The teasing girl [M/F] (part 2)

[Part 1](

The next morning, we do not talk at all about what happened yersterday. I have to leave after breakfeast, and I won’t see my girlfriend again until tomorow evening. After leaving her house I directly go to work. I don’t really think about the chastity belt until the middle of the day, when a sexual thought pass through my mind. It doesn’t hurt or block my mouvements, and the sensation don’t bother me to much. But it affect me on the psychological level : I’m not really sure about what I accepted and what is her plan. I don’t even know what it like feel to stop mastubation. More than anything else, the idea she is in complete control of my genitals gives me a very strange emotion. I can’t really explain it, but it’s strong and it won’t leaves my mind. I realise this thinking start to turn me on. The pressure inside the belt increase a lot, as my dick can’t grow like it normally do. One of my co-worker call me. I have to walk to join her, but I have an erection… after two or three seconds I understand no one will be able to see it as my dick can’t change it’s shape. When I walk toward my co-worker I feel the pressure of my dick against the belt at every step. The person who requested my help is a young red-haired woman to whm I alwais have been attracted. While talking to her my erection only gets stronger. Why of all my co-worker did it need to be her ? I have so much difficulties concentrating that she ask me if I’m OK, to what I respond I’m a little tired.

The rest of the day is quite calm and no other problem of this sort happen. After work, in front of my computer, I have another erection. I wonder why because I usually don’t have these. Then I realise that I did not masturbate for more than 30 hours, while I normally do it 2 or 3 times a day. I want it more than ever, and without thinking about it, I automaticly open a video on my favorite porn site. I try to touch my dick, but I only meet the cruel steel. I then try to move the belt, but it stay in place whatever I do. Almost losing control of myself I rush to my bed and grind my genitals on my pillow in a desperate and useless attempt to get stimulation. I stay in my bed ten minutes to calm down. This night I go to bed more frustrated than ever, but accepting my fate.

The next day is similar. At work I have an erection 3 times, but now I have learned to act normally while it happen. my girlfriend come at my home this night, and this fact occupy more and more space in my mind as the day goes on. When I’m finally at home and she comes, I explain to her “This belt… it’s driving me crazy. It’s so frustrating, I’m not used to chastity.” She respond “That’s the thing. The goal of this device is to make you want me badly to free your dick, and give me total control over it. Is it causing any problem beside frustration ?” me :”No but… I did no know how chastity feel. please, unlock me just for ten minutes” She look into my eyes with a sort of question on her face, then ask “how often did you masturbate ?” I hesitate, then answer “Well… 2 or 3 times a day.” She smile, and say “Wow, that’s a lot. That’s why you’re so frustrated already. The first day will be the worse. After that, the erections won’t stop, but they will feel less frustrating.” me : “OK… but… we won’t meet again during five days. When will you unlock it ?” her : “The only thing I can tell you is that you won’t be a virgin anymore after two weeks starting from when you started to wear the belt. I swear it. for now, I know you can do it.”

This night, I’m going to bed with her thinking about the moment when she will have sex with me. It feel like a fantasm, but it’s real, she swore it.

**to be continued**
