[M][F] A rained out festival set the stage for me and an older coworker [Long][Cheating]

This starts earlier in the year, at the beginning of the summer when a coworker, Crystal, asked if my then-girlfriend and I would be interested in a music festival with her boyfriend, and a few other people at work. I’ve gotten along great with Crystal since I transferred to this department, and we’d already hung out outside of work a few times, so I thought it would be fun, and agreed. The music festival was supposed to be the last part of the summer and span a 3 day weekend.

I’ll go ahead and get some descriptions out of the way. The first will be Crystal. She’s small, standing at about 5’2″, has long light brown hair with pretty blue eyes, probably big A to small B cup breasts, and a small but firm ass. She’s also about 15 years my senior, and a total MILF/GILF, in her mid- to upper-40s. She also had almost no filter, which led to some very inappropriate work-place conversations.

Second is Kali. She’s a year older than Crystal. She’s a little thicker, with probably Cs/Ds on her chest. Kali also has an absolutely amazing ass. Conversations with her tended to be more on the work appropriate side, but she’s was pretty laid back and didn’t get too riled about about most things.

Third, I’ll paint the picture you’ve all been waiting for. I’m in my 30’s, about 5’10”. I worked out a bunch in my 20s before getting rather lazy, so I have a bit of a beer gut, with a muscular upper body and arms. I’m not rolling around with a pornstar dong, but I haven’t had any complaints about my 6″ package.

Between the time we had initially planned the trip and the date actually arriving, there were a few things that had changed. My girlfriend and I had broken up a few weeks prior, several coworkers had other things come up, and Kali’s husband was no longer going to be able to make it. This left Crystal, her boyfriend, Kali, and myself. This wasn’t seen as a negative by me, I don’t really care to be around a bunch of people at once, so I was happy for the smaller party.

We were set to leave Friday morning at 9. The plan was Kali could ride with me, and we’d meet at Crystal and Sean’s place. That’s when the first issue came up. As it turns out, Sean was a raging alcoholic, and decided to go on a bender the night before. When Kali and I showed up, Sean was basically dead to the world. Crystal was furious with him, and tried everything she could to rouse him. No luck. I think the kool-aid man could have blown through his wall and he wouldn’t have stirred.

Kali and I were becoming irritated waiting. “Well, what are we gonna do?” I asked in an angry tone.

“Fuck him, lets go. We’ll all just take your truck and Kali and I can share a hotel room. C’mon.”

We grabbed Crystal’s stuff and headed off. It was about an almost 2 hour drive, and the girls spent most of that time huddled together in the backseat talking. I couldn’t hear most of what was said, but I caught a few snippets of “He promised….” and “Why do I keep putting up with this?” The trip wasn’t off to the best of starts, and I was honestly worried it was gonna be a long, boring weekend.

By the time we arrived at the hotel, the sunny skies started to darken. Rain was in the forecast, but it wasn’t supposed to be too bad. We got checked in and headed off to the venue, with Crystal slowly starting to perk up, with the help of Kali. We arrived on the grounds and found some parking. The sprinkling had just started, but it still kind of warm, so we started to explore the grounds. We found the secondary stage where some of the lesser known bands would be playing, and started to watch the performance. Kali and Crystal started dancing with each other, with me just enjoying the atmosphere. That didn’t last long.

By the end of the bands set, the sprinkles had progressed into a full on rain shower, turning everything around us to sloppy mud. It didn’t take long for crowds gathering to decide this was a good time to start flinging mud. Everywhere. Chaos erupted as people were pelted with mud from all directions. On top of that, it was absolutely pouring, and the temperature was going down.

“You guys want to get out of here?” I called to the girls, barely audible above the band and raucous crowd who were hell bent on showering everyone with a thick layer of mud. The girls both grabbed one of my arms as we waded through the crowd back to my truck. The doors closed and the rain continued pelting at the windows. My truck was gonna need detailed after all the mud we drug in with us.

“Well, I need a shower, and some booze” Kali said, surveying the mess of clothes clinging to her skin.

