Emma at the pool party [mf]

At a pool party this past summer I hit it off with this girl I’d never met before. After a few shots with friends I’d gotten up the courage to approach her while she was sat at the pool’s edge and we chatted there for a while. She was Emma, from out of town and a cousin of one of the hosts of the party. The booze running through me did its job nicely and very shortly we were splashing around together, chatting about nonsense and eventually I realized we were flirting – laughing and flicking water and making heavy eyes at each other. After maybe a half hour of this she got out of the pool and told me she was going to grab a bottle of champagne and that she “wanted to show me something…” My senses were tingling at the sound of this and so I dutifully followed her in through the kitchen, grabbing a bottle on the way of what turned out to be prosecco, not champagne, but I didn’t complain.

Anyway, she ends up leading me to a door that I had assumed originally was a pantry but turned out to be a narrow staircase that circled their way up to a long corridor and, at the end, a large bedroom, which I guess used to be maid’s quarters when the house was first built. So we arrive at the end of this hallway and she tells me she wanted to show me this room – it was pretty nondescript, there was an old desk with a chair in the corner by the window, a large closet by the door we entered in through, maybe ten or fifteen large boxes sealed with tape on the floor and finally, behind the boxes in the far corner, a bed covered in piles of old bedding. As soon as we entered she turned and closed the door, handed me the bottle of bubbly and then moved to the closet, opened it and started pulling out clothes that looked like they came straight out of the seventies. Across the boxes she threw pairs of flared jeans, loud cotton shirts with wide collars, and a couple pairs of tinted sunglasses. She told me she was staying here in another part of the house but that she’d discovered this stuff the night before and had to share it with someone. I watched with, I guess, some amount of amusement and opened the bottle, “well let’s see if this stuff fits, shall we?”

I grabbed a pair of flares and a shirt that I thought would fit me. She did the same, smirked and told me “no peeking” and turned to put them on. I took a swig from the bottle, put it on the floor and turned to do likewise. I had my trunks off and the jeans around one of my ankles when I heard footsteps coming quickly down the hallway outside the door. “Shit” we both seemed to say at the same time. “Quick, the bed” I whispered – the closet was closer but it was stuffed with clothes and there was no way we’d both fit. I grabbed her hand and lead her between a couple of the boxes to the far corner. I pulled at some of the bedding to flatten it and then mussed the rest up to try and make it look naturally all over the place while providing us some cover. I pulled back a corner and climbed in. As I turned around to hold the cover up for her to climb in next to me my heart jumped into my throat – she was only wearing one of those horrific seventies shirts and I was wearing nothing. Nothing at all. I’d like to say I said something suave or funny but actually I was just scared and she looked pretty alarmed too. She jumped in besides me and we looked out from between the covers as Nathan (one of the hosts) and a girl I didn’t recognize, burst into the room.

They were both wasted. It was obvious. As soon as they entered the room they shut the door and made drunken beelines for the desk and chair. They didn’t even acknowledge the mess of clothes we’d left on the boxes. Nathan sloppily fell in to the chair and the girl leaned over him and pushed her tongue into his mouth. They made out like that for a couple of seconds and then, as we watched, she opened the fly of his swimming shorts and pulled his cock into the open air. I think we both breathed a total sigh of relief at this point. We knew where this was going. We could only see the back of her head and bare pale white back as she dropped her swimming costume’s top to the floor, got on her knees and started sucking Nate’s prick. Her head rose and fell in his crotch, slowly at first but soon she was really going for it. We could see Nate’s face, looking down at her, and his right hand, firmly placed on the top of her head, his fingers mingling with her blond hair as she worked on him.

