Dinner with a Married MILF [MF]

I’ve known this women since I was 12 years old. We will call her Jenn. Jenn use to work for my father at the time and stuck around long enough that she was apart of my everyday life growing up. Eventually she stopped working for my father but because she was so nice I always stay in touch.

From Birthday to New Years we always text and call. Fast forward to Thanksgiving, I gotta text from her wishing me happy holidays and the whole nine yards. Didn’t think much into it, I reciprocate the well wishes and ask about her two kids that she has.

We go back and forth throughout the day covering most topics. Work, family and her desire to go back to school. She’s always been goal oriented so nothing surprises me.

Anyways, everything was normal until she breaks the news to me that she found out her husband has been cheating with a younger woman.

I was shocked, she was so hot and still fairly young. The idea of someone cheating on her didn’t even really make sense to me.

Nevertheless, things happen and people grow apart so I didn’t really start bashing her husband.

Instead, I just comforted her and let her know that sometimes these things happen when your with someone for that long.

Understanding or not even after our little conversation she was still pissed and felt betrayed because it wasn’t for a lack of effort but because of a lack of communication.

“I would’ve even tried bring someone else into the bedroom if he asked the right way”

My jaw hit the floor. I was so floored. I was super shocked she was even saying this to me. TO ME?!

Fuck it, can’t let her see me sweat. I just tried to segway into something more about her and how she was gonna move past it. The best I could do was offer dinner the following weekend.

Saturday night approaches and I had cleared my schedule with one thing in mind. Taking Jenn out to dinner.

I get to her house around 9 o’clock. I let her know I was outside instead of going to the door because I didn’t wanna have to do the interactivity with her entire family who I’ve gotten pretty close too over the years.

She was pretty fast, the minute I let her know I was there the door opened and she was in my truck before I could count to five.

She looked phenomenal. She was about 5’7 with dark caramel skin and long flowing dark brown hair that went down her back. She had on a tight black and gold dress with heels and red lipstick.

The ideas that were going they my head was ranging from gentleman to horn ball and them some. I was focused on getting to the restaurant and try to keep the small talk going, this way my mind wouldn’t fill the quietness with filthy thoughts.

To my delight, when we get to the restaurant it’s mostly empty. I’ve always felt a sense of comfort when the restaurant isn’t overwhelming with people or noise.

We get our seats immediately and I order a pitcher of sangria trying to calm my nerves. I didn’t expect her to look this good or my mind to run that fast.

I was partially disappointed with myself that I couldn’t have dinner with a friend without letting my dick chime in with his two cents.

Fast forward to the main course and the second pitcher of sangria, everything is going well.

Jenn started to open up more about how deprived she’s felt over the years and didn’t step out on her husband because of the respect she had for him.

You could tell the sangria was doing it’s job. She was becoming super emotional at the table. When she was done venting I get the check and told her we can finish the conversation at my house if she would like.

The minute I suggested it, you could see her fighting internally in her face. I didn’t push the issue much, I signed the receipt, got our leftovers and we made our way back to the car.

As I started the car and put the bags in the backseat. About five minutes passed and I asked one more time if she wanted to come over reassuring her that if she didn’t wanna come it was okay and I would understand.

She paused for a second and said she’ll come over for an hour but she would have to get home in time to wake her kids up for school in the morning.

Weirdly her answer gave me a semi-hard on. It was hot having a milf at my disposal that had responsibilities. Lord knows I need a psychiatrist.

We get back to my house and I crack a bottle of wine I had to try to cut the tension in the air. We sat on the couch and she kept talking about how everything was fucking with her mentally.

She started getting emotional again, this time I gave her a hug and as soon as I got in close she started kissing me.

It was so hot. The minute she started kissing me I let loose. I went from kissing her to biting and sucking on her neck to having her big tits in my mouth.

Her moans were so sensual that the minute I figured out what got her going I didn’t wanna stop. The way she sounded, you could tell no one has been touching her for a while.

It made me wanna leave a lasting impression. The minute I got her dress off, I couldn’t wait to eat her pussy.

I spread her legs and was running my tongue on the insides of crotch right before I began sucking on her clit and sticking my fingers inside her.

Before I knew it she was gripping the back of my head pushing my mouth and tongue as deep as it could go. I felt her pussy tightening, it made me so happy knowing that she was getting off.

All I wanted to do was please her and make her feel good given what she was telling me.

After she came, I wanted to feel her insides. She had a fat ass and long hair so naturally I wanted her doggystyle.

I flipped her on her stomach and place my tip right under her ass before I gripped her hair into a ponytail kind of hold.

I began teasing her pussy going back and forth while I kissed her and whispered nasty nothings into her ear.

By the time I got into her fully she was soaking wet. I was so hard, she was so wet all you could see on my shaft was the wetness glistening and her cum coating my shaft.

The harder I went the wetter she got. It was everything I couldn’t imagine.

At one point I was pounding her fat ass and she announced her orgasm and almost immediately after I followed suit.

By the time I pulled out to cum my dick was coated with her juices. I think it made me cum even harder seeing the after math.

I shot my load all over her ass and her back and collapsed.

We went two more rounds and then she had to hope into an Uber because she didn’t wanna get home too late. I was kind of mad but I understood.

The next day she called me letting me know that she had a blast and she wanted to do it again soon.

We both work a lot so it’s been hard to schedule time. Since that time I only seen her twice, we still talk but she’s trying to make it work with her husband so I been trying to stay out of the way.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/efxff7/dinner_with_a_married_milf_mf


  1. Next time, “so that thing about bringing a third into the bedroom you were talking about…”

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