The time I [M] and the wife [F] got invited to a remote cabin

This one is WAY back, like in the early 70’s. The wife and I had split once, then gotten back together for some reason I still have no answer for. Maybe because of her body, andmy being young and overly virile.

We knew this couple, Gordon and Liz that were close friends. My wife Shari was tiny, 4’8″ although she claimed to be 4’9″. Liz was about 5’8″, tall for a woman, yet Shari and Liz were as close as two women can get. Talk about appearing as night and day, Shari dark hair, Liz was blonde. I was six feet and 200 pounds at the time, Hair overly long, Gordon was around 180, shorter and blockier, he wore glasses and was balding with a widow’s peak. Gordon and I did quite a bit of the “buds” stuff, like fishing, bowling, hunting. We often took the girls out dancing and drinking, but it was always just friends. Perfectly normal for years, except for that one incident, my fault.

We were out drinking, Gordon was the D/D. Drink we did, on the way home Shari sat in the middle up front, Liz was in the back and close to out of it. Passing by the streetlights lit up the back seat, she was leaning forward which exposed her left breast. Almost like a strobe light, first dark, then lit up, the dark, fascinating. I could see her nipple each time. Liz nearly always had some cleavage showing when we went out but up until then, not that much. Feeling frisky, and not sure why, I reached out with my left arm and fondled her, using my thumb and forefinger to roll her nipple lightly. She opened her eyes, looked at me and then… grinned. Gordon and Shari had no idea, and I had never done anything like that before, but, I was pretty drunk myself.

A few weeks later Gordon asked if we wanted to go on a trip to a lake up in the mountains. It was a remote place, cabins, no power, very rustic, we were to be there for 5 days, 4 nights. That was it, a lake, a boat, a cabin, remote, and the lake was supposed to be full of giant fish although we never caught anything but some 8″ stubby planted ones. The cabin slept four, the ad read, and it sounded like fun.

When we got there, the cabin slept four all right, three in the giant bed and one on the couch which was six inches shorter than my six feet. The floor was just boards, the outside door had a gap of at least two inches below it, and it was well below freezing every night. It was so drafty we might as well have been outside, and once the Sun went dow it was darker than the Ace of spades. Lots of firewood though, and a damned good H/D stove, we decided it would be OK. Shari would take the couch, Gordon, Liz and I in the bed with Liz in the middle. NBD, we were all friends, Gordon and I wore boxers and Liz had a T-shirt and white cottons, same as Shari. So, we settled in, me on the left, my back turned.

Somewhere around 2 in the morning the fire was out and it was getting COLD!! A half moon was out, casting a small amount of light in through a window, no much. I felt Liz shifting over towards my body heat, next thing I knew she was plastered against me. I could hear Gordon snoring away. Then her arm came over me, went right down and grabbed my dick! I started to try and squirm away, she whispered “Shhhh!!” With a quiet giggle.

So, there we lay, Liz plastered tight against me, her right hand busy molesting my groin, I quickly erected, not a thing I could do about that.

I knew if I protested I might wake everyone up, and her soft boobs pressed against my back were turning me on. So, I lay there and allowed her to molest me, trying to be quiet about it. It wasn’t long before I came, barely managing to stay quiet. Liz then let go and turned over, her back to me. I lay there for some time, battling myself, then I turned her way and reached over her to play with her nice soft titties under her T-shirt. Liz was sighing but being quiet too, so feeling bold, I slid my hand down and quickly found she had removed her panties. Unlike Shari, Liz had a lot of hair down there.

It took some squirming around since we were trying to be quiet, and Gordon was right there, asleep. But I managed to get lined up, and we had a very long and slow coupling. I got my hand around where I could help her along with my fingers, which apparently worked since she let out a few stifled squeaks.

Then, I got up and built another fire in the stove, soon had it roaring. It had a glass front, so the flames lit up the room fairly nicely, Liz was lying there facing me with the covers barely pulled up over her side, and she had the T-shirt pulled up. I could see her naked body plain as day, she lay there and put on quite a show. Gordon kept right on snoring.

I did glance at the couch a few times, Shari seemed to be asleep so I was thinking we got away with it.

That was the only time that trip that anything happened. On the way home, I noticed Shari was very quiet, she was giving me one or two word answers to everything. Once at our house, she lit into me, claiming she “heard” everything. Now as quiet as we thought we were, how she heard anything at all is beyond me, and it was so dark in there she sure didn’t see anything.

Then she floored me when she mentioned that at one point Liz and I were out in the boat, it was so small that only two of us could go at a time, always with me since I knew how to row and Gordon mostly went in circles. She told me she used the time to get even with me.

We probably would have been better off to just accept the situation and go with it, but we didn’t and it began all sorts of fights, Shari and I split up and so did Gordon and Liz. Liz even moved in with me for about 3 weeks, it was clear that wasn’t going to work either.

So, it didn’t end well, all because I couldn’t keep my hands to myself on one drunken night out.