This went on for a little bit, difficult to tell exactly how long. He went through a couple different stages of groaning like he was going to finish but he was taking a while to get there. She didn’t seem to give a shit though and just kept right on working at it. A couple of times she took him out of her mouth and jerked him a bit. It was fun to watch, she was clearly really enjoying this, and Emma and I were both kind of fixated on it. It was during one of these short periods of Nate getting jerked off that I felt Emma’s hand slide back and find my erection. I was aroused but I didn’t think she’d noticed and I’d been trying to keep it pulled away from her. I guess she didn’t mind. Anyway, she just put her hand on it, her fingers around it, and held it as we watched. I was really fucking hard, I could feel it, and her grip was making it twitch like crazy. I pushed my hips forward a little bit to try and get her to stroke but she just held on to it. I figured I’d follow her lead. I was holding up the edge of the duvet just high enough for us to look out with one hand and I slid my free hand between the mattress and her hip and just managed to bend my wrist far enough to get the tips of my index and middle fingers to the opening of her pussy. I held my finger tips there and started gently pressing in to her, touching a little bit of the wet. We were both still watching Nate get this blowjob with each other’s junk in our hands. It was really exciting. After a little longer like this we heard Nathan start groaning again but this time he was definitely building up to a finish. We heard him whisper an “oh fuck”, watched her head stop bobbing and then saw his hips rise up a bit off the chair before dropping a few seconds later. He didn’t wait a single second, pulled her face up to his and kissed her hard. She seemed a bit surprised by this because she immediately pulled back for a second before going back in to finish trading tongues and, I guess, some of his cum.

All of this was going on while Emma’s hand was still firmly wrapped around my cock. Nate and the chick stood up, he pulled on his trunks and she put her top back on. A couple more seconds and they were headed out the door hand-in-hand. All told it was a surreal experience.

We paused for a minute after they left to see if they’d come back but heard their footsteps and loud drunk voices disappear down the hall. Emma let go of me and climbed out from under the bedding. She moved passed the boxes and closed the door behind them, turning back to me. She was still damp from the pool, the shirt stuck to her nipples and I could see the short crop of hair between her legs where my hand had been moments ago. I wanted more but the adrenaline had taken the buzz out of the bubbly drunk I’d been feeling. I reluctantly climbed out of the bed and made my way between the boxes.

Emma turned toward the closet as I made my way across the room and had put the shirt back on a hanger when I reached her. I could see her gorgeous buttocks and bare back with long brown hair clinging to her shoulders as she reached up to hook the shirt’s hanger on the rail. I watched only for a second before deciding: the booze might have worn off but after what had just happened it warranted at least _trying_ to see if I could take things further. I moved in behind her and put my hands on her hips. She froze for a moment, then seemed to melt a bit. She gripped the rail of the closet overhead with one hand and reached back with the other, finding my boner again. She pulled at it this time, stroking it, as she leaned forward slightly and widened her stance. I pressed in a little closer. She bent my cock and used its head to tease herself. I just kind of watched as this all happened, letting her make the contact. At some point her fingers moved to the base and tugged at me. I took my cue and gently moved my hips in towards her, penetrated her and after a few initial pushes just to get some of her wet on me I started fucking her there in the open doors of that dusty old wardrobe. It was slow initially and I was gentle but after a short while she had her hand on one of the lower shelves and she was kind of ramming herself back into me so I followed suit. I had one hand wrapped up in her hair and the other gripping her left butt cheek pulling her ass back and pounding myself forward at the same time. We weren’t stood there for more than a few minutes when I felt a hot rushing climax start to spread its way up from my groin to my chest and shoulders. I felt really strong and animal. We’d only met an hour before and I knew nothing about this girl. As much as I wanted to just orgasm inside of her some rational part of my brain convinced me to pull out. I grunted that I was going to cum and slid my erection out of her. She quickly let go of the clothes rail, lowered from her tiptoes, and was turning to face me just at the moment I ejaculated. I ended up spraying semen on to her hip and a bit into the hair of her bush and was momentarily nervous that she would be incredibly annoyed. But she was clearly just incredibly horny, grabbed my dick with one hand and used her other to actually spread the mess I’d made down to her slit and kind of massaged it in to herself. It was fucking sexy and I didn’t dare ask whether she was on the pill afterwards.

After that we kind of just got dressed and went back to the party. We’ve texted a couple times but haven’t spoken properly since. I still fantasize about it (obviously – it was hot as fuck) but she lives far enough away that there’s no option to really pursue it further. I sometimes wake up to a flirty text message from her and we’ll chat back and forth for a while but that’s kind of it. Anyway, thanks for reading!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ef21xu/emma_at_the_pool_party_mf


  1. Very hot getting a show and some action! Message her more often … if she’s still flirting with you, then she has probably not stopped thinking about how hot it was. Maybe you’ll get to finish inside her next time.

  2. Very hot getting a show and some action! Message her more often … if she’s still flirting with you, then she has probably not stopped thinking about how hot it was. Maybe you’ll get to finish inside her next time.

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