Hedonistic Henna on Carnal Canvas… This is a story I wrote for a neighbor to give to her bf with the intent that they will act it out on a later date. She wants him to be a little more wild and prolong foreplay; this is a passive hint for him!

The last couple of weeks have been lonely for both Darla and Kyle, as it’s been awhile since they have spent time with each other. They yearn for each other’s touch and covet the other’s warm embrace of affection and tender kisses. Darla likes to take things more slowly in the bedroom in order to bathe in the bliss of sexual desires and build up a crescendo of excitement, but Kyle likes to expeditiously cross the finish line not wanting to bear the sexual build up. Darla thinks she has a plan of action that will promise a meet in the middle, as well as provide a little spice to their typical bedroom romps. However, she secretly fears she’ll not be able to hold off her own longings; her loins ache and she needs Kyle to fill them.

Kyle is a remarkable artist. His ability to paint landscapes is breathtaking. Darla truly admires Kyle’s artistic ability and she hopes to take advantage of his talent, but on a more sensual level. Darla plans on taking Kyle down the rabbit hole; she has created a sensual escapade that will delight, highlight, and unite Kyle’s artistic and sexual side. As she lies in bed plotting her endeavor, taking into consideration the items she will require, as well as the time she should allot, she notices how excited she has become. She is uniquely aware of the moist slick wetness coalescing between her thighs. She’s barely made any semblance of a solid plan, but her body clearly knows what it’s in for when her and Kyle follow through with her sexual machinations.

She imagines he’s there, touching her. Her hand slips beneath the covers; she confirms she is dripping wet with arousal. She successively glides one finger at a time over her already engorged clitoris and deftly slides a couple just over her juicy entry. She holds off on any real penetration, as she wants to allow her cravings to rise further. She visualizes Kyle cupping her breast as her other hand firmly grasps her whole breast. She encircles her swollen clit and teases her opening some more as she gently pinches her nipple. Darla arches her back off her bed and moans aloud, and then a finger probes slightly deeper. She’s so close and wants to climax, but wades through the build up knowing that she can attain more satisfaction if she waits. From between her legs her hand lightly caresses her stomach and traces the shape of her other breast. She pictures Kyle’s mouth engulfing her pussy while his tongue penetrates her hole; in and out his tongue darts while his wet lips massage her clitoris and she fondles her own breasts. Sighs of pleasure escaper her mouth. Her imagination of Kyle performing one of the most amazing act of cunnilingus she’s ever experienced is simply overwhelming. Her arousal is so great that the light pressure of the sheet rubbing against her clit as she rocks her pelvis is nearly sending her over the edge. She can’t hold onto this fire any longer; she must cum. Darla gives her breasts one last hard squeeze and strokes her erect nipples, then slides her hands back between her legs. She didn’t know she could get this wet, but she’s quite literally generated a puddle thinking of Kyle. Her dominant hand expertly works her clit while her other hand moves further seeking the origin of her wetness. Her initial intention was to play with the opening, but she realizes her body’s going to immediately cum no matter what she does at this point, so she firmly thrusts her fingers deep in her pussy. Her world, for a moment, spirals into a mass of chaotic pleasurable waves. She feels her pussy pulsate as it rhythmically grips tightly onto her fingers. She continues to thrust her fingers in and out and stroke her clit, as she rides the hedonistic waves. She cries out, “oh Kyle,” as if he’s there in the room, in her bed, under the covers, drinking in her orgasm.

With her body’s desires out of the way she goes back to making the necessary arrangements for Kyle’s next visit. First, she casually contacts Kyle to work out a date that he can come over for an extended stay. She nonchalantly steers the conversation towards Kyle’s habits when he paints. She needs to know if he has any idiosyncrasies so she can potentially incorporate them into her plans. Afterwards, knowing she will need to head off a curious canine nose during this planned erotic rendezvous, she makes arrangements for Lola to spend some time away for the day. Next she begins to look into the best way to get some henna. There are a few Middle Eastern shops locally where she can get the required materials immediately and possibly some pointers, but overnight delivery from an online retailer will likely afford her better quality henna. She knows finely hand sifted fresh organic henna is the best. She goes with overnight delivery, ordering a kit from www.hennacity.com.

