Star Wars : Dark Secrets – Chapter 1 – MF, Secret Sith, Sith Lord, Deception, Creampie, Blonde, Jedi, SWTOR

SEASONS GREETINGS. Hope people enjoy this Star Wars tale of a false Jedi, his unknowing apprentice, and their adventures together.

Peace is a lie and Xau Cambion knew it. It was more than just a simple fixture of the code he believed in. Rather it was as much a part of him of his sharp dark blue eyes or his rigidly sculpted facial features. It reminded him that large parts of the world around him were largely covered in layers of deception and it was up to him to spread these tendrils of chaos throughout the galaxy with his own art as it was. For years, the practice involved masquerading as a Jedi knight, a revered guardian of the galaxy and the Galactic Republic. It allowed him an extensive amount of free movement in the galaxy so long as he continued to do the occasional peacekeeping mission here and there. It had proven an interesting struggle of shadowy lies and conflicting loyalties. Not so much between the greater Sith Empire and the Jedi Order but rather between the Sith Empire and himself.

The newest struggle he was enduring was to figure out how best to exploit the situation with his padawan. Looking into the training room of his ship the Draedus he watched the girl in her late teens as she went through a rapid series of precise maneuvers with her lightsaber as she reflected multiple laser darts that were fired at her from a variety of floating training droids. His apprentice was a very well endowed girl especially as far as human females were concerned and he knew that she must have been the envy of many male students back at the temple of Tython. Her eyes were a brilliant green, and her shoulder-length blonde hair was often kept in a stylish ponytail save for her apprentice braid that was kept to the right side of her face. The student radiated a youthful exuberance and her smile could light up any room as quickly as a bounce of her large DD cup breasts could light up the lust within just about any man, Xau included. It had taken him months to get his own feelings for her under control enough that he could mask his attraction to her from any other Jedi he would interact with.

The deception now was more natural to him than seeing his reflection in the mirror. For the most part, it was just a subtle manipulation of the force now but it had taken him years of learning under his master to achieve the ability that allowed him to move amongst the Jedi so freely. Of course, the process had involved killing his former Jedi master to make it look like he had fallen to a pirate attack. Things had moved along, scrutiny fell on a band of pirates, not on young Xau.

A new master had been all but named, but thanks to the occurrence of a Sith attack on Corulag, the man on the cusp of both apprentice and knight found ample opportunity to prove himself in martial ability and his connection to the Force. The irony that in slaughtering other Sith acolytes and warriors, a position as a Jedi knight became a surety still made him smile even as he watched his apprentice years later.

Stepping into the room she turned towards his arrival and nearly caught a laser dart in the face. Fortunately, she still moved fast enough with the momentary distraction. Pivoting on her foot, she turned her athletic body and caught the blaster bolt with the midpoint of her lightsaber. The bolt reflected away from the emerald blade and was absorbed by the droid’s deflector shield. Taking a sharp breath and then looking at her master with her big green eyes, Kelsa bowed her head.

“Master…I… I apologize. You startled me.” She said as her eyes looked up at him. His apprentice seemed worried if somehow she had done something wrong and had offended him in some way. She was ever always looking to make sure that he was pleased with her in whatever way she could. It made him smile at the thought of how naïve she still was but in so many ways he would never look to change her from such behavior. It held such advantages and even though Xau would never make his thoughts overt, privately, the Sith found it intensely perverse in a way.

“You did well, Kelsa. One must always be mindful of danger. Even the ones that get close enough to us… we must always suspect. Now.” Xau drew his own lightsaber. The handle was largely a dark-black steel with many accents of chrome. The pommel was pentagonal, with an obsidian and gold ring around it. When he thumbed the activation button, a shaft of intense orange-light lit up the area. He gave his apprentice a small nod. Moving back, Kelsa gave her master a cocksure smile before she activated her own blade and then both master and student tuned their sabers to give small burn rather than slashing through fabric and flesh. The shimmering green shaft erupted from her lightsaber and she took a ready pose, holding her blade in a two-handed grip.

Not even bothering to say a word of warning and preferring to give his student a surprise that would forge a cautious readiness in fighting, Xau moved inward. With a single hand holding his saber, he pulled his right arm back to slash at his apprentice with a sweeping strike. With both hands held in front of her incredible bust, Kelsa blocked the strike but had to move quickly when her master sidestepped and aimed a lunge at her chest. The Jedi apprentice gave a short laugh as she ducked her shoulder low enough to avoid the strike and then swept her blade across the space to slash at Xau’s legs.

