Advent Kinkender: December 1st [Ffm]

“What have I let myself in for?”

That was the main thought running through my head as I stood on the doorstep. Sure I was excited, exhilarated even, but that didn’t stop me also being incredibly nervous.

I guess I should give you the background first.

I’m Hannah, I’m 25 years old, I’m straight, and I’m a submissive. Specifically a service slut; I exist to obey others. I have some experience, mostly online, but the real life encounters I have had were incredible. So when I saw a BDSM advert online for an “Advent Kinkendar Experience”, I was intrigued. It was posted by a Domme of a similar age to myself offering just two submissives the opportunity for a 25 day BDSM package. Each day she promised a new experience for us to explore, with no expectation or requirement of commitment past the Christmas period.

I replied immediately; well, I started to. Wanting to make sure I would be one of those chosen, I took well over an hour crafting the perfect response. To my amazement and delight I received a response. I had to tell myself to calm down, that most people who messaged her probably received a response, but I was still excited. Mistress and I spoke at length that day, and many days after as she told me she was choosing between us all. It was clear that she really wanted to get to know a lot about me, and asked a lot of questions; giving me the opportunity to ask all of mine too.

It took about three weeks of these daily discussions before she finally decided. After making a shortlist, she actually came to visit all of us; meeting at a public coffee shop to become better acquainted. I woke up that morning to a simple message: “You’re in”. My heart leapt and I simply couldn’t wait. I would have to arrange my transport to her home, but would need no luggage, and would be completely taken care of for the whole period.

That takes us up to this morning. It’s December 1st, and I got here at 9am as she instructed. It’s evening now, and she has told me to sit and make this sort of diary for you all every day. I hope I remember everything.

So there I was, shivering slightly on her doorstep, wondering what could be in store for me over the next 25 days. She told me the door would be open, so I took a deep breath and pushed the handle, knowing there was no turning back from this point. I stepped carefully into the hall and looked around, closing the door behind me. In the middle of the wood floor there is a small table, and on top I found a small box wrapped up in Christmas paper, and clearly labelled with a large number 1. It could only mean one thing, and I shuffled over and began carefully unwrapping it, continuing to look around for any sign of Mistress.

My heart was already thumping as I lifted the lid, but it almost stopped when I picked up the handwritten note and found a leather collar underneath. I unfolded the pink paper and began to read.

“Welcome Hannah, I’m so glad you’re here. I was sure you would be the one from the very first message you sent; and I only became more certain as we have talked these past weeks. You will find me just through the door to your left, in the lounge, but first you will have noticed day one of my kinkendar. I selected this specifically for you, and from this moment it is all you are to wear during your time with me, except when I specifically tell you otherwise. Beside the front door you will find a bag for your clothing, to keep it safe for your departure.

I look forward to you joining me shortly.


If I thought my heart was racing before, now it was absolutely pounding, but at the same time I could feel an undeniable ache forming between my legs. Putting down the box I hurriedly undressed, cramming my clothes into the bag, before picking up the collar. It’s made of quality leather, with a glossy purple finish, and brass buckles. Hanging from it, unlocked at that point, is a heart shaped padlock. Another deep breath and I wrapped it around my neck, the click of the padlock breaking the silence loudly.

Sure Mistress must have heard that I couldn’t waste time. I took a quick look at myself in the full length mirror beside the living room door, trying to compose myself before stepping through and onto the luxurious carpet. All my senses seemed heightened; the soft, thick pile between my bare toes; the warm air on my skin, yet feeling cool against my exposed nipples and pussy (and making me wonder how wet I already was); the faint smell of incense; the deafening silence of everything else.

“Welcome, sweetie” Mistress broke the silence, smiling at me; “come, join me” she gestured to the floor at her feet. I avoided looking directly at her out of respect, but cautiously observed her legs barefoot in dark stockings, skirt hanging a little above her knee, and white blouse.

Nervously I walked over, feeling surprisingly exposed despite this not being the first time I had been naked in front of an almost stranger. Smiling back at her I sank to my knees beside her legs.

“There’s a good girl” she purred, her hand stroking my cheek. “It’s OK, you’re allowed to look at me” she lifted my chin and I looked into her beautiful eyes, her hand dropping to hold and test the padlock on my collar. Somehow she seemed more beautiful then than when we had first met that day for coffee. I guess that makes me lucky, but her looks are really of little consequence to a service sub like me; it’s her imagination that interests me. “Do you like your first gift?”

