(Not So) Silent Night [MF] [Oral] [Christmas]

Growing up, Nora Oliver-Winters was the kind of soft-spoken girl that few noticed. She was quiet, keeping to herself and rarely causing a raucous. Her high school sweetheart turned husband, Nicholas Winters, was the same. He was the kind of quiet, reserved boy that few gave a second thought.

When they got together, it seemed so fitting. Some of their friends said that they were the calmest, quietest couple of all time. Those same friends probably didn’t see them around the holidays. That was when they came out of their shell and made a little noise.

“I don’t know what gets into you during the holidays, but it’s really something,” Nora’s father used to tell her.

That was generous on her father’s part, but still accurate. As a kid, Nora was the kind of girl who would squeal with joy before sitting on Santa’s lap at the mall. As a teenager and adult, she would sing loudest whenever Christmas music came on or whenever holiday parties got rowdy. Fittingly enough, her husband was often the one who helped make them rowdy.

She and Nick became the dynamic duo of holidays. They would lead the charge with the festivities. They would organize every event, from a Christmas tree lighting to a choir at the local church. That coordination, along with their shared passion for the holidays, was part of what brought them together. It was also the catalyst for many major milestones.

It was around Christmas when Nick asked her on their first date.

It was on that same Christmas that they shared their first kiss.

It was on Christmas when he proposed to her.

It was also around Christmas when they had their wedding.

It almost felt necessary. Christmas was the time of year when they let their usually reserved passions run free. They tended to share more romantic moments, which rarely stayed quiet. It got to a point where even their parents found it troublesome.

That still didn’t stop them. Even when they spent Christmas at her parents’ rural house, they often made more noise than their families were used to hearing from them. Nora promised her parents that she and Nick would keep things quiet, especially on Christmas Eve after everyone had turned in. She’d even hoped to keep that promise.

However, her husband did not make that easy for her.

“Hey, Nora,” he whispered into her ear, “are you awake?”

“It’s almost midnight on Christmas Eve. What do you think?” Nora quipped, not hiding how restless she was.

“Just checking,” Nick snickered. “It’s the most restless time of the year for us. You know how excited I tend to get…especially on Christmas Eve.”

“I know, Nick. Believe me, I know,” she said.

Already, the temptation that break that promise was there. She and Nick had been lying in bed for over an hour now. It didn’t help that they were in the same bed she’d slept in back in high school, which wasn’t nearly big enough for two adult bodies.

That wasn’t her fault, though. Her parents were the ones who insisted on inviting them, her sisters, and Nick’s parents over for Christmas. Every room was full and her old room just happened to be adjacent to her parents’ room. Her father usually preferred that since she’d been the quietest of his three children. It was only around Christmas that she tended to annoy him.

Nick, wearing only a pair of boxers on a cold December night, didn’t seem to care as he spooned her from behind. She felt him slip his arms around her body, the thin fabric of her red nighty doing little to temper his loving touch. He was always extra affectionate around the holidays. It also didn’t take much to rouse her passions around the holidays, even late at night.

“It’s almost midnight,” Nick whispered into her ear while stroking the nape of her neck. “Christmas will officially be here soon.”

“You keep telling me things I already know,” Nora told him. “You never do that without having a point to make.”

“That’s because I do. And it’s a point worth making.”

Now curious, as well as aroused, she rolled over to face her husband. Still under the covers, cuddling together like a couple of teenagers who’d just snuck into each other’s rooms, she caressed his unshaven face. Even in the dim lighting of her old bedroom, she could see the excitement in his eyes. All the joyous memories they’d shared during Christmas had come rushing back. In recounting such moments, how could anyone sleep?

“For 11 months out of the year, I was a quiet grade-grubber in school. Now, I’m just your typical IT guy who spends his days configuring laptops for overpaid executives,” he said.

“And I’m just your average financial planner at a bank,” Nora replied. “What’s your point?”

“I hope it’s obvious. In all that time, we let a lot of thoughts and feelings build up,” he went on. “No matter how many times we try to explore those feelings throughout the year, something gets in the way. Then, Christmas comes around.”

“And suddenly, we make time,” she said, finishing his thought.


That had been a bit too loud, but it didn’t stop Nora from smiling back.

“You want to keep your voice down? My parents are in the other room,” she told him.

“I’m trying to. I want to,” Nick said, his excitement still obvious. “I just don’t think I can.”

Still smiling in her grasp, he deepened their embrace. The warmth of his mostly exposed upper body mixed with hers, creating an intimate setting the likes of which roused more than their Christmas spirit.

Following that restless excitement, Nick drew her into a kiss. It started off soft, as if to see if they could keep their passions quiet on Christmas for once. As soon as she tasted his lips, felt his loving touch, and slipped her arms around his waist under the sheets, the truth became abundantly clear. These passions could not be silenced.

