Lone Fox (Kitsune erotica) [rape] [long] [slavery] [watersports] Chapters 0 and 1

Story is written and produced with Darinost. Pictures for the story are available on my wordpress [https://johndrakeauthor.com/outfoxed/](https://johndrakeauthor.com/outfoxed/)


Seo-yun smelled humans.

The sharp scent brought her out of her slumber, and the red furred creature stretched languidly as she breathed it in slowly. At least three, maybe more, all men. Her lips curled into a bright smile, and her tails twitched eagerly. They would make for an excellent breakfast.

She bounded off the tree branch she’d been laying on, landing lightly on another. Like the branch she’d chosen for her morning nap, it was a thin, spindly thing, barely able to support the weight of its own leaves. But it was as firm and steady to her as solid ground, and the branch barely quivered as she sprang to the next one, and the next. High above the forest floor, the gumiho danced gracefully across her territory, heading towards the source of that nostalgic scent.

Seo-yun had called this forest home for three centuries. There had been humans here too, once. Woodcutters, hunters, even a small village near the river a long time ago. They had all been delicious. She knew it was her own fault that they were all gone, but she’d never been one for moderation. Sometimes she considered moving on to more populated hunting grounds, but she knew she could never really leave this place. These days the humans all seemed to live in barren places of stone and metal. She much preferred her lush, verdant forest, even if most of her meals here consisted of deer and the occasional squirrel. It was her first and truest home: ripe in spring, gorgeous in summer, vibrant in fall. It was only during winter, that cold and dead period she hated, that she ever felt any regret about her choice to stay, but it quickly passed when the seasons changed once more. On the increasingly rare occasions that she ventured outside of her forest, she always found herself soon returning, even in dreaded winter.

That humans that had lived here had spoken her name in reverence, and offered her gifts each year. She’d enjoyed being worshipped, and even played along for a few brief decades, but no amount of adoration could be worth giving up their sweet, soft taste forever. They’d tried to kill her in the end, armed with pitchforks and torches and a couple old swords. She’d nearly died laughing, the tears still wet on her muzzle when she began to eat them. Their crude weapons couldn’t so much as penetrate her flesh, and the fire had been nothing but a pleasant warmth to her.

It took only a couple minutes to reach her destination, where her golden eyes confirmed what her nose had told her: three men, all with dark metal sticks in their hands. Seo-yun had never seen guns before, but she’d heard stories of them. So these were hunters then; good. She would happily devour humans of any nature, but it was always a special delight when the hunter become the hunted, and realized their true place in the food chain. She was amused at the sight of their clothes, all dark greens and browns, meant to blend in with the foliage around them. Did they really think such pitiful camouflage would be of any help, when their scent was so plainly visible to her and every other forest creature within a mile?

She didn’t pounce on them immediately. Instead, she trailed above them, moving silently from tree to tree as she watched her future meals. If any of the fools had so much as glanced up, they would have seen her: a red fox longer than any of them were tall, with nine tails flowing behind her. Those tails were her pride and joy; their rich fur kept her warm when it was cold, provided soft bedding when she was tired, and more. When her eagerness nearly gave her away, a too joyful leap dislodging a single acorn from the branch she landed on, she whipped one of her tails towards it, manipulating it as easy as any other limb to catch the acorn as it fell.

It had been more than twenty years since the last time she’d eaten anything on two legs, and the memory was enough to make her mouth water. She’d come across a small child alone in the forest, crying, and had appeared to him as a human. For the most part.. She looked like a normal red haired woman when transformed, but one with fox ears and all of her tails still bobbing behind her. The little boy hadn’t seemed to mind her unusual appearance though. He’d told her that he’d been doing something called “camping” with his family, and had gotten lost. She’d graciously helped him find his parents, her sense of smell as sharp as ever even in human form. She still vividly remembered the looks of joy and gratitude on their faces when she’d returned the boy to them. She remembered even more vividly their screams when they’d seen what she was.

