Advent Kinkendar: December 17th [Ffm]

Miss was so tender as she woke me this morning, softly caressing my still sensitive skin, letting me wake slowly and guiding me to a beautiful climax. It’s honestly the best way to wake up in the morning. I was sucking her fingers as she stroked the boy to one as well, feeling more contented than ever in my life.

We both recognised our gifts today; the large water bottles we drank from before we were strapped into our sensory deprivation suits days ago. We blushed at the memory of what Miss had driven us to that day. “Drink up” Miss said with a smile; both were already full and we began gulping it down. “As well as your orgasms, today you’ll be asking permission to pee” she told us.

I’m not sure quite how I felt about the prospect; while I’ve enjoyed being controlled in the past, having my underwear selected, doing tasks; I’ve never even thought about handing over control of what is a normal bodily function. The thought kinda weirded me out a little, but I supposed that it was straightforward and uncomplicated, no reason to object really.

“You have until breakfast is over to finish that” Miss told us as she led us down. Both of us kept swigging a little more between every other thing we did serving her. It took us until we finished clearing up, but we both got it all down. Miss grinned her devious grin as she refilled them and put them into the fridge “for a little later”.

We spent about an hour cuddling with her in front of the TV, a calmer day compared with the intensity of the past few. She still continued to tease and toy with us from time to time; rubbing, pinching, edging.

Oh, the edging. That’s one way to bring on the need to pee quickly, and before long I was starting to wriggle. “Please may I go pee, Miss” I asked, blushing bright red as I did.

“Do you need to go too?” she asked the boy.

Reluctantly he nodded, and Miss clapped with glee as she jumped up and came to the bathroom with us. All she did was watch as she made us get into position and ask again before she gave permission; but being watched peeing is pretty embarrassing. More so for a girl, I think; at least guys get a nice easy to control stream.

She made us wipe each other up, then took us back down and got the bottles back out of the fridge for us. “By the end of the movie” she smiled, taking us back and putting something on Netflix.

It was only about halfway through that I needed to go again, feeling a little embarrassed that it was me asking again before the boy.

“How badly?” Miss asked; “on a scale of one to ten”.

“Uh, six?” I suggested.

“Then it can wait until the end of the film”. Miss went back to cuddling and enjoying the film; though she paid my pussy less attention than before. Finishing the drink while already needing the toilet was very difficult indeed, and I only just managed it.

By the end I was definitely at a solid eight and wriggling around periodically. “How about now?” she asked the boy; “scale of one to ten?”

“Seven” he answered vaguely.

I was partly disappointed, partly jealous. How come it seemed to go straight through me?

“Edge him” Miss instructed me, pushing my head down towards him across her lap. I had to readjust my position as bending down like that made me need to pee even more, and soon I was face down ass up across Miss’ lap bobbing my head on his cock. Her hands roamed over my body, feeling my ass, making me moan as she caressed my nipples. It made it difficult to focus, but I managed to stop in time, leaving the boy’s cock twitching and throbbing.

“Good girl” she purred, stroking me like a cat. “Come, let’s relieve you”.

Back in the bathroom she picked up two pairs of plain cotton briefs and handed us one each. I took the hint quickly and slid into them; the boy looked puzzled but soon caught up as she looked at him and put them on too. His cock stood out amusingly tented in the fabric, stretching the legs and waist.

“Perfect!” Miss smiled, taking my hand and helping me step into the back, directing the boy to follow beside me. “Off you go then” she smiled, sitting down on the toilet lid and watching us.

It was a little easier, having relieved myself in front of them before; but especially as a woman, standing up is not a natural feeling position for it, not to mention while clothed (sort of). But I was plenty desperate enough and pretty soon a warm, wet patch spread through the crotch of the knickers and began to run down my thighs. Although humiliating, it felt oddly arousing; I’m not sure if it was the humiliation itself, the fact that Miss had commanded it, or the exhibitionism of her enjoying watching. But whatever combination it was, I was excited.

The boy struggled more to get going. Is that a thing? Do guys struggle to pee when it’s so hard? Or maybe he’s a shy pisser; either way I was long done and stood awkwardly in now cold, clinging panties by the time he started. His cock had softened a little and his pee sprayed through the fabric, not spreading nearly as much as mine had.

Miss once again had us clean each other up, with washcloths this time due to the mess (mostly mine), and took us down for lunch with another bottle of drink for us to start. “This afternoon I don’t even want to hear you asking until you reach at least an eight” she told us. By the end of lunch I was already feeling about a five as she put us to work around the house. Although she didn’t put us back in the cleaning gags we used before, she deliberately made it difficult. The boy was put to work in the bathroom with a toothbrush while I was given a little cloth for cleaning glasses and set cleaning all of the windows.

