I [F] seduced daddy’s workmate from Brazil [M]

*This is another story from my wild teenage years. Since then some time has passed and I’m 31 now. If you’d like to read my stories in a chronological order (from nice to naughty so to say) start with this one. Then go to:*

[How I [F] discovered my submissive side by hatefucking a holiday acquaintance](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/dyhh16/how_i_f_18_discovered_my_submissive_side_by_hate/)

[Marriage proposal during sex [FM]](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e35i4t/marriage_proposal_during_sex_fm/)

[How I [F] fuck the police [husband, M]](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e150zj/how_i_f_fuck_the_police_husband_m/)

[How I [F] was punished by my cop husband [M] for teasing](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e1m0dx/how_i_f_was_punished_by_my_cop_husband_m_for/)


…I am sweet 18 years old and my daddy got me a summer job with his company during the school holidays. They are going on a trade fair and need a hostess on their booth – meaning someone to wait tables, do small talk to business people and basically be a living decoration. Actually, they already have a model pretty lady for the job, but my dad convinced HR they need another hostess because he wants to help me make some money and also he likes to show off with me a little, I think. My dad had a hard time learning English and he is very proud of me speaking foreign languages, which is sweet of him. It’s a multinational company and salesmen (few saleswomen..) from all the branches abroad are flown in.

I’m a bit excited to go since it was my first job of the kind, I look up some extra vocabulary and buy some business cloths because I have none. The trade fair doesn’t take place in our hometown but in another city and all of the team stay in a hotel. I get my own room which is nice because daddy snores like a lumber mill. I swear to god, there is nothing on my mind regarding the room but that I will be able to sleep peacefully…

The evening before the trade fair begins everyone arrives at the hotel and there is a kind of a meet&greet in the lobby since many of them have not met in person yet but only by email or on the phone. My dad is enthusiastic about me getting to know his workmates from South America, especially one guy from Brazil he has recently worked with a lot and apparently shares his sense of humor. Just before those guys arrive, my dad discloses to me that he has been bragging about me speaking Spanish. I’m getting a bit jumpy now because I’ve been taking Spanish lessons for only a year and my speaking is basic at least. Also, I point out to dad that people speak Portuguese in Brazil… ‘Doesn’t matter’, he says, big proud grin on his face, ‘that Brazilian guy speaks Spanish as good as you. You’ll get along just fine.’ Oh, little did he know…

I feel like making a bolt for my room before it gets really embarrassing but too late, they are already there. Luckily, the situation does not turn out awkward after all. My dad introduces me to his workmates, I manage to say something appropriate in Spanish and then everyone is speaking English anyway. And there he is… When João* takes my hand and looks at me with a twinkle in his soft dark eyes there is a chemistry between us immediately. He’s slim, not tall but I don’t care (being pretty tiny myself), he has a friendly face and the sweetest smile! I feel my cheeks flush and my knees suddenly get a bit wobbly. Soon after, everyone is retiring to their rooms to get some sleep but I lay awake for quite a while thinking of that impish smile of João.

The next morning I get up extra early in order to suit up and look extra pretty and professional – dark gray pencil skirt, tight white blouse, low heels, hair tied up neat and tidy in a knot, tiny pearl ear studs and a bit of unobtrusive make-up. Still, I feel like a schoolgirl in disguise but when I enter the breakfast room, João sits next to my dad and his face lights up at the sight of me like sun on a rainy day. I think he looks quite handsome himself, his tan skin and deep black hair a nice contrast to his white shirt. I guess he’s in his late twenties or early thirties, at least ten years older than me. As I sip my coffee sitting opposite to him, I notice two little scars on his temple, like he used to wear a piercing there and while I politely do morning small talk I wonder if he’s got any tattoos under that high-necked business outfit of his…

The first days at the trade fair pass by quickly. I soon settle into a routine with the other hostess and everyone is pretty busy since we have a lot of customers. Every time I catch sight of my dad he looks at me with an expression of paternal pride. Every time I catch sight of João there is nothing paternal about his expression but barely hidden male interest. In the few less busy moments he always finds the time to pass by and talk a little, although there’s always someone else close by. I learn that he likes surfing and spends a lot of his free time on the beach, then he needs to talk to a customer, leaving me daydreaming about him in swimwear. I’m afraid to bore him (my favorite pastime is holing up in my bed with chocolate and a fantasy novel…) but he seems to enjoy talking to me. He’s nice and he makes me laugh and he is everyone’s darling – I think I would like him even without this undercurrent of sensual attraction going on. When the work day is finally over – it is not over. My dad is a relentless networker and every evening there is a business meal or booth party we have to attend. I keep on wishing for an opportunity to speak to João more privately but there simply is none. I feel he’s drawn to me as well and the tension keeps on building up.