“Why don’t we go hang out in the pool? The hotel has an indoor pool and hot tub that would probably nice right about now.” Kali suggested. It seemed like a good idea, but none of us were expected any swimming so we didn’t bring swim suits. There was a Wal-Mart not far from where we were parked, so we went and got some booze, and picked up some swimwear. We were glared at the whole time we were in the store, still in soaked clothes caked with mud.

We got back to our rooms (we got two rooms a couple stories up that shared a door on one of the walls) and agreed to clean up and meet at the pool. I was done first, and decided to swim a few laps while I waited for the ladies. Not long after the girls arrived, wearing some fluffy robes with the hotels logo embroidered on it. Kali dropped hers unceremoniously revealing a green mom-kini (a bikini that has a curtain hanging off the bra to cover the wearers midriff) that still showed off her ass nicely, and jumped in the pool beside me. Crystal…Crystal simply shrugged out of her robe, but I couldn’t help but stare. She was wearing a pastel blue bikini that brought out her eyes nicely, with two modest triangles of fabric covering her small bust, and some panty style bottoms covering the rest of her lady bits. Her toned stomach was on full display, with the sparkly piercing in her naval drawing my eyes like a magnet. I always knew she looked good, but this was the first time I ever saw her in anything that actually showed off some skin. She had a body that girls half her age would be envious of.

“You just gonna stare at me all night pervert?” Crystal’s sharp question snapped me back to reality, and my eyes away from her sexy core. Her eyes were bright and her face was split in the first smile I’d seen from her all day. She hopped in the pool next to Kali and I and gave me a playful splash. I reached out and shoved her, and was rewarded with Kali jumping on my head, pushing me under. 3 full on adults having a splashing and dunking fight in the middle of the afternoon.

“Let’s get to the hot tub, I want to relax for a bit”, Crystal suggested. We sat around, talking about work, whether we should try and go back to the music festival the following day, the ladies’ kids and grand kids, just anything, melting the hours away. We finally pulled our pruney bodies out of the water so we could go find some dinner and start attacking the booze we’d procured. After a second round of showers, we all sat out on the balcony of my hotel room, my sink full of ice from the machine down the hall, chilling the pack of beer. Crystal showed up in a white tank top and some spandex shorts that I stared at. A lot. Kali was wearing a large hoodie and a pair of leggings that showed of her wonderful ass. I stared at it too

After an hour or so, I was fairly buzzed, and I’m pretty sure the girls were too.

“Ok, I gotta go call my husband before bed. Later losers.” and with that, Kali took off, leaving just Crystal and myself and a sink full of beer.

“Hang on, I gotta grab something!” Crystal bolted out of the room, returning a moment later with a bottle of tequila and a few shot glasses. “I was going to sneak these in to the music festival, but I feel like this day needs to be capped off with some hard liquor” she said laughing, pouring the both of us a shot. And then another. And another.

“Whoa, whoa, slow down! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to take advantage of me” I joked, and Crystal prepared another shot for us. “Is Kali coming back or is it just us the rest of the night?”


“Haha, she’s probably sexting her husband. The two of them can barely spend a day apart without having to rub one out to each other. C’mon, let’s go see” Kali said laughing, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards their room. She cracked the door quietly, and in we snuck. Sure enough, Kali was laying buck-ass naked, rubbing her pussy furiously with her right hand, her phone clutched tightly in the left. Her eyes had just rolled up and her whole body tensed.

“Oh god, I fucking came. Come for me too baby. Look at this soaking pussy” she positioned the phone down so the person on the other side of the video call could see her drenched pussy. She looked over and noticed our intrusion into her private time. Surprisingly, she just held her finger to her lip, shushing us, before motioning that she wanted us to get lost. Her hand grazed over her swollen tits and slightly chubby belly as she reached for her clit again. I was abruptly grabbed by the crook of the arm and dragged back into my room. When the door closed behind us, Kali started laughing.”I told you they couldn’t stand to be apart from each other!” she said facing me. I looked down at her, and noticed her nipples poking through her thin bra and shirt. “C’mon, lets take another shot!”

