Pam and I, Part 1 – How We Met and Fell in Love [MF]

I had seen Pam several times around the HQs office in DC, but we didn’t really meet until March of 1989. It was at a speakers’ breakfast at a technical conference in DC. I was substituting as a session chairman (the person who introduces the speakers) for a Dr. George Johnson, a renowned expert in the session topic. I had only a passing knowledge of the topic. Pam was one of the speakers at the session. One of the other speakers was Dr. Don Paterson, the expert in my group on the topic. He roped me into substituting the night before.

Funny, I remember him calling my hotel room just as I was about to rub one out before going to bed. LOL. (I had been widowed about 3 years at the time and my sexual desires had returned. I guess you could say that at the time, I was pretty much always horny but still had too much guilt about my first wife, M’s death to start dating.) He told me that they needed a session chair because Dr. Johnson had been called back to Atlanta on a family emergency. I was reluctant but he said they were really in a bind. I said ok, and we agreed to meet in the morning at the speakers’ breakfast.

I went back to jacking of but was having trouble conjuring up the images I needed to get aroused. Don’s call had broken the mood. So I went back to my old stand-by…

To this day when I have trouble getting aroused enough, instead of using my hand to jack off, I hump a pillow while I fantasize that it is a current love interest. At that time I actually was beginning to think about a woman, Victoria Garner. I had met Victoria a few weeks before on a crowded Metroliner. I got on at Trenton and the only one seat left in the car was next to her seat and I asked, “Do you mind if I take this seat?”

She nodded yes but didn’t even look up from paperwork she was doing. I took out my book and started to read. A few minutes later she moved in her seat and I noticed that she had stopped working and turned and was looking out the window. Now the Amtrak Northeast Corridor has some very bad scenery to look at, so I commented, “Isn’t it too bad that the whole trip from New York to Philly is through junk yards and toxic waste facilities?”

She turned to me and smiled, but there were tears in her eyes as she spoke, “I wasn’t even looking at the view, I was just staring out the window thinking about Joe.”

Being the insensitive clod that I am, I blurted out, “They must not have been happy thoughts about Joe. You seem to be crying.”

Victoria burst into tears and for some reason she confided in me, a perfect stranger, “Joe was my husband. He died three months ago today!”

I reached out and took her hand in mine and held it and tried to console her, “I think I know how you feel. I lost my wife three years ago last Monday. I still cry sometimes. Do you want to talk about it?

She looked and nodded yes and we spent the next 90 miles talking about our respective late spouses. We were approaching Baltimore where she was getting off. I gave her my phone number and she said, “I have never given a guy my phone number before but here it is. Please call me I think we can help each other, don’t you?”

I nodded yes.

She put her paperwork into a briefcase and I got out of my seat to get her coat from the overhead rack. It wasn’t until she got up from her seat that I took any notice of what her body looked like. I had spent the entire 90 miles in eye contact with her.

As I lie in the hotel bed, I thought about that first moment that lust for Victoria had enveloped me. It was as if the three years of grief since M’s death were suddenly over. She was about 5’ 6” tall and could not have weighed much more than 110 lbs. She was wearing a rhinestone trimmed scooped neck sweater and when she was getting up, I got a brief glimpse down the sweater. She was braless and for a fleeting second I saw a flash of a dark brown nipple. I could not tell for sure but the nipple seemed to be erect. The clincher was as she turned toward me, there were two tell-tale pokies clearly visible on that maroon sweater. Could the grieving widow have been interested in more than grief counseling?

I helped her on with her short ski jacket and she picked up her brief case and walked down the aisle toward the exit door in the front of the car. She was the only one in the car getting off so I had a clear view of her designer jean covered ass. The rhinestone decoration on each cheek and the way the denim clung to her made even an avowed tit-man like me drool over the prospect of removing those jeans and fucking her doggie style. That was exactly the fantasy that I acted out in that hotel bed with a king-sized hotel pillow covered by 1000 thread-count Egyptian cotton pillow case playing the part of Victoria.

There were five panel members at the speakers ‘breakfast and I knew all of them except Pam. We traded “war” stories and I joked about how I was trying to figure out how to fake it during the session, not wanting to look like an idiot in front of the session attendees. Pam sat quietly and listened politely. I really don’t remember much about her except that she was dressed very conservatively. She wore a frilly long-sleeved white blouse buttoned all the way up to her neck and a long gray wool skirt that went to mid-calf and black two inch heeled office shoes. The only skin visible was her face (with a bare minimum of make-up) and the 10 inches of her legs that were covered by sheer black nylon pantyhose. Her shoulder length brown hair was done in a curly perm hairdo that looked like she had got out of the shower and just brushed it out. I remember wondering to myself, “Is she a nun in street clothes?”

