[FM] I desperately needed sexual release after a breakup

I haven’t written a story in a long time. Hopefully this constitutes a good comeback.

Patrick and I met right here on Reddit two and a half years ago, when I was just beginning my Reddit-hookup journey.

At the time, I was 22 and he was 30. I reached out to him after seeing some of his NSFW posts. We exchanged numbers right away and got to chatting.

It was so long ago that I don’t remember much from the beginning of things, but I do remember that we got along really well over text. His constant positivity and humor made me smile every time we talked. That, coupled with his hunger for pussy, made me confident that we would have a good time together. We had our first encounter about two months later. In fact, I even wrote a [story about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/79tfbz/fm_sweet_and_simple/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x).

Over the next year we would have a couple more “sessions.” He worked overnight shifts and I worked during the day, so it was a rare treat when our schedules aligned. To further complicate things, each of our abilities to host was severely minimal. After that initial hookup we were forced to settle for the back seat of my 2006 sedan. At least it has soft seats! We passionately made each other cum each time we met up. I introduced him to using coconut oil for all things sexual, and he continued to introduce me to really amazing cunnilingus. Eventually I started seeing someone exclusively and we respectfully stopped hitting each other up for the spontaneous bootycall.

Well, fast forward to the present, with me being 24 and Patrick being 32. My relationship recently came to an end, and I was (and still am!) a heartbroken wreck. I reached out to Patrick and let him know what had happened. I told him that the wounds from the breakup were too fresh for me to be able to be with anyone quite yet, but that when I was ready, I’d love it if he would want to enjoy each other’s company once again. He said he’d love that. He also was so kind and offered me emotional support in the meantime. I took him up on that and for the next few weeks we chatted over text about how our days were, how I was doing with everything, and life in general. He really is such a gentleman. To be able to grieve to a bootycall about your first love… that is wholesome as fuck.

Like I said, we texted “for the next few weeks.” Were you wondering what happened *after* those few weeks? Okay fine, I’ll tell you! I obtained the closure I needed from my ex and I simply couldn’t suppress my craving for human touch any longer. I wasn’t emotionally healed by any means, but I needed an orgasm from something other than my own hands. I needed to feel someone’s fingers inside of me again. I also needed it to be no-strings-attached, and to not have to swipe for hours on a dating app only to end up settling on a stranger who probably won’t actually satisfy my needs.

*You’ll never guess who fit the bill.*

I texted Patrick from my office cubicle one morning, telling him I needed to see him ASAP. It just so happened that neither of us had plans that night. After work I went home, showered as quickly as I could, put on some black panties and a short floral dress, packed a bag of “goodies,” and hit the road. (Let the record show that although it was 30°F outside, I still justified the short dress with the fact that it had long sleeves.)

Five minutes went by of me driving down residential blocks and we didn’t even know where we were meeting yet. Our inabilities to host had not changed so we would have to make this a car thing. He was still running an errand, so I drove towards his side of the city and looked for possible discreet hookup locations. I was hoping to find an empty parking ramp, since we had once previously fooled around on the roof of one and it was great, but there were none in this area of town. Instead, I kept an eye out for empty, secluded parking lots. Those are also good spots for doing the dirty. I eventually found one that would do perfectly. It was a huge lot, in front of an arts warehouse. There was an event going on inside, and quite a few cars were parked towards the front, but the back of the lot was completely dark and empty.

I made a beeline with my car to the back corner of the lot and turned off my headlights. I sent the location to Patrick and he said he would head over. Wanting to be a good hostess, I spread a sherpa blanket over the back seat, and set out a few of my “goodies” for us to use: coconut oil, my favorite toy, and a pack of baby wipes to clean up inevitable messes. ;) Then, still having some time to spare, I packed a one-hitter with freshly ground weed and got out of my car to smoke it. Damn, it was cold and windy as hell. But I couldn’t smoke in my car, because I carpool with someone to work every day, and I didn’t really feel like having to explain that smell to them the next morning.

After a few hits, the one-hitter was out. I got back into the front seat of my car, realized I still had time to waste, and packed another. This time though, I refused to stand in the cold with my bare legs (started to regret the short dress, oops), so I just rolled all the windows down a quarter of the way and smoked in the car. Soon I was starting to feel the nice high wash over me. Patrick texted me to let me know he was almost there. A minute later he was parked in the spot next to mine. We got out of our cars and hugged, two very sexually-talented people being reunited at last. What a lovely feeling. Then we eagerly climbed into my back seat.