Seo-yun had intended to follow the hunters longer, see if they might lead her back to even more of their kind, but the smell of them was intoxicating, and before long her appetite overwhelmed her patience. She dropped down to the forest floor, landing on all fours without a sound. They still had no idea she was there as she stalked behind them, less than twenty feet away, her gait gradually lengthening as she sped up to reach them. She’d tear through the hamstrings of the first one, she decided. A single snap of her jaws was all it would take. His scream would alert the others, but it would already be too late for them to run. With the lovely taste of hot blood already on her tongue, she’d do the same to the second man, and then the third… him she would pounce on. She’d pin him to the ground as easily as a leaf and then take her time with him, discovering all the chewy, tasty morsels hidden beneath his skin. His two crippled companions would lay where they’d fallen, listening to his screams, their terror making their meat even sweeter when their turns came.

The red fox sprang forward, eager to begin the feast.

And then recoiled just as quickly, whining, as she felt a sensation she hadn’t known for centuries: pain. A sudden burning agony that made her legs shake and her tails thrash about every which way. It was so intense that she couldn’t even tell what it was coming from, the agony overwhelming all other sensation. She fell on her side, and whined again as the pain hit her a second time, every bit as awful as the first. It wasn’t until the third time that she regained enough sense to identify its source: a human, poking her with one of the metal sticks she’d thought was a gun. Bright lights sparkled at its end, and when it made contact with her flesh it sent liquid fire running through her veins.

He wore a strange black mask that covered his eyes. None of the three men she’d been following had worn anything like that. And he had no smell. She could see and hear him, but her nose insisted that there was nothing there but the forest. He’d been there the whole time, she belatedly realized, the three men acting as a decoy. And he hadn’t been alone. Four more masked men were there, eight humans in total, and all of them were jabbing her with those metal sticks. Seo-yun cried out and rolled around on the ground, seeking an avenue of escape, but she was surrounded. Furious at their trickery, she growled at them, and one of them responded by poking her right in the throat, making her double over.

They tortured her for a long time, hours of sharp agony from eight different sources. Seo-yun’s strength abandoned her long before they were done, and she laid limply on the ground, twitching softly with each new burst of pain. The inside of her head was a very different matter, though. There was a roaring fire in there, a fury that had been rarely matched in her three centuries of life. They would regret every last second of this insult, she swore. She wouldn’t eat them, no. She would have no trouble ignoring her hunger for the sake of revenge. Humans were pathetically short lived creatures, but they could manage a few more decades, she knew, and she didn’t intend to steal a moment of that away from them. They’d live long, long lives, and they’d spend every day of it begging uselessly for death. Those whose tongues she didn’t chew off, anyway.

Finally, the torment ceased. The men still surrounded her, sticks at the ready, and one of them barked at her. “Transform, bitch. We’re here for a woman, not a fucking dog.”

Despite all of her exhaustion and pain, Seo-yun couldn’t help letting a small, tired laugh escape. Did they think she was stupid? They might have worn her down for now, but she was still stronger and faster than any of them, and their flesh would part to her fangs and claws as easily as a spider’s web. If she could simply find an opportunity to strike, she could bring all eight of them down between one breath and the next. But if she did as they wanted and became human, she would lose almost all her advantages, becoming as weak and slow as any of them.

Her laughter must have annoyed the man because he jabbed her with his stick again. “I said transform, bitch!” Unlike the quick pokes from before, he didn’t let up this time, pressing the torture device against her, the pain only increasing with every passing moment. The others did the same, all eight sticks digging into her flesh. Seo-yun writhed in place, howling helplessly as the smell of her own burning flesh and fur filled her nostrils. It became clear after the first minute that they weren’t going to let up until she did what they wanted, but still she resisted. She was a gumiho, a being of power and spirit far above these foolish little mortals. Humans were her prey, and she would never bow down to them.

Their resolve broke first, as she’d known it would. “I, I don’t think it’s working sir,” said one of the men nervously. He pulled away from her, and the others followed suit, until the pain was blessedly gone. All of them were looking at her uneasily, except for the first one, who she was now certain was their leader.

That first man sighed. “Stubborn fucking bitch,” he growled. “Fine, we’ll do this the hard way.” He pointed at two of his men. “Hold her jaws open.” They obeyed, though it ended up taking four of them to overpower her, even as exhausted as she was. The leader hefted his stick and pointed it at her. “I’m going to enjoy this,” he said, and then shoved it into her open mouth.

