Tales of Erodale – Chapter 1 – [Fantasy, Monster Sex, Magic-Futa, Rough, Tentacle Monster, Best Friends, Adventure]

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Queen Ariela was thinking about Prince Belind in her throne room. The beautiful queen with majestic black hair, impressive breasts, chiseled abdominal muscles and currently a magical cock didn’t know why she was still thinking about the worthless prick attached to an even more worthless prick of a prince.

‘It’s because she is not good enough,’ The woman with darkness in her eyes thought as she looked down over her perfectly sculpted breasts. Queen Ariela currently had a servant girl with breasts close to the same size as Ariela’s mounds sucking and licking away at the one of the Queen’s favorite spells when her mind grew bored. The cock matched her body to a teat and the sensations emerging from it should have been more than enough for Ariela. As usual, she should have anticipated disappointment with her servant’s work.

To the servant girl with pierced ears and soft brown hair, the Queen’s dick tasted close enough to any of the other cocks that she had sucked on before she had knelt down in front of her beloved queen in her throne room. The room was dark but grandeous. Queen Ariela entertained many diplomats and foreign officials the woman who wanted to rule Erodale knew it never hurt having a cockslut to see to their needs. When the servant girl chanced a look up at her beautiful and severely cruel mistress she, fearfully noticed that her queen didn’t appear to be receiving any pleasure from the way she was tending to her length.

Very quickly, the servant redoubled her efforts on cleaning her mistress’ huge enormous prick, relishing both its taste and its size. The servant hoped that her queen was thinking about the rebellious prince and not displeased with her tongue and mouth-work. Fear appeared in her eyes and she closed them, working her tongue as much as she could to take care of Ariela’s needs. She has seen first what happened to people the Queen lashed out at.

Ariela knew all number of savage and deadly spells, nut she wasn’t interested in wasting any of them on her servant. The girl was doing a ‘decent job’ but a mix of small worries and cautiousness drove Ariela to stand up off of her throne. Her cock slipped from the servant girl’s grasp. The young lovely flower barely covered up by a revealing purple outfit that matched the main color of Ariela’s Raven banner let out a small gasp. Not knowing what to do, she tried to scramble back into a new position to take her Queen in her mouth once again.

“Leave me. Go find a guard in the barracks and demand that he fucks you for me. Your screams will provide me more pleasure.” Ariela snarled before she used her magic to dissipate the spell that had morphed the flesh of her pussy into that of a giant cock. Soon her pristine clean and smooth pussy had reformed. A new servant had emerged with her black and gold armor while another servant brought her cape and crown. Ariela set to work donning each piece of her attire before she turned towards one of the guards waiting at the entrance of her throne room. The guard’s armor copied much of the design elements from her own outfit. The soldier trained by years of rigorous and brutal drills and examination by Ariela herself wore black armor accenting by small notes of gold. His helmet was decorated with a raven’s head and eyeholes covered by opaque purple lenses. The soldier duly moved forward and brought his left hand into a sharp salute while keeping a rigid tight hold on his deadly looking spear. “Your Highness?”

The elite guard stood ready to obey as Ariela’s crown; the final touch of the outfit she had personally designed to accentuate every part of her incredible beauty and deadly temperament, was brought down slowly on her head. Once more adorned in her royal attire Queen Ariela, the Thronebreaker, and the Raven Princess snapped, her emerald eyes onto the elite guardian of her throneroom.

“Report to Captain Draus immediately. Tell him to double the guard on Prince Belind and rouse Kenirl. Order the old blowhard to create the best truth serum possible. I would know about any allies Belind has in the region. The prince may be as useful as nipples on a breastplate, but the fools who would make him king could try something stupid. I won’t be caught unawares.”

“At once, my Queen!” The guard replied quickly and then turned around and left the throne room that was decorated by great purple banners that showcased the Black Raven that was Ariela’s heritage. The beautiful and cruel raven-haired leader returned to her throne and informed the two servants who had brought her clothing to summon her minister from his bed. The hour was growing late but she still had energy to arrange some meetings for the coming week.


While the Queen was thinking about handling some business, two young adventuring girls were handling some business of their own, a noble quest to free the rightful heir from the clutches of a terrible queen. Cadence didn’t make a habit of going to an evil person’s home where she knew they were the most powerful enemy in the country and no doubt prepared for a sneak attack, but being a friend meant that sometimes you did foolish things. It wasn’t that the young spellslinger with brown and purple hair didn’t believe Queen Ariela was not a spiteful bitch that she wouldn’t piss on even if the Queen was on fire. All that aside, Cadence liked living, and fucking and fighting way too much to eagerly jump at being killed or locked up by Ariela or her army of goons. Still, when her best friend Rose had set out to free Prince Belind from Ariela’s dungeon, it was Cadence that Rose asked.

