My girlfriend told me to date my old female coworker [FMF] part 1

I’ve had a completely platonic friendship with my old coworker Iris for years. We talked every other day with short updates on life. We’ve both gone our separate ways with jobs, but being at the same university it was often easy to cross paths. Iris is 5’0, Latina and has brown hair and somewhat a hippyish outlook on life. Iris is someone I trusted immensely and knew parts of my life not even my closest friends know. I never thought much would ever occur between us, but it was clearly obvious we had a chemistry. We understood each other, and that’s what makes our friendship work.

My girlfriend Kate and I have been together 4.5 years. She’s 21 and I am 22. She’s 5’8, white, and blonde. She’s Incredibly smart (way to smart for me) and incredibly beautiful. I am 6’1, hispanic, and black hair, above average looking. We have been together since junior year of high school and now are seniors in university.  We have had a great relationship and have never had any issues.

Kate and I often talked about having a threesome, or even inviting someone into our  relationship. We’ve had people in the past that we’ve debated and got pretty close to, but ultimately decided not to go through with anything. Iris was one person we debated heavily, but I decided I valued my friendship with her opposed to having a one off thing.  

On the day of my birthday everything felt a little bit different. I met up with Iris and she gave me a little gift of all my favorite things, which came as a shock to me because I didn’t know she knew so much about me. Kate is not a jealous person and isn’t to this day, but seeing what Iris got me and the conversations we had about her changed Kates’s perspective on her. That night Kate and I changed our relationship and to this day it is still changed.

“I think you should just date Iris”
“Wait, what? What do you mean date Iris”
“I mean take her out, and see what happens. You’ve said it before, she’s different.”

*Is this a trap, what do I say here? What does any guy say here? Am I a horrible person for even debating this?*

“Honestly, I am not sure. The last thing I want to do is ruin us, and everything we built”
“ Like you’ve said before ‘why not now’ in five months we will graduate and go our separate ways from this place and from our friends. I think you should try and pursue something with Iris, we’ve always been good at communicating and working through everything and in five months you’ll have a clean break from her.”
“Yeah, I guess you are right. I can try and talk to her I guess and see what to do”

Kate and I have had conversations in the past about this. They were all hypothetical, but I knew this one would change how we acted toward each other. I knew that going down this path would change our relationship forever and to this day I can’t say that it’s changed us mostly for the positive or the negative.

After a few days of talking with Iris we went out. We drove around, we listened to music, we talked. It was different. The hypothetical of doing this was not longer there, it was happening.

She looked at me with a soft look in her eye and I went for it. We kissed. It was short, nothing less than a middle schooler giving a hug to a girl he liked.

*What the hell did I just do? Did Iris even want me to kiss her?  Did I just ruin Kate and I? Fuck.*

“That was unexpected”
“I am so sorry Iris, I didn’t mean to make a move and make this awkward between us”
“No, it’s fine! I wanted you to kiss me, I just didn’t know if you ever would or not”
“I am just glad you did’t push me away or anything”
We continued to talked up until the moment I dropped her off.

*Fuck, what do I tell Kate? How do I tell her? Say it slowly and wait for a moment? Yes, that’s what I will do. I’l wait for the best time and just say it”

“Hey hun, how was it?”
“I kissed Iris”
“Oh, that was quick”

*So much for waiting and slowing saying it*

“It just happened, I didn’t expect to kiss her so soon.”
“It’s fine, I knew it would eventually happen. I can’t say I am surprised.”

This along with many other reasons is why I love Kate. She didn’t make me feel like I made a bad choice in kissing Iris, and exploring what is possibly between us.
After talking about it with Kate we got back to the same page, I knew everything would work out.

Kate and I had some of the greatest sex we’ve ever had that night. It was passionate, it was emotionally tense and in that moment everything felt right. It wasn’t until the next morning the effect of my night with Iris would actually register with Kate.

“Adrien, What the fuck do you expect from me?”
“Kate, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to end this”

<Goodmorning Sunshine! I had so much fun with you last night, I hope we can do it again.>

“No Adrien, I don’t want you to end it because of me, I want you to end it because it isn’t working for you guys”

(End of part 1)

This had a lot of backstory, but I felt it was needed for the remainder of the series. This is something that is currently happening. It has been about a month and I am still dating Kate and our relationship is stronger than ever, while also seeing Iris about every other day. Now I know that this can definitely bite all of us in the ass in the end, but that’s part of the journey.  I know not much sexual stuff happened, but as the stories go on their definitely will be more involving Iris and I, and Kate and I.



  1. I like your story telling but this has heartbreak written all over it.

    We’ll be watching this novela on Telemundo soon ?

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