The master anticipated the student’s strike and leapt over her head and swept his lightsaber downward as he flipped through the air. Kelsa howled as the orange blade cut through the fabric and burned into her shallowest skin. The human girl quickly turned onto one knee and brought her blade up in a reverse scything-strike meant to cut up vertically into her master. But Xau’s defense was already there. Holding his lightsaber across his chest, he immediately blocked her first strike and then her follow up blows as Kelsa moved off her feet and pushed her offensive against him.

Xau would have marveled at the frustration that was growing inside of his student. She had no fear that she might kill her Master then and there. This was all just practice, but if she couldn’t even get close, how could she hope to survive against an enemy, or worse, a Sith? Kelsa’s mind brimmed with focus to push through her frustration, but Xau’s defense gave her little opportunity to reign in her inner annoyance.

The duel of saber and agility grew more intense as Master and Apprentice battled across the training mats. Soon enough, both figures had more than a little precipitation on their brow and hands. Sabers of orange and green continued arcing through the dim light as they constantly crashed against each other. Sparks scattered in the combination of heavy strikes and quick lunges before Xau decided that it was time to see just how determined his apprentice was to secure her victory.

Turning his body to the right, he made his profile small as Kelsa lunged in for a strike. Her blade sizzled through empty air as Xau stopped his turn. His left hand came down and grabbed Kelsa’s outstretched hand. Bringing his right hand back with a hammering strike, he smashed his orange blade against her fingers. The blade dropped from her open hand as his apprentice yelped and then he used his control of her arm to pull her in closer. As Kelsa realized her mistake, his apprentice felt the heat of his orange blade close at her throat.

“And now you are dead and have lost your hand. What mistake did you make Kelsa?” Xau asked as he started to slowly regain his regular breathing levels. More than a little bit of sweat trickled down his cheeks as he looked on seriously at his apprentice.

“I went for the kill strike too early! The opening was there, so I took it, just as you’ve instructed me before,” Kela’s hand tightened on her lightsaber.

“But it was a trick because my master is a deceptive one,” Kelsa said and giggled slightly as she looked up at him, seemingly defying any fear of a burn to her bare throat. Xau looked down and watched as her breasts rose and fell slowly as her own breathing remained rapid. It was time to continue with the next part of their training, a part that Xau had looked forward to for months.

He turned off his saber and then after finding her own through the Force; he floated both sabers over to a rack on the wall. Looking over her young athletic body, he found he couldn’t really bring the control of his breath down. He was getting stiff from the close proximity but he didn’t mind. Part of the deception was going to be peeled away this night. Looking over her body, he slowly released his grip on his apprentice.

“True enough. It is always hard to know when to strike and when to hold back. You must trust in the force as well as your instincts to find the answer. If you had looked into my eyes you would have known it was a feint. Now you remember the last time we drilled in the Echani fashion for close combat correct?” Xau asked his student as he turned away from her and then slowly removed his belt and started to remove the outer covering of his dark brown tunic.

“Of course, Master. I remember how fun it was to be so free and comfortable. Though other students thought it was silly to practice Echani form since we were able to defeat them.” Xau heard Kelsa say before he heard her unclasping her own belt. He gave a dark smile as he looked back at the wall before he pulled away his light tan inner tunic. All that he wore after that was a set of simple white undergarments that clung tightly to his sculpted musculature around his hips. When he turned back, he saw Kelsa dressed similarly. Her breasts were barely kept inside of a white utilitarian braw while her undergarment was definitely a bit more feminine and had a nice ‘V’ shape. His dark blue eyes looked up at her curious green ones.

“We may have defeated them but their unarmed fighting style is still the greatest in the galaxy, followed closely by the Mandalorians.” Xau said as he moved back to her on the mat.

“But the Mandalorians rely more on technology; I’ve heard this all before Master,” Kelsa said with a little bit of a cocksure attitude on her grinning face as she held her hands on her curvy hips. Xau felt more blood leaking into his long ten-inch cock and he knew he would have to engage her soon if he wished to cover up his erection from the glorious vision in front of him.

“True enough and we sometimes can rely on the Force too much. It can make us weak and there are ways in the galaxy in which an enemy could remove our connection. So we train in other ways to prepare against these. Before we begin, I must ask that you obey all my instructions this night. Our training may take us both to unexpected places and I must have your loyalty and faith in me Kelsa…” Xau said, adding a little worry to his face to further plant her mind full of mysterious notions.