The sticks had hurt terribly before, but her fur was strong enough to blunt steel and had absorbed most of what was happening. The inside of Seo-yun’s mouth and throat was not nearly so tough. Her entire body bucked as pure, unfettered agony filled her from the inside out, a million times worse than anything the sticks had done before. She convulsed so hard that the four men holding her couldn’t stop her jaws from clamping shut, biting clean through the stick. The reprieve this brought only lasted a few seconds, though. One of the men handed their leader a fresh one, and this time all seven subordinates held her mouth open as he stuck it back in.

After an eternity, he finally stepped back. Seo-yun’s throat was so swollen that she could barely breathe through it, and so sore that each breath hurt almost as much as the stick had. “That was one minute,” the leader said. “You have ten seconds to transform, bitch, or I shove the prod in for five next. Then we’ll try twenty, and then we’ll try an hour, and then we’ll try three, and then we’ll try ten. I booked all weekend for hunting down your furry ass, and it’s barely Saturday afternoon. I’ll make you spend all goddamn night sucking on this cattle prod if I have to.”

He wasn’t lying. Seo-yun somehow managed to make it through five minutes of searing pain. She even withstood the long and torturous twenty minutes that felt more like twenty hours. But when he approached her again, ready to make good on his promise of a full hour, her instinct for self-preservation overrode all conscious thought. Her form melted and shifted, and within moments the giant fox was gone, replaced by a young woman with fox ears and tails whose throat was still red and burnt. What had once been her fur was now a soft red robe covered with intricate lines and whorls. She laid there, barely able to keep from passing out now that she was in a body that lacked her earlier pain resistance. She could feel every single spot the prods had touched her, each and every one its own aching burn on her skin.

The leader grabbed her, pushing her over, and it took her a second to realize that he was trying to pull her robe off of her. She lifted her hands weakly, trying to fend him off, but he slapped them away effortlessly, all of her strength gone. He ripped the robe away from her and held it bunched up in his hands, leaving her completely naked.

One of the other men whistled. “Damn, Levinson, you didn’t tell us she was going to be so fucking hot! I thought the buyers were crazy to offer that much money for a single fox chick, but fuck me, she’s gonna be worth every cent!”

“Shut up,” said their leader bluntly. “Now let’s get her back to camp. We still have a lot of work to do before she’s ready to be sold.”

Another man snickered and gave her a strange look. She didn’t understand what it meant, but there was a hunger to it that chilled her. “Yeah,” he agreed, “ a lot of work.”

“Please,” Seo-yun begged, her throat making the words come out raspy. “Please, I need that!” She burned with humiliation to be begging anyone for anything, let alone a filthy disrespectful human, but she had no choice. Without her fur, she wouldn’t be able to transform back. She’d be trapped in this pathetic form forever. No indignity was greater than such a horror. “I’ll do anything!” she told Levinson. “Anything you want, I swear! Just please give that back!”

Levinson sneered at her. “Fuck you, bitch. Should’ve thought of that before you wasted my whole fucking morning.” He balled up her robe and tossed it to one of the others. “Go burn that piece of trash, then meet us back at camp.”

“Noooo!” Seo-yun screamed as the man nodded and began walking away. “Noooo! Please! Pleaaase!”

Levinson grimaced. “I’m not putting up with this shit all the way back,” he said, and then jabbed his cattle prod into her stomach. Stars burst behind Seo-yun’s eyes, and everything went black.

Chapter 1

Seo-yun couldn’t breathe.

Her eyes snapped open, roused by a sudden surge of adrenaline. She didn’t know where she was, or how long she’d been out. She only knew that she was suffocating. There was something tight around her neck, cutting off her oxygen. She tried to reach for it, to pull the thing off of her, but her hands wouldn’t move. They were trapped behind her back somehow, wrists stuck together. Her tails were still free, though, and she ran one over the snakelike thing coiled about her throat. It was some kind of rough, scratchy vine that ran straight up and above her head. She slapped at it with her tails uselessly, unable to pull it away or loosen its grip.

Seo-yun’s lungs burned for air by the time her groggy brain understood what was happening: she was suspended in mid-air with a rope around her neck, her own weight causing it to strangle her. She tried to grab the rope with her tails and lift herself up, but she already knew that in this form even all nine together would be far too weak to support her weight, and she didn’t even have that much: one of her tails was as immobilized as her wrists. So she stretched out her legs instead, desperate to find solid ground. “Spread your fucking legs,” said a male voice, his voice cold and impatient. She was dimly aware that it was that man Levinson, and that he was standing right in front of her, but she didn’t have time to think about what that meant. She could only do as he said, questing out with her toes until they brushed something to either side of her.

