Advent Kinkendar: December 5th [Ffm]

Last night was rough, and I’ve not slept well at all. Miss set a timer in the room to go off every hour. Each time it went off we had to wake up, help with each others’ plugs (alternating inserting and removing each hour) and sore holes, then could sleep again until it went off again. I’m not sure the boy slept at all, since each hour it was always him waking me up because his ass hurt from the medium plug. I feel like I could have slept through even with the large one in.

This morning’s box contained something I was completely unfamiliar with. Miss described them as benwa balls, if I’ve got that right. They’re kinda like small metal stress balls that chime softly when they knock together. They aren’t very heavy, but you definitely notice them. I’ve been pretty wet all night, so Miss made me lie down and slid them both into my pussy. I gasped with the cold, but they quickly warmed up and as I sat there all I felt was another full feeling alongside the plug.

The boy’s box was something called a sounding rod; another thing I had never heard of until today. I watched almost transfixed with curiosity as Miss carefully slid it up his pee hole while he winced and whined. My pussy clenched more than once at the thought of how uncomfortable that must feel; but despite it happening for that reason, it made me groan with pleasure as I tightened around the balls.

Before heading down to eat, Miss handed us the marker pens again to refresh the labels we had chosen for ourselves. I felt really warm and fuzzy rewriting “Use Me” on my pussy. Even though she hadn’t said to, I went further and refreshed her name on the sole of my foot too.

It wasn’t until we followed after her for breakfast that the real effects of these devices became apparent. He could barely walk properly and I would have giggled if it wasn’t for the effect these have on me. Every movement causes the balls to move around inside me, causing a very pleasurable feeling. Every step I take makes them knock together (and against the plug) and chime – stimulating me even more strongly. It started as just a tease, but throughout the day it’s only got stronger and stronger.

Even just serving breakfast I had to stop and grip onto the table or worktop for support many times as waves of pleasure took over. Miss just grinned and acted as though nothing was any different.

The rest of the morning we spent doing chores; Mistress delighted in keeping me moving, sending me from one end of the house to the other, upstairs and downstairs constantly. My first climax hit me halfway up the stairs not long after breakfast; I grabbed the railing and stumbled to my knees, shaking violently. This, of course, only made the balls move and clang even more and drew out the length of my orgasm. It was a good couple of minutes before I could continue moving again.

I completely lost count of how many times I climaxed this morning, over and over again I ended up on the floor shrieking and jerking with no control over myself. By lunchtime I could hardly walk ten steps without support, my whole body glistening with sweat, my voice hoarse from moaning and screaming.

It wasn’t until after lunch (which Miss decided to have a little later) that I was given any rest. While she ate Miss had me lying on the table with my legs spread in front of her. Periodically she would stroke or prod or rub, then watch as my pussy clenched and throbbed with the balls moving inside. The show clearly entertained her, and I loved every moment of her attention, feeling owned and used and amazing. After the boy cleared up her plates she took him away to the living room and left me on the table panting.

For some time I heard various noises carry through as Miss teased and tortured the boy. I kept as still as possible so my intense arousal could subside back to a gentle tingling. I realised that all of this had completely driven all thought of the plug from my mind, and that while it was still filling me I wasn’t feeling any discomfort from it anymore.

The rest also gave me time to contemplate the past few days. Even after writing these diaries, each day has been an intense blur of overwhelming emotions, tiring me out so even at night I haven’t had time to process any of it. I lifted my foot too look at Miss’ name on my foot; starting to look a little smudged after the morning’s walking and sweating. But the fact it was there at all made me swell with pride; something I never expected – especially to a woman. I was beginning to realise that I trust her, and would do anything at all she asked of me – the feelings of serving her have been exquisite.

Probably an hour or more later Miss came in and sat beside me. She rested one hand on my thigh and the other stroking my hair and cheek. “How are you doing, Hannah? Are you enjoying this experience with me?”

“Yes, Miss” I breathed softly, “thank you for taking me and using me”. I was looking into her eyes, watching her stare back with a clearly loving expression. She leaned in to me slowly, her lips touching mine softly as we shared the most sensuous kiss I have ever experienced. Her hand didn’t move from my thigh, but my pussy twitched, moving the balls and causing me to break the kiss with a moan.

Miss smiled sweetly, “Such a good girl, Hannah. I’m so very glad I chose you. Come! You can please me until dinner.” She gently helped me up off the table and through to the sofa. She knelt me in front then sat down. “Start with my feet, sweetheart; then continue with whatever you feel.” As I shuffled back and began to kiss and caress her feet, finding them to be quite beautiful, she wriggled back into the cushions contentedly.

I spent a very long time on her feet, worshipping each one meticulously before moving slowly up her legs. I have spent all afternoon with my hands, lips, and tongue in literally every crease and crevice, pleasing and pleasuring her while my pussy literally dripped and ached the whole time. The balls would shift periodically and when I moved, causing waves of pleasure to course through me again and again. My face is now smeared with her juice and scent, I can taste her every time I lick my lips, and smell her continually. The ache in my jaw feels like a prize for a job well done, and my drenched thighs and throbbing pussy a mark of being a good service slut.

I’m in heaven.


1 comment

  1. It took me a minute to remember what sorta metal balls you were talking about. 10/10 story, hope to hear more about the male.

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