“Of course Master… You know how good I am at completing any orders you ask.” She said seemingly having no clear idea of what he intended. To Xau, it made the process all the sweeter. Her innocence had been a big part of what had drawn her to him from the selection of other padawans, amongst her other larger traits. Moving forward, he raised his hands to a ready position as she did as well.

“Begin…” Xau said as he moved forward and immediately launched a powerful one-handed strike followed by a flurry of blows. Kelsa blocked the first and dodged many of the other attacks. She was fast but without tapping into the force her skills were not quite as refined as he was. It was a rule that the training mandated that was also to help the Jedi practice at dealing with the loss of the force. They had to ensure that if the situation happened it would not be a liability. Incidentally, without linking into the Force, Kelsa would not be able to sense what her Master was planning until it was too late.

So they continued to fight in the much closer style. Xau held the advantage for much of the fighting with stronger upper strength while Kelsa was able to keep him largely away from gaining a lock or hold with her agility. It did not deter him from his purpose however and he remained focus on achieving his goal with his apprentice this evening. Both their bodies were breathing heavily after the first few minutes of combat and the sweat was permeating through their white undergarments. Xau’s stiffness had lingered on with him and he noticed to his pleasure that Kelsa’s nipples had hardened against her top. Then she was attacking him suddenly, striking at him with braced hand chops against his shoulder and neck. He blocked both and then grabbed her hands and pulled his apprentice hard towards his shoulder before flipping her body. Kelsa did not let go and as she was hoisted off the ground. Instead, her leg reached out to lock around his own body. Master and apprentice both lost their poise and balance and came to a crash on the ground with Kelsa below and Xau on top. After a little yelp, his apprentice giggled underneath him.

“I win Master,” Kelsa declared proudly and Xau looked at her in confusion before he saw that her hand had suddenly reached out and held his neck. In a true fight he supposed she was right; she could have finished him up right then and there if he was an enemy.

“Very well Kelsa… but I must say that this training exercise is not completed. I have decided that tonight we will grow stronger as a pair. You have learned about force bonds from Master Zaitus correct?” He asked her as he felt his cock once more hardening in his simple undergarments. It started rubbing up against the material and then pushing up against Kelsa’s inner legs. If she had any idea what was happening, she gave no hint.

“Of course, Master. Are we not already bonded? I know when I open myself to the Force that I can always feel you… even when you’re far away. I hope to never lose this connection.” The sweet girl said as her eyes looked up in earnest towards his piercing blue eyes.

“And tonight it will become even more intense. Years ago, there was a sect of Jedi who realized that the deepest bonds can only be achieved through full honesty. Kelsa… I find that I do not think you will be as powerful as you can possibly be without locking your hidden potential within the force.” Xau said to her as he felt her large breasts moving up and down slowly from her labored panting. His cock grew harder and he saw a flash of red on her cheeks.

“My hidden ….nngh potential Master? I don’t know what you mean.” She told him and he moved his hips forward to grind his erection slightly against her underwear. Barely above the sound of a whisper, he heard a shy whimper come from her lips as her eyes almost closed… “M…Master…” She uttered as she looked at him.

“All people have an inner power. We must find all the ways to tap it to make us as strong as possible. When two people who share a bond want to find this power, there are various ways they can unlock it. Tonight I will show you one. But you must remember that you are my apprentice and you are bound to all my orders… even those you don’t understand…” Xau informed her and he moved his hips up slightly more. Ge could feel her body starting to react to his positioning and her underwear that was already wet from her sweat was not starting to feel even wetter. The dark hunger inside of Xau grew and he was glad that his ship was currently in the shadowy recesses of space.. far away from any other Jedi or Sith to detect the pleasure that was growing inside of him.

“Oh..Mrmm of course Master… I am your… Ngnnnh I am yours… as your student…” Kelsa said, her eyes not looking away from him even before her pretty little lips opened once more as her body squirmed under him.. “Master… youre… uh your body is nudging mine… is this part of what you mean?” She asked nervously before Xau nodded.

“Very much so Kelsa. It is a very basic and liberating act. Some of the Jedi in the order still find it to be a distraction but many more know of its true purpose. It helps to unlock and even greater access to the force. But to do it fully, you must take off your clothes…” He said as he leaned in close and just barely rubbed his lips against her neck. The Sith infiltrator felt her hold body shudder underneath him..

