[FM] My husband (37M) recently cheated on me with my friend/colleague’s daughter (23F). I’m grappling with it, and honestly just want to chat with someone about the whole ordeal.

So… yeah. The title basically. And this is obviously a throwaway although I guess my husband could see it and know it was him… but still. I need someone to just chat with.

My husband of 1.5 years (we’ve been together in total for 2.5 years) had an affair with my friend/colleague’s daughter for about 4 months, and I recently learned about it. I don’t need to go too much into specifics about how I found out about it, but let’s just say my husband was in a compromising position and it was a bit maddening seeing two nude bodies in our house, but I digress… She and my husband had been spending a lot more time together randomly and I guess I should’ve noticed the signs, but let’s say my mom always told me I was as oblivious as I was studious and organized.

Now before everyone goes off on my husband – yes, what he did was stupid – we’ve sort of patched things up. I know the things that usual redditors, which is why I’m not seeking someone to talk to on relationship advice or what have you. I don’t want judgment right now… I want someone to just chat with. Understand why he might’ve done these things. Understand the allure of it, beyond just the simple fact that she’s 23 and was sniffing around my husband. I ultimately just want to 1) get this off my chest, since the three of us have decided that NO one in our circle or at my work can know about it, and 2) try and understand why he or she did it.

A little background on the two of them: my husband is a software programmer for a local business, does their website and stuff. I’m a paralegal. We don’t make a ton of money and kind of live humbly with a budget, but sometimes splurge on fancy things. I’d say we’re both level-headed and kind of normal, which is why this whole thing is a bit shocking. Britney is my colleague’s daughter – she’s young, curvy, red-headed, just graduated from college, and is kind of, I dunno, stupid? Annoying? Can you tell I don’t really like her? But I guess my husband liked her just fine.

Anyway, I’m curious to chat. And no, I don’t want people writing me asking if I want to cheat on my husband. But yeah, PMs are appreciated.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ehvznr/fm_my_husband_37m_recently_cheated_on_me_with_my


  1. You dont have to like someone to like the way your dick feels inside them or like the way your pussy feels wrapped around them.
    I believe the 2 key terms here are “pump n dump” and “sport fucking”
    It sounds like he fucked her because he COULD and not because he actively wanted to. If I was a betting man id say she started it. Although it takes 2 to tango, she was the spark that started the fire in their horizontal dancing escapade.

  2. Your husband was totally me a few years ago. My wife and I had been married about the same amount of time but I hooked up with a co-worker. My wife and I are still married and very happy. It was a stupid mistake and I absolutely regret it. Especially because of how much it hurt her.. moral of the story is you can make it work if you want, but it’s going to be work. For us, I’m so glad she stuck by my side. It takes an amazing woman to overcome that amount of heartache. PM me of you want to talk more

  3. Brittany offered him something you didn’t. That naughtysort if taboo thing. And she may have been open to trying things you wouldn’t or haven’t done

  4. If you’ve been together a long time, and you aren’t regularly having decent sex, then he’s looking. Most look but don’t touch. But any middle aged man that isn’t getting a good workout at home will stray for some young blood. It’s just how things work.

    Men want sex a lot. And it only takes a few months of lackluster or non-existent sex for them to be craving any random intimacy they can find.

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