I don’t remember much about the session that day other than making my excuses to the attendees. “I am sorry to disappoint those who came to see and hear Dr. Johnson. He was called back to Atlanta last night because of a family emergency. I am a poor substitute as I don’t know much about this important topic and hope to learn more about it during the session.”

I spent the next four hours introducing the speakers, listening to their presentations, keeping them within their allotted time, moderating a spirited question and answer session at the end and finally summarizing the proceedings and thanking the attendees. When it was over, I remember feeling a little awkward because in introducing all of the speakers except Pam, I was able to give a little personal anecdote about them. I apologized to her formally afterwards, “Ms. M, I am so sorry that my intro of you was so perfunctory and impersonal. I should have got to know you better at breakfast so that I could have said more about you.”

She was gracious in her reply. “Please call me Pam. I really didn’t mind. I was too nervous thinking about my presentation to notice your introduction.”

It was lunchtime and I’ll bet many of you are expecting me to tell you that we had lunch together and fell in love immediately, but this is a not a fairy tale. Truth be told, that brief conversation was all that happened that day. Thinking back, it was an inauspicious beginning. Funny that even in my horny state, I did not find her conservative dress and quiet manner even remotely sexy. All I was thinking about was Victoria Garner.

This is supposed to be about Pam and me so I will not go on and on about my unrequited lust for Victoria. Suffice it to say that we spent a lot of time that summer dancing around what turned out to be our mutual desire to fuck one another but never actually did.

About six weeks after the conference, Dr. Don came back from a trip to DC and was waxing poetic about how intelligent Ms. M was and that she was looking for a training detail to learn hands on field data collection to complement her already considerable headquarters policy experience. Don always was finding ways to get extra help in his field work. He had established co-op agreements with several universities, exchange programs with State and local Agencies and Interagency Agreements with the Departments of Defense and Commerce. Although all of these arrangements involved a whole lot of paperwork that I hated, the additional staff that they provided was very inexpensive and really enhanced productivity. I asked bluntly, “Does this mean we will have to send someone from the Team to her division in HQs while she is here? You know that summer is almost here and we can’t afford to take anyone away from field work to ride a desk and go to meetings in DC.”

Don had already thought of that, “I think her boss might let her come for six months if you call him and agree to let me go down there next winter. He is on the line to get a new regulation written by the end of next year and has been bugging me to help him.”

I told him I would think about it and let him know the following day. It sounded like a win-win-win-win for everyone: Ms. M got some field experience, her boss, Lou Ross got Don who knew the ropes in the industry to write the regulation, Don got to spend an extended period in DC hobnobbing and wheeling and dealing, and the Team got an extra scientist during our busiest time of the year. I called Lou and we discussed the details and was a little surprised to find out that she could start the detail the following Monday, May 1st. I leveled with Lou about my surprise, “How come such a rising star in your division is so mobile. It usually takes weeks to arrange for them to finish whatever they are working on in the office.”

Lou answered, “To be blunt, Pam is homeless right now! Her relationship with her significant other ended badly and she moved out a couple of weeks ago. She has been renting her house and the tenants did so much damage that it will take several months to get it fixed. She has been staying in the place but it is literally unhealthy. I thought Don told you about this. When he was down here last week, he and I went over to her place after work on Wednesday to help her clean-up some of the mess. He suggested the detail to me the next day.”

I was a little miffed at Don and showed it. “Don didn’t mention any of this to me. It seems that we need to help out an employee in her time of need. How does she feel about leaving the mainstream there in HQs and coming up here to get her hands dirty with field work? She doesn’t expect to come here and sit in an office, does she?”

“Don and I talked it over with her and she is an avid outdoors woman who loves hiking and climbing. She even has SCUBA certification so she can probably easily get trained to get inside one of those ‘moon suits’ your people work in.”

Lou was very persuasive and I agreed, “She sounds like she could really be an asset her and we do have a lot of stuff going on not just with Don but our other groups too. Maybe she can help Anton with the dive team, too? How about the stuff she is doing for you? How will that get done? ”

“I talked it over with her and she says she will work on that in the evenings and on weekends. She is very smart. Other than a couple of meetings here in DC with contractors she should easily be able to get our work done from ‘Jersey’.”

“OK! It’s a deal, Lou! If you can get the travel orders cut, I will get her into the health and safety training course that starts here on Monday. Our training coordinator is always pissed at me when I tell him I need another person in one of his courses because those are always booked months in advance, but I will deal with that. Tell Pam that she needs to be here at the training center at 7:30 am on Monday to fill out his paperwork.”