On the fourth day, when I’m busy with the coffee maker, he suddenly comes into the little booth kitchen. We just stare at each other longingly, the air thick with anticipation – but then one of the other guys comes in as well and I hastily keep on making coffee, pretending nothing is going on. Later, after another looong evening of unwanted after-work partying, I lie in my hotel bed, feet aching like hell by the way from all that walking on heels, and I can’t get that heated look of his out of my mind. Like he wanted to devour me where I stand… What really disquiets me is knowing he is not far away at all, in a room exactly like my own, only on a different floor. I am thrilled by the idea how easy it would be to just get up and creep to his room, to kiss and touch and go all the way… but unfortunately I don’t know which room it is and I don’t dare to ask, afraid to be turned down. Trying to see things from his point of view I’ve figured out, that hitting on his workmate’s schoolgirl daughter who has only just reached legal age would be morally questionable at least… I just don’t know if he’s up to picking the forbidden fruit or not.

On the fifth day my dad is called back to headquarters for reasons I don’t remember. He asks if I feel comfortable staying without him and I say yes, because it is true, I feel well with the team – and of course I’m hoping to get things going with João at last. It’s less busy at the booth now and when João leaves for a cigarette break I take a heart and sneak after him. But I’m unlucky and he meets some colleagues on the way. I’m unlucky in the evening still, when he needs to attend a business meeting. That night I cry a little from fear of missing out…also because I’ve kind of really fallen head over heels for him… I wish I was bolder. But it’s just me and my hand tonight.

On the sixth day of the trade fair I am desperate – we will check out of the hotel tomorrow so tonight it is the last chance for anything to happen. I dress in my most daring outfit: tight black pants, ladylike boots with 4 inch heels (it already hurts just to look at those, let alone walk) and a blue, semitransparent silk blouse. I am craving some alone time with him and he as well by the look on his face, when he lays eyes on me in the breakfast room. Later on the booth, I feel his gaze follow me and my skin prickles. Emotionally I am seesawing between hope and despair now. Usually, I’m not like this… I’m a nice girl, good in school, make her parents proud blabla, but damn do I want that guy!

I try to focus on my work and notice we’ve run out of leaflets, so I go to the storage room to get some more. While I rummage through a cupboard I hear someone come in and it’s him, standing right behind me in the crammed space. I can feel his breath on my bare neck when he leans in to me and whispers, ‘hi girl’. I spin around, with my heels I’m at eye level with him and our lips are just inches apart. Then he finally says the words I’ve been hoping for: ‘will you go out for dinner with me tonight, just the two of us?’. I tell him I’d love to! We agree to keep it secret, he’ll text me as soon as the others have left for dinner elsewhere and we’ll meet outside the hotel. It’s pretty hard to keep a straight face for the rest of the day! When the others invite me to have dinner with them I say I’m beat and all I want is to put my feet up and order from room service.

That day I have to help clean up the booth and I hardly make it back to my hotel room before I get his text. I had planned to shower, change and refresh my make-up but there’s only enough time to exchange my nude colored bra for a cherry-red lace push-up and matching G-string. Otherwise I keep the outfit with semitransparent blouse, black pants and heels. I hurry outside and don’t see him right away because he’s actually hiding behind a bush, which I find hilarious. Being secretive makes this all the more fun! We are joking that this is like a James Bond movie, us being undercover agents who must not be caught. He takes my hand, ‘come on, I know a quiet little restaurant not far from here’. Somewhere on the way he suddenly turns around towards me and places a kiss on my lips, brief but determined, like a promise that this night will hold more than dinner… I’m walking on air!