I admired his haircut to myself, passed him the one-hitter, and we engaged in some small talk for a minute before he leaned across the seat and started to kiss me. A man who wastes no time. He soon had a hand on one of my breasts, squeezing gently at first, then with more intensity. His mouth pressed harder against mine and I could feel his excitement to see me again. He then took his face away so he could look while he yanked the neckline of my dress down below my left breast. I was surprised the fabric didn’t tear. With my tit hanging out now, he leaned down and placed his lips around my nipple. He swirled his tongue around it, sucked it, and even bit it ever so gently, before repeating the process with my right tit. I’m often indifferent to having my nipples played with, but he was clearly doing something that my body enjoyed, because each suck & nibble felt like little electric shocks, and suddenly I could feel myself becoming wet under my panties.

He raised his head back up to mine and started kissing me again. His hand ran softly and slowly along my thighs, and then suddenly he forced one of my legs away from the other. The surprise made me gasp into his mouth. I could feel his hand now caressing me from outside my panties. While still making out, he used his hand to move my panties aside, and began running his fingers up and down my labia. “Mmmm,” I moaned quietly. I grinded my pelvis against his hand. When he could tell, by reading my body’s energy, that I was ready, he slowly slid his finger inside of me and I whined.

“That’s nice, huh?” I could tell he was smirking as he said it.

He moved his face down to my neck, sucking on my warm skin. I loved feeling him making out with my neck and shoulder. My left hand was firmly gripping the door handle while my right hand had found its way to his thigh, then crotch. My fingers traced his erection through his jeans. I didn’t even realize my head was tilting so far back out of pleasure until I knocked my head on the window. I didn’t even bother to say “ouch” because I wanted every second to be devoted to being in such great pleasure. We waste no time. I just continued to feel his finger inside of me.

“God you’re wet as fuck. Lie on your back.”

Obediently, I scooted down to the other end of the seat and flipped over. Patrick moved so he was standing over my head. His cock was right in front of my face. I hadn’t even noticed him take off his jeans. His body was leaning forward enough to face-fuck me if he wanted to, while finger-fucking me if he so desired. I looked lovingly at his cock hanging above my face. *Nice to see you again*, I thought to myself. Then I stretched my neck to meet my mouth to his cock. No hands required. I had a bit of cottonmouth from smoking earlier, so I raised my arm, stuck two fingers into his mouth, let him passionately swirl his tongue around them, and then lowered my hand and rubbed the wetness all around his cock. I enjoyed the opportunity to admire his cock again for a few seconds. Once it was nice and covered in spit I put him in my mouth and started licking and sucking at the same time.

“Oh, fuck, Liv,” he moaned. I had never heard someone say my name during sex before.

I continued to run my tongue up and down his shaft while swallowing to make my throat contract around the head of his cock. He kept breathing heavily for a while, his eyes closed, one arm supporting himself on the back of the seat. Then, with his free arm, he grabbed my toy from a few feet over and put it on my clit. Shivers ran through my hips when he pressed the ‘on’ button. I put my hand on the toy so Patrick could use his hand to finger me. While he reached over and put a dab of coconut oil on his fingers I told him how I like it: hand staying still, finger curling towards him, lots of pressure. He obeyed and soon I could feel my gspot start to swell with the pressure of his finger. After a minute he stopped and I whined out of sadness, thinking he was choosing to be done. But before I could say anything he inserted a second finger. I whined, this time with pleasure, before taking more of his cock in my mouth. We were both moaning to each other. He slid a third finger into me and I reactively hummed onto his cock. I could hear how wet I was. The sound of fluids building up everywhere. I took him out of my mouth and moved my tongue down to his balls. I sucked them into my mouth one by one. I used my tongue for added pressure. We continued this dynamic for a while, noises of bliss escaping our mouths every once in a while.

Once I could feel my jaw getting sore we stopped what we were doing and I repositioned myself so I was on my knees with him behind me. I had felt myself getting really close to cumming while I was on my back, and I am prone to squirting when I’m on all fours, so the repositioning was quite strategic. This is the type of strategic planning I got two college degrees for, right?

