I 26[F] have been frequently speaking to a Redditor 32[M] we’ve recently begun to met in person..

*This happened about 3 weeks ago, I still talk to the Redditor but they’ve requested to remain anonymous*

*I do hope you enjoy my retelling*

*Sorry if it reads bad, I wrote it on the train on my phone, there were prying eyes everywhere*


I turned the key in the ignition and the engine and lights cut off simultaneously plunging me into a pitch black eternal darkness as every source of light diminished. I looked over to his house to find not a single sign of life, not a single light could be seen.

“Strange, he said he would be home”. I questioned myself.

It’s a wintry night and a loud patter of rain could be heard as it hit the windows and windscreen of the car, causing the droplets to dance down the glass. Jason’s house was in the middle of the countryside with no houses around for miles and miles. I sat in silence for a moment, surveying the area as I looked around in bewilderment. Was I making a mistake, was this some sort of trap?

Jason and I had been talking for months, we’d done the compulsory coffee, we’d met in person, but this was the first time we’d met outside of a public setting. His house.

I sat for a moment or two, thinking my thoughts, every inch of my body told me to drive away, but something felt right, something made me push forward.

“I wonder where he is.” I asked myself once more while I prepared for the mad dash between the car and his front porch.

With a sudden outburst of energy, perhaps adrenaline I swung the car door open and slammed it shut behind me, rushing towards the house I pivoted slightly and beeped the car to lock it. I let out a sigh of relief that I had made it, which was short lived, as I discovered that my attempts to mitigate getting wet were futile.

I reach the front door and gave it a quick couple of knocks, a moment or two passed but it felt like a lifetime before it clicked open, a sigh of relief loomed over me as I was welcomed by a familiar voice

“Come in Kiera” the voice called out, there were still no lights, I stepped into the house my mind full of questions as the door closed behind us.

“Why are there no lights” I asked,

Jason responded “Check your phone silly, powers out.”

I felt safe, even though I was in the dark, that’s a perfectly good explanation.

Slipping off my shoes, we walk into the back of the house where Jason had illuminated the room with a selection of fragranced candles

“What are you doi…” he stumbled on his words, unable to finish the sentence, he had turned around to face me and clearly taken aback by my attire, I met his request to come in just a coat but I took that off at the door, I had no intentions of dragging water through his house.

I stood in the doorway, clad in a lingerie set, suspenders and garter belt.

The bra I wore worked magic as it lifted my boobs high and out away from me. I don’t have small boobs but I’m not the skinniest person either, naturally my boobs hang without support so because of this I choose to wear plunge bras that compensated for this natural disasters and allowed for them to still appear perky, just the way Jason liked them. 

His eyes left their resting place and began to trail down my body, the orange glow from the candles flickered off my pale skin, my belly exposed below my bra. His eyes continued down, slowly it glanced over the panties and garter, they were matching the bra with colour and design. He followed down once more as his eyes trailed the straps lower and lower over the fabric covering my legs 

“This is all for you.” I explained, with a little smile on my face.

But as he attempted to look me in the eye for the first time he caught a glimpse of something else, something new, something we had discussed in the coffee shop, something he gave me some money to buy, it was a collar. As if by my planning the design and colour of the collar matched my entire outfit with flawless execution. He couldn’t help but smile widely back at me.

I walked towards him, every step I took only added to his mounting excitement. I could see it, evidently something was stirring in his pants. A shadow outline casted by the candles. I knew he wanted me, he’d discussed it in great detail. I reached him and raised my hands to unbutton his shirt, his hands uncontrollably made their way to cup the side of my neck feeling the leather collar as he did so. I let out a little moan as he hooked a thumb under it, playfully he pulled me closer towards him. I didn’t break eye contact at the sudden jerk which didn’t deter me from finishing the unbuttoning and with one fell swoop his suit jacket and shirt hit the floor.

My hands began to wander around and over his bare chest, he didn’t break contact with the collar. He merely explored it, the idea of it, the concept was new to him, but he was onboard, he was excited. His mind begins to flutter with all the possibilities, he ran his fingers over it, through it, he even jingled with the tag clad perfectly to the D ring of the collar.

“This is perfect, where did you get this from?” he asked, his eyes meeting mine properly for the first time that night.

“I stopped at the pet store on the way home from our date.” I coyly responded almost instantly, he caught me biting my lower lip in an almost seductive way.

I didn’t break eye contact as my hands blindly navigated further south surpassing his belt, they don’t stop until they reach the top of his zipper. Zippering his suit pants open, my hand dived in as I fished for his already hardened cock, I drew a short sharp breath of excitement when I found my prize and pulled it out eagerly.

His cock grew steadily in my hands as his eyes wandered from mine, to the top of my boobs and then back to the collar around my neck. He’s ready for me. I’m ready for him. Without missing a beat I dropped to my knees and looked up, my eyes playfully making contact with his. His thumb automatically left it’s hook on the collar as it trailed gently up my neck and towards my mouth, around my chin before he placed it delicately in my mouth to playfully suck, an obvious hint of what’s to come. I smiled up at him, moments passed that seemed like a lifetime, but he let me take control. I closed my eyes, he released his thumb from my mouth. I took his cock in my hands. Slowly and steadily I raised it up. It was completely hard, he was ready for me. I licked up the underside of the shaft before I took it into my mouth. My wet, warm mouth from the pre-sucking on the thumb sent his body into shivers of ecstasy.

Occasionally I looked up to make eye contact with him. To reassure myself that I was doing a good job. His affirming nod and warm smile only reinforces my decision and passion to work harder.

He couldn’t take it anymore. My collar jingled as I worked up and down his shaft. I licked the head of his pulsing hard cock, swirling it with my tongue, it happened. He released. He Sent jet after jet of warm cum down my throat. It did not deter me, nothing was going to stop me. I kept going deeper down his twitching member, I used the cum as a lubricant to take him further down her throat, his cock probing the back as he forced it past my gag wall. His cock and the mixture of cum and saliva was too much to fit as it leaked and dripped out. Sending fluid down my chin, over the leather collar to find it’s final resting place, seeping into my cleavage and over my breasts.

He finished, slowly he pulled his cock from my mouth and smiled down at me.

“Good Girl.” He muttered, patting me gently on the head, before he left me on the floor and made his way to the bathroom.

*I hope you enjoyed*


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/e47087/i_26f_have_been_frequently_speaking_to_a_redditor

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