I nodded, blushing a little. “Yes, Miss, thank you so much. And thank you for inviting me”.

“Oh, think nothing of it” she responded quickly, “You’ll be doing plenty for me this month to make it more than worth it”. She grinned and I bit my lips, my insides clenching with the anticipation. “Now, my second little toy will be arriving soon, and I thought you would enjoy greeting him.” It wasn’t a question, she didn’t even pause, “so you can start by cleaning up the box and paper from your gift, then meet me in the kitchen.”

She got up and strode away from me, leaving me to scurry back to the hall and collect all of the waste. Her note, however, I slipped into the bag with my clothes, before following through to the kitchen and adding the rubbish to the obvious paper bin.

“Thank you, sweetheart. His first gift is a little different to yours, and he may need a little help with it”. She grinned again as she produced a metal chastity device from one of the drawers, and picked up a small timer, “come, lets get you ready”. She led me back to the entrance hall and had me kneel on the little table where I had found my gift. My knees apart, timer in one hand and chastity device in the other. My mind was going crazy, hardly able to believe how quickly this had escalated to being exposed to a complete stranger, and having to fit him with a cage.

“Like you he has been told that the door will be open; and like you he has no idea what to expect after that. He has a bag beside yours for his clothes, and then ten minutes to be fitted with his cage, or you will both be punished. The moment you can see his cock you are to start the timer. What it takes to fit him into it is up to the two of you; but don’t leave a mess.” Without another word or a look she left.

Holy shit! I can’t remember half of what was going through my head at that point, but I was absolutely wild. My chest was heaving, and my heart in my mouth; every noise making me jump with expectant fright. FInally one of them actually was the door handle, and I watched it open and a young man step inside. He couldn’t have been more than twenty, and immediately his eyes latched onto me, practically bulging out of his head as he stared first at my breasts, then my exposed pussy. “M… miss?” he stammered.

I shook my head, blushing and giggling a little; “No, but you need to focus and listen. Here is your first Kinkendar gift” I raised the chastity cage to him. “You need to undress and put your clothes in that bag by the door; then we have ten minutes to get this locked on you or we both get punished.”

The shock in his eyes was evident, and I knew that the same expression must have been on my face this whole time. I had to nod at him with some urgency to get him to begin undressing, but once he started he got on with it. I was grateful that he began with his top, and left his boxers until the very end, but as soon as they began to drop I started the timer, seeing his twitching semi between his legs.

“Come on, think of your grandmother!” I told him urgently, but I could see him only getting harder by the second.

“I.. I don’t… I can’t…” he mumbled, blushing.

Honestly, I would probably have found the poor fool endearing any other time, but damn I wasn’t going to let him start my experience off with a punishment. “Turn round, close your eyes!” I told him; “Come on! You have to know how to soften yourself up. Sing a nursery rhyme!”

Its humiliating hearing him start to sing Baa Baa Black Sheep in this situation, and even more so that it doesn’t seem to be helping. Fuck! Almost five minutes have gone already.

“It’s… it’s not… he looks down at his rock hard throbbing cock. I… I go down quick after….” he bites his lip, blushing more.

I had to close my eyes in shame, realising my only option that wouldn’t make a mess. I felt even more humiliated later when I realised I could simply have used the clothes in his bag. But at that moment I wasn’t thinking, and I beckoned him over and quickly began sucking his cock. Unsurprisingly he didn’t last long, and with three minutes to go I was gulping down quite a big load of his excited climax.

True to his word he began to shrink fairly rapidly, and with the taste still on my lips I hurriedly began clasping the metal contraption around him. I did have to force it on the last bit, squeezing him tightly so I could secure the padlock; he winced, but accepted it. I was panting in relief as the timer went off about 20 seconds later and Mistress appeared almost immediately from the living room. Walking straight up to him she grasped the cage, checking the lock and smiling in satisfaction.

“There, that’s very good. Come along, let me show you around.”

Without any reference to what just happened, she led us both from room to room, showing us around the house. Our shared bedroom was to be the small room at the back of the house where she had laid out two camping mats and thin sheets; our bathroom would be the plain WC downstairs beside the kitchen. Her bedroom and the master bathroom were only gestured to before she took us back downstairs to the living room.

