Hotel Room Lockout Leads to Hot Night [M/F]

As promised this is the account of the tryst mentioned in a previous offering [here](

Wending my way back to my hotel room after grinding and fondling with Jacki the bridesmaid at my mate’s wedding I ran in to Kate the groom’s cousin. Kate had come down from the country to be at her cousin’s wedding with family (her mum and dad and sister) and they were all staying in the same hotel where the reception had been held and so were a lot of the guests.

Anyway Kate’s sister had dragged some guy back to their room and was monopolising its use much to Kate’s consternation not least because she now had to figure out where she was going to bunk for the night.

Kate and I had met before the ceremony and had chatted briefly then and more since the formalities of the reception had been dispensed with and now she had run into me. Kate was more pissed off than she was drunk and although she was by no means sober she was definitely with it. She was wearing a blue dress which clung to her slight athletic frame. She was a strawberry blonde maybe 100lb wringing wet and once she removed her high heels she struggled to tip 5’0″. She was pale with lots and lots of freckles and even doing her best in that dress she would have just filled an A cup. She looked a little like Australian actress [Megan Williams]( just with tons more freckles.

It was after midnight and she found me as she came out of the lift I was about to step into. She told me her situation and I suggested we go back to my room which I was sharing with one of my school mates who had been the driver for the bridesmaids so she could relax while we tried to figure out a solution to her problem.

We got to my room and found it to be empty so I offered her a seat and suggested that we ring down to reception to try to sort out something for her from the comfort of my room. As I started looking around for the hotel directory Kate told me to stop because all that they would do is contact her room and then her parents room and she didn’t want to have that drama with her sister on top of this drama with her sister.

The only thing I could think of was to suggest that she could stay in the room and we’d figure out the sleeping arrangements when my mate got in if he got in but in the meantime she was welcome to his bed (generous of me I know).

Kate was profusely thankful and asked if it was OK if she had a shower. No problem. I too wanted a shower and suggested she go first and she could dry off and so on in the room while I used the bathroom after she’d finished.

Kate then said she had no other clothes in which to sleep as they were all in her and her sister’s room which was currently in use. Again no problem she could borrow the T-Shirt in which I intended to sleep and I’d sleep in my underwear (fresh underwear I had packed). Again Kate was profusely grateful and stepped into the bathroom to strip off and into the shower.

While she was showering I fished out my faded blue T-Shirt which I had brought to sleep in and laid it on the bed for her for when she came out of the shower.

After a while Kate stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and clutching her clothes. I removed my shirt pants and socks and hung what needed to be hung up and made my way into the bathroom for a shower in my briefs. I showered quickly, brushed my teeth and came out again in a pair of boxers ready for bed.

Kate was already in bed and asked “*Want to see something funny?*”

I replied “*Sure, but stop calling me funny.*”

“*Ha ha*” she replied as she got up and stood at the side of the bed with my T-Shirt on.

It looked like a dress on her as it came down to her knees and she had to wear it as an off the shoulder dress because otherwise it would fall off her. It was quite comical.

“*That’s pretty funny*” I said “*mind you it is loose on me*”

“*All I need is a belt and I’d be able to wear it as a dress*” she laughed.

“*That’s if it didn’t just fall off you*” I added.

Kate climbed back into her bed and we tried to get to sleep.

After what seemed like only a few minutes Kate said “*Hey…would it be imposing too much if I asked you to hold me? You know like cuddle so I can get to sleep.*”


“*Um…no. No that’s fine.*” I replied “*Your place or mine?*” I added.

With that Kate climbed out of her bed and scampered over to mine lying next to me and drawing up the covers. “*It’s that I’m all worked up and if you can just cuddle me up it might relax me enough to get some sleep*”

“*No that’s fine.*” I said “*How do you want this to work?*” I added as I shuffled over and made room to manoeuvre should it be required.

“*Well how about I just lay on my side and you kind of put your arm over me from behind.*” she said.

“*OK, how’s this?*” I said spooning her and draping my arm over her.

“*Mmmmm…that’s nice*” she replied.

So we lay there for a few minutes and I tried to let sleep claim me. As I lay there I realised just how tiny Kate was. Her head was below my chin and tucked up in a loose foetal position as she was her bum didn’t even reach my crotch I guess she had a proportionately short body and long legs.

