Work Wife Ch. 4 [mf]

**Preface: this was not actually written by me. The muse to my previous stories actually found my first 2 chapters and confronted me about them. She was surprisingly quite flattered and admitted to there being a mutual interest. While we were never able to make anything happen, she submitted the below story and gave me permission to share it as the 4th chapter of this series.

We’re walking down the hill from the hotel where our work conference is being held. It’s the last night I’ll see him before he moves 15 hours away. I’m wearing the dress I know he likes and made a reservation at Mayahuel down the block because I know good Mexican food is his favorite. It’s a “farewell/ thanks for everything/ I really want to fuck you while I can” dinner except he might not realize that last part.

Holden was my first intern five years ago when I wasn’t out of school long myself. We clicked instantly. You know those people who get your jokes and put in the same energy? That’s this guy. He was also cute as hell, but he was married, my intern, and only in town for the summer. He went back to Kansas, and that was it.

I stayed in DC at the same small nonprofit collecting new job titles, and in early 2018, we needed to fill the office manager role I had starting out doing. Something made me think of Holden. It had been four years. He had a family. There’s no way he’d want to uproot everything and come back, but I asked anyway. Somehow, for some reason, he wanted to do it. He was spinning his wheels and needed a change. We hired him, he moved, and fuck, he’d gotten hotter.

Over the last year and a half, he’s become my rock at work and one of my best friends outside of work too. Even though this year has been incredibly difficult for him (divorce, being away from his young kids), he’s still the bright light of the office checking on everyone else. But I like to think he checks on me a little more than the rest. We have kept getting closer, sharing more details of ourselves, talking for longer. I catch myself looking at him more, missing him when he’s not there. And when he told me he was leaving to be closer to his kids, it gutted me. Of course I understood why he needed to leave, but I also, in that moment, realized he’s not just a friend to me.

As days ticked away and we got closer to this conference as well as Holden’s departure, we both latched on more. We started flirting a little, small stuff with compliments to clothes and hair or makeup. Then, we started flirting a lot. It became a game to see who could get the best reaction. Last week, he showed me the fitness Instagram account he had started to track his gym progress, and now it’s my absolute favorite place on the internet. Holden looks good right in front of you with dark wispy hair falling against his blue eyes that he always brushes away and a short beard that makes him look a little rugged. But I had no idea his strong arms match a toned, hairy chest and v-lines that draw the eye downward. I’m pretty sure he caught me drooling, and he loved it, winking confidently.

Here we are now, a week or so into massive flirting and suggestive photo swapping. Here we are five years after meeting as very young adults with incredible chemistry. He walks close because he can, smiling while he’s talking, but I don’t hear a damn word he says. I’m thinking about the free 12 hours we both have until work starts in the morning and my huge suite all to myself just back up that hill.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I asked, playing it off as tiredness and not distractedly imagining him pressing me against a wall, hand going up my thigh. “How do you think the conference is going?” “Oh, so far not bad. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.” And we’ll see what happens tonight, I think to myself.

We get to the restaurant, and he follows my lead ordering tequila and glancing at the baseball game. Soon we start with the flirting again. It escalates quickly. He winks because he knows I like it. I smirk with strong eye contact because it kills him.

“Nice dress. Be better if that front zipper fell a little lower,” he suggests. “Nothing’s stopping you from making that happen,” I counter, leaning forward. Is it just a game? More importantly, am I winning? He smiles at that. Here comes Holden’s refrain: “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

Neither one of us eats much of anything. We’re not really there for the food, but the tequila seems to disappear. Time to go. Holden steps back to let me walk out first, but I know it’s just to watch my ass. We’re making our way back up the hill, and he’s so close, we graze each other with each stride. God, he smells good. What is that? And how is that even possible? We’ve been working 12 hours and just stepped out of a cantina.

I’m trying to find a reason he should join me in my room, but he saves me, like always. He starts, “I know we have an early morning, and if you want to get some sleep, I understand. But I’m still wired. We could finish watching the game?” BASEBALL! Yes! “Yeah, I’d love to watch the last couple innings. My room is a suite with more space.” “Great.” Hot damn.

Holden presses the elevator button, and we get on with a group of our attendees. They exit the elevator on each floor. Two are still with us when we reach the 9th floor for my suite. Oh shit. They got off here too. Who are they? I’m praying they turn down a different hallway and don’t see me take him in. They stay behind us for a couple seconds and then turn last minute.

Holden leans on the door as calm as I’ve ever seen him, casual while I fish for my key. Are we actually going to watch baseball? God damn it. But the second I get the door open and hit the light, he’s grabbed my waist from behind and pulls me into him kissing my neck. I’m caught off guard by how quick it happens and spin around. He’s smiling as he slides his hands down and grabs my ass.