‘So here I am,’

Currently, her best friend Rose was behind her, waiting for any trouble as Cadence’s blue eyes tracked their path through Ariela’s large and prominent garden. Cadence knew that the evil bitch of a queen would have guards and traps on the walls, so she had decided on a more frontal approach. The rogue figured that sometimes the best path might seem like the worse path. If they could find a side entrance or even a garden house, the trip through dense short trees and thorny bushes would be well worth it.

“Stay close Rose. Don’t get distracted by my ass.” Cadence joked with her friend while she kept her magical golden revolver at the ready.

“You don’t have to worry about my focus, Cadence. My heart and mind are linked to ensure we save Belind from Ariela.” The sorceress with luminous crimson hair and sharp intelligent golden-colored eyes replied to her friend.

“Then maybe, next time your heart and mind can remember to wear something less shiny,” Cadence joked as she motioned with her revolver towards the white and gold dress and long white and gold boot-leggings that her longtime friend was wearing.

“… Well… what about you? Your gun is gold.”

“Yes, but I put a charm on it to make sure the shine doesn’t go far. And it’s just my gun. Your entire dress looks like you smeared gold up and down well… everywhere. Not ideal for sneaking,”

“Will you just go please Cadence. We have to get Belind out.” Rose replied with a sense of urgency in her voice.

“Rose, come on, look at who you’re talking to. This isn’t the first fortress I’ve snuck into,” Cadence said as she turned back about halfway. The woman with brown and purple hair swore she’d seen movement out of her periphery when looking back at Rose.

‘There it is,’

The spellslinger thought as she spotted what looked like a servant’s entrance.

‘Maybe it leads to the kitchen. We could sneak in easy, and grab some food. I’m starving,’

“Cadence,” Rose growled out in a barely constrained whisper.

“Quiet Rose. They’ll find us!” Cadence whispered back before she started moving closer to the line of bushes. Just beyond the bushes was a stone pathway that would take them to the entrance. “Okay get rea….”

“No Cadence look out!” Rose replied curtly. The spellslinger heard her friend warn her right before something gross and slimy wrapped around her leg and pulled hard. Cadence let out a frightened squee of a gasp as her hands and face hit the wet mushy ground.

“Hey. Let me go!” Cadence growled out as her fingers scratched against the damp ground beneath her struggling body. The spellslinger tried to find some rock or something hard to secure onto but there was nothing but soft dirt beneath her fingers. The barrel of her gun caught on some of the ground and suddenly, her signature weapon broke free from her grasp. Cadence kicked out with her left leg towards whatever was holding her. She heard an angry chittering but the grip on her leg didn’t let go. Instead the mysterious wet squishy thing grabbing on her leg started pulling even harder right before another squelching limb wrapped around her other boot. The young woman felt her stomach flying when the thing hauled up off of the ground and held Cadence updside down in the air. Other articles of her gear fell free from her body and then suddenly, more green wet tendrils grabbed onto her wrists. While still in the air, the created rotated the lovely girl so that she was now upright and being held up by the tendrils wrapped around her arms. It was at this point that she got a good look at what had found them in Queen Ariela’s royal garden.

Nearby Rose was in the same straits as her friend. The sorceress with royal bloodred hair had seen the tendril sneaking up on her friend and only managed to get a warning out right before the creatue snapped up Cadence. Now Rose was in much the same straits as her friend. Thinking quickly, she worked to use her fingers and voice to summon a spell.

“Ulrismo vah… hurppp!” The lovely girl’s spell was cut abruptly short when the creature holding her in its slimy grasp suddenly pressed a tentacle right inside her open mouth. Rose immediately struggled to breathe as the thick, green tendril planted itself into her throat, wiggling its way deep inside of her mouth. When she finally managed to start using her nose, she realized the creature must have sensed her spellcasting and worked to circumvent her using any spells that required her to speak.

“Warrrhmmphh!!!” Rose struggled and moaned out as the tendril continued to pulse and push in her mouth, using the inside surface of her mouth and the lower surface of her tongue to excite every inch of the tendril while others went to work on her clothes and the now wholly captured Cadence.

“Leave us alone!” Cadence called out before she let out an annoyed grunt as tendrils slapped and then yanked at her white and dark brown top. The green limbs of the tentacle monster slowly revealing itself were soon ravishing the spellslinger’s white shirt and her brown bodice, much to her dismay. Pain lanced along her skin as suddenly her nipples and then the majority of her breasts were exposed to the cold air while she remained suspended above the royal garden.

Rose could do nothing but try to grab at the tentacle thrusting into her throat as she watched another set of tendrils whip out and destroy the bounds that locked up her friend’s bodice. Now free of the tight restraining black-brown material, the torn remains of Cadence’s top fell off her body and exposed her nice perky large boobs.