Before too long Kate decided she wanted to turn over and I lay on my back as she lay on my arm and draped her arm over my chest and wrapped a leg over my thigh. I let my hand tickle her back partly because it was free and her back was there and partly in an effort to relax her to let the both of us try and get some sleep. As I tickled her back my hand strayed over her bum and through the fabric of my T-Shirt I couldn’t feel any evidence of underwear.

“*Going commando there mate.*” I said

“*Well I didn’t want to put the ones I’d had on all day back on after getting nice and clean and you did lend me this lovely nightgown*” she replied with a smile in her voice.

“*I guess you don’t exactly have a ready supply here either*” I said.

“*You don’t mind do you?*” She said “*It’s not as though I’m here naked or anything and besides you are topless.*”


“*Only because I lent you my stylish blue T-Sh…er…nightgown. And besides it’s different for guys to be topless.*”

“*Maybe. But your boobs are bigger than mine*” she teased.

“*Well that depends on how you measure boobs.*” I replied.

“*Well maybe not actual boobage but in every other respect your chest is like 10 times the size of mine. you really have got huge slabs of meat there Mister.*” she said running her hand across my chest thumbing a nipple as her hand glided past and then pulling the neck of my T-Shirt forward to look down at her own.

“*You know what they say…any more than a handful is a waste.*” I offered.

“*Yeah. About that. Do you actually have any idea about the size of your hands?*” she said.

“*Well they are proportional to my size.*” I replied almost apologetically.

“*Yeah and that size is massive.*” she replied “*It’s enough to make a girl feel inadequate if you’re going to base what a good size is against your body parts.*” she continued.

“*Would it make you feel better if I said more than a mouthful is a waste?*” I asked.

“*Hmph.*” she said in mock indignation “*look at your bloody arm for fuck’s sake, it’s bigger than my thigh.*” she continued.

She started playing with my hand measuring her hand against mine her palm against my palm and then her fingers against my fingers whilst laying on my upper arm and shoulder. I held my free hand up to allow her to play as she was and resumed tickling her back and her bum through the fabric of my shirt.

After a few minutes of this she had examined my hand my forearm and traced all the way down my upper arm to my shoulder and across my chest as though taking a geographical survey of my upper body.

“*You know I don’t feel big at the best of times but lying here like this I feel absolutely tiny.*” she remarked.

“*Perhaps that’s because you are absolutely tiny.*” I replied.

She hit me on the chest.

“*Careful or you’ll hurt yourself*” I laughed.

“*It is a bit like hitting rocks*” she laughed in reply

“*I guess that’s the fundamental difference between men and women*” I said “*We are the hard and you are the soft. You are the small and we are the large. We are firm you are yielding.*” I bullshitted on. (What can I say I’d been reading a fair bit of Chinese philosophy about this time and I was getting all Confucian and Taoist on poor Kate)

“*I don’t know if I agree entirely with that*” she said “*I mean your fingers might be big and powerful and solid but they do a lovely gentle tickle.*”

“*You like the tickle?*” I asked

“*Uhuh.*” she replied

“*Good I’m trying to relax you.*” I replied

“*Um. You probably should stop it then because relaxing me you are not let me tell you.*” she said.

“*Oh. Sorry.*” I said

“*He’s sorry. He’s sorry!*” she started “*He gets a girl hotter than a cat on a hot tin roof and he’s sorry*” she continued as she sat up and began to climb out of the neck of my T-Shirt pulling one arm out and then the other letting it slip down to her hips. “*You wind me up with your sexy as fuck tickling expecting it to get me to sleep and then you lie there with your sexy as fuck rock hard arms and shoulders and your chest the size of a small suburban house block and you’re sorry.*” she continued leaning her little tits on me and kissing my nipple. “*I can’t sleep*” she continued as she ran her hand down my abs (no there was no visible six pack there) and into my boxers where she found my awakening cock.

