Pokegirls, Gotta Fuck ’em All (Part 8: Hurt) [Story]

Heya, I’m back with another story chapter, it revealed the backstory of Steve and Anisa, and I think this chapter really shows their feelings quite well! I hope you guys enjoy it!


Why did everything have to hurt so much?

Even after relieving myself with Fall, I still found myself going back to it, thinking about everything that happened with Anisa up till now.

I gripped my fork tightly and poked the pasta I had ordered, even if I used to devour food in the past, I couldn’t stomach much of it nowadays.

I leaned back in my chair and thought back to when I was 15 when everything changed between me and Anisa.

It was a windy autumn night, almost a year ago, I heard her knocking on the railing of her veranda, signalling that she wanted to talk.

I went outside and groggily rubbed my eyes, “hey Anisa…”

“Hey, Steve!” She said cheerfully, the bright light from her room coupled with the darkness of mine completely obscured her face.

“So, we’re finally about to have our finals…” She said while knocking on the railing, a bad habit of hers.

“Yeah, normally we should be studying or sleeping at this time you know?”

“I know, I know… It’s just that I wanted to talk to you.”

“Yeah, i wanted to ask you something too.”

“Oh, why don’t you ask first?”

“Why are you working so hard on your exams?”

She seemed taken aback at that, “why? Can’t i work a hard on my exams too?”

“It’s not that, up until this year, actually no- up until now, you haven’t worked hard at all, scraping by with passes, saying that you want to go on an adventure once we turn sixteen, instead of going to apply for college.”

“Well, what if I changed my mind?”


“What if I wanted to go to college with you?”

“…what are you saying?”

“I’m doing this for you…”

I seized up at that, looking up at her face, I couldn’t see through the veil of darkness, her expression, her feelings we’re all obscured.

“When you said you wanted to go to college, and that you wanted to go for an office job, I honestly couldn’t be happy at first, my best friend, leaving me to go for college while i explore the region?”

She laughed as she said that, and I got a glimpse of her eyes through the darkness, even though she was laughing, even though she seemed happy, she was distressed, her eyes only sending me one message: Oh no it won’t stop.

“Then I realised, I could still stay with you if I put effort into my studies, it wasn’t too late for me. I wanted with all my heart to be with you because I hate not being by your side.”


“I love you, Steve.”

“I’m… Sorry.”

I watched as she bowed her head, I had crushed on her too, but I was just starting to get over it, and I didn’t want her to give up on her dream, not for me, not for anyone else.

“Right now, I don’t think I can devote myself to anything but my studies, ” I bit my cheek as I watched her now her head down.

“I don’t think having a relationship would be beneficial at this point, to either of us, it’s not that I dislike you but-”

“Yeah… Yeah, I get it…”

My hands tightened on each other as I grimaced at her, I knew this was for the best.

“Well, ” she said, looking up and smiling, I could finally see her face as the rays of the moon struck her face, “the timing on this was a little weird and I’m sorry. I don’t think my feelings for you will change from here on out.”


“Well I wasn’t really trying to ask you out or anything, I just needed to take this load off my mind.”

“Are… Are you sure?”

“Yeah… Sorry, I couldn’t control myself, but my minds cleared now though! So from here on out as your childhood friend, let’s do our best okay? Let’s stay the way we’ve always been.”

I watched as she smiled brilliantly, the moon reflecting off her skin, making it look as if she was glowing.

“…okay,” I said as I started grinning, nothing would change now, right?

“Sorry I talked too much today, we should go back to studying, see you tomorrow Steve!”

“Good night…”

I closed the sliding glass door gently and closed the curtains, “I’m sorry Anisa, I’m sorry…”

As I snapped back into the present, I realized my pasta was growing cold, “stay the way we’ve always been…” I mumbled under my breath as I swallowed a mouthful of fusilli.



“いつも通ど…” (itsumodoori, as always)

“I knew it… I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!” I screamed as I shut the curtains and slumped in front of my door.

“I knew it… But, why am I still… uuugh…”

Streams of tears fell from my face as I balled my fists and hit my own knees.

“I shouldn’t have done something so stupid, ” I said as my vision blurred, “The one person who I love, the person I love the most rejected me… HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET USED TO THAT.”

I faced the ceiling and wailed, my tears dampening my clothes, but I couldn’t care anymore.

Suddenly, my emotions changed, I became more determined than ever, despite my sadness.

“I don’t have time to waste on crying,” I thought to myself as I sat at my desk, “I won’t let anyone have him, I want to stay by his side… I don’t want him to give up one me…”

I studied deep into the night, I couldn’t sleep if there was work to be done, I couldn’t let myself fall behind.

“Anisa? Don’t you know how late it is?” My mother called out from her room as she went for her glass of water in the middle of the night.

“It hurts loving you, Steve.”

I snapped back into the present as my Meganium dealt the final blow with Natures Gift.

“Why, isn’t it a delight to meet such a great trainer once in a while?” Alistar said as she posed flamboyantly while her Gardevoir fell to the floor.

“I beat you.” I pointed out.

“Oh, what’s with the tears, my dear girl?” Alistar said as she sashayed over and offered me a tissue. “Did I offend you? Why were you crying so badly?”

I hadn’t noticed, but I started to cry while I was having a flashback, “I’m fine.”

Alistar looked at me worriedly before deciding not to probe further, “well honey, you did great out there! You’ve earned yourself this badge!”

She dramatically pulled out the Mind badge and posed as she offered it to me, “with this you’ll be able to train Pokémon up to level 40, even those which were traded.”

“Thanks, ” I said bitterly, I had to wait almost two hours for her to return from the concert hall.

“Oh, and have this!” She exclaimed as she pulled out a purple TM, “this TM contains Calm Mind, a move which boosts your Special attack and Special defence by one stage.”

I took the TM and put it in my TM case as I headed outside.

“I should grab some lunch quickly, ” I thought to myself as I headed towards an Italian restaurant in the town plaza.

I peered in through the window to look at the menu, but in the corner of my eye, I spotted someone I didn’t expect to see here.

“Steve…” I muttered, quickly turning and running away, if he spotted me he’d definitely tell my parents, and they would bring me back.

But why did my heart ache as I ran, not from the work out I was getting, but from my feelings? Why did I feel my entire body gravitating to him anyway despite my brain telling me to run?

“Go now, ” my mind told me, “before it’s too late.”

Why did everything have to hurt so much?


So many questions left unanswered, come back next time! o(TヘTo)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/efyc1j/pokegirls_gotta_fuck_em_all_part_8_hurt_story