“I’m sorry, Nora,” he gasped in between the hot kissing, “but it’s hard keeping my love for you quiet…especially this time of year.”

“Nick,” Nora said, trying to keep her voice down. “I’m inclined to stop you, but God help me. I don’t think I want to.”

“Then, let’s not fight it!” Nick said, once again sounding louder than she’d promised her father. “We can try to keep it down and still share in the holiday spirit, but…”

His words trailed off. She didn’t bother trying to answer. As if drawn together by holiday magic, they kissed again. This time, it wasn’t soft or simple. It quickly blossomed into something more heated. The next thing she knew, her husband was on top of her, kissing and caressing her with a passion worthy of Christmas spirit.

“Nora…my love,” he said in that deep, manly voice of his.

While embracing and caressing her, he began trailing his lips down her neck. Nora let out a sharp gasp. It was louder than she’d intended, but that didn’t dissuade her lover. If anything, it encouraged him.

From the passionate make-out session, clothes started coming off. Nora’s nighty was the first to go. Nick had her so engrossed in his lips that she barely noticed him pushing it up, revealing her ample breasts to him. Once she did, she gladly helped him remove it, leaving her in just a pair of white panties, which were rapidly becoming a burden.

“Ooh Nick!” she moaned, once again making more noise than she’d hoped.

Again, her love wasn’t dissuaded. Even in the darkness of the night, he navigated his way down her half-naked body. He trailed his lips down her neck, fondled both her breasts with his hands, and sent more shivers of arousal coursing through her body. Nora grasped her pillow and bit her lip, preventing her to making more noise.

That became increasingly difficult as Nick made his way down her torso, taking some extra time to tease taste her cleavage and tease her nipples with his tongue. He knew that drove her wild. It had since their honeymoon. She still managed to keep herself from squealing in delight, but found other ways to communicate her desire.

“Mmm…your panties,” said Nick as after teasing her breasts. “I’m guessing you want them off?”

In lieu of a loud proclamation, she lifted her hips to let him know. He got the message and removed them with ease, rendering her completely naked.

Looking up at her in the darkness of the room, she could still see the passion in Nick’s eyes. She saw how much he loved her and how much he wanted her. In the waning hours of Christmas Eve, the greatest gift he could offer was to share in that love.

“Your love is the greatest gift I’ve ever gotten, Nora,” he told her, his voice barely above a whisper. “It’s truly a gift that keeps on giving.”

“Speak for yourself, my darling,” she teased.

“It’s Christmas. Even when it comes to gift giving, actions speak louder than words.”

Nick had always been a man of action. It was one of the many reasons she fell in love with him. Even on Christmas Eve, with parents on the other side of the wall, he didn’t hesitate to prove himself.

Still using his lips and his intimate knowledge of her body, he made his way down to her inner thighs. He pulled the sheets back, exposing her naked flesh to the poorly ventilated air of his old room. Nora didn’t mind. She was so hot for her lover that no amount of December cold could temper her passions.

Nick still made it a point to heat her holiday spirit. With tact and tenderness befitting of a skilled lover, he began giving her oral sex, burying his face in her waiting womanhood. This time, she couldn’t keep herself from reacting.

“Ohhh yes!” Nora gasped.

That was too loud. It had to have woken up someone, but Nick didn’t stop. He kept eating her out, using his lips and tongue to taste her tender flesh, stimulating the spots he knew so well. Even in the dark, he sent shivers of bliss coursing through her body. It was so intense that she had to shove a pillow into her face to muffle more moans.

“Mmm…quick thinking,” Nick teased.

He kept at it, licking and tasting her outer and inner folds. She shifted her body, arching her back and shuddering under the steady surge of sensations. Keeping her delight quiet was next to impossible.

However, she knew that Nick’s oral talents were just the wrapping paper. The real gift was still to come. By the time she achieved full arousal, she couldn’t wait anymore. Even if it was still Christmas Eve, she couldn’t contain her excitement.

“Nick…please,” she gasped through the pillow. “Let’s do it. Let’s share this wonderful gift!”

Again, her lover answered with actions rather than words. Given how much noise they’d already made, that was probably a good thing.

Like a man possessed by a special Christmas spirit, he rose up and shed his boxers. He then laid back on top of her, capturing her lips again and allowing their naked bodies to perfectly mesh. In the darkness, she could feel the hardened flesh of his manhood press against her thighs. Whether it was the holidays or the excitement of making love in his old room, he got every bit as aroused as her.

Their hearts and bodies beckoned for a far greater gift. From passionate instincts, Nora skillfully wrapped her legs around her lover’s waist, drawing them into an intimate warmth to combat the winter cold. With equal skill, Nick aligned his manly flesh with her womanly opening.