She felt around desperately for them, darkness blotting out her vision as her head pounded. Levinson was saying something more, but his words were just gibberish now to her ringing ears. She brushed the unseen surfaces beneath her again, and then a third time. Straining her toes down, barely conscious, she finally managed to make solid contact, and push herself up high enough to take a small rasping breath. A second later her feet slipped off and she began choking again, but the success renewed her determination.

After several minutes, punctuated by more quick breaths snatched whenever possible, Seo-yun found a position where she could almost breathe properly. Her legs were now spread shoulder length apart and she was on her tiptoes. By straightening her spine and stretching her feet out as far as she could, she could just barely touch something with her big toes. It wasn’t an easy position to keep, or a comfortable one; her legs were already aching with the strain, and her red hair was matted with sweat from all the exertion. But as long as she held herself there perfectly, she could keep getting short, shallow breaths.

“Took you damn long enough,” growled Levinson, and Seo-yun’s eyes focused on him, able to spare some attention to her surroundings now that the immediate danger had passed. They were in… she supposed it must be a building, though all the ones she’d ever seen had been made of wood and stone. This one was made of some kind of cloth, its sides swaying from a breeze she could not see. The rippling fabric recalled a memory of the small child doing the “camping” years ago. His family had been sitting near similar things. Tents, he’d called them. This tent was far bigger than those, though, stretching thirty or forty feet. Seo-yun tried to turn her head to see what was to her sides, but the rope around her neck stopped her. She tried to pull her hands free from whatever was binding them, and had no better luck there. Indignation welled up in her when she realized why she couldn’t move one of her tails: they’d used it to bind her, wrapping it around her wrists and knotting it too tight to pull free. The casual comandeering of her body for their own purpose made her blood boil.

Unable to examine anything else around her, she settled for glaring at Levinson. The blond man, who couldn’t have been more than a meager four decades old, was well muscled for a human, and seemed to have a face built for scowling. The sight of him made her remember what he’d done just before she’d passed out, and Seo-yun growled, teeth bared. For the insult he’d given her alone, she would’ve dedicated herself to making the rest of his pitiful lifespan as unpleasant as possible. But on top of that, he’d stolen her fur! Destroyed it!

Seo-yun had spent extended periods of time in her human shape before, like on the few occasions she’d left the forest. On nothing more than a whim, she’d travel to distant lands, bounding over plains and mountains and waters alike until she reached a people who had never heard of gumiho, and did not flee when they saw her disguise despite her ears and tails. She’d live with them for a short time, enjoying the novelty of prey animals too stupid to know better.

She knew that her form, ungainly and frail though it was compared to her real one, was considered quite beautiful by their standards. No matter where she stayed, men would come and praise her long and slender limbs, and her vibrant red hair. Even more praise was showered on the proportions of her body, not in in the form of words, but in stolen glances and greedy stares. Many men and more than a couple women had tried to court her, but with no success; as much as it amused her to be desired, she would never lay down with prey.

Besides, while they admired her appearance, the feeling was not at all mutual. Humans were disgusting creatures, and if not for their delicious flesh and wonderful screams, she wouldn’t have been able to bear being near them at all. They were grotesquely hairless in most places, their shapes were clumsy and ugly, and they stank. Sometimes she wondered how it was possible for a creature to smell so foul and yet taste so sweet.

This time was very different from back then. She’d always been able to resume her normal form whenever she wanted to. Her humanity had been nothing but a mask, easily discarded once people grew suspicious of her true nature, or her need to eat grew too strong to keep hidden. Now… now it was a prison. She would be trapped in this miserable shape forever.

Seo-yun stared at the man responsible for this with seething hatred. “I will not eat you,” she croaked, her throat bruised from the rope. “When I finally have mercy and let you die, I will find a large flat stone, where your corpse will be left to rot in the sun. And I will stand guard, no matter how long it takes, until there is nothing left of you. You will not nourish the earth or feed any of its creatures. You will never return to nature. You will never become anything more than a bloated, decaying corpse.”

Levinson didn’t respond to her promise. His eyes flicked away, to something behind her, and he gave a single nod.

