[Group] If you’re a straight guy, you need to hear this. Something happened this Christmas that’s so fucking hot it’s ridiculous, and I need to talk about it.

Hey! If you’re a straight guy reading this, it’s fine, I’m straight too, and this story isn’t gay in the slightest. It’s just that something happened in my life these holidays that I need to freak out with someone about. Please hear me out!

So I’m part of a small, but very close friend circle of two guys and two women (me being one of the two guys). One of the two women, S, I became very close friends with during high school, and myself and S met the other woman in the group, L, shortly after high school.

We were a close group of three friends for a little while, until we met the other guy in our group, James.

We’re all in our late 20s-going-on-30s now, so it’s been a long time since then.

When we first met James, we decided to bring him into our group because he basically had no other friends, and had always struggled to make friendships. Were it not for us, he would probably have struggled to find friends to this day.

James is extremely shy and nerdy, and while the other three of us are pretty successful and have good careers, etc, he’s still struggling to get himself out there, and still lives with his parents.

Given that Christmas was coming up this month, the other three of us had long been talking about doing something for him, maybe a present of some kind, but to be honest we never really got around to doing it.

The four of us usually hang out together at least once a week, oftentimes more, and we just sit around talking, watching things, just a really normal group of friends. But in the lead-up to Christmas, we were all pretty busy with family stuff, and we didn’t really get an opportunity to hang out.

This led L to suggest that she would host something for the four of us, a special Christmas gathering on the night of the day after Christmas. She has a friend from work (also female), who I’ll call R, and she said that she’d need to invite her as well, though.

This was fine. We all know R because she hangs out with L pretty often, so we of course said she’s completely welcome to join us.

But on Christmas Day, I got a phone call from L, saying that her and S had both become busy *again* on the day after Christmas, and she’d have to postpone our gathering. I was pretty disappointed, especially because I had nothing to do that night, but I accepted that’s just the kind of thing that happens at this time of year.

I said it was fine and we’d work something out between us in the next few days.

So the day after Christmas, when we would’ve been hanging out, I decided to go for a long, peaceful walk instead. I went a long way, and as I was on my way back home, I happened to pass by L’s house, and I saw S’s car in her driveway.

I was like “What the fuck?” and my first instinct was to go up to the house to see what they were doing without me.

But before I got to the door, I passed by the living room window, and I could see and hear inside. There, in the living room, standing around talking, were S, L, R and James, all hanging out just like we’d planned, except without me.

The paranoid part of me really wanted to know why they’d do this, and so I decided to carefully listen instead of just knock on the door and get some weak excuses.

At one point, James mentioned that I still hadn’t turned up, and for a moment, I was relieved, because I was like “Oh, okay, maybe this is all some kind of misunderstanding”, but when he said that, they responded by telling him that they had some bad news for him, and some good news, and that he should sit down in the middle of the living room couch to hear it.

He did as they asked, though he looked pretty confused about it. The bad news, they told him, was that I wasn’t coming, that they’d secretly uninvited me. The good news, they said, was they’d done this because they’d felt a bit sorry for him lately, and had a surprise for him that – if I knew about it – “would make him so fucking jealous he’d explode.”

My heart was going nuts at this point, and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

Next thing I know, L, S & R all walk over to James, and kneel down in a ring in front of him. They undo his pants, slide them off, and all three of them begin licking and sucking all over his cock together, at the same time. Literally all three lips and tongues on it simultaneously.


Yes, this really happened, and yes, as you can imagine, I am fucking dying to talk to someone about it. I’m dying to chat with anyone who wants to live vicariously through James and freak out with me about what the actual fuck happened to him.

If that’s you, please send me a message! This just needs to be talked about, and this is my only way.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ei8v3w/group_if_youre_a_straight_guy_you_need_to_hear


  1. That’s so cool I’m with you brother. I believe you but I tell you right now you’re going to get so many haters telling you this is total fiction it will make you sick. Don’t want to burst your bubble but just getting you prepared LOL

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