I reluctantly agreed, and as soon as that one was down, she turned to pour us another. I leaned against the sink next to her, our arms touching as she put the bottle down. She looked at me, and I gazed into her gorgeous eyes. I don’t know why, but between being next to such a beautiful woman, the booze, and being super horny from not being laid in weeks (combined with the eyeful I just got), I leaned towards her and our lips met. A closed kiss. Over just as fast as it began. She recoiled from me slightly, then leaned back and gave me one this time. Then another. Her lips parted slightly as we kissed again. Our heads pushing in more as our mouths continued to meet. My hand grasped her thin waist as I pulled her closer. My tongue gently probing her mouth, which opened to allow exploration. My hand slid from her waist to her firm ass, the thin spandex barely preventing me from a handful of bare ass. I pulled her tighter to me, my erection pressed against her stomach, my other hand making sure neither of her ass cheeks felt neglected.

“Stop…I can’t” Crystal pulled away breathing heavily, taking a few steps from me. I stayed where I was at as she looked at the floor. She raised her head slowly, but stopped when she saw the tent my cock had made in my shorts. “Fuck it” she muttered, closing the gap between us. Our mouths became entangled with exploring tongues and gentle lip bites. My hands quickly found their way back to her ass. She confidently reached down the top of my shorts and encircled her hand around my stiff prick, jerking it back and forth. I started planting kisses across her cheek, down her neck and collar bone. My hands moved to the hem of her shirt and pulled up, once again revealing her athletic core. I unclasped the small hook at the front of her bra, revealing her firm tits, capped with a short, erect nipple about as wide as the tip of my pinky. Her aureola, perfectly round and only slightly wider than the nipple that sat upon them. I devoured the first boob, then the second. My hands hooked into the waistband of shorts and tugged those down, as my mouth laid kisses across her toned abdomen, stopping at the top of her flimsy thong, that didn’t cover much of anything.

Crystal pushed me back, and tugged my shorts to my ankles so quick my cock sprang back and bopped her on the chin. She didn’t waste any time devouring it whole. She grabbed my ass for leverage as she used her face to fuck my cock. My dick quickly had a sheen of saliva from her voracious assault. She started swirling her tongue across the underside of my shaft and my knees nearly buckled. Like I said, it had been a bit since I’d last been laid, and I did not want to cum in her mouth. We’d gone this far, I wanted to be in her pussy, so I pulled her to her feet and pushed her back until she tripped over the bed behind her. I grabbed the flimsy strings of her thong and yanked them down hard. She had the smoothest pussy I have ever seen. Not a single hair on her mound or lips. I pushed her legs apart and I dove in head first. Laying kisses on her upper thighs, slowly inching closer to her sex while my hands made sure her tits didn’t get lonely up there by themselves. Crystals fingers wove through my hair to grab my head and pull me into her, and the same time she pushed her pelvis into me. Finally I let my mouth find her lips. I licked her slit from the bottom to right before her clit. I pulled a hand down and started stroking her wet gash with my pointer finger, but still not giving her the penetration she wanted to desperately. “Please” she whimpered. I gently placed the pad of my thumb near her clip, but denying her the touch she ached for. “Please….please” she begged again. I pressed my thumb into her clit and started rubbing in circles as I finally plunged my tongue into opening. “Oh…oh y-yes.” She continued grinding her pussy into my face, coating it in the copious juices flowing from her. I reached up and tweaked a nipple while my tongue lashed her folds and my thumb rubbed her clit in circles. Her legs wrapped around my head and she pulled my face deeper into her pussy. I licked for all I was worth as I faintly heard her moans get louder. Her muscular thighs had me in a vice grip, and as little black dots started to cloud my vision, I realized I couldn’t breath. I continued to give her everything I could with my tongue, figuring if I was going to die, being buried in the pussy of a beautiful woman was probably as good a way as one can go. Just before my vision completely faded to black, her legs flew open, her back arched, and her arms slapped the bed, her fingers digging into the bedding. “Oh fuuUUUUUUCK!” she screamed as I gasped for air.