“Yes.. Master.” She said and Xau marveled that without even having to put her under a mind trick she was already fully ready and willing to do everything he asked of her, and that would reach far and wind for his plans with her and others. His plans far exceeded just Kelsa although teaching her to ‘unlock her inner power’ was a specifically pleasurable first step. He pulled back slightly and watched as she slowly moved her hands back to her back and unclasped her bra. The material nearly shot forward off of her amazing breasts. They were huge and practically begged to be groped and fondled given the sheen of sweat that still clung to them. Xau felt his body shiver with anticipation.

“Very good Kelsa… now your underwear…. Now..” He said with a slight edge. Kelsa nodded and while she didn’t squirm or shy away from it, she definitely looked a bit confused.

“Are you sure Master… I don’t think you should see well… all of me. It’s just not right, I think. My mom said that was only for when a man and woman who are in love,” Kelsa said though her hands moved down to the waistline of her bottoms before she started pulling them down. Xau looked on with a steadfast gaze as he saw the small tuft of blonde hair right above her glistening lips. He resisted the impulse to lick his lips at the morsel that was greeting his eyes.

“Your mother is correct Kelsa.. but only for regular people. As Jedi, we are unbound by such conventions. What may be considered a taboo is not the same for us. Now reach your hand inside of my undershorts..” He said and Kelsa gave a slight nod before her hand moved inside of his pants. It did not take her soft fingers long to find his throbbing cock.

“Master… you’re… ugh your penis is so large and thick… I feel it pulsing. Is that because of me?” She asked him with a small smile. Xau nodded back.

“You and the Force both. You know how much we are supposed to allow the Force to guide us. Well that is the same here. You must do what you feel is right as the force guides your action. “ Xau had to focus on his words as he suddenly felt her fingers grasping his cock and he gave a slight shiver before he tugged down his pants and shrugged them off.

“It’s… so big… Master… I … I feel strange like my body wants to be closer to it…. Will.. will we do that?” She asked him as her big green eyes looked up at him. He watched with satisfaction as she bit her lip and moaned out some more. He could smell her growing arousal through his senses while feeling the radiating aura of her need through the force. Her virgin sex sensed his cock nearby and seemingly was guiding her body’s actions and he relished it.

Xau nodded to his apprentice and then moved his hands down over her breasts, feeling their lusciousness for the first time before he gave them a hard squeeze that elicited another pleasure-filled moan from Kelsa. Her hair mooshed against the mat below her head as her head fell back from the feelings while she continued to stroke and pull on his long prick. He could feel her legs shivering against his own and he moved his hand down to her folds. When his fingers brushed her wetness, her head lurched back up as she gasped out again.

“Master… Mmmmm… that… feels so naughty but it feels.. good. I bet it feels a lot like how it feels when my fingers do this. Hehe.” Kelsa giggled as she moved her fingers up slowly and started to rub and tug on the top of his crown. Xau gave a small whisper of a grown and then nodded to her without saying a word before he leaned his face in as he moved his left hand from her pussy over to his cock. He gave her fingers a slight nudge before he took control of his length and then started to push the very tip up against her seething wet lips.

“Awugghhh… Master…. that… that feels so nice and warm… mo…more…” She pleaded with him and Xau was only too willing to do it. He realized that part of him wanted very much to torture the girl into submission, make her beg and cry out for him but that was not what tonight was about. Besides, he had long ago felt that he had her undying loyalty and not with the proper nudging, he knew that that loyalty would solidify even further. So ignoring his perhaps better judgment as far as how to corrupt this flower, he pushed in with his cock, spreading her lips wide with his flesh saber.

Instantly as soon as the barest of inches were inside of her h felt Kelsa tensing up around his body. Her hands reached out and grabbed his strong muscle-bound shoulders. He felt her state with the Force and knew that he had hit her barrier.

“Master… I . don’t know I can feel you pushing against something.. Ahhaawaagh!” She cried out as Xau did not give her the chance to resist and instead just drove on through, dispatching her hymen like any Jedi unlucky enough to find himself exposed to Xau’s blade. The dark warrior was relentless. Soon enough after his apprentice cried out from losing her virginity to her master he was pulling back his cock till the very edge of his tip was still inside of her before he moved back in, causing her juices to flow out even more as the blood from his penetration mixed and trickled down along her inner thigh. Xau savored the feel of her tight orifice clenching his long hard shaft as he pushed into her shivering vessel.