I was out of town that Monday when Pam arrived at our facility. As a matter of fact, I didn’t see her at all for the first three months because she was doing a lot of field work shadowing the people who worked for me. When I did finally see her, our conversations were strictly professional. From time to time she would come into my office and we would discuss her training detail and how it fit in with her career plans.

In October, toward the end of her assignment things began to get interesting. She was scheduled to help out with a dive team operation in Western New York. I had personal business there that weekend and Anton insisted that I come out and check out a new robot submersible we had just acquired. Pam and I ended up on the same plane and we talked (mostly about her career). When she mentioned that she had never been to Niagara Falls. I told her that I grew up in Buffalo and if we finished the dive early, I would show her the Falls and my favorite spot there.

We finished the dive at 2:00pm and I took her to Niagara Falls. We crossed over into Canada and being a week day we were able to park a few yards from, in my opinion, the most spectacular place there. There is a railing next to the walkway right where the Horseshoe Falls drops off. The sound and sight of the water beginning its descent is overwhelming. I moved Pam in front of me to let her get the best experience. She stood there a few minutes and then turned to me and thanked me. I looked into her blue eyes and got weak in the knees. I tried my best to hide the effect she was having on me and I think I succeeded.

About a month later, two days before Thanksgiving to be exact, I met her in the office and complained to her about having to spend my birthday the next week in DC for a meeting. She said, “I will take you to dinner for your birthday. I need to pay you back for showing me Niagara Falls.”

“That would be a very nice way to spend my birthday!” I answered.

The night of my birthday, she met me at my hotel at 6:45 for dinner, we talked for awhile. The time flew by and the night ended with me walking her to her car. She turned toward me at the car and I looked into her eyes again. This time my guard was down and I gave her a quick kiss as she got into her car. It just happened. I didn’t even mean to do it. It was awkward and we said goodnight. I looked at my watch. It was 11:45pm. We had been talking for 5 hours.

We had talked about much more than work. I had found out that Pam was 37 years old during some of the conversations while she was in Jersey on detail. Her petite 5 ft 4in height and slim body along with her wrinkle free face despite the lack of makeup gave her a freshly-scrubbed look that made her look at least 10 years younger. She had obviously gone home and changed out of her “church-lady” office attire and was wearing a very nice dark green plaid wool skirt that and a black sweater which although not excessively tight did show off a nice set of tits that up until then I had not imagined. I complimented her on how nice she looked. “Boy you look very nice tonight!” I blurted out, “You should dress this way at work too!”

She was flattered and said, “I tried to look nice for you on your birthday! Thank you for noticing! As far as dressing up for work, I used to at my former job but I was getting hit on all the time by married guys. When I got this job I decided I didn’t need that and besides I was in a relationship.”

I remembered that Lou had told me that she had broken it off with her significant other and tact never being one of my strong suits blundered in again. “I know you had just broken up with him before you came up to Jersey last spring. Are you seeing him again?”

“I don’t want to talk about Jack! Let’s just say that he hurt me very badly and I am still not over it. I think it will be a long time before I can trust another guy like I trusted him. I think you know what it is like to lose someone you love. I heard from your whole staff that you are still grieving from losing your wife. How long has it been since she died?”

“Yes! I am still not over it and it will be 4 years in February. The only way I have been able to cope has been by throwing myself headlong into work and taking care of my two sons.” I had just opened up to another person about M for the first time.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked very tentatively.

“Not really! I think the time has come for me to focus on the present and forward to the future. Let’s talk about more pleasant things than how much we hurt!” I responded.

We proceeded to talk about the happy parts of our lives. I told her about growing up in the “rust belt” city and being one of the first Italian families in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood: the tough times trying to be accepted, the constant fist fights with the older bullies, the social stigma of not being able to be friends with any of the Jewish girls, the escape from the “hood” after being accepted to and attending the best Catholic boys H.S. in the area, going to college in town and finally the story of meeting M and going to grad-school in Florida and marrying her.

She regaled me with tales of her growing up in a suburban mid-west city as the second of five kids of a father who was the partner in a successful manufacturing firm and mother who drank too much: the promiscuity of her older sister Kay, the delinquency of her three brothers, her teenage years made awkward by being as she put it, “a skinny 90 lb. tomboy who had a very sexy mom and a knockout sister. I felt like the ugly duckling.” She confided “I never had a date in H.S and I felt very jealous of the other girls in my class who had fully developed to womanhood. I didn’t get breasts until I was freshman at U. of M.”