Now I’ve mentioned before that I’m a grower not a shower and the look on Kate’s face was just priceless as my cock started to grow fast under her hand. It went from “*just a ridiculous little piece of flesh*” to something more the size and dimensions of “*a large aerosol deodorant can*” (not my words but the words of my reviewers/fans/victims) in very quick time and the look on Kate’s face went from “*Well I thought he said he was proportional to his size*” to “*holy fuck what have I gotten myself into here*” just about as quickly. To give an idea of scale she could not close her fingers around it.

She moved down closer to inspect my cock. As she did so I assisted my T-Shirt over her hips and down her legs pulling it off over her feet. “*It’s fucking thicker than my wrist*” she said. She then reached around it and pumped it a couple of times pulling the foreskin down over the head and back again as I slid my hand between her legs and up to her very wet pussy. I squeezed her thigh as I ground the base of my thumb and wrist against her pussy. She shuddered, clenched her thighs together and moisture flooded her pussy and onto my wrist as she again pumped my cock with her little hand.

She looked at my now fully hard cock as though assessing how to proceed as I eased my hand back slightly and pushed my thumb into her pussy rubbing her mound with my fingers. She had a full bush but the hair wasn’t thick but rather it was a sparse covering of red pubes over her mound with her lips bare.

She moved to take me in her mouth but succeeded only in getting the tip past her lips as I put firm pressure on her G-Spot with my thumb. Squeeze, hold and release. Squeeze, hold and release. This went on for a minute or two as she tried to work my cock further into her mouth without much success. She gave up and started licking up and down the shaft leaving the occasional kiss and nip as she worked her tongue and mouth around and over my shaft.

As she continued to work on my cock I eased first one and then a second dugit into her tight tight pussy. I drove them in as far as they’d go feeling for her A-spot. Being such a petite thing her pussy wasn’t overly deep and I was able to reach and work her anterior fornix with relative ease. It wasn’t long before she was bucking and gasping and telling me that she’d never experienced anything like the orgasm she had just started riding the wave of. She was flooded with juices and just lying on me a sweaty twitching mess. I kept going and rolled her over onto her back so I could more easily access the back wall of her pussy with my fingers and work her posterior fornix as her cervix tilted forwards as she continued to cum.

All that was coming from her was a series of “*Oh My God!*” and “*Fuck!*” as she struggled for breath amid the crashing waves that were wracking her tiny body.

I continued to press deeper into her and press into the little depression behind the neck of her twitching cervix and suddenly she screamed out “*I’m still cumming Oh My God!*” as her whole body tensed and shook like she was fitting and yet more juices flooded her pussy.

She was whimpering now as her body convulsed. She was sheened in sweat and her pussy was sopping wet. I withdrew my fingers and offered them to her mouth and she sucked and licked her juices off my hand as though her very life depended on her getting every last trace of her juices off me.

I kissed her hard and drew her body against mine so she lay back down along my body her breasts crushed against the lower part of my chest and her spasming pussy drooling up against the shaft of my cock her legs astride my hips.

I reached down and positioned the head of my cock at the entrance to her incredibly hot and soaking pussy and slowly but firmly pushed it into her spasming cunt by tilting my hips. She was hot and slick and incredibly tight. As I fed the tip in she moaned and trembled and I placed my hands on her hips to push her further on to my cock. She leaned up bracing herself against my chest with her hands pushing herself further into my cock. As she took me oh so slowly deeper she was again gripped by tremors running through her body. The change in angle allowed me to drop my hips so I could again thrust slowly upwards driving my cock deeper into her vice like pussy. It was slow going as ever few seconds she would gasp and tremble and shake. I was about three quarters the way in her when the head of my cock nudged her cervix. I eased back and then pressed forward again as I felt a *click* at the head of my cock and then the ridge of her cervix push up over the head of my cock as the tip of my cock found the back wall of her pussy. Only about 80% of me was in her so I pressed her down onto me and edged my hips up again in an attempt to press the head of my cock harder into the pocket it had found and also to go fully into her. As I did this she was gripped by another tremor more violent than the ones to this point and I felt her pussy grip wildly and ripple as she arched her back and let out a guttural moan. Her hips started bucking uncontrollably and after moments of this she collapsed forward onto my chest again as more heat and wetness flooded her pussy. I started to gently pump her withdrawing only fractionally and then pressing hard into “the pocket” every now and then I’d feel the *click* as the ridge of my cock head slid past the edge of her cervix. Kate was no longer in control of her body. She was like a twitching spasming rag doll lying on me. I threw my arms around her and rolled over without pulling out.

