Work was slow. So I [F] got high and had sex instead. [FM]

Let me (27F) tell you. Working as the receptionist at a tech-ish company, on a half day, the day before a three day Holiday, a MONDAY… is dreadfully boring. My office is pretty low-key. Dress is pretty casual, people work from home a lot. There weren’t any meetings scheduled today. My boss wasn’t there so I extra didn’t feel the need dress up, happy to chill in a slightly oversized sweater, leggings, and 4” heeled black combat boots that bumped me up to a whopping 5’5” and made me feel like a badass.

I held out some hope that the day would pass along quickly enough since at least I got along with the handful of people who actually came in today. One was a friend on IT who is the closest thing I’ve had to a work husband. Another was, of course, the forever-just-out-of-reach work crush. I was hoping I’d go out for drinks after work with said crush, but I missed my shot (or he hates me. He probably hates me and I’m doomed to suffer this eternal crush until one of us finally quits this job that we both aren’t actually sure we want) and that ended up being a bust.

I still had a few hours to kill before my bus home for Christmas so I figured I’d go make use of my AMC A-list and catch a movie. I couldn’t decide between getting high and seeing A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood or getting high and seeing Cats. But I did know I wanted to be high. I think it was the lazy attitude in the air as I’ve never tried to smoke the devil’s lettuce at work before. Getting wasted at the monthly office parties? Sure. Getting HOT and wasted at the holiday party? Obviously. Getting high? I’m so not stealthy enough for this.

So, somehow thinking this is a great idea, I went to the roof, settled myself in to a spot I don’t think is caught by the security cameras, and smoke a bit. And a bit more.

Suddenly I was quite high and very horny. VERY.

To distract myself I tried sending a kik to the guy I’m trying to plan a certain sexcapade with. No answer.

Scrolled through some stories and photos on Reddit. Not enough.

Texted a friend (30M) I haven’t hooked up with in a few months and asked if he wanted to fuck. Now we’re talking! After realizing I’m both on a time constraint and am deadly serious, he says he can be here in an hour. Way to come through, u/funnybillypro.

Thank. Fucking. God.

Now I’ve only been in this receptionist position for a few months and I don’t plan on jeopardizing that. This whole plan is a little wild even for me. But I am that fucking horny. Besides, why have showers in the office if not for employees to fuck in them?

I wish a happy holiday to someone on their way out the door. Chat a bit with my friend on IT. He already knows I smoked on the roof and I casually mention I might take a shower in a bit just to pass the time I’m that bored. All is well and normal and taking. TOO. DAMN. LONG. I was starting to feel a little less like an absolute badass sex goddess as I strut around in my boots.

Well I couldn’t let that feeling get away. I sat at my desk and inched myself forward in my seat so that my friend across the room and that the security camera above me wouldn’t catch what my hands were doing in my lap under the table. Just as I’m getting into a rhythm I finally get a “Here” text and head down to the lobby to bring up some sweet relief.

As soon as the other occupants got off the elevator my friend skipped the pleasantries and started kissing me. I held it for half a second before reluctantly stopping so as to avoid any possible elevator security camera scandals. We stopped at my office’s floor and bee-lined it to the shower directly by the entrance, him a few feet in front of me so I could veer towards the women’s room if I noticed anyone had seen us. With the coast (hopefully) clear, I followed him in.

We were immediately all over each other. Making out as coats were thrown into a pile in the corner. My sweater, shirt, and bra quickly followed. Then his pants. His hands on my breasts, plucking my nipples, squeezing my ass. As soon as his fingers found my clit I started squirting slightly. I fumbled to finish removing my leggings and boots as he put on a condom. He turned me around and brought his hand to my hip, bending me over. I gripped the sides of the faux-marble sink counter top as he thrusted into me from behind, his hand alternating between squeezing my tits, stroking my clit, and bracing against the wall. He hit just so until I came and the force of it pushed him out of me. No worries though, he was immediately back inside me, back into the rhythm, speeding up as he was about to cum. He hit just the right spots again and again with his hands, with his cock, with I don’t even know, and I gushed all over the tile shower floor again.

We stood and made out a bit more, riding out highs and avoiding puddles while he put on his clothes. He made a quick and clean exit while I turned on the shower head to clean up my mess. As I let the water rush over me I realized that we definitely should have turned on the shower earlier to muffle our noises. Woops. I’m not known to the be the most quiet, but I do think I stifled enough of my sounds. I think. Ah well.

I get dressed and wait a minute longer to be sure he’s well out of the building and then take a step out of the shower. And immediately bump into my IT friend as he exits the men’s room.

“So no movie? Decided to take that shower after all?”

“Heh, yep!”

We made our way over to our desks and proceeded to put SNL videos on the big screen for the remaining half hour before I left for my bus. I don’t think he thinks anything of it? He didn’t even see that my friend was here, right? Well whatever. And I doubt he’ll ever come across this post. It’s not like many IT guys are on Reddit.



  1. Going to print and frame this referral above my bed. See you when you’re back in town, cutie!

  2. You made me so hard with this detailed description. If you’re around nyc I’d love watch Harry Potter w you

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