what? I remind her that I have this errand I must run in the morning and can’t. She seems relieved. I get dressed and ready to leave. A quick kiss goodnight and I head home.

Never saw her again. Of course despite any disappointments on my side I called her twice more before getting the hint. She made up some bullshit excuses to get off the phone and never called back. I certainly would have gone back to fuck her. But I wasn’t surprised at all. On one hand maybe I “blew my wad” by trying to avoid that long unsatisfied trip home. Maybe I would gotten the pussy next time and been much more satisfied. Or maybe that night was it either way. Who knows. If I was really interested in her I’m sure I would have handled it differently.

What do you think?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ek9zh6/mf_new_hookup_quickly_fizzled