I reached underneath myself and placed my toy back on my clit. He put his fingers back inside of me, with much ease because of how dripping wet I was along with the dollop of coconut oil he must have just gotten. My clit was being suctioned and my breathing was becoming heavier. Three fingers inside of me felt amazing. Full. Tight. And yet, he slowly was able to fit a fourth. Fuck. There was now an incredible amount of pressure against my gspot. Four whole fingers. It may not sound like a lot, but trust me, it’s a lot. The fullness is… indescribable. He continued to move his fingers against my gspot exactly how I love it. Pressing and releasing. Pressing and releasing. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

My face was about two inches from the seat because I lacked the strength to keep myself up, but my ass was in the air, due to my pussy’s mind of its own, wanting to stay right where it was, not wanting to leave the four perfect fingers, and rocking slightly against his hand. I could feel so much fluid building up inside of me as he pushed harder and harder with his *almost*-entire hand. The sounds of wetness got more intense, as did a particular feeling within me.

“You gonna cum for me, baby?”

“Fuck, I’m about to.”

Lightning suddenly shocked every inch of my body. From my pelvis, to my chest, to my legs, to my arms, to my face. I could hear whimpering but I was so disconnected from reality that it took me a second to realize the sound had come from my own mouth. My vision went fuzzy. *Another whimper.* I could feel liquid squirting out of me each time my pussy contracted. Which it did rapidly, and for a very long time. *Whimper, whimper.* Patrick kept all four fingers inside of me which I loved. It feels so good when my pussy is convulsing around something so big. *Whimper.* My legs went limp beneath my torso and I collapsed onto the seat. *Another whimper.* After what felt like a magical eternity, my pussy’s contractions became further and further apart, the long-lasting orgasm slowly ending. *Whimper. Sigh. Sad whimper.*

I raised my head with the small amount of energy I possessed. The cold breeze of air meeting my skin provided me with the harsh reminder that the windows were open. I giggled, slightly embarrassed that I had undoubtedly been quite… vocal.

Once I caught my breath I sat back up and faced him. We tiredly smiled at each other from across the back seat for a few seconds. Then he gave me a special look. I recognized this look of his and leaned down towards his hips accordingly. I looked at his cock, grabbed it with two hands, entwined my fingers around it, and slid them up and down. After I had done this for a minute, I took my hands off of him and gently placed my mouth around the head. I ran my tongue around it while holding my lips tight. Then I very slowly lowered my mouth, letting his cock go deeper, until it was in my throat. He held my hair back which helped me concentrate on taking him as deep as I could. My God, he was so fucking hard.

He pulled me up and I gasped for air, but within a few seconds I dove down again, slamming his cock further down my throat. He moaned over and over again. I kept swallowing, knowing that the repeated squeezing was going to send him over the edge soon.

“Oh, you want me to cum, baby?” Patrick asked while gripping my hair. I made an affirmative noise with his cock still in my throat.

He was so rigid and warm. I could feel his leg begin to shake, which I know from experience is a sign that his extreme pleasure would soon amount to an explosion. His breathing became more intense. I kept contracting my throat over and over again, and within a few more moans, I was swallowing his warm cum. “Mmmm,” I hummed without moving my mouth. His cock was forcefully pulsating against my tongue. I took my time removing my mouth from him. I knew he would get sensitive quickly, but I wanted to milk every last drop out of cum out of that delicious cock. I kept a tight grip while I slowly moved my lips up and off of him, still contracting every muscle I could within my own mouth and throat. He gasped when my top teeth grazed his head, his leg still shaking.

Once his soul had reentered his body we sat facing each other again. He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Fuck, Liv. You’ve picked up a few tricks since we last met.” I giggled, unsure of how to respond to such a compliment. We happily chatted for a while about the sex as well as random shit before putting clothes back on and getting back into our drivers’ seats and driving in opposite directions.

We have since agreed, via text, that next time he needs to fit five fingers inside of me.

Oh, and the guy I carpool with ended up not needing a ride the next morning, which was great because my car reeked of pot, sex, and coconut oil.

Hope you guys enjoyed my recollection of my most recent sexcapade. If you’re interested in my other hookup stories, check them out [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/puriuh/posts/). Stay warm out there if you’re burdened with cold weather like I am, and if you’re blessed with a warmer climate, then fuck you. ;)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e4q4sz/fm_i_desperately_needed_sexual_release_after_a


  1. Hey, I know that guy! As always, wonderful write up! I very much enjoyed our time together.

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