She trusts in Kyle’s artistic capabilities, but just in case he’s dumbstruck upon entering her home with her in her slinky kimono style robe, thinking with his cock, which she certainly wishes at this moment, she’ll have on hand a henna tattoo book with examples. She proceeds with her preparations, looking through her linen closet for appropriate sheets for this affair to begin on. Not knowing Kyle’s physical tolerance for this sort of work she plans out two places; two locations seem best even if he’s in the best of health and could knell for hours upon hours, as a change of scenery during the scintillatingly sultry event is most favorable. Darla takes some time prefabricating the affair; she constructs the play areas and tests the temperature. To protect Kyle’s knees Darla lays down several yoga mats in the living room, drapes a sheet over the area the yoga mats take up, and puts out a couple of pillows and a zafu. She then envisions lit candles, an opened bottle of red breathing, and two glasses, all awaiting on the nearby table. With the first area attended to, she finds a second sheet. The second sheet is to lie over her bed. Not knowing if Kyle would prefer to finish his Darla inspired artwork with him directly on the bed while he applies the henna or if kneeling of the floor may be more comfortable, she places another pillow on the floor by the bed. She’s put a lot of thought and foresight into this adventure. Next she strips off all her clothes and goes back into the living room to lie down on the prepared area. It’s a warm summer day outside, but the air conditioning is maintaining a cool indoor environment. Within a few minutes she is feeling chilly, so she resets the thermostat a few degrees higher.

As she’s walking back, naked, to her primed sensual space there’s a knock on her door. She’s been having a plethora of sexy interludes mingle and marry throughout her mind and body and at this moment she feels like she’s been caught doing naughty things; she freezes in place and her heart races away. She hears what sounds like a box drop and someone exit her gate. She coyly glimpses out the side of what feels at this moment sheer curtains and sees the UPS guy walking back to his truck. He’s an exceptionally attractive and fit man of ethnic decent. Darla’s had a few conversations with him and knows he’s not only married but far too young for her tastes, nonetheless she can’t help but think about what could happen if she were to have opened the door. Darla feels a little dirty, dirty in that bad girl kind of way. She goes back to lie down to see how the temperature fairs. It’s pleasantly warm and her heart is still slightly a flutter from being nearly caught by her postal deliveryman. Her thoughts linger back to Kyle and what’s to come, and back to the package just delivered on her patio. She can’t seem to help herself, as she is aroused again. She is beside herself, feeling as if her hormones are out of control. She touches herself again. Her heart quickens its pace and her breath matches; her body is incredibly responsive. She realizes she can’t seem to hold out and she brings herself to orgasm again. Unfortunately this interferes with her temperature test, as her body is hot with lust, so she will have to wait and try again later. The temperature has to be perfect so she can lie comfortably naked, on display for Kyle, being his carnal canvas.

The day has come; Kyle has no idea of Darla’s sexy scheming. She preset the temperature earlier and has everything prepared. The henna supplies are displayed on a beautiful silver platter and set next to the waiting wine, which she uncorked an hour ago. Kyle is to arrive soon and so she selects a pleasant jazz station that is known for playing a selection of music to set a sexy mood. Darla is profoundly keyed up, both erotically anticipating the excitement to come and general excitement of providing Kyle with such an erotic treat. Darla slips on a pair of sexy white lacey thong panties. Her lacey undergarment is adorned with a petite dazzling bow at the front and the backside has a tiny tag with grey writing, “dnky;” Donna Karen panties…only the best for her Kyle tonight. Next she dons one of her most beautiful bras. Sexy but simple is her theme for tonight. Darla adorns herself with her kimono-styled robe, which pops with bold red lotus flowers which have uncomplicated vines and dots, reminiscent of a simple filigree décor. She secretly wonders if Kyle will notice the filigree embellishments on her lacey panties were chosen to match the filigree-like designs of her robe. She surmises he’ll be too flummoxed initially to notice such a small detail; that and she’ll be out of most of her garments within moments of him entering her home.

Darla no sooner is done admiring herself in her mirror, putting the last touches on her hair, when she hears a knock on her door. That particular knock had a foreboding quality to it; a sound that said, “I’m here to make you mine, I will mark you and then take you.” It’s funny how expectations and imagination can turn an ordinary knock into so much more. Standing on the other side of the closed door Darla was instantly aroused. As Darla answers the door, she has her robe loosely tied so that it falls partially open around her nether region and arranges one shoulder and breast, her left side, to be exposed. She puts on her best “come hither” facial expression—pouty wet lips, sultry and slightly slitted eyes, and a demure smile that seems to say, “I don’t know how I forgot to get appropriately dressed, but come in anyways.”

“Hello Kyle, I hope you’re pleased to see me and ready for a wild ride,” she says in a low sexy voice that beckons him to his core.

