Advent Kinkendar: December 22nd [Ffm]

I feel like I still have some throbbing and tenderness left from yesterday’s fun, though I’m pretty sure it’s mostly in my head. It certainly was electrifying, though; it’s amazing how my body reacted to the current flowing through me, and how my arousal could be so easily forced. It’s definitely something I’d like to try again and experiment with. But maybe not the big shocks; just that delicious tingling and twitching it brings on. 

Miss clearly knows how much I like it, since she woke me up with that glorious gentle buzz between my legs this morning, my arousal grew faster than I could wake up, and I climaxed still in a sleepy daze. Such a wonderful way to wake up.

Our boxes contained a familiar small vial labelled “drink me” again. I’m sure you’ll understand my hesitation, but Miss smiled sweetly; “Oh, nothing like that today, don’t worry”. True enough there seemed to be no effect, it had an unusual taste that I couldn’t really place, but that was all.

“Well done, now come” she led us out, but instead of downstairs for breakfast she took us into the bathroom. “Kneel” she pointed into the back corner of the shower basin, and positioned us both side by side, standing in front of us and lifting one leg, beckoning our faces together just beneath her pussy. “Look at me, eyes open” she purred.

Have you guessed what was in that vial yet? Some of you may have been waiting for today to come around; but it hadn’t even crossed my mind until just a few seconds later.

“I don’t care what you do with your mouth. And really it doesn’t matter, since you already drank some a minute ago”.

As she spoke she began to pee, spraying us both with her piss. I didn’t register it properly, focussing on what she was saying and opened my mouth in shock, only for a stream to squirt straight in. Then my brain caught up, and connected the flavours, and clamped my lips shut, spitting it out in disgust.

Miss just laughed, “No point now, you already enjoyed some”. She put her leg down again, beads of urine dribbling down her lips and thighs, as well as all down both of our faces and chests. “First to clean me up doesn’t get rinsed off by the other” she said. I hesitated, but the boy would take any opportunity to get his face between her legs and immediately began licking up the rest. Once again, too late, my brain caught up and I realised what was about to happen.

“Go on then, enjoy” Miss said to him, stepping back. He had a look of gleeful triumph on his face, despite the cage, as he aimed as best he could and let loose. I screwed my face up against it, holding my breath to keep out the awful smell. Miss, it seemed, at least hadn’t gone ahead with her first one of the morning on us. The most humiliating part was that he could aim, and so he did – at my hair, my chest, my eyes. 

I was absolutely drenched, and in no time feeling pretty cold too. “You may as well do yours there too” Miss told me, petting the boy’s head like a good boy. “But play with yourself for us while you do”. A little reluctantly I slid my fingers between my legs and began to rub as I released my bladder, more strong, warm liquid spraying between my fingers and over my calves and feet as I moaned softly. “There’s a good girl” Miss muttered, a surprising consolation for the humiliation of the rest, “Come, breakfast time.”

I was horrified she wasn’t even going to let us clean up, but slowly rose to my feet and followed her gingerly. “Here” she threw me a small hand towel, “Don’t drip on the carpet, dry up a little”. I wanted to use it to wash, but the message seemed clear and I just dabbed at the worst on my face and hair to stop it dripping everywhere. “Better,” and she turned and left.

Downstairs she had our drinks bottles filled ready for us again, and one for herself as well. “Drink up” she told us, taking a swig herself, “There’s lots more fun to be had today”.

Disgusting doesn’t really describe how I was feeling as I trudged around the kitchen with it drying all over me. “Cheer up, Hannah” Miss smiled as though nothing was different, “just try to enjoy it. For me”. I must admit that those words and her smile did make me feel a whole lot better about it. I guess the shock of it had left me in the wrong mindset to begin with today, but I started to feel much more like her good slut again from then on.

After breakfast, though, she did take us back upstairs for a shower. We started with the two of us lathering her up, the boy doing her legs, ass, and pussy, while I spent time caressing her breast, shoulders, back, and shampooing her hair. Her body and skin are so lovely, I get a little jealous; and I enjoy having my hands on her more than I would ever have thought I would enjoy with a woman.

As she began to wash me next, she pressed her lips to mine, kissing with her hands sliding all over every inch of my body. It got me so horny again to be her little plaything, and no amount of rinsing would clean away the juices flowing from between my legs. All clean we shared the task of drying her, goosebumps forming on my body just making me more horny that her needs were met before mine were even considered.

“Who needs to go again?” she asked smiling at us, raising her hand. Sheepishly I raised mine too. “Oh good, stand in front of me” I stood up with my ass against her thighs and she bent me over, bringing out pussies close. “Right, boy, get your face in here”. This time I did feel a definite excitement as he slid himself underneath us and Miss began. I could feel her hot stream across my pussy and thighs, and quickly joined her in coating the boy’s face. 

It felt pretty good, partly to be getting my own back, but mostly to be Miss’ slut again. “Drink up, boy” she called down to him, her hands reaching around me to play with my nipples, “get used to it; you’re both going to be my and each others’ toilets for the rest of the day.”  As she said it she pinched both my nipples and my shock was overtaken by the thrill of pleasure it sent to my pussy, and suddenly even the feel of Miss piss spraying against me made my pussy twitch. 

Of course these antics meant another rinse off in the shower, and Miss continued to tease and toy with my body the whole time we rinsed back off, and while we dried her. By the time we were done the boy was wiggling around. “Please can I pee, Miss?” he asked.

“No need to ask me today; just tell her” Miss smiled at me. He looked at me expectantly. “Well, Hannah, get down for him and open wide”

Shit! This was nothing I was in any way prepared for, but I suppose I had already had some, so…

I got down on my knees and opened my mouth. 

“We don’t need another shower, so try to be careful and get it in her mouth. Give her some chance to keep up” Miss smiled down at me as he positioned the end of his cage at my open lips and started.

Honestly, the thought of it is much, much worse than the reality, and really it only seemed like some warm water. The flavour was minimal, and because it wasn’t so repulsive, I was able to enjoy feeling like Miss, little slut. She even crouched down behind me and toyed with my nipples. I gulped down mouthful after mouthful, the boy managing to stop each time after spraying a little more into my mouth. Gradually Miss’ hands worked their way down my body to my pussy and I was soon moaning along as he filled my mouth over and over.

I wiped my mouth after his final dribble, still moaning as Miss continued to play with me. “Good girl” she whispered in my ear, nibbling on the lobe. I melted back against her, and let myself loose to her touch. 

“Please may I cum, Miss?” I groaned softly, the boy standing watching with his cock straining through the bars of his cage. 

“Cum!” she said, and I shuddered and shook in her arms.

She held me as I came down, then helped me back to my feet. “Same goes for you” she said to me, “When you need it just tell him and he will happily oblige”.

To make sure it would continue to be a regular necessity, she kept our drinks bottles well filled, and monitored to make sure we kept up a good half litre every hour. The first time I had the boy on his knees in front of me felt quite powerful, but the logistics of it all were quite awkward, and with his lips against mine I struggled to get started. He was clearly very much enjoying getting his face in our pussies over and over again, his cock straining all day.

I got over my worries and disgust of it too, and found myself getting excited every time either of them required my services. By this point it was pretty much only water anyway, so I could just enjoy the pure service of it all. My aching pussy even throbbing as I used the boy for the umpteenth time today.

I’m still not sure I’ll ever really enjoy it first thing in the morning; but I’m definitely on board with it any other time.