“I’ll make you pay for that! Mrwaaawahh… nooowaaawhhh!” The spellslinger cried out when suddenly a pair of slimy tendrils wrapped themselves tightly around her breasts while the heads wagged and wiggled near her soft pink nipples.

“Oh no… Hey just… just let me go… Maybe I’ll show mercy… Heywaaaahhhmmnmm..” Cadence couldn’t fight a moan as the tentacles started playing with her breasts while another set yanked off her boots and pulled apart her leggings and the brown skirt she wore.

Meanwhile, her friend was caught off guard by warm waves of pleasure spiraling out from deep when the beast meant to trap intruders started rubbing new tentacles all over the front of her outfit. Try as she might, Rose found she couldn’t grab a hold of the tentacle penetrating her throat and knew that without her voice, she couldn’t fire off most of her spells.

‘I have to think of a different way out of this!’

The tentacle monster had about six eyes looking out from the base of its form. A chittering told Rose it was quite excited to have found the pair. Thankfully it seemed much more interested in playing with her and Cadence than reporting in their capture to Queen Ariela.

‘It’s a small victor at least,’ Thought Rose before the tendrils started working at ripping apart her own garments just like they had done to Cadence. She got off a few fire spells attuned to simple finger commands but soon, even her hands became restricted by the heads of two other tentacles. The monster let her body fall back down to the ground and in a matter of seconds, a mob of slimy, green limps had pulled and ripped all of her fine white and gold clothing until Rose was even more exposed to the creature than Cadence was.

Two tendrils circled quickly around Rose’s legs. Her red eyebrows raised up and she fought with all of her strength as the tendrils tried to wedge her legs apart. She knew what the creature was trying to do to her. Part of her secretly craved more of the sensations, but her mind still rebelled, seeking a way out of the trap and suspending her body’s own libido. Unfortunately, her resistance only held up for so long as juicy tendrils played with her tits and slapped excitedly against her bare ass. Rose was far from a fighter and wished they had brought along some more front-line types to deal with monsters like the one that had captured both her, and her best friend.

Rose tried one last measure and worked to send a telepathic message to the creature about to fuck her with its thick wet tendrils.

‘Let me go. I won’t destroy you if you let us go now. We have an important mission!’ Rose thought stoically to the beast. Unfortunately, either the creature did not hear her or it made no difference in its mind.

It simply chittered happily once more and then two more tendrils started to sink in towards her pussy. One moved up and started rubbing and playing with her bare clitoris. The instant the wet moist and squishy texture started rubbing against her sex, Rose’s entire body bounced free off the cold ground. Her body was quite sensitive to such a touch. The sorceress she had been so focused on getting Belind out, that she hadn’t found much time for her own pleasures of late.

The tentacle monster that prowled Queen Ariela’s gardens took advantage of the situation. While the one feeler continued stimulating her the sensitive nub of flesh, the other tentacle started to insert itself inside of Rose’s delicate pink lips. The powerful tendril pushed past her soft fleshy barrier and Rose let out a scream of pain and pleasure though it was still nearly masked by the tentacle throat-fucking her. Her knees shivered as the pleasure started to spread its way through her body each time the tendril pulled back and then slushed back deeper inside the tunnel of her sex. Soon enough, Rose moans took on a greater vibrancy even with the tentacle cock still pushing inside of her nearly choking throat. The redhead’s nice plump breasts continued being used as playthings by a group of other feelers. Now firmly in control, the tentacle monster started thrusting into Rose’s body at the same tempo he was using on her partner-in-crime.

While Rose was resting on the cold ground Cadence was still being held aloft by the tentacles around her arms.

“You better leave Rose alone now! Leave her alone and do what you want to me you, sicko!” Cadence growled out as the tentacles started to quicken and accelerate their treatment of her breasts. Her nipples felt so raw but the heat sparking out of them melted the young woman’s defenses. If she could, the spellslinger would have been playing with her pussy and clit to help distract her mind from the weariness of her nipples. Thankfully the tentacle monster started rubbing all over her tits, giving her nipples a little reprieve. Following this, three larger tentacles slithered up and wrapped themselves around her legs. Putting Cadence into a nearly spread-eagle position, the last tendril moved south towards her juicy, warm and thoroughly exposed sex.

Just like with Rose, one of the tentacles reached up and started feeling its way all over Cadence’s unprotected clit and upper pussy. The stalwart spellslinger pushed back with her body but it did next to nothing against the strength of the foul creature. She heard it chitter excitedly before a chorus of lewd squelching sounds came from Rose’s pussy filled her ears. Cadence couldn’t see Rose at the moment, but she was sure that her friend’s tasty opening had become invaded by a pulsing green tentacle.

