First threesome [FFM] [long]

If you’re anything like me and sometimes just like to skip to the sexy part, scroll down to the line ***

Hi r/gonewildstories! Long time reader, first time poster here. My partner and I recently decided we wanted to experiment more sexually. As part of this experimenting, we decided that at least in the short term, we want to have an open relationship, as well as to invite other people into our bedroom. It has been very exciting so far and we are both loving it. If you like this story, let me know and I’ll share others as they occur.

This story took place last night and I still have afterglow. Obviously, names and some details have been changed to preserve anonymity, and I’ve left some stuff out so that this doesn’t become any more of a novel than it already is.

About us: My partner (who I’ll call James) and I are both in our late 20’s. I’m brunette, 5’10” and have a slender/athletic build. I have average sized but very perky breasts and a butt that I’ve been repeatedly told is disproportionately big. James is 6’3″, also has a slender/athletic build and is heavily tattooed. Wanting to meet some people outside of our social circle, James and I decided it would be fun to try a “dating” ap. We made an account each and both of us openly stated that we were in a relationship.

After a few days of chatting with numerous people online who I didn’t feel particularly interested in, I matched with a girl who I thought was absolutely stunning. I’ll call her Amy. She was a year younger than me and had straight hair with a short, blunt fringe, a round face with pink cheeks, slightly crooked teeth and the cutest smile. We made small talk for a while. She and I had some common threads in the way of favourite bands and TV shows, but I learned that she was very introverted and shy, the complete opposite of James and I who are social butterflies and go out most weekends. I also learned she didn’t drink much, and James and I are pretty into partying. I wasn’t sure if our personalities would clash in real life, but we were talking easily in text format, so I decided it was worth a go.

I asked her if she wanted to meet me, either on my own or with James. She said she’d love to do either. I asked if she wanted to see pictures of James, but she told me she’d already sneakily looked us both up on social media through mutual friends (it’s a small world!) and that he got her tick of approval. We set a date and agreed to meet for dinner and drinks.

I won’t go into too much detail about our first meeting because nothing too exciting happened. We were all a little nervous and spent some time smiling at each other, giggling and not knowing what to say. After a little bit of initial awkwardness (and some alcohol), we talked easily and all got on. Amy was even more beautiful in real life than in photos. She was taller than I expected her to be, a touch shorter than me so probably around 5’9”. We would have been a similar clothing size but she was curvier than me, with a tiny waist and a figure that was slender but soft.

Throughout the night, Amy would bump against me, touching my hands or my knees in the kind of way where it could have been an accident, but it happened enough times that I became confident it was deliberate. James later told me that she had been doing the same thing to him. After dinner, we walked her to the train station, we both hugged her good bye and she told us she’d like to see us again soon.

The minute she left, I regretted not kissing her or making some kind of move on her, but I was just way too nervous. I texted her later that night, told her that James and I both really liked her and asked if she’d like to come over to our house for dinner one night. She said that sounded great, which made me so excited I let out a little giggle which James thought was adorable. All three of us had busy schedules, so we set a date a couple of weeks away.

Those couple of weeks seemed to go painfully slowly, especially since she was constantly on my mind because we were chatting via text nearly every day, but finally the day came around. The universe must have been conspiring against me, because I got my period that day, an entire week early. I let Amy know just so she was forewarned, but told her I was definitely still interested in doing something for her if she wanted me to. She told me not to worry and that we’d figure it out.

We picked Amy up after she finished work and drove her back to our place. She was looking gorgeous in a well-tailored, long, black coat, skinny jeans and doc martens. James had spent all day putting together a huge spread of tapas style sort of food, and the three of us chatted while he made cocktails. The nervousness of our first meeting was completely gone and chatting felt effortless.

After dinner, James suggested we move to the lounge room and watch something on Netflix. He then sat in the middle of our three-seater couch and Amy sat to one side of him. I really wanted to be next to her, so I opted for the other couch so I could be on her other side. We talked, ate chocolate, watched Netflix, “accidentally” touched each other a lot, but I was just slightly too far away from Amy to lean in and kiss her.

I hoped Amy or James would initiate something, but they didn’t. I started to wonder if maybe she didn’t want to take it any further tonight. At some point, James excused himself to get a glass of water. He was probably gone for 30 seconds, but time moved painfully slowly and it felt like an eternity. I got brave and decided to get up and take his seat so I was right next to her. I brushed my arm against hers, trying to gauge if she was interested in taking things further or not, but got no clear response, so I went back to watching Netflix. It was a comedy, and I think I was laughing too much or too nervously every time there was a joke, because she turned to me and said “Just relax,” and took my hand, linking her fingers with mine.

At this point, James reentered the room, saw us, and declared, “Ice broken!” to which all three of us laughed. I moved in for a kiss, second-guessed myself half way there thinking maybe she didn’t want to kiss, and said “Can I kiss you?” to which she laughed and enthusiastically said “Yeah!”