Dinner passes in next to no time. We talk, we laugh, we feel good with each other. I translate the menu for him and he compliments me on my language skills. Also on my looks, which feel especially nice after standing the whole week next to a 5’9ft model. We sit next to each other on a bench, our thighs touching the whole time… I can barely eat my quesadillas being so excited. At some point he tells me he would like to spend the night with me and if I don’t want to do more it would be enough just to lie next to me and talk and spend a few more hours together. Aww, he’s to good to be true! I confess I’ve fantasized about creeping to his room for the whole week and of course we can talk some more but I’d also have some other ideas… Suddenly, he’s in a bit of a hurry to ask for the bill.

We sneak into the hotel through the underground garage in order to be unobtrusive. There’s a long bare corridor leading from the parking area to the elevators. Without warning he grabs me, presses me against the wall and starts kissing me passionately, like he just can’t hold on no longer, all this built-up tension needing release. Then he flips me around, presses me to the wall and starts sucking at my neck. When I feel his hard-on through his pants, wedged between my butt cheeks, and his hands all over me, I know he is reckless now, ready to take me then and there. It’s a major turn-on to me, feeling him lose it like that! I’m craving to get laid and I’m about to give in – when I spot a surveillance camera pointed at where we stand. This is most likely the only night we will spend together and damn, I won’t have it ruined getting caught by security. Also, there is still some rationally thinking part of my brain doing it’s job because I’m absolutely MORTIFIED by the idea of my dad finding out I am having sex with his workmate! Guess he won’t be proud of his little girl anymore…

We agree to go upstairs to our rooms separately, I take the elevator, he the stairs, and meet in his room in 10 minutes. Indeed a good idea – I meet some coworkers on the elevator and I’m afraid I’m unable to fully hide the fact that I’ve almost been fucked in the garage… But since I’m alone they can’t blame me for anything. Back at my room I take the quickest shower of my life and then sneak to his room with my heart in my mouth, scared like shit of getting caught. I would suck as a spy with nerves like that. He has dimmed the light and put some laid-back music on, like one would expect to hear at a beach bar. Despite being exactly where I’ve wished to be all week, I feel a little awkward now. I’m not a virgin but far from experienced and I’m not quite sure about what ought to be happening next.

He has noticed and he asks me if I would like to take my shoes off and sit on the bed. I do that and he sits next to me, smiling at me sweetly as he asks ‘can I make a wish?’. ‘Sure’, I say, expecting him to ask me to undress now, but he surprises me: ‘Can you please undo your hair for me?’. ‘Uhm.. okay’, I reach up to my head where my long light blond hair is still tied into a knot and slowly pull all the needles out, letting it tumble down on my shoulders and upper back, slightly curly from the hair-do. He sights happily and stares at it, completely captivated… I’m stunned, my hair has never been special to me and I surely never have seen it as an erotic asset (at the guys reading this, can anyone enlighten me??). However, it’s fun turning him on! I start to slowly unbutton my blouse, directing his attention on my body. When he lays eyes on the red lace bra he swallows visibly and now he’s the one being surprised – guess he expected some modest white cotton undies ;) He likes the G-string even more.

Now we are back in the mood and he gets undressed quickly as well, only wearing black trunks now. He does indeed have a tattoo, on his upper arm, and I run my fingertips over it and kiss it. Then he lifts my head up and kisses me on the lips while he opens my bra behind my back. I’m a bit worried he’d find my boobs too small but he looks at me adoringly and says: ‘I’ve been dreaming about this all week and you’re even more beautiful than I thought’. He gently pushes me on my back and places kisses all over me. When he reaches my G-string he asks ‘can I take that off?’. ‘Yes’ I moan. ‘Can I kiss you there?’. ‘YES!’ There’s nothing in the world I’d like more. I know him for less than a week but already trust him more than my two ex-boyfriends and for the first time I’m able to let go completely and give myself to a man. Nothing has ever felt so right as his tongue in my pussy! I curl my fingers into his hair to encourage him and he slowly increases his pace and makes me cum with a mind-blowing orgasm.

But it only makes me aching for more. I kiss him all over now and pull at his trunks. He gets the hint and strips out of them. There’s this sweet smile on his face again when I stoke his dick and tell him I want him inside me right now. He’s quick to put a condom on and do as I wish. He enters me tenderly, it feels wonderful and I close my eyes, moaning. He seems to enjoy it as well but I feel he is holding back, like he’s afraid to hurt me. This is nice but I don’t want nice now, I want naughty. Precisely, I want him to loose his mind like he did earlier in the garage, so I wrap my legs around him and pull his head towards me. I breath softly into his ear and whisper: ‘stop being gentle, I won’t break!’. He curses low under his breath and then it happens, I can feel his self-control snap and it is the most erotic thing I’ve experienced so far! I cry out in joy when he starts pouncing me full force at last.