She told of spending all of high school devoting herself to her studies excelling across the board but being a child prodigy in music and math. She related that she went to Mizzou and was miserable there because even though her music scholarship did not required her to be in the marching band she was coerced into it. She did manage to take 26 credits each semester there and when she transferred to a university closer to home she entered as a junior instead of a sophomore, met her first husband there graduated in two years, and was a married woman a couple of months later. She only said that the marriage lasted a couple of years and ended after she found out her husband was cheating when he was on the road.

I learned that night that she pursued a career as a classical musician after the divorce, and that, while obtaining a Doctorate in performance, she met her second husband and decided to change careers to medicine but abandoned that idea in favor of a career as a scientist after her then husband got a position as a classical musician in the Washington, DC area. Her second marriage had ended two years before after seven years because her husband was an alcoholic and abused her.

About a week after my birthday I made it a point to stop at her office before my meetings to say hello and apologize for the awkward kiss but she wasn’t there. My meetings ran late so I missed my 4:15 pm flight and I couldn’t get a flight back to NJ until 9 pm. On the spur of the moment, walked over to her office and she was there. I explained about missing the flight and asked if she wanted to have dinner. She said that she would love to but she was driving her car pool. She asked, “Would you like to come to my place for dinner and then I can drive you to the Airport.”

I asked, “Are you sure it’s not too much trouble for you to schlep me all the way back?”

“It’s no trouble. I am cooking a new stew recipe in my crock-pot and would love to have company. Later on I am going to the swimming pool for a workout but the lap swim at the NRL isn’t until 9:00 pm. That’s on my way back from the National anyway.” She answered.

I met her and the other two car pool women in the parking garage and we drove to Pam’s house, said quick goodbyes, and went in. The stew cooking smelled great and tasted even better. I helped her clean up after dinner and as she was putting the last of the dishes away, I went over to the patio door from her kitchen to her deck, and looked out into the woods behind her house. She came up beside me and I turned and looked into those blue eyes. I blurted out, “Pam, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Her only answer was, “I’m glad.”

I put my arm around her waist and she faced me and put her arms around my neck and we shared a long passionate kiss in front of the door. She broke off the kiss, took my hand and led me to the sofa in her living room. I sat in the middle and she sat on my right. I put my right arm on the back of the sofa and caressed the back of her neck with my hand. We started to kiss again. Her lips opened and as our tongues met, my cock started to get hard. My left hand instinctively went to her right breast caressing it through her white cotton blouse and even through the two layers fabric, I could feel her nipple harden. She groped my cock through my pants; I was dripping precum in a matter of seconds. (Sometimes it is a good thing you are wearing navy blue slacks.)

Within a few minutes I was unbuttoning the blouse and after a few more minutes of caressing her breast through the bra, I unhooked it. It was a front hook bra like the ones M wore so I knew how to unhook it with one hand and did exposing her pale white tits. I was instantly stunned by how gorgeous those treasures were. I thought to myself, “Her breasts are as beautiful as any I have ever seen. She should be in Playboy.”

Her nipples hardened as soon as the cool air in the house hit them. Her areolas almost disappeared before my eyes and her nipples stuck out like daggers. I bent down and sucked her left nipple into my mouth. Pam let me know that I was being too rough, “Ouch! That hurts!”

I eased up and very lightly brushed my lips on the nipple and she moaned in pleasure. Just then her cuckoo clock went off and she said, “I love what you are doing but I think we need to get you to the airport.”

I joked with her, “Yes I know, but I need to give your right nipple equal attention or you will be unbalanced. It will make you walk funny.”

She giggled and offered her right breast to me and after about two minutes she gently pulled away and said, “I would ask you to stay the night but I remember you talking at the lunch table when I was in Jersey, about what happened when you left your son alone for a few hours: how he almost burned the house down trying to make an oil lamp like he had seen on Mister Wizard.”

I laughed and said jokingly, “When will we be able to get together and resume this session?”

Pam took me seriously and answered, “I am leaving to visit family for the holidays and won’t be back until after Christmas. Do you want to come with me?”

I was disappointed, “As much as I want to, I am committed to taking my sons back to visit family. I won’t be back until the 29th. How about coming up to Jersey for New Years Eve? We can go into the city.”

Pam sighed too, “I would love to but I have a couple of performance gigs the week I get back from St. Louis. Can you come down here for New Years?”

I eagerly accepted saying, “I’ll be here on the 30th, if that’s OK.”

Pam smiled and we sealed our date with a kiss and hurried to the airport. I got on the plane that night with a very serious case of “blue balls”.