“Muaaah… it feels so wonderful… I can feel the Force flowing through me Master…. Nrnnnggh it.. it feels so good…” She moaned out as her fingers dug into the meat of his arms as his hips rose up from her body before pushing into her once again. His leg penetrated her deep and each thrust had the poor brunette trembling as her nipples wiggled with each violent movement of her well-endowed breasts. The massive mammaries jiggled with each thrust and the sith infiltrator reached out to grab the full soft flesh in his hands, making his apprentice moan even louder as he claimed her body. Soon enough, he could feel her cumming around his cock and Xau gave out a primal snarl as her body clasped in around him like a jungle snake holding’s its victim in its last few precious moments. Her entire body focused on milking out the pleasure from his cock even as he pulled back and denied her hold of the thing her body held most dear. Xau’s body and mind were fueled by the act of domination and dark pleasure as his apprentice repeatedly fell to the pleasure blazing throughout her body. There was no fight, no resistance, only the pure adoration from her body and her bright green eyes.

As he slowed his thrusts slightly after she came and watched her head loll back while Kelsa’s eyes went glossy, Xau grinned. He could feel her pure adoration for his treatment radiating off of her before he leaned in and caught her right nipple in his teeth at the same moment that his hand on her breast gave another hard squeeze. Kelsa’s body rose up off the training maps and her hands moved from his arms to his hard shapely shoulders as her body threatened to buckle from the serenity that was fighting with heated pain inside of her.

“Mraaaast.ahhh…” She managed to breath out in a hoarse whisper before her body fell back. Xau never gave her a moment to further relax as he sent his hips bounding back against her to further fill up her entire body with his length. He could even feel his tip pushing in against her womb before all of his cock stuffed it’s way inside his apprentice’s pussy. It made him revel in the thought but he had bigger plans for the girl than simple knocking her up. Not that this stopped him of course and he never pulled back any punches as he pushed in deeper and deeper while the blonde-haired beauty mewled underneath him, her freshly defiled body begging for every ounce of pleasure. Through the Force, Xau could tell both of them were reaching their peak once again. Letting the force fuel his movements, he slammed his hips forward till they made an audible slap every time his met Kelsa’s. Screaming out as she felt her pleasure ramping up again her fingers dug into her master’s skin to leave numerous scratch marks as she struggled to contain herself. But when she opened her eyes a moment to look at her Master’s staring right down at her she almost whimpered in fear before she found her lips rising up as she kissed him. She had never kissed anyone before and yet here with her Master, her benefactor and everything in the galaxy to her she had felt the need to feel him as fully as possible.

Xau savored the kiss as his eyes closed and then he groaned aloud into her mouth as his release came. A burning swirl of cum shot out deep inside of Kelsa as she moaned out after disconnecting her lips from Xau’s. Her body bucked against his and his hands held her securely to the mat as he plowed her for those last few strokes as her body became consumed by his seed. Finally, she moaned out in contentment as her body was overridden with pleasure. Letting out a few slow breaths, Xau closed his eyes and focused on the sperm he had deposited in her womb. A small technique through the force eliminated any danger of pregnancy for the encounter between them, this time. Xau gave a small smile as Kelsa leaned up and held her arms around his neck. Looking into his eyes, she kissed his cheek.

“I’ve… I’ve never felt so good, Master. I don’t know why people would wait to do that just with people they love. It felt amazing…” He almost chuckled but instead simply nodded to her before he helped place her arms down as he slowly slid his softening cock out of her. She lay back with her eyes closed in contentment as he looked over his newest element of expanding his power within the galaxy. He knew he would be successful but it still always felt gratifying to feel a plan come to fruition. As he left the tired girl to her rest and moved on to the refresher to get cleaned up he marveled at his brilliance. It was such a simple thing to deceive and play with individuals that he often wondered why the Jedi never truly realized it was the only way to guarantee security in the galaxy. Without even the use of the Force, he had laid the foundation for a great plot. But then that was why they deserved their fate in his mind. As he left the shower and donned a simple dark brown robe, he went into the cockpit and continued to watch the dark shadowy display of stars as the ship remained in orbit. Then with a simple flick of his wrist and an application of the Force, a new set of coordinates were in. As much fun as bedding Kelsa had been, she was only one part of a greater plot and he could not sit idly by and claim her sex again and again, at least without cutting some distance between himself and his next goal.


Thanks for reading. Be sure to follow me here and you can keep up with my future updates.


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