Kyle’s mouth was literally agape. Although he and Darla have experienced a completely pleasing sex life, he’d never seen her in anything except her traditional clothing, men’s cotton briefs, and maybe a robe momentarily from time to time. She couldn’t have been more breathtaking naked. She stood before him, right hand up high on the door, hip thrust out provocatively to the side, her left exposed breast staring at him, calling to him, daring him. He was overwhelmed, but was quick to scoop his arm around her waist and pull her in close for a deep passionate kiss. Before their hips met one another Kyle’s member was already growing; by the time they touched he was hard and he pressed his cock roughly into Darla’s womanly body. Feeling his cock thrust up firmly against her was a pleasing agonizing form of pleasure. He wanted to press her immediately to the floor and take her then and there in the door’s threshold, but Darla reached down admired the rock hard attention in his strained pants, then pulled away. She told him she has a particular evening planned out and it’s in his and her best interest to follow her guidance. She takes him by the hand and leads him over to the table. She pours them each a glass of wine. Kyle is so taken aback and on edge, with every nerve of his being, every cell, every thought, present at this one moment, that he swore he could taste the wine through the aromas as they drifted from pour to his nose. Darla intentionally poured the wine from high and into the center of the glass. Her hope was to allow the aroma notes to permeate through the air.

After she offered Kyle his glass of wine she held hers up, and made a pledge to a memorable event. Kyle quickly followed suit contributing that he was hardly through the door and the memorable has already been fulfilled; what’s to come is icing on the cake. Darla cutely giggled at his icing remark and informed him he will in fact be icing cake tonight, Darla-cake. She continued on to show him the two love stations and explained their function. She then showed him how to use the henna and its intent. She told Kyle he could create any design he so wished as long as he incorporates the whole canvas, but if he needed any additional inspiration he can look at the traditional henna patterns from a book she laid out.

She instructs Kyle to slowly remove her robe and as he exposes her skin he’s to kiss, nibble, and suck. Kyle stands behind her, pressing his body firmly against hers. Kyle starts by undraping her left shoulder and breast; how could he forget the left breast of the initial temptress at the door. He cupped her left breast and ran his finger from nipple to nose. She tilted her head to the side and he slowly suckled the left side of her neck. Next he slowly lowers the right side of her robe allowing it to freely hang on her hips. He continues to press his hard cock into her backside as he plays with both her breasts. In due course he permits one hand to seek the warmth and wetness from lower down and the other to explore the vulnerability of her exposed neck.

He slowly turns her and tenderly gazes into her eyes. He plants soft gentle kisses on each eyelid and cheek; then tenderly kisses her mouth. Darla is in a sensationally blissful state. She notices the warmth coming off Kyle as if he was her own personal space heater. Kyle lowers his head to her left breast, taking it fully into his mouth, allowing his tongue to swirl and flick her nipple, which was quickly becoming a sharp point in his warm wet mouth. He couldn’t help but go for her breast first; somehow her left breast has become more significant. He kisses her abdomen as he makes his way down onto his knees and whispers something about a Goddess, but Darla is too lost in the pleasures of her flesh to register the whole comment.

He buries his face right through the opening of Darla’s robe, taking in her scent. His hands trace up her legs and both merge firmly between her thighs and work their way behind the lacey barrier. His fingers penetrate her and force her open; she shudders with gratification and moans with desire. As she stands before him, he laps up her juices through her white lacey panties. She wants so bad to leave her plans behind and have him immediately take her, but where’s the fun with it being over just now. She lets out a cry of delight and rocks her pelvis back and forth. She reminds him he has a canvas to prepare. He unties her robe and it billow to her feet.

Darla steps out of the silky garment at her feet and hands Kyle the scissors, telling him there’s only one of two ways to take of her bra: his teeth or these scissors. He opts for the scissors, but instead of going for the gold and remove her bra whole he cuts generous holes into each cup, creating his own peek-a-boo bra. He admires her hard nipples, the roundness to her breasts, and his handy work with his tongue, lips, and teeth. He didn’t know he could get even harder, but harder he got. Knowing he’d have to wait until he completed his first ever henna masterpiece he quickly cut the remainder of her bra off and watched as her breasts jumped at the release of freedom.

Darla took another quaff of wine and suggested Kyle do the same as she went and laid down on the sheet. She told Kyle he can leave her panties on or take them off, but reminded him he was not to fill her with cock until he was finished with his project and that project would require ten minutes of drying time; drying time he could use filling her mouth with cock.

