Sacri[f]icing pool winnings got [m]e more than I bargained for [foot fetish]

Hi all, long time lurker on this subreddit and now first time poster. I’ve been debating sharing this story for a while, any feedback is welcome and hope you enjoy!

Just over 3 years ago, I worked at a brewery in my town, amongst a reasonably close-knit shift of 10 people. Sometimes after finishing work on a Friday, we’d all head out for a drink together. On one occasion, me and 3 others ended up having a ‘guys vs gals’ game of pool for a £20 wager a piece, in which me and my colleague Alan fell to defeat against the two ladies on our shift, Susan and Karla.

The ladies, still feeling cocky about their triumph weeks on, challenged us to a rematch with increased winnings on the line. Me and Alan, desperate to salvage some pride, accepted their challenge and so, after work, we headed to the nearest pub to settle the score.

To cut the details you’re probably not too interested in hearing out, me and Alan were triumphant in our rematch, winning by 7 frames to 2. After being given our winnings, Alan and Susan decided to call it a day, needing to get home to their kids and partners, leaving me and Karla at the bar. With neither of us in a rush to get home, we decided to have a couple more games and drinks.

A bit about Karla, she was 26 at the time and quite unlike any woman I had met before, in that she was open about everything in her life and willing to share, which I found quite endearing. She had worked at the same brewery on 2 previous occasions, and the old boys at work had talked before about her reputation of being a bit of a man eater despite having a boyfriend, and she herself happily admitted to her antics, but it never effected my judgment of her, and she seemed to gravitate to me a little more than others because I was interested in more than her sexual antics, though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find her attractive. She’s 5’2, no more than 8 1/2 stone, pretty face, small boobs and covered in tattoos (who doesn’t like tattooed chicks?) and a peach of a bum

I felt guilty about the £40 she’d handed over from our game earlier so I insisted on giving it her back. Though she initially refused, I wouldn’t take no for an answer, so she begrudgingly accepted her money back. We had a few more drinks, had a couple more games before we both started to wilt a little bit, having been up early for work on the same day. I offer to walk her home, she happily accepts my offer, and 15 minutes later we arrive at her front door.

I hug her goodbye, and as I pull my phone out to order myself a taxi home, she tells me to come inside briefly to make the call so I’m not waiting in the cold for it to arrive. I ask her if her partner would mind that, but she said that he was away with work over the weekend

The minute she gets through the door she kicks her workboots off, exclaiming ‘I’m so glad to finally get those off!’ I laugh and reply ‘at least you can put your feet up now!’ At that point she looks me dead in the eye and says, ‘true, but I could sure do with a foot rub, they’re in bits!’ She must have noticed my change in demeanour as I try to think of a funny response while my mind wanders to what it really wants to say, while I stutter out an incoherent sentence. I notice a slight grin on her face as she playfully puts forward, ‘maybe you could give me a foot rub before you go!’

I respond far too quickly to quell any suspicions that I may be giving off, telling her ‘I’d love to but I can’t’. After what felt like minutes of her probing me to find out why, I tell her, ‘I have a thing for feet and it would feel wrong if I did’. It’s almost as if I can see cogs turning in her head as she tells me, ‘so what! Fun for us both then!’ The alcohol still fresh in my system agreed with her, so we made our way to her sofa, as she rested her feet on my lap

She was right, this was fun for the both of us. I’d probably spent an excessive amount of time carefully massaging her right foot, but her expressions and occasional soft moans were good enough indication that she didn’t particularly care, nor notice. She also hadn’t noticed the growing bulge I was trying to hide from her at this point. I switched to give her left foot some attention, and as her right lowered down, it became placed on the erection I had somehow kept from her attention. Her eyes shot open immediately, but she didn’t say anything. Just the return of that grin I had seen earlier, now slightly larger. I tried to continue with the job at hand but it was becoming increasingly difficult as her right foot now slowly stroked the length of my erection

I was probably looking increasingly flustered at this point, and she was relishing it. ‘Col?’ she asked as I woke up from the trance I was in.

‘Yes, Karla?’

‘I think this foot still requires attention’

As I look up a bit puzzled, I’m met by the top of her sole resting on my lips, her toes spread just under my nose, a strong odour filling my nasal cavities. Total ecstasy for me, but total control for her. ‘Lick them’, she demanded. I obeyed, licking every inch of her soft, moist foot, as her left foot rose and planted along my cheek, slowly dropping to meet her other foot in my mouth. ‘I wish I discovered this a long time ago!’ she gleefully exclaimed as she abused her newfound power over me, firmly placing her foot inside my mouth. ‘I know who to come to when my feet are aching at work now, don’t I?’ ‘Mmmhmmm’ I replied, not being able to speak properly

This continued for 10 minutes, until she deemed my work satisfactory. ‘Let’s see how useful your mouth can really be’, she says as she peels the rest of her clothes off, revealing a tiny little body partly concealed by matching white underwear. The panties follow as Kayla grabs my head and guides me to her cleanly shaven pussy, as my tongue experiences new flavours. Kayla grinds up and down my face, using my tongue as her own instrument of pleasure, her breathing increasing as rapidly as the speed her hips were moving. After cumming for the first time that night, she ordered me to reveal the cock she’d been stroking earlier that night

I took my boxers off and my cock finally sprang out, having been painfully trapped in for what had felt like ages. At the sight of it she immediately dropped the dominant attitude that had been on display, falling to her knees and gobbling it up like it was the last dick she would ever suck. One hand on the base while her mouth worked over the head of my cock, even my drunken state wasn’t going to prevent me from exploding much earlier than I would have wanted to, so I now began to bark orders. ‘Off your knees, on your back’ as I reached for my work trousers, retrieved my wallet and….’I haven’t got a condom’ I regrettably informed Karla. For the second time that night, she replied, ‘so what!’ and for the second time that night, I wasn’t going to disagree

I was in a state of total bliss when my cock entered Karla, and her eyes told me that she was also. I wanted to take my time fucking my gorgeous workmate, but she knew what she wanted, too. Placing my hand on my throat, she dared me to ‘fuck her like a little slut’ and all my instincts went flying out the window. I did as she asked, pounding her incessantly, strengthening my grip on her throat, biting her erect nipples, pinning her hands back behind her head. She whimpered as my pace picked up, trying to regain some measure of control by daring me to fuck her harder but she couldn’t get her sentences out. Unfortunately for me, my control over my ability to prevent my own climax was also waning, so I warned her where I was at

‘Cum inside me daddy’

If any male has resisted so after hearing a woman tell them that, they’re a lot stronger willed than I. I released rope after rope of cum inside her as her arm pulled me in, as I succumbed to the strength of my orgasm. I lay on top and inside of her for 5 minutes more, before rolling over and lying on my side. She moved to lie on top of me, we kissed, and she whispered in my ear, ‘you don’t have to go home tonight, do you’?

I didn’t. After showering we had sex 4 more times over the course of that night and morning, until I had to leave to run prior arranged errands that I was ever so close to cancelling. We kissed once more, I left, and as I’d got to the end of her drive, she shouted ‘Col?’

‘Yes, Karla?’

‘I’ll beat you next time!’


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