I Fucked to close a Business Deal, and I got Screwed [MF]

Yes, both ways.

I’m a woman who works in a male dominated industry. Part of my job is to poach top talent from one firm to another. I’m a recruiter, so long business trips, life on the road and putting up with a lot of bullshit. Being a woman helps… as I often trade sex to close a deal. Most of the time, it works. But this time, it didn’t

This year, I met this potential recruit. He’s a big deal and would have been a total coup for me, if I closed him. Normally, a firm would send a delegation of a team to pitch him. Fancy spreadsheets, large signing bonus, wine and dine, all that. My company tried and failed to do that. He gets pitched all the time. Again, big fucking deal.

By chance, I ran into BFD at a conference. He’s the type who “appreciates” a young pretty woman. Normally, BFD would brush me aside. Too inexperienced, too stupid, etc… But when you wear a short skirt and a push up bra, that buys you some more time to pitch. That was enough time to get another meeting with him. Fuck, I’ll take it. The commission check on him alone would be enormous.

At the meeting, I go through my normal pitch. Numbers, figures, whatever. He’s so disinterested. Just nodding and whatever. So I try my womanly and slutty closing technique. Maybe I can just get away with some flirting. But not with BFD. He’s on to me, and knows that I’d go the whole way to land him. Which I would, and he’s totally down to play ball. So… I offered to take him out for drinks, and we can talk more privately in the hotel. Pair that with playing with his tie, playing with my hair. He got the message. His only request? Show up and dress up to close the deal. Bold fucking request, but in my mind I’ve spent my commission check already.

The next day, I meet BFD at this swanky bar. Short skimpy dress. High heels. Black thigh highs. The outfit was borderline scandalous, even for the bar. Have to admit, I was rocking that outfit. I found BFD, and he’s with his coworkers, finishing up a drink. He introduces me to them, I’m totally self conscious as what he’s told them. But in the subsequent conversation and innuendo, it’s clear they know who I am, what I’m trying to do and the lengths I’d go for them.. BFD clearly wanted to brag and show off. No matter, honestly. After only a few minutes, BFD and I left the bar, and went to the hotel room to fuck.

The next morning, we’re in the hotel room getting dressed. I asked if he can go over some numbers, I can answer any of his questions. BFD said yes, of course. I was so fucking excited, about to close. But BFD said, let’s go to the office for this. Huh? You want to bring a recruiter into your office? Really? Yes, that’s what he wanted. Right now. Bear in mind, I’m getting dressed in my scandalous slutty outfit from the night before.

So we’re walking in his office, and I’m completely on display here. Skimpy club dress with heels. I saw some of the guys from the bar, and they obviously recognized me and my outfit. We get to his office, and I go through the pitch again. Again he’s so disinterested. He just wants to brag and shove the fact that he’s a BFD in my face. Fucking asshole.

I’m wrapping up and about to leave. That’s when he insists on walking me. My walk of shame out. Once we got to the door, he basically said that he’ll review the numbers and get back to me. Some BS like that, just blowing me off. And there, I left his office. Didn’t hear back from BFD ever again.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/egb2kb/i_fucked_to_close_a_business_deal_and_i_got


  1. Thanks for sharing that story with us. Sorry to hear it didn’t help you recruit that person…

  2. I’ve had a recruiter pitchig me off and on for the last 6 months. Nothing like this though. ?

  3. Well, ain’t that a damn shame. But let’s be honest, I think any of us in his shoes, knowing the lengths you’d be willing to go for this, would’ve done the same.

    No offense.

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