I was still balls deep in her but the change in angle had pushed me deeper into “the pocket” and with that Kate gripped my back and tried to throw her legs up over my hips. She didn’t quite make it as another fit of shaking and bucking gripped her body.

The movement had forced my cock back beyond the edge of her cervix and I started to properly fuck her now sliding my cock in and out of her still tight but now more acclimatised pussy. As I built up pace I could hear the wet frictional sounds of our fucking. I was taking care now not to bottom out and crash into her cervix so was only able to build to a pace that allowed me to retain that control as opposed to the fucking with wild abandon that I so wanted to engage in.

All the while now Kate was telling me she was cumming and a stream of half grunted half moaned words and obscenities poured from her devolving into a stream of “*Fuck, fuck, fuck! Yes, yes, yes!*”

Before too much longer I was coming close to my own climax and asked Kate where she wanted me to cum as I wasn’t wearing a rubber. She didn’t answer by the time I pulled out and I sprayed ribbons of cum over her tiny frame covering her from her belly to her forehead in rope after rope of cum.

I lay beside her for a while as she played with the cum on her body and licked it off her fingers absent-mindedly still twitching occasionally as tremors raced through her tiny body.

“*Oh my God*” she said “*I don’t think – no I know I’ve never cum so much in my life. Maybe in all of my life!*” she said “*I kind of started to count them after the first three or four but then you started doing that thing and I just lost count – 10, 20, 30 a hundred, a million – Fuck! It was like one long continuous orgasm after a while.*” she continued “*Where do you learn to do stuff like that? Wherever it is they should make it compulsory learning for boys before they get to touch a girl.*” She went on.

I chuckled and suggested we go shower and clean up and told her I had more tricks up my sleeve.

We showered together and whilst we kissed and fondled each other in the shower we didn’t fuck and then got into her bed and drifted off to sleep.

I woke later that morning to her lips on my morning wood and we fucked again slowly and carefully spooning as she was sore from the previous session.

My mate never came back that night and just as well.

She went back to her room and I next saw her down in the dining room for breakfast. She sat with me and a couple of other friends of the married couple and during breakfast she leaned over and whispered into my ear that her abs were sore as though she’d been throwing up all night and that she was sore (but in a good way) from the punishment I’d subjected her poor little pussy to that just sitting and walking reminded her of the night before and that she was so so wet as a consequence.

Her sister and her parents were going over to the groom’s parents’ place after checkout and she was going with them. I headed back to my room to collect my gear together and check out. There was a knock at the door. I opened it and there was Kate with my T-Shirt (she had worn it back to her room that morning). She was wearing it over the clothes she had worn at breakfast (a blouse and a mini skirt) and it looked no less comical.

“*I thought you might want this back*” she said as she stepped into the room.

“*Thanks*” I said as she stepped out of it and it landed at her feet. She was wearing high heels but had removed her mini-skirt and underwear on the way to the room.

“*One for the road?*” she said.

I knelt down and kissed her pussy. It was already wet and her juices had already started leaving a sheen on her thighs.

I stripped off as she removed her blouse and bra.

I lay her on the bed with her heels still on and, half kneeling on the bed half standing at the foot of the bed, fed my cock into her hungry cunt. It was still tight but very very well lubricated.

We went hard and fast and she started cumming as soon as I entered her. I don’t know whether it was the added thrill of the surprise visit or the high heels but I was ready to cum after only about 7 or 8 minutes of furious fucking.

“*Where do you want me this time?*” I asked as I pulled out and started pumping my cock.

She spun around and sat on the edge of the bed and took the head of my cock between her lips as I started to spurt. She tried to get every drop of cum from me and almost succeeded only a small glob escaping her lips and dripping onto her perky little tits.

She ran a finger over the cum trail and rubbed it into her hard little nipples before getting dressed.

We kissed she left to go see her aunt and uncle and I checked out and went home.

For the next maybe 18 months each time I saw my mate whose wedding it had been he said that Kate had told him to make sure to remember her to me – he reckons I made quite an impression.

As always comments and constructive criticism are encouraged.



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