Me [F] visiting my much older, former, professor[M] at his apartment. [Long] Part 1.

Hi, been lurking here for quite a while, but made a throwaway, for obvious reasons. It’s my first time sharing something that happened this summer. I just need to get it off my chest. Excuse grammar and spelling, non-native English speaker here.

OK, so background info. I’m from Northern Europe, 29 y/o, blond, blue eyes and a pretty ok body, ( I think? I eat healthy and exercise almost every day), I live in South Korea, where I last spring graduated my MA program. I have lived here for quite a while and spent almost 6 years on the campus of a popular university here. I had been single for almost a year, was tired of fuckboys so taking care of my needs myself was more than ok for me.

Univ: Out of 10 professors, only three of them actually had interesting lectures. One of them was Prof Lee. He was older, im talking in his late 50s, good looking in a silver-fox way. His lecture was great, he effortlessly made it interesting and I actually learned a lot. I liked him, and was flattered and proud when he praised my presentation and essays. At the point when I graduated I hadn’t seen him around much and was a little disappointed. I took all the graduation photos, hung around for a while, and went up to the admin office to pick up some documents.

As it happened his office was on the same floor and when I was heading out he was just coming down the hallway. Yay! He congratulated me on my graduation, but I’m really bad at small talk so the best I could come up with was if I could possibily get a copy of my old exam because I planned to use the essay to write an article, completely bs, but we got into his office and talked. He gave me some really nice advice about career paths and told me to stay in touch. I don’t know exactly why, but from that point on my silly crush or admiration of him developed into romantic feelings. I knew I had to get going so I thanked him for his time and went on my way, feeling empty and sad not knowing if I would see him again.

I began working for a medium-sized company, fucking hated it and quit. I decided to only do freelance writing and after a shaky beginning it was starting to go well. By a coincidence I got a request for an article about Professor Lee’s field of expertise, so I decided to call him and ask if I could interview him for my article. It would be the only way to meet him again I figured, and meeting him alone. I was a little nervous about calling him, but hearing his voice made my body flush with heath and my heart was pounding. I wanted to see him so bad, even fantasizing about having sex with him. He agreed to do the interview and asked where we should meet. I got bold, took my chance and suggested his apartment. He must have been surprised cos he hesitated for what felt like forever before he said yes. He suggested the coming friday, 8pm. Oh god, words can’t describe how I felt after I hung up. Excited, happy, and shocked at how I even made it happen. Then I calmed down, and suddenly realized I had no clue if he was even married or not. This was a Tuesday, so I had enough time to thoroughly prepare the interview questions, because I really thought nothing would happend, despite hoping.

Friday: I was really nervous, and not sure if I should bring something. In Korea it is common to bring fruit as gift when you go to someone’s home. I was thinking I could bring a bottle of wine, but what if there was a wife there, it would look very strange with me just bringing a bottle of wine. So after careful consideration I decided to bring fruit and a bottle of red wine. Lucky for me it was just early summer, and not yet too hot, but still hot enough to wear a dress. I decided to wear a navy blue knee length dress, it hugged my curves nice without looking tight, and went for “natural” make-up look.

The apartment was in a pretty nice district of Seoul, I rang the bell and was let into the building. Checked my reflection in the elevator and took a deep breath. I felt silly for getting so worked up, when there was a 90% chance nothing would happend.

I didn’t had to knock on the door cos he opened it as soon as I stepped out from the elevator. He seemed happy to see me, *thank god!* Went inside, and we just started talking about my work and how his own research was going. About the apartment, it was easy to see he lived alone, cos there were no one else there and no trace of any woman living there. Later I found out he is a widower, any way. He thanked me for the wine and fruit and told me to have a seat at the dining table. Okies! I offered to cut the fruit up but he fixed it and poured the wine too.

*Shit*, he looked really good! Casually, but nicely dressed. Blue shirt without a necktie, dark blue cotton pants. He could easily passed for being a lot younger than his actual age. I know I was supposed to interview him but I just enjoyed listening to him, soaking up every word and just loving the relaxed mood. We drank the wine slowly, but time went so fast. I’m a very light drinker btw, so even a small glass of wine can really make an impact on me.

The talk got more personal and he seemed so genuine when asking about my life, goals, plans for the near future and what I usually did in my freetime. I took it as an indirect way of asking if I was seeing anyone. I told him the truth that I hadn’t had much luck in dating. It seemed to amuse him, and he talked about how many young guys are insecure and feel intimidated by women in academia, or somethng like that. He seemed relaxed and I had gotten a little boost from the wine so I innocently asked if we could sit on the couch instead cos my back was a little sore. Sure, and he offered me more wine, I was now 80% sure that he wanted me and the thought of it made my pussy tingle with expectation.

I mean, no way this evening was normal. *Right*? Society here is very conservative, just the fact that I was spending time in his home would be too much for some people to handle. I said I would go to the restroom, and used the opportunity to retouch ever so slightly on my makeup, while trying to think of my next move. When I got back to the living room I thought for a second that he was gone, cos he was not on the couch even our wine glasses were on the table there. But he was standing with his back towards me gazing out the large balcony window, opposite end of the room.

He must had known I was there, just meters away from him because the living room wasn’t huge. I didn’t see this coming. Fearing I’d made a fool of myself somehow, I hesitated but asked “ummm Professor Lee, do you want me to go, I’m sorry I wasn’t aware it is already late” My stomach sunk as I uttered those words, cos I had been so *convinced* there was a mutual attraction between us. Fuck, I was so disappointed. Then, without turning, he said ” I don’t want you to go.”

To be continued.
Again, sorry for grammar and spelling! Will write the rest tomorrow.



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