Then, in an act that transformed their love into a physical form, he entered her. In that moment, through the perfect union of intimate flesh, their most cherished gift came to life.

“Nora…my love,” he gasped.

“Nick…my lover,” she gasped in response.

That was all they could get out. They could’ve been a lot more vocal, but they managed to mute such loud proclamations with a loving kiss. It seemed to be the only way to temper the noise, but it might have been the most fitting.

With heated kissing and affectionate touching, Nora and her loving husband made love. Nick set the pace of their passion, working his body with hers in a steady, yet heated rhythm. She supplemented his efforts, digging the balls of her feet into his lower back and raking her fingers down his back. Through each thrust and motion, his toned manly sinews glided effortlessly along her feminine curves, creating an intimate heat that perfectly countered the winter cold.

“Mmm…Nick! Oh Nick! Oohhh yes!” she cried out in the brief moments when their lips parted.

“Oh Nora!” he moaned, no longer trying to temper his voice.

That had to have roused someone in the other room. She and Nick were beyond caring at this point. They were making love on Christmas, celebrating the greatest gift two lovers could possibly share. If that meant rousing sleeping parents, then so be it.

Their lovemaking rocked the bed along with their naked bodies. The sheets quickly became ruffled and frame squeaked under the weight of their passion. Her old bed was clearly not designed to accommodate lovers like them. That didn’t stop them from pursuing their passion to the utmost.

As they drew out their love, the clock neared midnight. Christmas was about to officially arrive. Nora was about to arrive as well, her husband’s loving efforts bringing her to the brink of orgasm. She was close. She could sense in every touch and gasp that he was close too. That gave them an opportunity to make this special gift even better.

“Nick…I’m ready,” she whispered into his ear.

Through the darkness, Nora sense his beaming smile. They’d been together long enough and shared plenty of passionate nights. He knew what that entailed.

This time, Nora was the one who let her actions do the talking. While lip-locked in another passionate kiss, she realigned their bodies so that she was the one on top. Now straddling his pelvis, his rigid manhood still deep inside her throbbing womanhood, she took charge of their lovemaking. For the final push to shared ecstasy, she held onto her waist and rode him to a special holiday delight.

“Oohhh Nora! I’m ready too! I’m so…so ready!” Nick moaned.

“Nick…I’m so close! Oohhh Nick!” she cried out.

As the feeling approached, the clock struck midnight. It was Christmas. That meant it was finally time to unwrap their present together.

Together, they exerted the last round of their passions. Nick reached up and caressed her breasts while she leaned back, thrusting upwards while she gyrated her hips. It was a perfect harmony of passion, evoking just the right sensations to send them over the brink and into a world of ecstasy.

“Ohhh Nick!”

“Oohhh Nora!”

In what felt like a true Christmas miracle, they climaxed together. Nora felt her inner depths throb, followed by a wondrous release of ecstasy that washed over her like a gift straight from the North Pole. Nick definitely got his gift as well. She felt it in the way his manhood throbbed inside her, his manly fluids mixing with her feminine juices in a perfect holiday treat.

As they soaked in every sensation, her hands found his. Their fingers became enlaced, as if to guide one another through an ocean of ecstasy. With the waves from that ocean still washing over them, Nora collapsed atop her lover’s naked body where they came together in another kiss.

“I love you, Nick,” she said to him.

“I love you too, Nora,” he replied.

“And now, it’s past midnight. So I can say it. Merry Christmas, my wonderful husband. I hope you enjoyed your gift this year.”

“Merry Christmas to you too, my amazing wife. And yes, I definitely did!”

They kissed again, allowing their bodies to settle into a relaxing afterglow. Nora even managed to pull the sheets up over their naked bodies. Lying naked atop her husband, resting her head on his chest, it was the perfect way to start Christmas.

Then, just as she was ready to nod off again, there was a loud banging on the wall.

“Hey! Keep it down in there, you horny dogs!” yelled the voice of her restless father. “Some of us like to sleep on the holidays!”

Neither she nor Nick said a word. He just smiled awkwardly. She could even see him blushing profusely. Just when they thought they’d gotten away with some noisy lovemaking, they both remembered that the holidays extended beyond their love.

“Sorry,” he whispered. “Guess we’ll have to be quieter next time.”

“Oh Nick,” Nora laughed under her breath. “You know even Christmas miracles have their limits.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/efhf8u/not_so_silent_night_mf_oral_christmas

1 comment

  1. Thank you for reading and Merry Christmas! I hope that helped boost your holiday spirits, among other things. This story was originally [posted on my website](https://jackfisherbooks.com/2019/12/25/not-so-silent-night-a-sexy-short-christmas-story/) with the rest of my work, some of which is holiday themed. If you want to read more festive sexy stories like this, I urge you to check it out. Thanks again for reading and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

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