Fuck, this is happening. My turn. I kiss him long and hard while he unzips the front of my dress. I look at him. “What? You said nothing was stopping me.” My tits are pushing out of the lacy red bra I’m wearing, and he looks pleased. I look down to his crotch and confirm he is, in fact, pleased.

Holden pulls me against him again holding my waist with one hand and pulling my hair with the other to get access to my neck and collarbone. He kisses down and bites just enough while he moves me backward. I’m not sure where we’re going until I hit the wall beside the TV that was never turned on. I’m pinned tight, and I raise my leg around his hip and a thigh holding him to me. Holden takes his cue and grabs my leg. His hand slides up my hiked dress and over to my inner thigh. He’s searching for panties to remove, but he doesn’t find any. I feel him smile while he’s kissing me.

I’m still pinned to the wall, but he gives me enough space to undo his belt buckle, and unzip his pants to free a very erect dick. I bite my lip in anticipation, another thing I know he likes, but I honestly can’t help myself. That’s it. He’s not waiting anymore. He lifts me by the ass and holds onto both legs. I’m suspended with him supporting half my weight and the wall the rest. God fucking bless his gym regiment; I am not a light woman. He goes in deep quickly, and I gasp. Holden lets out only a small “mmm” as if he’s momentarily appreciating what I feel like.

We start going hard and fast, and I’ve locked my legs around him pushing him in as deep as he can go. I have a fleeting thought wondering whose room is beside mine and really hoping I don’t share this wall with Sam, a 75-year-old speaker and very close contact of our whole staff. But it’s too late, he’s hit just the rhythm I like at just the right angle, and my low moans start. He’s popped my tits out of the bra entirely, and he’s sucking on them with the occasional bite. Holden stops sucking for a second when he hears the first moan. He smiles and keeps going.

I’m the wettest I’ve ever been while my former intern pounds me into the wall at a work conference for ethics. It’s an HR nightmare, and in that moment they could fire me, and I’d say fine, just let him keep going. My moans are getting louder and higher. Someone sure as hell hears me. Holden bites his own lip. He’s close. I bite his lip in response and hum my own little “mmm.” He gives one big thrust that makes me legitimately scream. He follows with a heavily breathed “ugh, fuck,” and we both cum.

I slide down the wall with him, and we catch our breath. I could die happy right now except we still have several hours left and a big suite to ourselves. We stand up a little wobbly, and I start straightening my dress back. Holden’s eyes glisten as he says “what the hell do you think you’re doing?” I’m confused, and my face reflects it. “I’m not done with you yet.”

He unzips the back of my dress and starts guiding me forward from behind me. He pulls the dress down, and it falls to the floor. I step out with him still walking me toward the bedroom. We’re by the bed when he unhooks my bra that I had prematurely stuffed my tits back into. Out they are again, completely unhindered. I’m naked now, facing the bed, so I turn to see him still clothed with the exception of the unzipped pants. Oh no, he doesn’t. This isn’t just a show for him. I unbutton his shirt and throw it to the side. He helps take off his undershirt while I finally slide his pants off. Someone else went commando today.

I’m admiring the hot as fuck man in front of me thanking God for whatever I did to get here when he pushes me onto the bed. My tits bounce as I land, and he watches with a grin. Holden climbs on top of me and starts kissing my lips, then neck, then chest. He starts sucking on my nipples again. He sucks one, squeezes and flicks the other. Ohhh… He’s on the move again kissing down my stomach and over to my pelvic bone. He strokes the other side, and I shiver.

I’m dying already, but Holden spreads my legs apart and starts licking my pussy. My god that tongue can do things. He knows he’s good at this. My back arches, and I groan. I follow with a lot of “Oh God”s and “fuck me”s. I start shaking, and he flicks his tongue really quick as an answer. I cum fast. He slides over beside me, and I see how hard he is again. I’m excited to repay him.

I grab his dick and start jacking it while I scoot over to kneel in front of him. My tits graze his dick and my hand as I move down. He throbs in my hand. I lick my lips while I look him in the eye before I drop down and start licking his dick. Holden’s head falls onto the pillow for a second on the first long suck while I play with his balls. But he perks back up to watch me go. I alternate licking up and down the shaft and strong suction, jacking periodically between my tits. I find what he likes and rotate those moves in more frequently until he’s breathing hard and doing his own quiet little groan. I suck once more hard, and he cums with a grunt. It fills my mouth there’s so much. I look at him, swallow, and lick the rest off my lips.

I fall over with him on the big bed, and somewhere along the way, I fall asleep. I wake up to him shuffling around getting dressed. He says he has to shower and change before I need him back at the registration counter. I look over. Shit. It’s 6am. I jump up. He smiles and says, “Nah. You’ve got a few minutes. Just rest. I’ll cover for you when I get down there.” I sink back in the bed as I was told. Before he walks out, he says “See ya downstairs, gorgeous.”

It’s the last day of the conference, and his last day of work. He moves in a few days. ….But he can always visit, right?



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