Seo-yun screamed as something struck her bare back, ripping a line across her flesh. The cry immediately transformed into a gurgle as she lost her balance and began choking again, her feet scrabbling for purchase as she swung in place. It took nearly a minute to recover, a frantic minute of straining and gasping, trying to suck in more air even though she knew it was impossible. Legs spread, back straight, toes down, heels up. Only when her body was perfectly positioned could she breathe.

And then the process repeated, another line cutting across her back to disrupt her posture and leave her choking in midair. This one took a little less time to recover from, and when it was over, she was ready for the third attack. This time she swept her tails up, protecting her vulnerable flesh. The blow, whatever it was, landed on the makeshift shield instead, and while it stung on her sensitive tails, it was far less painful than on her back, and she was able to maintain her posture.

“Tails down,” Levinson snapped. When she ignored his command, he stepped forward and seized hold of one of them, crushing it in his grip. “Tails. Down,” repeated, his tone simmering with anger. Though her tail ached with pain as he squeezed it, it was nothing compared to the alternative, and she ignored him again.

Seo-yun didn’t see the knife until it was too late, until the cool metal was already pressed against the base of her tail. The blond man sawed into her with brutal efficiency; before her first horrified scream finished echoing, he’d severed the limb completely. He held it up in front of her, blood dripping down onto the hard packed dirt beneath them. The sight made memories of red on snow rise up before she could push them back down. “Tails. Down.”

The eight tailed gumiho let her remaining tails drop down, exposing her back.

“Good,” Levinson said, and spat on the ground. “Even you aren’t too stupid to be trained.” He tossed her lost limb carelessly to the dirt and looked past her again, his expression as sour as ever. “Start from the beginning,” he said. “Ten lashes.” Moments later, another line of fire struck her. As soon as her trembling toes found their place, there was another. And another. By the time the tenth had landed, Seo-yun was dizzy from the lack of oxygen, and her big toes were in agony. Each time she pressed them against the surface, supporting her entire body weight on the two small points, it felt as though needles were being driven into them.

“Tails up,” Levinson ordered, and Seo-yun reluctantly drew her tails up. She had a suspicion of what was about to happen, and it was soon confirmed as the next blow hit her soft, unprotected backside. Despite knowing it was coming, she still involuntarily yelped from the sharp pain and bucked away from it, accomplishing nothing but more gasps and gurgles. Nine more lashes followed, all of them excruciating, leaving overlapping lines across her cheeks. Having to hold her tails up to expose her own buttocks to abuse made the experience as humiliating as it was painful.

After the tenth blow, Levinson raised a hand. “You’re here, animal,” he said, still sounding irritated, “because my cadre was hired to find, capture, and house train a gumiho. We’ve already done the first two; and now we’re going spend the next two weeks on the third. By the end of these two weeks, you will either be a broken, submissive pet ready to be trained by her owner, or you will be in a shallow grave. I get paid either way.” The look in his eyes infuriated Seo-yun. She’d seen that look before, reflected in her food’s eyes. He saw her as helpless prey. She swore to one day correct his mistake.

“Before we get started,” the blond man said, “you will give me your your fox marble.”

Give him her yeowu guseul? Seo-yun was too tired to give the idea the scornful laughter it deserved. The yeowu guseul inside her body was what separated her kind from the cowardly kitsune who lived far to the east. It was formed from the lives of every human she’d ever fed upon, and each life increased its might, making her stronger and faster. Hers possessed the accumulated power of hundreds of humans by now. True, she couldn’t use it while human, which meant it would be completely useless to her for the rest of her life. Even its constant siren song inside her, telling her how sweet and delicious their flesh would taste, was muted. But to give it to the man responsible for crippling and mutilating her… she didn’t have the breath to curse at him, but she managed to spit on his face, the spittle striking him just below his left eye.

If her refusal surprised him, Levinson didn’t let it show. He looked past her again. “I’ll be back later, Morris. Don’t stop whipping her. Ten up, ten down, until I return.” Without waiting for a response, he spun around and began to leave the tent.

“Yes sir,” said a male voice behind her. He sounded young, and lacking the confidence of his commander. “Sir, what should I do if she tries to protect herself with her tails again while you’re gone?”

Levinson turned to give the man a withering stare. “You have a knife, don’t you?”

“Yes sir.”