At least it meant I could stand up, though; bending to clean the toilet or bath would have put uncomfortable pressure on my bladder. My need still grew, of course, and shaking around as I polished smudges from the glass kept making it worse.

Miss took a lot of pleasure in watching me, though; my ass and tits jiggling around. Embarrassing for me, but apparently entertaining or alluring for her. Not for the first time I found myself enjoying being an object for her attention and pleasure; even playing up to it with extra wiggles of my hips as I cleaned.

After just two of the windows I was really feeling it, though. “Please, Miss, may I pee?”. I was dancing from foot to foot, wriggling my thighs together like a child.

She smiled and beckoned me over, sitting forwards on the sofa. As I stood in front of her she brought her hand to my pussy, rubbing her thumb so slowly around my clit, looking up at me. Holy shit was it intense; not only the intimacy & objectification, but just the feeling of being stimulated while being so desperate to pee – clenching against the flow making every touch so much stronger. I couldn’t believe the risk she was taking, sure I was going to pee any second as I stood there wiggling, whimpering, and shaking.

I looked down at her with wide, desperate, scared eyes as she drew her lips closer and closer to my pussy. “No! No!” I protested in panic; no way did I want to pee all over her and her couch and carpet. But she kept going, replacing her thumb with her tongue and slowly driving me crazy.

“Please! Please! Nononono!” I babbled in desperation, “n-nine! Nine!” trying to tell her just how close I was to actually failing all over her. But she continued on and on, driving me right to the brink of climax, knowing that if I came then I would surely not be able to hold back any further.

“Go!” she suddenly said, stopping altogether and sucking on her wet thumb.

I made to run out of the room, but had to stop and walk slowly, any quick movements causing me to almost release. I barely made it onto the toilet in time, the relief of pressure feeling so good. The boy clearly wasn’t too happy that I dirtied his newly clean porcelain, though. Welcome to the real world mate.

By the time I got back down to carry on with the windows, Miss had refilled my bottle for me. I can’t lie, it was getting difficult to keep forcing down more water. Granted I was getting rid of plenty; but it’s just so boring to drink. I finished the windows a little before finishing the new bottle, and already reached about a four again.

While I was busy the boy came down to ask his permission, and received similar treatment to me. I heard him moaning as Miss sucked him. It took him much longer than I expected to edge; maybe the need to pee was more of a distraction than enhancement for him. I wonder how long it took him to soften enough to actually do it when he went upstairs, though.

As soon as I finished three bottle, Miss was all over me, teasing, caressing, kissing. It was amazing and awful; wanting to relax and just melt into her, but having to keep constantly tight and holding back. But again, it made every touch of my clit thrill me even more than usual.

As my need to pee became more and more urgent, passing six and seven, Miss kept me highly aroused and drove me right to the edge. “Please, please” I gasped, her tongue playing over my wet folds.

“Please what, sweetie?” she mumbled into my pussy.

“Please can I cum? Please, please!” I moaned with lust.

“Mmmmhhhhmmm” she moaned against me, nodding before sucking my clit into her mouth just as I half released, still having to hold back my pee. Keeping my pelvis muscles clenched like this made my orgasm all the more incredible and I almost fell over. Miss didn’t stop, keeping me riding and riding the high; if I needed to pee any more I would certainly have done it; and honestly I think she kinda wanted that. She would have loved to see me lose all control at her hand.

Eventually she stopped, stood up and took me in her arms to make out together. We sank to the sofa, her on top of me – pressing my bladder up to at least a seven – and kissed deeply and passionately. Me, the straight girl, kissing another woman as though I was in love with her, and loving every moment of it. So much so that I let myself get past eight and didn’t stop until I reached a nine; my body writhing underneath her.

“Please, uh-uh… please can I pee?”

She slid off me, still kissing, and helped me up. No permission was given, just led me to the bathroom and into the tub. “Lie down” she told me, helping me into a clean pair of cotton briefs then pressing her wand into me on high power. I almost released immediately, barely managing to contain control of my bladder. “Good girl” Miss cooed, “don’t worry, you have my permission to cum – just as long as you start before you begin to pee”

I was mortified. She wanted me to climax while pissing my panties; but even if I had wanted to protest, I really had no way of doing it. My climax came on so fast as I clenched my muscles, and as soon as it hit me I lost control and released anyway. More than released; my tightening muscles positively squirted it out like a hosepipe, spraying everywhere over the edges of the tub.


I don’t even know how to tell you how intense that was. As I came down I felt sorry for the boy, and all boys, that they can’t experience it like that since they can’t piss with a full hard on.

So yeah; today has been a much more laid back and relaxing day. Sort of.


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