A match for the limb currently stuffing its way deep inside of the sorceress’ pussy started rubbing and nudging its way up and down Cadence’s outer pussy petals. Her head moved left and right and she let out an enraged growl of agitation. Soon enough, the growl tapered into a moan when the tendril flexing and rubbing against her clitoris really picked up the pace. The tentacle spread its thick goo all over her bald pussy before it started to slap and flick its slimy girth against Cadence’s sensitive pink nub.

“Mwaaahhaa… noowawahh… must … free… Rose…. Saaveaaagahahhh…” Cadence was unable to say more as suddenly the tentacle creature pushed the head of its thick tentacle past the doors of her vaginal opening. Cadence’s entire body shook and all the air departed her lungs while her breasts thrust out and her pale legs tried in vain to close up.

The tentacle monster pressed forward with both of the attractive girls, pushing its throbbing members inside of Cadence and Rose in tandem. Each girl felt her own pussy widening out to accept the large slimy intruders. Cadence’s moans were louder but this was mostly due to the fact that Rose’s throat was still being forcibly fucked by the tentacle that had silenced her attempts at defending the pair with her spells.

The redheaded magic-user writhed on the ground as the tendril undulated again and again, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her wet pink tunnel. Cadence was still held aloft by the first tendrils that had secured her limbs. Under the control of the tentacle monster, she was little more than a human sextoy.

‘Well… things could be worse. Ariela could be watching,’ Cadence thought glumly before her pussy tightened up from another explosion of pleasure as the creature continued blasting away at her trembling cock-socket.

The creature’s limbs wrapped and played with her breasts and nipples but the tendril moving the most savagely was the constantly prodding and playing with her clitoris while it’s larger sibling continued widening out her deep walls. It wasn’t long before both the girls and the creature started cumming.

Rose was taken by the waves of an explosive orgasm first. The heat blossomed forth from her body, burning along every nerve till they reached the end of her nipples and her toes. Her throat somehow relaxed as her body went slack for a moment before she started convulsing on the ground. The redhead’s inner pussy walls suddenly clenched and constricted around the tentacle fucking her most intimate reaches. With the incredible surge in pleasure, there was little that the creature could do as it felt it’s own orgasm occur. Blasts of incredible hot cum launched forth directly into Rose’s pussy and mouth. Her tits did not escape the explosion of seed either, and the tentacles playing with her breasts pulled back and coughed up their warm, sticky loads all over her large heaving breasts.

Cadence had to enjoy a small smile knowing she had at least outlasted the beast. Of course, as soon as the tendril started cumming inside of the spellslingers hole, her mind was thinking of a different feeling than pride.

“Mrwaayaiieeawahhh!!!” Cadence moaned out as her pussy juices creamed out, coating plenty of the tentacle-cock still invading her sex. Just like Rose ,the tendrils playing with her breasts unraveled and then came all over her brown and purple hair and her bouncing tits. The only difference between the two cum-soaked women was that Cadence was still in midair when the strength left the tentacles holding her up. Without any support and with her mind completely soaked in the pleasure of her new cream-filling and the lingering sensations of her own orgasm, Cadence didn’t realize what was happening till right about the time she crashed on the ground.

Rose winced seeing her friend fall. The sorceress was about to rush towards her friend’s side but a sudden snap of another tentacle in front of her stopped her movement. Turning slowly the girl with yellow eyes turned her gaze towards the mass of eyes at the base of the tentacle monster. “You’ll let me see to her,”

The creature’ shook what amounted to its head back and forth. It readied up its tentacles once again and they were soon rushing forth back to Rose as the monster seemed to catch its second wind. Rose, however, was not about to be caught off guard again.

Her eyes sparked with the light of a sun and then she quickly clasped together her hands. Energy sparked and then swirled all around her fingers as she spoke the spell she had been preparing. Unknown to the tentacle creature and many of Rose’s foes, the young redhead’s powers extended far beyond your average sorcerer. In times of great stress, pleasure, anger and other emotions, Rose could tap into ancient and powerful magic. As her eyes opened, the creature saw only radiant light forming in the opening of the girl’s eyes before she said the words to her spell.

“Ulrismo Vahlor Das!” Rose declared before she let her clasped fingers lean forward right as she opened her hands. The energy that had gathered formed into a might spear of golden light. Before the creature could react to the band of lethal energy launched forward right at the cluster of tentacles that formed the main body of the creature. The damage was as intense as it was brief. Just as quickly as Rose cast the spell, the creature burned away in a wave of ash.

Worn out by both sex and the spell, Rose released her concentration. The redhead begged the gods that no one was closing in around them and then rushed over to her friend’s side…


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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ehcaij/tales_of_erodale_chapter_1_fantasy_monster_sex