As my breathing returned as close to normal as it was going to under the conditions, I grabbed her waist and pulled her to the edge of the bed. As soon as she felt the head of my cock press against her, she reached down, dragging the tip through her wet pussy, coating me and the juices now almost flowing freely from her. Once she was certain I was well lubed, she pushed her crotch forward while pulling my cock into her. My head disappeared between the lips of her pussy. I pulled back slightly before pushing forward again. “Just fucking give it to me!” she yelled, not wanting to toy around with making sure she was ready. I grabbed her hips roughly and pushed forward, burying myself completely inside her. Her pussy gripped me tightly as she moaned loudly and clutched my back, pulling me into her. Trying to give her what she wanted, I began roughly thrusting in and out of her. If she was worried about Kali hearing us in the next room, it didn’t show, her moans now on the verge of becoming straight up screams. Figuring she liked it rough I planted a smack across her tit, watching my crimson hand print slowly appeared across her pale skin. “Ooooooh, harder!” SMACK! I layed one across her other boob. “Oh FUCK. Oh FUCK OH FUCK FUCK FUCKFUCKFUCK” her yells filled the hotel room and I pistoned my hard dick in and out of her as hard and fast as I could. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her face to mine, as I rolled my hips. “mmmmm” she whimpered. I slapped her face and let her fall back to the bed as I resumed railing her tight pussy.

Her body tensed again, and her hand flew to her clit as fast as lighting, rubbing her bud vigorously. Her back arched, the muscles in her stomach tightened, revealing her abs. Her head rolled to the side, her nails dug into my back. More of her wetness coating my balls. She wrapped her arm around my head and pulled my face to hers, kissing me deeply. I pulled out of her and made my way to the bed. I grabbed her tight ass and pulled her on top of me. She quickly reached down, pointing my cock straight up. She eased her self all the way down in one motion, her nails curling into my chest. Again she kissed me, starting to slowly rock back and forth. The slow pace didn’t last long as she continued to build up intensity and speed, fucking me into the bed. She grabbed my hands and pulled them to her chest, having me cup for perky tits as she continued to pound me into oblivion. Let me tell you though, it was amazing. Her abs flexed and relaxed with each thrust on my engorged member. More screams filled the air as her movements on top of me became erratic, small spasms appearing here and there as she continued riding me for all I was worth. Her legs squeezed into my hips as she collapsed on my chest.

Feeling my climax approaching, I rolled her onto her back and began bucking in and out of her. Her small breasts bouncing with the rhythm of our entangled bodies. “Where do you want this?” I asked. I was close. “Not in me” she moaned a response. I pulled out, stroked once, twice, three times before I groaned, and a rope of hot sticky spunk painted her from the center of her rib cage to the mound above her pussy. “Uggggh” I groaned as the second rope struck her across the bottom of her chin to her nipple. The 3rd rope, with less intensity landed on her stomach, pooling in her belly button and coating her piercing. I few more spasms and she was basically covered from her neck to right above her beautiful pussy.

The only sound in the rooms were our labored breathing, and my heart sounding like a drum in my chest. I laid next to her in the bed soiled with sweat and a mixture of our cum. Nothing was said, we both just sat in the post-coital bliss as we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with the sun in my face the next morning. Crystal’s naked body, still coated in my jizz, cradled in my arms. She really was quite beautiful. My cock began to stiffen.

“You guys decent in there?” came the call from the door. Not waiting for an answer, Kali let herself in the room, met with the site of her best friend, covered in cum, naked in bed with me. “Guess not. I’m gonna go shower, I’ll meet you all for breakfast”. She was gone as quick as she came. Crystal looked over at me, noticed my blood filled member and smiled.

“We probably have time for round 2 before she’s done.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e76vpl/mf_a_rained_out_festival_set_the_stage_for_me_and


  1. oof, that was super arousing! Heads up, you kind of start using Kali for both girls right about where they decide to go to the hotel pool and when they go swimming. Still an excellent read.

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