Kyle wanted a naked canvas and so removed her panties. As he removed them he noted how soaked with her juices they were; Darla was immensely turned on. He couldn’t help himself, he had to do something overtly sexual and he needed a taste. Darla began to grind her pussy on his face. She was close to orgasm. She told him she’s going to cum and even is she does he will still have to wait to finish his artwork before finding his own orgasmic release. Kyle wasn’t sure if he wanted to push her over the edge or make her wait with him. He opted for the latter. As Darla lay there heavily breathing he noticed a small spot of wetness that formed on the sheet as her juices dripped from her pussy.

Kyle thought two can play this game and so thought of a plan to impassion her to greater levels, heating her blood up to a feverish inferno. In his mind’s eye, he sees the design he’s going to make. He’s decided to use the pattern from her kimono-like robe and add his own personal embellishments. He then goes about his own diabolical plan. He tells Darla before he begins with the henna he’s going to trace out the pattern with his fingers to better acquaint himself with his smooth canvas. He lightly strokes his finger, lingering on more sensitive areas such as her hands, inner wrists, and the soft area at the upper most region of her inner thighs. He also spent a significant amount of time tracing intricate designs on the mounds of her breasts and belly. Darla is near begging for him to hurry, “please oh please,” she exclaims.

Kyle, creating not only Darla’s sexual torment, but his own, quickly collects the henna supplies and goes about adorning Darla’s body. The cool sensation of the wet henna on her warm skin is enthralling. He takes his time decorating her breasts and belly, giving a nibble here and there, plunging a finger in and out of her wet cunt, and ever so often gives her a gentle kiss, as he paints. Wanting to get to the main event, he decorates her arms and legs sparsely, whereas her breasts, belly, and the flesh just above her pubic bone are an elaborate design. He takes his time when he’s near her pussy. He enjoys watching her pussy as he beautifies the surrounding skin with his hedonistic henna. When he’s completed his artwork he signs her left breast, high on her cleavage area. If she wears any low cut tops, his signature will be revealed for the next week or two to any observers.

By this time Kyle is ready to explode in his pants and both he and Darla are aware of this possibility. Feeling his work of kinky genius is completed, he removes his clothes, his cock at full attention, and he thrusts it in her moist wet mouth. So he can better control his sexual tension, he tells her to remain still as he fucks her mouth. Darla moistens and curls her lips over her teeth and creates a good seal and Kyle pumps away. She feels his balls tighten up snug to his body, he’s going to cum. She releases her suction and he pulls out. He tells her he can give a rat’s ass about smearing any of his application and that the smearing would make it all the more a phenomenal masterpiece adding to the effect. He scoops her up and carries her to the bedroom. He tosses her onto the bed, mounts her, his hard cock on aim like a ballistic missile honing into its intended target, and he fills her deeply. She responds by meeting his rhythm, matching his energy, and pounding her clit onto his pubic bone as his cock owns her. Soon enough he’s pushing her over a blissful edge of ecstasy. She’s never came this hard or this long. Her orgasm seems as if it goes on for minutes. Her chest flushes red, her nipples are hard, she can feel the pulsations rise through her as if they are originating from Kyle’s hard cock and moving through her like an insurmountable wave that’s drowning her in passion. Her climax sends him into immediate ejaculation; they share the harmony of their first concurrent climax. As Kyle begins to climax, his body stiffens and he tries to hold still because it’s such an intense orgasm, but Darla is gripping him like a capuchin monkey. She is riding his cock like the best bull rider there ever was or will be. Breathlessly he collapses on top of her. Never before experiencing such an intense and powerful orgasm he tells Darla he’s interested in discovering other such ways to extend the foreplay.

The next day Kyle departs, but he leaves behind a living work of art. Sure, some of the region by her pussy is a smeared mess, but Kyle was right, it adds to the beauty. Darla will luxuriate the next week adorned with Kyle’s hand. She will lay in bed tracing the tender details of the lingering lines Kyle left behind; a physical manifestation of their sexual tryst and feelings for each other. The memories of their time together will drift through her mind while they’re apart, igniting her passion for him, while Kyle will bring to mind his brush strokes he laid across her body, which in turn stokes his own fires for Darla. This will be the hardest week apart for them, but when they get together next, their lovemaking will be a passionate infernal of irresistible sexual fervor.

To keep the memories alive, Darla takes a few close up pictures of some designs on her skin. She includes a close up of part of her breast and the messy smear by her pussy. She tittles each picture appropriately. She surprises Kyle with them via text and email, informing him they are for his private spank bank.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/4thzw4/hedonistic_henna_on_carnal_canvas_this_is_a_story

1 comment

  1. To be fair she also wants to explore a more wild sexual frontier, but keeping it on the vanilla side.

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