“Then you should already know what to do. If the animal is too stupid to keep any of her tails, that’s not our problem.”

“Yes sir.” He raised his voice. “Tails down?” Unlike with Levinson, the statement was more question than order.

Seo-yun hesitated. Obeying Levinson was one thing; the man was clearly a fellow predator, and he had her in his power. It was galling, but her tails were more important than her pride. But to follow the orders of his lackey? The notion was almost more humiliating than anything else that had happened to her today. Levinson’s eyes met hers, and she saw the warning in them. Quickly she pulled her tails down, silently cursing her captor.

The whip landed on her back, right across several existing welts, and Seo-yun stumbled at the sudden and intense pain . By the time she’d recovered her footing, Levinson was nowhere to be seen. She wondered what he’d gone off to do, but she had no time to consider anything. The whip came down relentlessly, scoring harsh blow after harsh blow on her fragile human body. Sometimes, perhaps one in twenty, she managed to stay strong and keep her balance, but the rest of the time each vicious strike was followed by more choking and frantic grasping. She counted the time that Levinson was gone not in minutes, or even in whippings, but in breaths, each one a treasure that had to be earned. “Tails up,” called her torturer. “Tails down.” Her face burned with shame as she followed his commands, meekly arranging herself to his wishes. More than once she almost refused, but the threat of losing another tail always kept her in line.

By the time Levinson returned, entering the tent with no fanfare, Seo-yun was more exhausted than she’d ever been in her long life. Her body was drenched with sweat, her toes so slick that they kept sliding off the distant ground. Every last muscle in her body ached from the forced posture. Even her tail muscles were tired and sore after being forced to move them up and down countless times. The sight of the blond man kindled the now familiar rage in her heart, but she lacked the strength to even glare at him. She just stared at him dully as she panted hoarsely.

“Such an interesting animal you are,” he said, though there was no amusement in his tone. “A few hours ago, your body was riddled with burns from the cattle prod, and now there’s not a trace. I’d wager even most of the whip marks have already healed over. Is that right, Morris?”

“Yes sir,” answered her torturer obediently. “I can see them fading if I look closely enough.” Despite all her misery, Seo-yun felt some satisfaction at his comment. She might be trapped in this pathetic human shell, but not all of her powers had left her. She was starting to wish that her acute senses weren’t one of the few she’d kept, though. The stink of her own sweaty body was nearly enough to make her gag.

Continued in Comments

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ehz6sa/lone_fox_kitsune_erotica_rape_long_slavery

1 comment

  1. Levinson gave her no warning before he moved. He simply swept a foot forward, beneath Seo-yun’s legs. Her contact with the ground vanished as two small wooden boxes skidded away. “I’ve never seen a more pathetic creature,” he declared as she swung in place, legs kicking, trying to find the footing that she already knew was gone. “Too weak to protect itself, and too stubborn for a quick death. If you were human, or any of the other dozens of creatures I’ve hunted down over the years, we’d have to be more careful with you, try not to be too rough and let you escape by dying. What Morris did to you in the last two hours alone would have killed almost anyone else. But we don’t have to hold back for you. We can torture and abuse you all day, and never have to worry about going too far and leaving an empty husk. You were made for this kind of life, bitch. Would you even die if I left you like this? Or would you just keep wriggling and gasping like this forever?”

    Seo-yun honestly didn’t know. She’d only been injured a few times in her life, and they’d always been simple wounds that had healed quickly. She’d never experienced any sort of constant abuse like this. Perhaps she really couldn’t die this way, despite the fire in her lungs and the pounding in her head. She wasn’t certain if that was a good thing. The thought of entire hours or days spent choking like this, denied even the final mercy of death, was too horrible to bear.

    “The fox marble,” Levinson demanded. “Now.”

    A shameful part of Seo-yun whispered that she should just do it. What good was her pride now? In the span of a few hours she’d suffered more than she’d ever imagined possible, and there was no reason to think he would stop hurting her. How much more of this could she really take? And all for her yeowu guseul? There was a time in her life when she would have…

    Her lips curled back. “No,” she hissed, barely able to force the word out. This was about more than her pride. No matter what he did to her, he couldn’t make her give up her yeowu guseul. He could only ask. In this and this alone, she could still defy him. The power to refuse his demand was the one and only power she had left, and nothing would make her throw that away.