We kissed slowly and gently with our mouths closed a few times before we began to explore each other’s mouths with our tongues. Her lips felt full and soft and amazing. I kissed up and down her neck, her cheeks, nose and ears, which made her giggle. I asked why she was laughing, to which she said, “It’s nice”. All the while, I was running my hands over her body, feeling her waist, thighs, and cute, slightly rounded stomach through her clothes.

We broke kissing for a moment to look at each other and smile. James took the opportunity to get our attention and told us he was enjoying watching, to which Amy said, “You can come over here”. We both shifted over to make room from him on her other side, and they began to kiss while I continued to run my hands over her body. I lifted her shirt so I could run my hands over her bare stomach. Her skin felt like silk, I know that sounds improbable but it was just incredible how soft it was. I made my way up to her breasts, which were an average size like mine. She turned away from James to kiss me again as I brushed my fingers under the waist band of her tight jeans. James then suggested we move to the bedroom, which was met with unanimous agreement.

I gently pushed Amy onto her back, climbed on top of her and kissed her. I picked back up where I left off and let my fingers drift just under the waist band of her jeans, taking my time to undo the button and finally unzip them. I gently ran my fingers over her pubic mound over the top of her panties, around the outside of her labia, and began to rub her clit a little through the fabric. I could feel that she was wet.

l then heard Amy and James both giggle, and I looked up and asked what was happening. At some point while I was focusing on her, Amy had started stroking James’s cock with her hand down the front of his jeans and he explained she was having some difficulty because they were too tight. I said that her jeans were also pretty tight, so, giggling and smiling, they both took their jeans off.

I was wearing a fitted, stretchy black dress, which Amy motioned for me to take off. I pulled it off over my head, revealing a matching bra and g-string in a mixture of satin and lace that I had carefully picked out earlier (I’m a bit of a lingerie enthusiast). Amy said, “Those are so pretty! I’m wearing my boring ones!” As I pulled her shirt over her head, I said, “It’s OK, I know you came straight from work, I wouldn’t normally wear underwear like this to work”. She had on plain black bikini cut panties and a nude coloured bra which came off along with her shirt because she or James must have already unlatched it. It hadn’t occurred to me that in a threesome, things could progress without me even noticing it was happening, and I was enjoying the surprises.

Out of her bra, Amy’s breasts had a cute sort of “pear” shape to them, with nipples that were considerably larger and darker than mine. She went back to giving James a hand job while we continued making out. I fondled her breasts, gently pinching her nipples between my fingers before moving to kiss each of them. I kissed all over her torso, stomach and neck along the way. Eventually, I slid my fingers into her panties to circle her clit and slide a finger in and out of her a little way. The expression on her face suggested to me that she was enjoying it. She reached down to rub my clit through my knickers and asked if I was comfortable taking them off, which I said I was so long as she was comfortable with it. I felt James push my hand out of the way so he could go down on her, which I happily let him do. She gripped his hand and let out some soft little moans as we kissed.

After a while, James said he was getting too hot under the blankets, so I told him to swap with me. He straddled her face and she gave him a blow job while I went down on her. Amy tasted amazing, like strawberries. I got lost giving her head, switching up my technique and loving every second of it. I felt like I could do it forever. She began rocking her hips into my face and making some quiet little moans.

She grabbed me and pulled me up, rolling me onto my back so she could climb on top of me for the first time that evening. She rubbed my clit while we made out, and James asked her if she wanted to fuck. She gave an enthusiastic yes, but they had some difficulty with penetration in that position and she said it would be easier to start with her on her back (James is pretty well endowed, which took some time for me to get used to, so I empathized with her haha).

Because of unfortunate timing, I didn’t want to sit on her face, so I just lay and kissed them and watched them, occasionally feeling Amy’s breasts or reaching down to rub her clit. Amy told us she didn’t feel like she was going to be able to orgasm tonight because it takes her some time to relax with someone enough for that to happen, which I understood because I’m like that too.

They fucked in a bunch of different positions, James eventually came (he’s one of those guys who can take a long time to get there) and we all collapsed together in a sweaty heap. We kissed and cuddled and ran our hands over each other. We took turns showering, while one of us showered, the other two made out. We all slept together, although when I say that, James and Amy told me they barely slept because they spent most of the night making out. They tried to wake me in the middle of the night but apparently I was deep asleep. In the morning though, I woke up properly and we did it all again, then we went out for breakfast together. She said she’d like to see us again soon.

Let me know if you enjoyed this so I can enjoy having shared my excitement with someone.

[Edit] broke the story into shorter paragraphs for easier reading as suggested in comments.



  1. Great story! Loved the build up and details! Would love to read the next installment.

  2. Lovely details. I look forward to next time – having been prevented from doing everything you might have wanted this time, I’m guessing you’ll be pretty eager to do more next time!

  3. One suggestion: paragraph more often for easy reading. Any jealousy afterwards?

  4. I don’t think we’d be comfortable with it at this stage even though it’s a pretty hot idea haha. We all kissed good bye in an elevator this morning because we realized it was our last moment of privacy together.

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