She took her seat on the sofa, with the pair of us standing side by side in front of her. “Well I must say I’m very excited to have you both here, and I’m pretty sure both of you are too” that grin again, I was already finding it intoxicating, as she looked down to my pussy and his cock. “I’m going to do my very best to make this as exciting and intense as I can for you both; and I hope you plan on putting as much effort into pleasing me in return.

“Yes Miss” I said, smiling at her. He just nodded dumbly.

“What was that, boy?” she snapped, suddenly strict. Her foot jumped up and kicked the cage, making him gasp.

“Yes, Miss. Sorry Miss” he said hurriedly.

“Better” she turned her attention back to me. “I think it’s time for a little orientation, though I think your has already started hasn’t it” she smiled at me. “Just a few things I want to ensure you can both do for me when required without needing regular instruction. Evidently Hannah can suck cock perfectly well, so let’s begin with some of the boy’s skills. Hannah spread your legs, boy use your tongue and get her off!”

I stepped my legs apart, conscious that I was already conspicuously wet between my lips, as he knelt down in front of me. Now usually I don’t get off too well from oral, and from what I’d seen so far this guy had very little experience. Despite that, he quickly focussed in on my clit with his tongue, and honestly didn’t do too badly.

Miss stood up and came closer, crouching down to inspect what he was doing. Apparently satisfied she stood up and looked at me, “While he’s busy, let’s find out about your kissing skills” and without further notice her lips pressed against mine. Her kiss was soft yet powerful and possessive, her tongue almost immediately darting between my lips. I think I said before, I’m straight, so this was a very new experience; but I kissed her back between moans and gasps. The boy’s technique might not have been great, but it certainly did the job along with the excitement of serving Miss this way. “Don’t you dare climax” she whispered in my ear, suddenly breaking the kiss and biting my lobe playfully.

“Yes, Miss” I gasped, my eyes wide watching her step back and observe us both. Presently that wicked grin spread across her face again, and she crouched back down to whisper in her ear. I only discovered later that she had promised him the opportunity to taste her pussy if he got me off within ten minutes. She then made herself comfortable on the sofa, hitching her skirt up, putting one hand up underneath, and sighing softly while she watched us.

Ten minutes went by, and more than once I had to fight back a climax, but I managed. A more experienced tongue would certainly have pushed me over, and as Miss pulled the boy’s head back from me I stood panting.

“That’s a shame, isn’t it, boy?” she teased, “I guess the taste will have to be hers”. He looked up at me as she pushed her damp fingers into my mouth and I tasted her faintly. I could see the jealousy in his eyes, and it excited me unexpectedly. “Mmmmm, she is a good girl. Tastes good, doesn’t it?” I nodded, not a lie, but not entirely the truth. She didn’t taste bad, as such; probably the thought of what it was made it worse than the reality. “Time to make him really jealous, sweetie. Time to test out your tongue”

I watched as she stepped out of her panties from under her skirt and draped them over the boy’s face. “Come now, kneel down” she pushed down on my head and as I sank to my knees, stepped up to me, lifted one leg, and pushed my face up against her. “Thats it, good girl” she sighed as my tongue began to tentatively probe her wet folds, attempting to replicate what little I knew about cunnilingus technique. Her scent and flavour soon filled my entire world, everything else in darkness. The only noises her gasps and moans brought on by my efforts.

I have no idea how long I spent under her skirt, time lost all meaning. All I know is that my tongue and jaw began to get very sore indeed before she pushed me away and sank back onto the sofa panting. I wasn’t trying to count, but I’m pretty sure she climaxed on my face three or four times at least, her juices and my saliva spread across my lips and dripping down onto my breasts.

Don’t get me wrong, I always expected that pleasing her in that way was going to be a part of this experience, but I had never been able to imagine what it would be like, and definitely not think that I would really enjoy it more than any other act of service. But when my senses were returned to me from her skirt, I quickly realised that my thighs, and my feet where my ass was resting, were absolutely drenched.

As I write this now she still hasn’t allowed me to clean any of myself up. The flavour of her and him complemented the lunch which she made for us, and has continued to distract me all afternoon as we knelt either side of her legs watching TV. Every now and again she would drape her leg over our shoulder, or have one or both of us massage and worship her feet. Later she says the boy will need to prove his cock sucking skills on her strapon, and if I’m good then maybe she’ll fuck me. I can’t wait.