    Seo-yun expected anger, and more punishment. She more than half expected him to just leave her choking as he had threatened. Instead, Levinson began unbuckling his pants. “I didn’t ask your buyer many questions,” he said as he stepped out of them. “Doesn’t pay to be too curious in our line of business.” His underwear came next, exposing his manhood to the open air. Seo-yun had seen the thing between a man’s legs many times when she feasted, but they were always soft and small. This one was long and stiff. “But I made sure to ask the most important question: if they needed a virgin. Unfortunately for you, bitch, they said no.”

    He approached her, his cock bobbling slightly with every step. Seo-yun knew that he was planning to do something important, but she couldn’t think about anything but her starving lungs at the moment. She twisted this way and that, trying anything that might ease the rope’s choke hold on her, until Levinson’s hands gripped her whipped ass cheeks, his fingers digging painfully into the fresh welts there, and the head of his cock touched her slit.

    Seo-yun had heard of sex before, and she knew exactly what his penis was, and what it was for. But she hadn’t seen another fox since she was no more than a pup. The only creatures she possibly could have mated with were humans, and that notion was outright disgusting. She’d chosen a life of solitude instead, finding her pleasure in the hunt. So when Levinson began to push into her, she understood what he was doing, and that his intent was to rape her, but she was completely unprepared for the pain. She whimpered softly as his fat prick began forcing its way in between her legs, the strangling rope preventing her from making any louder sounds of distress.

    The blond man wore a smile, the first one she’d ever seen on him. It was an ugly, mean expression with no friendliness behind it. “I’m starting to see why someone might be willing to pay so much for your sorry ass. Are all fox cunts this tight, or just yours?” His vicious smile grew as he butted up against her hymen. “And how’d I know a stuck up bitch like you would be a virgin?”

    Desperate to avoid what was coming, Seo-yun lashed out at him with all of her free tails. The furry limbs weren’t very strong, but he was unprepared for it, and the seven of them pushed him back, making him stumble and land on his ass in the dirt. Despite the pain of her body and the continuing torture of being choked, her heart filled with satisfaction at finally managing to strike some small blow against her captor. He wasn’t invincible.

    Levinson looked furious as he picked himself back up. “That was a mistake, bitch. Morris, come hold this stupid cunt up! I don’t want her passing out before I show her exactly how stupid she is.” Seo-yun felt a pair of arms circle her waist and lift her up a few inches, allowing her to start gasping for air. The relief this brought vanished immediately when Levinson grabbed one of her tails. She knew what was coming now, and fought to squirm out of his grip, but he was too strong. The knife came down, and after a few quick slices the gumiho was reduced from eight tails to seven.

    Panic welled up as he grabbed another tail. “That’s right, you dumb fucking bitch,” Levinson confirmed. “I’m going to cut every last one of your tails off, and then I’m going to shove myself back up your cunt so I can finish what I started.” His knife began to cut into her.

    “Sir?” said Morris hesitantly from behind her. “Maybe you should…”

    Levinson paused. “What?” he growled.

    Morris sounded like he was picking his words carefully. “I think that maybe she’ll be more cooperative now that she knows what she did was wrong. And the buyer would probably want her to keep her tails.”

    “Who gives a fuck what the buyer wants?” Levinson snapped. “We already signed a contract.” But he didn’t resume cutting. “Is he right?” he asked, looking up at Seo-yun. “Are you going to be a well behaved fox slut for me while I pound your virgin cunt, or should I keep going?”

    “Yes,” she panted, still trying to take in as much air as possible to appease her burning lungs. “Don’t… don’t have to… cut them off…”

    “And your fox marble?” he pressed.

    Seo-yun almost told him he could have that too, but she stopped herself. She couldn’t prevent him from cutting off her tails, but he couldn’t take the yeowu guseul by force. It was all she had left. “No…” she breathed, knowing that her refusal meant losing the rest of her tails.

    But Levinson only laughed. “I’m going to enjoy fucking that stubbornness out of you.” That was all the warning she had before he stepped forward and shoved himself back into her pussy. Morris let go of her waist, and two things immediately happened: the rope tightened around her neck again, forcing out her latest breath, and she dropped several inches, Levinson’s cock ripping right through her hymen as it sank into her. The pain was immediate and overwhelming, and Seo-yun let out a miserable whine as the man continued to push in deeper.

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