There’s nothing tender about him anymore when he pulls me to the edge of the bed on my hands and knees and starts thrusting into me from behind. He even puts one of his feet on the bedside table to get a better angle and push in deeper still. I push back, meeting every one of his thrusts. I just can’t get enough and luckily this goes on for what seems quite a while to me. He’s breathing heavily and he’s going faster but I don’t want him to cum yet. ‘Wait!’, I shout between moans, ‘I wanna look at your face!’.

For a split-second it seems like he’s unable to stop but then he pulls out and slumps on his back on the bed. I sit on top of him and look him straight into the eyes as I put his dick back in and start to ride him slowly. His hands rest on my hips but he lets me set the pace now, smiling blissfully. It seems like he enjoys it even more this way. I lean forward and let the tips of my hair brush over his face and chest, then I kiss him deeply and lick the sweaty skin on his neck, all the while I keep on riding him. I try to picture myself like he must see me, slim youthful body, small perky breasts, flushed cheeks, big doe eyes, messy hair like a golden halo around my face… He mumbles something in Portuguese then, his voice rough from desire. ‘What did you say?’ I ask. ‘You’re driving me mad, girl!’. Hmmm, I like the sound of that! I look down at him and in that moment I feel I own him, body and soul. I keep on looking at him as I increase my pace and work him into a sexual frenzy until he cums screaming. For the first time I truly feel a woman. To me, this is nothing short of an awakening.

I must have really exhausted him because he can hardly get the condom off before he falls asleep. I doze off next to him as well, after all it has been a long working week, but I’m too thrilled to sleep. He looks innocent as a baby, flaked out like that. Before I go, I switch off the music and cover him with a blanket, smiling.

It’s not easy to keep my poker-face the next morning – I know some people are able to do that when mixing work with pleasure but this is surely none of my talents… I’m even trying to avoid him a little because I feel the fact that I’ve had the fuck of my life must be written all over my face. At least the lack of sleep doesn’t show, perks of being a teen. Still, I want to say goodbye appropriately, this is no simple one-night stand after all with all the romantic feelings involved. I wait for a moment when no one looks at us and pass him a note, saying ‘leave for a cigarette break, I’ll be with you in 10 minutes’. He smiles and leaves unobtrusively. I wait a bit, then leave in the other way, direction of the restrooms, but make a turn and meet him outdoors in the car park.

He leans against a wall, smoking, but when I draw near he immediately takes me into his arms and we kiss for a few minutes. I had planned to give him the red lace G-string I was wearing the night before as a means of souvenir but to my big regret I’ve forgotten it when packing hastily in the morning. Well, I have to think of something else. Luckily, my last working outfit of the week is a blouse and pencil skirt combination and I wear some black thigh highs underneath, the kind with a lace top that sticks to the leg without straps, because I don’t like pantyhoses. I take his hand and place it on my thigh, slowly pushing it up under my skirt. He smiles and his eyes go wide in surprise when he touches the lace and the naked skin above. He can’t resist to lift up my skirt a little to take a peek. I can clearly feel the bulge in his suit-pants, pressed against my hip. He has that ready-to-go-wild-look in his eyes again and then I feel his hand tugging roughly at my panties while his lips crush mine in a passionate kiss. I’m wet and ready in an instant and I want to do it again, boy do I want to! But at that moment a group of business people walk into the car park and all I can do is push down that skirt in a hurry and pretend to be just a girl on a cigarette break.

Later, we say our final goodbyes in front of the others in a professional manner. I’m wearing jeans, a T-shirt and an innocent smile for the ride home and pray that no one has got a clue about the things I’ve done the past hours… I surely leave with some sweet memories to cherish. I hold on to those when sadness starts to creep in on me on the long way home, thinking I will never see him again and by now he’ll already be leaving on a jet plane…

*not his real name

*Thank you for reading! I’d be happy to read your feedback :)*

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e66ae6/i_f_seduced_daddys_workmate_from_brazil_m


  1. Thank you guys, I really appreciate that! It took me a while to write this one (I’m not a native speaker). I’ve never thought it would be so much fun writing about sex, it’s become kind of my new favourite pas-time ;)

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